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The remarkable recovery!

Shahzaz ud din

Jun 12, 2017
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The remarkable recovery!
In August of 2018 Pakistan was in the midst of a full blown economic catastrophe

Khawaja AkbarDecember 18, 2020


When I hear our media pundits discuss the state of Pakistan’s economy, I am stunned by their ignorance. During the past two years, Pakistan has made a remarkable recovery, but most people seem oblivious of this fact. It’s a simple and shocking story, based purely on numbers and maybe it remains obscured for this reason — numbers are boring.
In 2013, when Nawaz Sharif came to power, Pakistan’s imports of goods and services were around $48 billion and its exports of goods and services stood just over $31 billion. Remittances were approximately $13 billion and while the situation was precarious, as foreign exchange reserves were around $6 billion, the situation was manageable.
Over the next few years, under the PML-N) government, our imports skyrocketed to almost $68 billion — an increase of over 40%, while our exports stagnated and fell to $30 billion — a decline of 3%. Remittances increased to about $19 billion. For a country with extremely limited foreign exchange, this was suicide on steroids. The massive and growing imbalance between our exports and imports, should have forced the rupee to depreciate, but in a dangerous political move, the PML-N artificially maintained the rupee-dollar exchange rate between 100-110, bleeding the reserves of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). In the final two years of the PML-N government, the SBP reserves fell by more than half to around $9 billion, when Imran Khan became the Prime Minister.
In August of 2018, Pakistan was in the midst of a full blown economic catastrophe. A massive current account deficit, which when combined with our long-term financial debt obligations, created a hole of $25-30 billion, while the SBP had foreign exchange reserves of less than $10 billion. This impending financial disaster, resulted in Imran Khan’s infamous tours around the world to beg for financial help due to the criminal mismanagement of the economy by PML-N.
I am astonished that none of our anchors have ever bothered to question the financial geniuses belonging to PML-N about these numbers. How could they justify the increase in imports or the bleeding of the forex reserves by artificially maintaining an unsustainable exchange rate? What was their plan?
Anyway, when you need $20-30 billion and have less than $10 billion, what do you do? You beg, borrow and... And then you fix the mess, created by your predecessor. Reduce imports, increase exports, stop the bleeding of SBP reserves by artificially maintaining an overvalued exchange rate and pray for continued growth of remittances.
In two years, the government of Imran Khan achieved an unbelievable turnaround. Pakistan’s imports went down to $50 billion, a decline of $18 billion. Exports declined by $2 billion, to about $28 billion. Remittances crossed $23 billion, an increase of over $3 billion and SBP forex reserves have just crossed $12 billion. The PML-N left Pakistan with a current account deficit of almost $20 billion, while the PTI government is now expected to post a current account deficit of around $1-2 billion, in the current fiscal year. No one predicted such a quick turnaround, not even the IMF.
In essence, the PML-N government turned Pakistan into the Titanic, searched for the biggest iceberg and rammed into it, but somehow the PTI government has managed to turn the ship around and plugged the hole — a $20 billion hole. Unfortunately, this recovery, just like any recovery, came at a cost. In order to reduce imports and prevent the complete decimation of forex reserves at the SBP, the PTI had to end the delinquent exchange rate policy of PML-N. They allowed the depreciation of the currency, and the rupee-dollar exchange rate went from 110 to around 160, in a short period of time. This not only helped curb imports, by making them more expensive but helped the SBP boost its reserves.
Pakistan’s biggest import is oil and as the rupee depreciated, oil became expensive and this led to high inflation within the country. Inflation in Pakistan has always been closely linked to oil prices. For example, when the PPP came into power in 2008, oil prices increased from around $100/barrel to $150/barrel and Pakistan subsequently experienced double digit inflation. Similarly, when the PML-N came into power in 2013, average annual price of oil was around $100/barrel but by 2015 fell to about $50/barrel and PML-N was able to boast of low inflation below 5%. The double digit inflation being suffered by the PTI is again linked to the increase in oil prices, which was due to the depreciation of the rupee – a depreciation which was inevitable due to the inexcusable management of our imports and forex reserves by PML-N, especially in their final two years.
It is beyond belief that despite the availability of these harrowing figures, the PML-N continues to get a free ride in the media vis-à-vis their handling of the economy while the PTI is crucified for preventing a complete financial collapse.
I will conclude this article by stating that the economy is a large subject and the external sector, discussed above, is an important part of the picture but not the entire story. However, it was the criminal mismanagement of this sector that brought Pakistan to the brink of economic collapse, adversely affecting other variables such as inflation, growth and unemployment and the recovery in this sector is the most significant development for our economy, at the moment. It has laid the groundwork for achieving objectives related to growth, unemployment, and inflation over the coming years which would have been a pipe dream had the PTI failed to overcome this herculean challenge.


