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The Real Reason of Germany's defeat in the Second World War

What was the primary country that resulted in the defeat of Nazi Germany?

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Decolonization by Stalin? Fighting the Germans and insisting Churchill and Roosevelt to stick to Molotov-Ribbentrop pact at the same time? Please,am out.
What do you think, who started the decolonization? Churchill? Roosevelt? Why would West decolonize itself?
Decolonization could only start at a time when there is a global force, intrested in it. Like nowadays "coloured revolutions" can start only with support of USA.
After the victory in WW2 the Soviet Union has become a global superpower. And he was interested in the decolonization - many former colonies have taken the path of socialism.
In some countries, decolonization, in general, did not happen - U.S. companies have come instead of the British or the French. Despite the fact that these countries are de - jure independent - Western troops are still located there.
Lol, I don't really understand why people here with certain credibility will argue with comarde Vostok

Don't you all got the memo? What he said is iron truth and what we, the west learn are propaganda.

lol, he single handedly rewrite what I have learn in university and 7 years serving in the military :)
Lol, I don't really understand why people here with certain credibility will argue with comarde Vostok

Don't you all got the memo? What he said is iron truth and what we, the west learn are propaganda.

lol, he single handedly rewrite what I have learn in university and 7 years serving in the military :)
The Nazis also believed that they were told the truth. And believed that the Soviet Union - The Evil Empire.
The West believe in the same thing.
I wonder why?
The japs doing the pearl harbour episode was a suicidal mission and dragged US in the battle with full force.For me this was the real turning point in WW2 and proved demise of Nazi forces.
The japs doing the pearl harbour episode was a suicidal mission and dragged US in the battle with full force.For me this was the real turning point in WW2 and proved demise of Nazi forces.

Yep, like in WW1, Germany was beaten by Americas participation in it.

Btw one should read about Lenin's cooperation with the German High Command & Army in WW1.

This is a graph of German losses in WWI and WWII.
As you can see, about 75% of German losses in WW2 accounted to the USSR.
Oh guys, you can not even imagine what you obliged to Comrade Stalin
If not his victory over the West - no Decolonization would happened. It would be physically impossible. Old empires would repressed the rebellion with ease - because the technology gap between the colonies and metropoly would constantly increasing. And no matter how many people in colony - even in the era of flintlock rifles Europeans won in the ratio of 1 to 100. Now would be flying thousands of drones over the whole of Asia and Africa - and would have killed fighters for independence. But in the newspapers they would called rebels and terrorists.
All the countries that gained independence after World War II - owe it to Comrade Stalin.
I am sure that after a couple of centuries mankind will give him his due, or may be earlier.

Decolonization happened mostly because -
1]Devastation of europe from 2 world wars.
2]Rise of colonial nationalism
3]America,the major western power after the war refusing to support the colonial empires after the war,the old powers mostly economically exhausted relying on US loans.
4]The colonies-were no longer economically attarctive as earlier.Due to the effects of the industrial revolution most of the economic strength was concentrated now on the euroepan homelands.For example india acounted for 22% of world's GDP in 1800 and only 3% in 1900s.Maintaining these overland possesions was now solely for raw materials and now with disruptions caused by local unrest,increasingly unprofitable.
5]A general feeling amongst the european public having suffered nazi tyranny that their colonial oppression was similarly wrong.

This is a graph of German losses in WWI and WWII.
As you can see, about 75% of German losses in WW2 accounted to the USSR.

Indeed,russia fought and won the second world war.The rest were supporting players to the eal contest between USSR and germany.Almost every scholar has accepted this.
Also the lend lease was just a tiny part of soviet industrial production,no more than 9-10%.The war was won with soviet built tanks.The t-34s,not us built shermans or british built cromwells. 

The japs doing the pearl harbour episode was a suicidal mission and dragged US in the battle with full force.For me this was the real turning point in WW2 and proved demise of Nazi forces.

US entry alone wouldn't have been decisive if USSR had collapsed at moscow at the same time in winter 1941.Then even the biggest American army couldn't have dislodged a fully preapred massie german army redeployed to the westwall,with all of europe plus russia's resources at its disposal and now coast clear for german armies to advance through caucasus and middle east and link up with rommel in north africa.
Essentially the battle for russia was for the fate of the world.
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Decolonization happened mostly because -
1]Devastation of europe from 2 world wars.
2]Rise of colonial nationalism
3]America,the major western power after the war refusing to support the colonial empires after the war,the old powers mostly economically exhausted relying on US loans.
4]The colonies-were no longer economically attarctive as earlier.Due to the effects of the industrial revolution most of the economic strength was concentrated now on the euroepan homelands.For example india acounted for 22% of world's GDP in 1800 and only 3% in 1900s.Maintaining these overland possesions was now solely for raw materials and now with disruptions caused by local unrest,increasingly unprofitable.
5]A general feeling amongst the european public having suffered nazi tyranny that their colonial oppression was similarly wrong.

