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The recent LGBTQ invasion from foreign Embassies.

Great Janjua

Aug 13, 2016
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United Kingdom
Okay, this is kind of a rant but an extremely justified one. As we all know Pakistan is an Islamic nation, it is literally in the name, therefore, the practise of same-sex marriages and gay mingling is strictly forbidden in Islam hence it is frowned upon inside Pakistan and the Islamic world.

The LGBT community is fully functioning and is left to their lifestyle albeit it stays to their premises.

But this does not give open licenses to Foreign Embassies to just throw faggot underground parties and promote the queer lifestyle in public. The two main culprits Embassies hard at trying to draw some angry attention are US and Germany. Also, get this, in one event organised by the German embassy one of the German diplomats decided to sexually harass the local women.

Now where the f*ck are woke Pakistanis. It's like adding salt to open wounds first they organise illegal faggot events then they harass the women. Sometimes I wish to have Zia back.

Where did the Indus people go.?Sad sad sad.

@Sainthood 101 @Goenitz @Mentee @Pak Nationalist
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Okay, this is kind of a rant but an extremely justified one. As we all know Pakistan is an Islamic nation, it is literally in the name, therefore, the practise of same-sex marriages and gay mingling is strictly forbidden in Islam hence it is frowned upon inside Pakistan and the Islamic world.

The LGBT community is fully functioning and is left to their lifestyle albeit it stays to their premises.

But this does not give open licenses to Foreign Embassies to just throw faggot underground parties and promote the queer lifestyle in public. The two main culprits Embassies hard at trying to draw some angry attention are US and Germany. Also, get this, in one event organised by the German embassy one of the German diplomats decided to sexually harass the local women.

Now where the f*ck are woke Pakistanis. It's like adding salt to open wounds first they organise illegal faggot events then they harass the women. Sometimes I wish to have Zia back.

Where did the Indus people go.?Sad sad sad.

@Sainthood 101 @Goenitz @Mentee @Pak Nationalist

Bro do you have any link regarding the German diplomat? Social media is also cool.
Cultural imperialism.. Yes, people must be educated for their rights but why west promote such stuff.
They are human like any other human..

However, Islamic scholars must find how these people live in married life. Whether a bi is female or male? or 40% lesbian is fully female or not. What special 'needs' she shd have? can Islam allow that? does she need female 'sexual' acts by male spouse so that she is satisfied in marriage? etc etc
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Yes will update.


The allegations are currently being investigated by the German Federal Foreign Office and have caused outrage among Pakistan’s LGBTQ community. Many are afraid to go public with their accusations out of fear of retaliation and being outed.

“The Federal Foreign Office takes allegations of sexual harassment extremely seriously. We received a complaint, which will be swiftly and thoroughly investigated and followed by appropriate action if found to be substantiated,” a German Federal Foreign Office spokesperson said in a statement sent to VICE World News on April 27. The spokesperson declined to give details of the allegations, citing the continuing investigation.

He will be gotten rid of fast.

The allegations are currently being investigated by the German Federal Foreign Office and have caused outrage among Pakistan’s LGBTQ community. Many are afraid to go public with their accusations out of fear of retaliation and being outed.

“The Federal Foreign Office takes allegations of sexual harassment extremely seriously. We received a complaint, which will be swiftly and thoroughly investigated and followed by appropriate action if found to be substantiated,” a German Federal Foreign Office spokesperson said in a statement sent to VICE World News on April 27. The spokesperson declined to give details of the allegations, citing the continuing investigation.

He will be gotten rid of fast.
I doubt it since there are ways diplomats use their diplomatic Latitude to get free. But I don't expect a serious punishment even if he is found guilty.
Close these embassies……only consular/visa section be open….there is simply no need fir these extras
Goras can go back to their countries and do their misdeeds there. Yahan kerne ki zarorat nahi

Why should visa section be open? Embassy closed means end of any contact including travel.
Why should visa section be open? Embassy closed means the the end of any contact including travel.
Am sorry but let's see the Pakistan embassy try organising an event without permission from local and state bodies of the respective country let's see how that will end. The concerning part is these embassies are operating outside their jurisdiction. It's like the East India Company all over again this is how nations are compromised and infected with agents.

Did anyone forget when we were handing out free visas to Chinese regardless of background checking and those fucks started to take advantage of poor girls. Is qoum ki izzat mar gi hai kya?? It boils my blood.
Am sorry but let's see the Pakistan embassy try organising an event without permission from local and state bodies of the respective country let's see how that will end. The concerning part is these embassies are operating outside their jurisdiction. It's like the East India Company all over again this is how nations are compromised and infected with agents.

Did anyone forget when we were handing out free visas to Chinese regardless of background checking and those fucks started to take advantage of poor girls. Is qoum ki izzat mar gi hai kya?? It boils my blood.

Pakistan is free to cut diplomatic ties with Germany and USA if it wishs that.
Pakistan is free to cut diplomatic ties with Germany and USA if it wishes that.
I didn't suggest that nor did I imply that. What we need is for the foreign embassies to mind their business not anger our domestic sentiments
I didn't suggest that nor did I imply that. What we need is for the foreign embassies to mind their business not anger our domestic sentiments

Oh how much i wish middle eastern embassies in europe would respect our domestic sentiments
Janjua this isn't the first time they are attacking the institution of Marriage

Al Quran 2:102

And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.

I didn't suggest that nor did I imply that. What we need is for the foreign embassies to mind their business not anger our domestic sentiments

This guy seems to be a crypto indian -----.
But this does not give open licenses to Foreign Embassies to just throw faggot underground parties
aren't minorities allowed to do what their religion does not forbid, even if it's forbidden in Islam? like drinking alcohol or whatever. if they're not doing it in public, how is it any different from underground alcohol parties and why do you care so much?
if alleged Muslims are doing it, consider them to have left Islam voluntarily and leave them be.

Anyway, this is a sexual harassment/rape case and should be dealt like that, irrespective of LGBT or not.
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