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The ranting Khawaja's

But that is exactly the point: The COAS cannot and should not prevent criticism by a legally superior office.What he should not do is comes across as arrogant and above reproach.
under normal circumstances (pre WOT and skulls for football days) I would agree .
I even agree now forget the war for a moment. yes it appears that a junior is out of turn and breaking the code f conduct.

but do check why? for how long military has been taking the blows with its head down? day in day out every tiger of Nawaz league is taking a pot shot at the military and calling the butchers of 50k+ Pakistanis as their brothers in single breath and single sentence. do check the contents of the "criticism" as well. that defence minster is lambasting us for Kargil war in a disputed territory which has been seized by Indians when we were not even there after cease fire agreement? who secretly encroached and took over the tops of Siachin in the 80s? and what about sir creek? I wonder if blood mist in the eyes of nawaz league due to the hate for the pak army is preventing it to see that its goal post is Pakistani not Indian.

let me share something with you. there are instances where the doctor can take over the command from a ship caption or any junior officer can relieve a senior from command when there is clear evidence that the senior has lost his mind and capacity. I can give you real life American world war 2 and cold war examples but thats another subject altogether.
point is when your senior is being a jerk, apologies for the lack of term, then the junior must call him out.

short fact (in PMA during introduction the new arrivals are told to do EVERYTHING they are told by their seniors but under NO circumstances they must Drop their pants and bend over and in such cases they must report them)

He should play it smart: Say that the Army welcomes the criticism, and then provide in detail evidence that shows that it is doing a good job under difficult circumstances (and there is plenty of evidence to show that).

I agree and that brings back the memories of Gen Athar Abbas .. I wonder if you remember him. very calm, eloquent and good speaker
What the Army should NOT do, as you are too, is to equate the criticism as a licence to doubt the patriotism of a serving cabinet minister.

I agree sir, mere criticism (fair or unfair) has nothing to do with doubting patriotism. and for the sake of patriotism I would say.. one should take such criticism on the chin.

my personal take in this particular matter is that its not criticism but downright rubbish and malicious attack coming from Nawaz league leaders.
The Minister is as patriotic as you or I or the COAS.

my good sir, with all due respect

my chair is more patriotic than him ...to put it mildly.

He does have a different and critical opinion that needs to be considered and explained.

thats true and I have already explained that but you didnt approve
To call him an agent of India insults the nation, its government and the people, all for no good reason, because a free expression of opinion is the heart of progress.
I didnt call him Indian agent just like that. only pointing out at the fact that you take out his name and read his venom filled sentences and one cant tell if he is a Pakistani parliamentarian in our assembly or a member of Indian Lok Sabha addressing in Dehli.( he is being praised and quoted there a lot and getting a lot of :tup::enjoy:)
After all, the Army does not have a monopoly on what defines patriotism. It should learn to incorporate differences of opinion and play it smarter, not defensively and arrogantly like this, for this will serve no one well.

yes I agree, we all can be equally patriotic or complete douche bags irrespective of our civilian or military clothing.
but if we reverse the roles for a moment and allow ourselves for just a moment to imagine ..

what if this day in day out media smear campaign is being run by the army cursing the politicians then how much heart burn would that cause and how democracy will feel threatened? nothing wrong with criticism right? ;) why deny army that fundamental right?
Our discussion should aspire to higher standards surely! :D

While I am certain that Khawaja Sahib could have used better words to be more diplomatic, his words bring to my mind two things.

1. As Defence Minister, he should have been the person to liaise about the Defence Budget between the GHQ and the Cabinet. Why was he bypassed by summoning the Finance Minister to the GHQ? That could explain part of his vitriol at an imagined personal slight.

This speech is before 2006 budget at that time this retard was in opposition not defense minister.
He delivered that speech in 2006, why is that an issue all of a sudden? People change, opinions change. We have much bigger things to think bout than digging up old issues. Garhay murday ukharna band kero.
He delivered that speech in 2006, why is that an issue all of a sudden? People change, opinions change. We have much bigger things to think bout than digging up old issues. Garhay murday ukharna band kero.
its PMLn taking the body out of grave, tell them to stop it?
first I commend you for a good post (specially reference to attacks on our bases I share your views) you should be our defence minster instead of that cretin who was ranting in the assembly
now to your opening question.

for a start, he retorts that Pak army refused to take part in 48 war and it was only waziris that liberated Kashmir.
for a start it was the British COAS that refused not the army men and the officers who on their own occord joined the fight and for record people like raja aziz bhatti were not Waziris.
Now you're starting to jump into another controversy. If you would have had a good read on the issue, you would have also known that Quaid was never aware of (or not delibrately kept aware of) the tribal invasion of Kashmir. Quaid had maintained a status quo with the mahraja of Kashmir and sent his private secretary Khursheed Ahamed to gather support of non-aligned Kashmiri leaders and as an observer for Pakistan. It wasn't until the start of tribal invasion that Maharaja called for Indian help and Indian troops started landing in Srinagar. Only until Quaid was informed of the invasion, he ordered then army chief to launch an invasion as a last ditch effort to salvage something from the deteriorating position. Who motivated these tribals and how these tribals appeared out of no where has largly been skipped from our history books. If you get spare time, better read raiders in Kashmir by Akbar Khan.

