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The Real Story of Agent Vinod

Your post was idiotic to extent that it was way beyond the level of idiocy Indians usually have. You can imagine how clownish it was if it is below Indian standards.

Again only an Indian in this whole world can feel proud for losing more important and strategic territory and occupying a frozen wasteland. But then again you are an Indian and your behavior is perfectly justified. :lol:

Frozen Wasteland??? so your government is wasting millions per year for safeguarding little portion of siachen they have?? are precious lives of Pakistani soldiers wasted for void?? You are insulting death of 140 brave soldier who died in guarding same wasteland in Siachen Glacier tragedy not very long back.

People like you are disgrace to any nation when you dont have facts to talk about you start insulting your own heros.I would prefer to talk to a IDIOT than to debate with HYPOCRITE like you.

Siachen is vital area for geopolitical reason & a threat to Pak-China movements, ask your Chinese friends if you dont have brain to understand its importance.
Frozen Wasteland??? so your government is wasting millions per year for safeguarding little portion of siachen they have?? are precious lives of Pakistani soldiers wasted for void?? You are insulting death of 140 brave soldier who died in guarding same wasteland in Siachen Glacier tragedy not very long back.

People like you are disgrace to any nation when you dont have facts to talk about you start insulting your own heros.I would prefer to talk to a IDIOT than to debate with HYPOCRITE like you.

Siachen is vital area for geopolitical reason & a threat to Pak-China movements, ask your Chinese friends if you dont have brain to understand its importance.


See Areesh , I already told you :azn: Ahhhh bunch of Indian brainwashed kids .....feel pity on them.
Frozen Wasteland??? so your government is wasting millions per year for safeguarding little portion of siachen they have?? are precious lives of Pakistani soldiers wasted for void?? You are insulting death of 140 brave soldier who died in guarding same wasteland in Siachen Glacier tragedy not very long back.

People like you are disgrace to any nation when you dont have facts to talk about you start insulting your own heros.I would prefer to talk to a IDIOT than to debate with HYPOCRITE like you.

Siachen is vital area for geopolitical reason & a threat to Pak-China movements, ask your Chinese friends if you dont have brain to understand its importance.

Have heard all these stories of strategic advantage from Indians and have talked to guys in PA too about them. They laughed about them and so did I. Anyways we have made sure you keep sitting on frozen high peaks and don't come down while we keep controlling whole GB including very strategic and important Baltoro glacier. Good luck occupying frozen wasteland. This world needs idiots and nothing is better if they are over a billion. :)


See Areesh , I already told you :azn: Ahhhh bunch of Indian brainwashed kids .....feel pity on them.

The kid needs a map yaar. :D

They don't have maps in India. :)
The kid needs a map yaar. :D

They don't have maps in India. :)

No they don't. Apparently , this high schooler doesn't even know the difference between "Strategic Advantage" and a "tactical advantage" ...:lol:
East Pakistan(now bangladesh) and Kashmir were(are) lot similar to each other. Like bengalis were hostile to west pakis before 1971 .Same way kashmiris are hostile to India(according to pakistanis). But the difference is that we liberated bangladesh within half a month and the other country is trying for 65 years and nothing is happening.:chilli:

Oh Thanks buddy! Thank you for the vital 'wikipedia' link. Now , I'll be able to understand the dynamics of Afghan war...To hell with all those books written by Pakistani , U.S , and Russian military experts that saw the whole conflict with their own eyes...

Listen kiddo , no one is denying that United States funded the war in Afghanistan. Even Saudi Arabia did it ..big deal? It was basically Pakistan Military/ISI vs Soviet Union in an asymmetric warfare. The U.S and Arabs just "helped" Pakistan with funds and some weapons...Pakistani military put up camps and trained Afghan Mujahideens. Pakistan Military "planned" the attacks..Pakistani officers used to lead Afghan Mujahideens against Soviets... According to one Indian on this forum...He met a Russian ex Army officer who fought in Afghanistan...That Russian officer told your Indian compatriot that Pakistani SSG commandos used to fight "actively" against Soviets...A claim rejected by Pakistan officially but people with military knowledge know that SSG did conducted special operations against Soviets...Some of the SSG even got caught..but they were in 'citizen-uniform' and hence Russians had no way to prove that Pakistanis were attacking them. So how come it was 'U.S' who defeated Soviet? It was PAKISTAN who defeated the Empire...with the help of Arabs and Americans , offcourse. It was ALL Pakistani design...Americans just helped us when we demanded help (like the case with Stingers in huge numbers ...publishing of Islamist propaganda for Mujahideens etc) ... Such operations are beyond the scope of your ball-less Army/RAW. As I said , even the thought of going against the super-power will make your officers sh!t in pants ...
good dreams of grandeure.. Americans helping you is the biggest joke of this century, they made you do it for the aid....

No , we wanted neutral Afghanistan.. Pro-Pakistan and anti-India Afghanistan was a "bonus" we got.....

Even today , we'll have no problem with neutral Afghanistan...We would have problem with an Pro-India , anti-Pakistan Afghanistan..There is a difference!
no one can stop you from being ignorant....

What a dumba$$ bharti ... Dude , the very presence of Soviet Union right next to us was a life-threatening danger for Pakistan..Can't you understand such simple point? Suppose if Soviet Union had won the war..Today , we would be a sandwich between the Mighty Red Army and the Indian Army...We were doomed in that scenario..Soviet Union would have taken over Pakistan at the tip of their hat..We would have been living as their "communist slaves" , if USSR had won...But you are too dumb to get that ,apparently.... And believe me , even Zaid hamid is more genius than you when it comes to military matters...:disagree:
You guys are already doomed, please look at your country and the situation it is in...
Zaid ah yes, he who says about the ghosts in 65 war you guys lost, right?

