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The Reason we want to release the indian Pilot

War Thunder

Mar 12, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
To all the fellow Pakistanis who can't stop bitching about the release of the indian pilot and want us to behave like little hearted small egoistic morons and do what some one else will do in our place.
And specially to Mr. Zaid Hamid

We are not them, they are not our effin teachers. We are us, and we do what is better. We are known for our hospitality. Why should we cause damage on some one's family and kids just because we can get some political or negotiative leverage? Do you want me to look at my own country men and think of them as low as I do of indians when I hear what they did to our people? Are we them? Do we want to compare ourselves with them and do what they do to us?

Now watch this video from sensible indian and check the comments of all the sensible indians on his video and check the amount of audience he is addressing and how they are agreeing to him.
Are those better indians not worth accomodating and showing we are better than their retarded government and media which they are already realizing? What's a better psyop to show the enemies' populace the true colors of their own leaders?

Just watch it already and chill the eff out and stop bitching and calling it a defeat. Doing the right thing and attempting to create peace at a personal loss is never a weaker thing, it's what a strong person does. Weak assholes follow their ego.
What did the Prophet (S.A.W) do with his prisoners of war? What was the Accord of Peace of Hudaibia?
Go learn some history and let the sensible amongst us follow our teacher the Prophet (S.A.W), and calm your effin egoes already. Good thing you kids are not sitting on top of our helms.

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To all the fellow Pakistanis who can't stop bitching about the release of the indian pilot and want us to behave like little hearted small egoistic morons and do what some one else will do in our place.
And specially to Mr. Zaid Hamid

We are not them, they are not our effin teachers. We are us, and we do what is better. We are known for our hospitality. Why should we cause damage on some one's family and kids just because we can get some political or negotiative leverage? Do you want me to look at my own country men and think of them as low as I do of indians when I hear what they did to our people? Are we them? Do we want to compare ourselves with them and do what they do to us?

Now watch this video from sensible indian and check the comments of all the sensible indians on his video and check the amount of audience he is addressing and how they are agreeing to him.
Are those better indians not worth accomodating and showing we are better than their retarded government and media which they are already realizing? What's better @Psyops to show the enemies populace the true colors of their own leaders?

Just watch it already and chill the eff out and stop bitching and calling it a defeat. Doing the right thing and attemting to create peace at a personal loss is never a weaker thing, it's what a strong person does. Weak asshole follow their ego.
What did the profit do with his prisoners of war? What was the Accord of Peace of Hudaibia?
Go learn some history and let the sensible amongst us follow our teacher the Prophet (S.A.W), you calm your effin egoes already. Good thing you kids are not sitting on top of our helms.

I am sorry Captain, I cannot tell you that reason.
At the end of the Joint Parliamentary Session today, Mr. Imran Khan announced the release of Indian pilot as a peace overture. Here we analyze this move.

Whenever a military operation is conducted, there should be well defined aims and objectives behind it. For India, there is a clear, and internationally recognized narrative which uses a background of terrorism as the license for military action.

On the flip side of this coin, Pakistan is a victim of an systematic, insidious, and poisonous Indian campaign to malign its good name and portray it as a source of terror and extremism at the international level. Internally, the Indian government has sought to whip up a war hysteria, inflame passions, and degrade Pakistan's image amongst the Indian public.

From both sides of the coin, the Indian military actions can be called a resounding success. Yes, this success would have been sweetened if India obtained a decisive military victory, but instead it got a military humiliation. But the key question for Pakistan to ask is this: has the military humiliation translated into a defeat of Indian poisonous designs against Pakistan? Let us look at some evidences.

During the conferences of the three forces chiefs, the A.V.M of IAF when asked explicitly "Do you see the release of Abhinandan by Imran Khan as a good will gesture?", his response was "We only see it as a gesture in consonance with all the Geneva Conventions". The Indian military does not see, does not accept any goodwill on the part of Pakistan.

Second, in a unilateral proclamation of releasing Indian prisoner, has Imran Khan assured an incontrovertible diplomatic success for Pakistan's vested interests, which is the comprehensive denouncement of the Indian narrative? This is extremely far removed from reality. On Indian television, their ex Minister of External Affairs is on record saying that India has established a new norm of unilateral strikes against terror targets from which it is not backing down.