Indeed,russia fought and won the second world war.The rest were supporting players to the eal contest between USSR and germany.Almost every scholar has accepted this.
Also the lend lease was just a tiny part of soviet industrial production,no more than 9-10%.The war was won with soviet built tanks.The t-34s,not us built shermans or british built cromwells.
I completely agree with the second part of your post .
But I have a few objections in the first part.
USSR sponsored and trained rebels in almost all the wars of independence . And after gaining independence , the Soviet Union supported the country economically and diplomatically . Well, the military , of course.
If Hitler had won over the Soviet Union - decolonization would not be happen.
There would be a carve-up of the colonies - colonies would chang owners. Most likely, the French colonies went to Germany and the rest empires would save their colonies.
Hitler do not want to destroy Britain or the United States . In fact, by Hitler's racial theories Anglo-Saxons - germanic tribes. He did not want to fight them at all. Hitler wanted to destroy the Soviet Union , creating in its territory a lot of colonies.
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I suggest you and @AUSTERLITZ should read :

Battles That Changed History: Fifty Decisive Battles Spanning Over 2,500 Years of Warfare
by Geoffrey Regan

Done earlier,and more like that. 
I completely agree with the second part of your post .
But I have a few objections in the first part.
USSR sponsored and trained rebels in almost all the wars of independence . And after gaining independence , the Soviet Union supported the country economically and diplomatically . Well, the military , of course.
If Hitler had won over the Soviet Union - decolonization would not be happen.
There would be a carve-up of the colonies - colonies would chang owners. Most likely, the French colonies went to Germany and the rest empires would save their colonies.
Hitler do not want to destroy Britain or the United States . Hitler wanted to destroy the Soviet Union , creating in its territory a lot of colonies.

Soviets supported independence movements that were pro marxist in africa and asia in return for influence.
And yes if hitler won,decolonization wouldn't happen,infact germany would rule the world relegating all non nordic peoples to second class status.Infact they had plans to do this systematically to all slavs and also to transport the entire young male population of england to continental europe and massacre the intelligentsia if they succeeded in occupying the country.
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USSR played the primary role. Not because Stalin wanted to. In fact he would have loved the Germans and the West kill each other. Fact is they were forced to fight as the primary player. Russians have a history of going to extreme levels of brutality. In this case also the kind of scorched earth policies applied were enormous. Russian resistance was paramount - no doubt. But let's not discuss the role of Stalin any further(in particular).
Nobody trying to Denial the soviet victory in WW2, but comarde Vostok said, Stalin single handedly alone win the war.

War is not like a soccer match, first you have multi-tude of player involve, and each action each party took will dictate and alter the consequence of the whole outcome.

If anyone of us can say who is primary player and who is secondary? I don't believe so

West fought the war via technology, almost every engagement between nazi Germany and US western allied were fought with mechanised division. On the other hand, Germany were pitched into close quarter hand to hand action. Of course Germany would have suffer more casualty in the east, the battle of Stalingrad alone cost German more than whole Ardennes campaign, not because they meant anything but the battles in Ardennes are mobile warfare, and Stalingrad is hand to hand close quarter urban warfare.

It is a combine effect of allied force that win the war, Soviet without the western front will collapse when jilted can pitch those mobile troop to surround and siege most soviet town, but the west would not have won the war either if not soviet eastern front stalling most of the German troop

If you say Stalin or soviet win the war alone, then I am sorry to say, either you are wrong, or what stalin did not say, it did not happened, German lose only when Stalin say they are losing, the the glorious mother Russia ....you can dream or chest thump you want, but no historian will tell you Germany lose because of any single entities, they lose because they pissed off everybody, case close
Ardennes operation? This is the one where up to 6 times outnumbered German group almoust defeated the American army?
German losses in Stalingrad comparable to the total loss of the Germans on all other Non-Eastern fronts.
Ardennes operation? This is the one where up to 6 times outnumbered German group almoust defeated the American army?
German losses in Stalingrad comparable to the total loss of the Germans on all other Non-Eastern fronts.
Nobody is doubting the German fighting capabilities. No one is also quashing the point that USSR played a most important role. But single handed? - naaaah :D
There is a very good Russian film " The Hot Snow" (1972) - if someone intresting in Stalingrad Battle.
There is a very good Russian film " The Hot Snow" (1972) - if someone intresting in Stalingrad Battle.

Loved the Stalingrad 3D trailer... when is it releasing worldwide? although not sure if it will be released in Pakistan? also any internet links?
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