it was Punjab and baloch regiment that put its life on the line without adequate equipment during the partition providing protection to the immigrants where ever it could while tens of thousands were slaughtered at the hands of Hindu and Sikh mobs but still hundreds of thousands were saved when Hindu and sikh looters would flee on the news that Baloch regiment was in the area
Yes indeed they did but who brought Pakistan into being in the first place? A serviceman? Thats exactly what I was saying. Army has to make up one mind of itself, whether its a component of a sub system or a sub system itself.
that Indian spokesman missed that bit. fast forward did democracy free the Swat? they were in Bunair and talking about making Isalamabad their new khuni chouk? who liberated it?
Again isn't this the duty that army is supposed to carry out, or is it an extraordinary service which goes beyond their national mandate?
respect is not given but earned? nice fancy talk my dear but its down right stupid and doesnt apply in the real world. there are two things in the law and religion that take care of careless and loose tongues
Now you're trying to make a counter argument out of a thin air. Why is it that no army official is willing to appear in the court in Missing person case? Why is it that the defence minister becomes the boss of the army chief in court and not outside? Isn't the judiciary an institution which also needs to be respected? A person's respect for others is shown by his/her acts. military has a long history of intervening in the matters of other pillars of state and old habbits die away very slowly.

you mentioned the Abbotabad report and our military leader's reluctance to appear in it and I commend you for that but you failed to mention why the report was "leaked" (read sold to Al Jazira) even before its publication? so the answer to your question what happened to the report? it was sold to the highest bidder by the democracy (no I didnt mention memogate)
For that sake same happened to Hamud ur Rehman commission's report, it was also leaked, never officially allowed to come out. And similarly, while India set up a commission on Kargil, none was made in Pakistan. If you have a good read of both, you would have known that who would have been naturally interested in not leaking these reports and how much, that we are told, relates to real history.
Now you're starting to jump into another controversy..

meri Jaan

when I highlighted the flaws in his rhetoric your responses are well isnt what army supposed to do? missing the obvious are we?
the point is.. he is venting venom without facts and substance. thats all I am saying. criticise dont shamelessly lie and distort facts.

people say that we are digging back in the past about what he said in 2006 and 2008 etc but he has pretty much retorted the same recently during 7th and 8th of April 14 and you say lets not start a controversy? well why not we failed to take over Sri Nagar because a 2 APC's that we got from partition could have helped but they were never available..... (it is irrelevant if our troops fought without clearance or not, but they did fight...which this defence minister fails to mention and gives entire credit to tribal (their contribution was very noble no doubt).

talking about controversy lets pace up the game shall we

Nawaz league is in pain .. a pain worth 1.5 Billion hallal dollars ... khawaja Asif is one of the main guys heading those meetings with our Saudi masters negotiating our men and arms to help in Saudi sponsored Sectarian war in the middle east.. and guess what despite all those bribes and awards by the Saudis... our COAS refused to provide any Pak army support to Arabian civil war.

now that pains a lot. its no controversy that Nawaz league's and Jamat Islami and PTI's disgruntled and angry brothers (commonly known as TTP) are fighting the war in Syria.. Saudis just want our military and its weapons to give these international brothers (butchers, cannibals and rapists united) training to down aircrafts.

think about that what would TTP do with our Anza 2 missile when he brings it back to Pakistan? amuzing thought?

This speech is before 2006 budget at that time this retard was in opposition not defense minister.
this guy has said the same thing again hence there are many talkshows on the subject as well and the reason he is so butt hurt is that army has put a spanner in this 1.5 billion dollar bribe from KSA weapons and men for money to fight their sectarian war in Syria.
He has the right, speaking of traitors here is an interesting interview of Ayub Khan (angry at Fatimah Jinnah):

"They call her the Mother of the Nation," sniffed Pakistan's President Mohammed Ayub Khan. "Then she should at least behave like a mother."

Who wrote this script? by the way Ayub Khan is on record having stated that Fatimah Jinnah was an Indian agent (wonder what that makes Jinnah then?)

I don't want to be a retard, but do you know what some people of your party did during that time? Ever heard of Gujranwala incident and Ghulam Dastgir and his father's involvement in it? Check your own self before throwing dirt at others.
it was Punjab and baloch regiment that put its life on the line without adequate equipment during the partition providing protection to the immigrants where ever it could while tens of thousands were slaughtered at the hands of Hindu and Sikh mobs but still hundreds of thousands were saved when Hindu and sikh looters would flee on the news that Baloch regiment was in the area

yes, my maternal grandfather, who is alive and well, is eyewitness to the help of Baloch regiment as they saved tens of thousands of Muslims, even in remote areas of Bikaner, in Rajasthan
Actually Pakistan neither get the pure democracy nor the pure dictatorship. I hope someone from army overthrow this BS democracy and show these effing politicians what dictatorship really is.

so who has seen the speech of Indian defence Minster lately? wait .. Khawaja Asif is defence minster of Pakistan? right is he appointed by Taliban or BLA?
one wonders.. but one thing is sure, the script is coming from someone else.

let decide who is more stupid, Khawaja Asif to make that speech in 2006, or ones who are referring to it in 2014
This b*** c**** khwaja lives inside the Army Cantt in Sialkot

His ancestors were in the British India Army, he has every right to live there.

Wanna know more about his background ? He is related to Alama Iqbal.

These chawal fojis can't do anything to stop him. People of Sialkot love him and they will always elect him. He is a great politician like his father.
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