are you kidding me? This guy celebrating import restrictions as some sort of victory. How did he manage that by devaluing currency by 40%. Might as well kept exchange rate steady and raised duty on imports if reduction of import was the goal. If he intended to raise exports by devaluing he miserably failed. How ever this is external front, what about internal? How much inflation by the way.
are you kidding me? This guy celebrating import restrictions as some sort of victory. How did he manage that by devaluing currency by 40%. Might as well kept exchange rate steady and raised duty on imports if reduction of import was the goal. If he intended to raise exports by devaluing he miserably failed. How ever this is external front, what about internal? How much inflation by the way.
are you kidding me? This guy celebrating import restrictions as some sort of victory. How did he manage that by devaluing currency by 40%. Might as well kept exchange rate steady and raised duty on imports if reduction of import was the goal. If he intended to raise exports by devaluing he miserably failed. How ever this is external front, what about internal? How much inflation by the way.
Brainless Patwari spotted
The recovery is endangered if govt cant solve utilies issues

It nees to solve gas and power problem

It needs to step on the IP and TAPI gas pipeline and get the LNG pipeline build fast

It needs to renegotiate witb IPPs and improve distribution and increase cost to higher user while creating spacefor subsidies for low end users in THE budget rather then piling up a circular debt

Newer nuclear plants and hydro electric plants might drop the cost but we need more solar and wind to drop the average price.
The recovery is endangered if govt cant solve utilies issues

It nees to solve gas and power problem

It needs to step on the IP and TAPI gas pipeline and get the LNG pipeline build fast

It needs to renegotiate witb IPPs and improve distribution and increase cost to higher user while creating spacefor subsidies for low end users in THE budget rather then piling up a circular debt

Newer nuclear plants and hydro electric plants might drop the cost but we need more solar and wind to drop the average price.
Privatize QESCO, HESCO, SEPCO, TESCO and PESCO and decommission old inefficient GENCOS plants ASAP.
Privatize QESCO, HESCO, SEPCO, TESCO and PESCO and decommission old inefficient GENCOS plants ASAP.
lets make one thing clear..privatization is not a magical bullet for everything
case example is KESC

privatization IMO will not work simply because

1. these companies are in trouble, buying a trouble company will be a big headache
2. Leverage..bad handling of KESC means these companies can demand what ever they want otherwise they will shut the power supply and people will be in streets. This is exactly why KESC got worse rather then better because they know govt hands are tied

so yes do privatize most of them but after doing your home work, making sure proper mechanism laws etc are in place..

GENCOs are old inefficient plants their efficacy is half of that of new plants..

so what should we do..i think they should be kept as back up during high demand time and should be not used during regular time, ultimately the best thing we can do for demand fluctuation are hydro electric plants(not every country is as lucky as we are)

privatizing them will be an issue if capacity prices are brought in, otherwise the can be offered but i doubt anyone will buy them
lets make one thing clear..privatization is not a magical bullet for everything
case example is KESC

privatization IMO will not work simply because

1. these companies are in trouble, buying a trouble company will be a big headache
2. Leverage..bad handling of KESC means these companies can demand what ever they want otherwise they will shut the power supply and people will be in streets. This is exactly why KESC got worse rather then better because they know govt hands are tied

so yes do privatize most of them but after doing your home work, making sure proper mechanism laws etc are in place..

GENCOs are old inefficient plants their efficacy is half of that of new plants..

so what should we do..i think they should be kept as back up during high demand time and should be not used during regular time, ultimately the best thing we can do for demand fluctuation are hydro electric plants(not every country is as lucky as we are)

privatizing them will be an issue if capacity prices are brought in, otherwise the can be offered but i doubt anyone will buy them

With all the bad KESC privatization brought from consumer’s perspective, it still turned an organization that used to eat away billions in public money because of its losses to a profit making one which contributes in taxes. The T&D losses which were at 36% have been brought down to 18% and going down. So the worst of privatization is still better then keeping it going the way it was.


As for old GENCOs, I didn’t say we should privatize them. They should be shut down or mouth balled and used in extraordinary situations like you said.
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