Without any guarantee of safeguarding Pakistani interests, why would Imran Khan agree to such a move? The only logical explanation is that he is far removed from the reality of the world. In the supposedly high profile world of telephonic conversations with world leaders, Mr. Khan's mind seems to have left the reality on earth, and sees himself as a world leader of much gravitas and stature. His mind shows himself as a bold leader of principles and values. This dissociation from reality due to a sens of self-grandiosity is the signature hallmark of ineffective Pakistani leaders.

Since Imran Khan gave an example of Bahadur Shah Zafar and Tipu Sultan, let us also consider the examples of other Muslim elites. They pawned away huge pieces of land in games of chess under the influence of women and alcohol. Now Imran Khan cannot be blamed with indulgence in these exact sins, but the kind of grandiose euphoria that leads him to perceive himself as a world leader of class and caliber, is concomitant with dopamine release from alcohol consumption.

Having looked at the facts, let us try to postulate what can go horribly wrong as a result of this move. First of all, Imran Khan needs to answer to the nation, has he factored in the Indian narrative post-release of Mr. Abhinandan? What if IAF claims that Abhinandan downed the Pakistani F-16 using his Mig-21 and was subsequently shot down as well? Is Imran Khan willing to provide a guarantee to the nation that this will not happen?

But more importantly, what guarantee can Imran Khan provide that this is not simply a tactical retreat by the Modi government to secure release of a prisoner that is causing them loss of face throughout India? How can he assure the nation that India will not escalate again, this time using purely stand off weapons, missiles, and troop movements instead of risking the capture of high value targets?

It is unfortunately that instead of charting a course that serves the vested interests of Pakistan, Imran Khan has once again set us on a course of subservience, and valid ridicule amongst nations. Whereas his own stature may increase superficially vis a vis the treatment he receives from world leaders, the stature of Pakistani nation will only decrease. I will stop just short of labeling this treason against this nation. Unfortunately, in the divided Pakistani nation, treason is called leadership even as our neighbor is united in labeling war mongering as peace. Shame on us, indeed.
Whole Parliament & parliamentarians should be dumped. Because they decided the release of indian pilot not just IK. On the other side indian media keep chest thumping and making fun and exploiting our sentiments.

Pakistan needs presidential system. But the fact is what we can do as common man we have to with our Govt & Army decision, because they know better then us.
And what does that achieve?
In a way its a diplomatic victory that the world sees. We are showing the world that we are doing the right thing.

While Indians are warmongering rats.

Get it now?

I am sure Government of Pakistan must of thought this through.

Whole Parliament & parliamentarians should be dumped. Because they announced the release of indian pilot not just IK. On the other side indian media keep chest thumping and making fun and exploiting our sentiments.

Pakistan needs presidential system. But the fact is what we can do as common man we have to with our Govt & Army decision, because they know better then us.
Pakistani government is full of capable people, I am sure they thought this through.
SO true we are loosing war but on social front only threads like this and now PTI vs PMLN too starts.IN this 5th gen wars social media also plays vital role and that front is covered by civilians which now we failing our country and our armed forces.During war we have to be as one (doest not matter what u like or not but follow what country demands .
CASE 1 :-when Indian attacked many bashing govt and PAF not responding without giving them benefit of doubt they must be working on something and when they delivered now u see what they thinking??BEST POSSIBLE RESPONSE
CASE 2:- As myself said i m not in favor of releasing him until war over(we did the same May 1998 when return the pilot ) but now govt decide i support it.As u all may check modi war hysteria let suppose we releae him if u going to bashing us no problem all indian media doing it for days but if he says any good does not its kinda bucket of cold war on those war flames at least in some mind ???ALso check Modi war machine and power in North and he belong from South.Give peace a chance as we are still under war.India not going to settle until they thinks score is in their favor which is currently not
In a way its a diplomatic victory that the world sees. We are showing the world that we are doing the right thing.

While Indians are warmongering rats.

Get it now?

I am sure Government of Pakistan must of thought this through.

Do you actually understand what the world sees? The world sees you as the hotbed of terrorism. Except China and Turkey, and maybe Saudi and UAE. The Islamic block would remain silent and the West will call you terrorist. They see his release as your duty under world law, not your high moral ground. Wake up and see the reality.
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