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The REAL Reason Britain is Freaking Out About Scottish Independence

Everyone knows refrundum was rigged by Britains Mi6 and Mi5, almost each county in Scotland now wanta independence fast and quick.
The Scottish independence movement is losing support daily.

Here is a total of all the opinion polls asked after the EU referendum.


The last poll had no at 53% and yes at 41%.

This is similar to the actual result of 55.3%) voting against independence and 1,617,989 (44.7%).

This make sense considering the horrible mess the SNP have made of Scotland and most Scots are massively put off at the idea of breaking away. One such example is that Scotland's children now have the lowest performance in the whole UK.

Scotland would get large funds from EU that more than makes up for UK subsidy.

No it won't, how could it? The UK is the second biggest net contributor to the EU! The EU faces a massive cash shortage.
The EU has also told Scotland in no uncertain times it will not qualify to be part of the EU if it left, and will have to apply behind many other countries waiting in line e.g. Albania.
But the biggest issue for the EU would be other regions wanting to break away from fellow EU states such as Catalonia from Spain.
The Scottish independence movement is losing support daily.

Here is a total of all the opinion polls asked after the EU referendum.


The last poll had no at 53% and yes at 41%.

This make sense considering the horrible mess the SNP have made of Scotland and most Scots are horrified at the idea of breaking away. One such example is that Scotland's children now have the lowest performance in the whole UK.

No it won't, how could it? The UK is the second biggest net contributor to the EU! The EU faces a massive cash shortage.
The EU has also told Scotland in no uncertain times it will not qualify to be part of the EU if it left, and will have to apply behind many other countries waiting in line e.g. Albania.

Bunging a billion or two Euros to Scotland is nothing. Population is really small(5 million).

After Brexit, Scotland will be welcome into the EU. It would not be welcome if UK had remained in EU.
Whole countries leaving the EU is a much larger danger than regions breaking away.

My fear is that the UK will disintegrate after Brexit. Maybe not immediately but within 5-10 years.

If I recall correctly, Scotland would be a net contributer to the EU budget due to the country's relatively high per capita income.

Not correct as Scotland is subsidised by England.
Oil prices are no longer above 100 dollars a barrel and the oil is running out.
Bunging a billion or two Euros to Scotland is nothing. Population is really small(5 million).

After Brexit, Scotland will be welcome into the EU. It would not be welcome if UK had remained in EU.
Whole countries leaving the EU is a much larger danger than regions breaking away.

My fear is that the UK will disintegrate after Brexit. Maybe not immediately but within 5-10 years.

Nope they have no such money, and I know this first hand being involved with the British Council. They will have a big funding gap.
Scotland will not be welcome and no EU leader or body has given any such assurance, I can give you many references commisioners , presidents etc, saying Scotland will have to wait and join again. Other states said they would veto it.
Nation states don't just fall apart, and the UK is here to stay.

Not correct as Scotland is subsidised by England.
Oil prices are no longer above 100 dollars a barrel and the oil is running out.

Scotland would still be classified as a high income country in the EU. Even if they don't have to contribute to the common budget, they still wouldn't receive large sums of money from the EU. Besides, Spain would block Scotland's EU membership immediately. But one thing is for sure, Scotland is already fulfilling EU standards. Just like Iceland.
Scotland would still be classified as a high income country in the EU. Even if they don't have to contribute to the common budget, they still wouldn't receive large sums of money from the EU. Besides, Spain would block Scotland's EU membership immediately. But one thing is for sure, Scotland is already fulfilling EU standards. Just like Iceland.

The fact that UK is leaving UK means that Scotland will be allowed in eventually. Spain cannot stand up to the core pressure of France and Germany who will use Scotland to punish UK for leaving and to set an example.
I have to respectfully disagree with @waz but UK will not exist for more than 10 years after Brexit. What they say now means nothing as they cannot be seen to be encouraging separation at this sensitive time.
The fact that UK is leaving UK means that Scotland will be allowed in eventually. Spain cannot stand up to the core pressure of France and Germany who will use Scotland to punish UK for leaving and to set an example.
I have to respectfully disagree with @waz but UK will not exist for more than 10 years after Brexit. What they say now means nothing as they cannot be seen to be encouraging separation at this sensitive time.
It is a matter of survival for Spain. If they allow Scotland to join EU - there will be no Spain next day.
It is a matter of survival for Spain. If they allow Scotland to join EU - there will be no Spain next day.

Not true.

EU has made clear that no region in an EU country can secede and then join it quickly.
With the UK out of EU, this no longer applies.
The EU will also be sending a signal of what may happen to any other country that leaves the EU.
EU survival is more important than that of Spain or any other single country. Core EU countries like Germany and France face no such secessationist issue.

Disintegration of UK is assured with Brexit. The pro- EU Scots are being taken out of EU against their will and so will go for independence and rejoin the EU, even if it takes 10 years.
Not true.

EU has made clear that no region in an EU country can secede and then join it quickly.
With the UK out of EU, this no longer applies.
The EU will also be sending a signal of what may happen to any other country that leaves the EU.
EU survival is more important than that of Spain or any other single country. Core EU countries like Germany and France face no such secessationist issue.

Disintegration of UK is assured with Brexit. The pro- EU Scots are being taken out of EU against their will and so will go for independence and rejoin the EU, even if it takes 10 years.
True or not true it is impossible to say because we cannot know it 100%. EU is not a nation or state. Everyone is free to leave. But Spain - is a real state and cannot allow former parts of another state to join EU. Next day parts of Spain will secede and join the EU. It is better for Spain to survive out of EU then die in it.
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Scotland will not be allowed in as it is, this has been made perfectly clear many times by numerous EU bodies. The home of the EU itself i.e. Brussels also has a problem with the Flemish issue!! What precedent do you think it will set if Scotland is let in, there is no debate about this, it's dead in the water.

Spain to Scotland: You’re not special

In the upcoming Brexit negotiations, Spain is advocating a hard EU line against Sturgeon’s Scottish National Party to stop their separatist cause becoming a blueprint for Catalan pro-independence forces.

Rajoy considers the issue a priority in the Brexit negotiations, and his goal, which is backed by the main opposition Socialists, is to avoid any formula by which Scotland can remain in the European Union — either as part of the U.K. or as an independent country.

“Spain supports the territorial integrity of the U.K. and doesn’t encourage secessions or divisions in any of the member states,” Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis said last week after Sturgeon announced her intention to hold a new referendum on independence from the U.K. “We prefer that things continue the way they are.”


There will be no break-up of the UK with Brexit this is fear mongering at best and a utter fallacy at worst, there is no evidence to indicate any such thing. I already put up the last opinion poll which is against independence by a large margin.

Again for anyone who missed it;


The last poll had no at 53% and yes at 41%.

This is similar to the actual result of 55.3%) voting against independence and 1,617,989 (44.7%).


The last poll had no at 53% and yes at 41%.

This is similar to the actual result of 55.3%) voting against independence and 1,617,989 (44.7%).

True or not true it is impossible to say because we cannot know it 100%. EU is not a nation or state. Everyone is free to leave. But Spain - is a real state and cannot allow former parts of another state to join EU. Next day parts of Spain will secede and join the EU. It is better for Spain to survive out of EU then die in it.

Not just Spain but Belgium itself. People simply do not understand the dynamics here and the fact that the EU pushes united nationhood, along with greater federalism. It does not and will not allow separatism, that's why they remained criminally silent when the independence movement was brutally crushed in Catalonia by Madrid.
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