But you forget the outcome of the war of 1965? You don't remember the utter a$$-r@pe of IAF by PAF? You don't remember the destruction of your Pathankot forward airbase? You don't remember of Pakistani take-over of Indian Market town of Khem-Kharan? You don't remember the defense of Lahore and the Indian retreat? You don't remember the defeat in the the largest tank-battle after WW-2 , Chawinda Sector , where Pakistani Tanks roasted your "Pride of India Tank regiment" ? :lol: You don't remember when Pakistan Army defeated your Indian Forces at Chamb Sector and then used YOUR french built tanks (captured by Pakistan) against YOU? You don't remember how your Army fled in Jaurian sector? Oh Oh Oh...did you forget about the Pakistani Capture of Munabao? Indian government brainwashed their masses that Pakistani Army never took Munabao...but now we all know what was the truth? We now have the actual pictures of Pakistani soldiers standing infront of Munabao railway station...with Pakistani flag! What about Pakistani capture of Rajput fort of Kishengrah , some 2000 kilometers INSIDE Indian territory? Is that O.K for you baby? This is just 1965 war events that I could pull from my memory...there are many , many more Indian defeats at the hand of TEN TIMES smaller Pakistan...

You signed a stalemate with TEN TIMES smaller country.... How shameful and gutless..and oh yeah..when faced with equals...not bigger but EQUALS...the Chinese..your Army got WHACKEDDDDDDD :rofl: .. It tells me how pathetic you and your country really is...

So this is your "performance" against West Pakistan ... not to mention..UNILATERAL withdrawal from a standoff in 2001! Pity on you.
. The response to this is given by another member... Do read and debunk it with facts not from your intelligent sentences...

When are you doing surgical strikes though?
When we feel like, unlike your military planners who are so dumb that they took up operations without even proper planning and got their *** kicked...

The very fact that you UNILATERALLY withdrew was disgraceful....

First ...it was YOU who started the stand-off...Spending thousands of crores ...you moved hundreds of thousands of your troops , thousands of tanks , artillery , signal commands etc etc to Pakistani border..instead of giving-in to your pressure..Pakistan , though at its WEAKEST against India since 47' (due to a decade of sanctions) , moved its military to the border...and a stand-off started at the border...eye-to-eye...man-to-man ...you lost 700 of your soldiers due to Pakistani bombing (Artillery fire) and also due to your own mistakes ( stupid Army haha) ...and after all this... YOU UNILATERALLY WITHDREW and ran back in your holes like p*ssies ...:lol:

So you understand the disgrace? As I said , you can only show your "might" in East Pakistan where there was a civil war and Pakistani troops did not even have any weapons for conventional war...not to mention about not having supply-lines and air cover...in the West...where actual Pakistan Army is deployed....you can't do squack! History proves it ....and we know it...
Again I will tell you we were never at war that withdrawal was disgraceful. Whereas 90000 POW are indeed disgraceful... Also you bolded the money spent earlier too.. Let me tell you a secret, we can afford it.

Bullsh!t. No one is talking about 'Islamic glory' or 72 virgins or whatever...I was talking about mere facts...Respond or just accept your ignorance...Put up , or shut up.
See you have not put up a single fact yourself supporting your arguments?

Look at the OP , dummy. It is basically about ISI vs RAW...agent Vinod getting owned by Pakistani agencies..lol
you need to look at it clearly, it is about the plight of a person who cannot find a job after coming back to India... Can't you read too now?
No they don't. Apparently , this high schooler doesn't even know the difference between "Strategic Advantage" and a "tactical advantage" ...:lol:

-Wasteland, barren land, desert, whatever land it is, its still motherland and we respect every inch of it.
-India controls 70 kilometres of Siachen Glacier and three main passes of the Saltoro Ridge immediately west of the glacier—Sia La, Bilafond La, and Gyong La.
-The Pakistanis control the glacial valley just five kilometers southwest of Gyong La. The Pakistanis have been unable get up to the crest of the Saltoro Ridge.
-If you are really educated, you must be knowing that the Pakistani Intelligence agencies committed a blunder while ordering for the high Alty equipments in 1983-84, and thus giving out their ill designs.
-Yes, India is tactically and Strategically deployed on the Glacier and is evident from the fact that the 1995 attack by Pakistan SSG resulted in 40 casualties for Pakistan troops without any changes in the positions.
-And that's exactly is the reason your General Sahib had pleaded India to mutually consider withdrawal from the Glacier. Remember??
No they don't. Apparently , this high schooler doesn't even know the difference between "Strategic Advantage" and a "tactical advantage" ...:lol:

Yeah all those cool schools and universities that he mentioned still don't tell these idiots how idiot they really are. ;)

-Wasteland, barren land, desert, whatever land it is, its still motherland and we respect every inch of it.

Losing 72000+ sq km of motherland to enemy and then capturing a 70 km long frozen wasteland. Great work. Keep it up. :)

By the way wikipedia works here too. Your post was not needed. :D
So RAW recruits are taxi drivers who get thrown off after being used by their gov. :cry: A
truly barbaric and ungrateful society. Rishkawals here live a better life than retired RAW agents
in india.
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