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"The Rafale Deal Should Be Scrapped And Renegotiated"

He is best when attacking congress. He should concentrate on that and leave the Rafael deal to Defence.pk:-)
I think you missed the discussion.. Your senior members even accepted, Nobody will give you full TOT. Forget about this. Its just assembling the parts etc.... France can also place sanction on India if U.S.A asks them.... They are always in same boat....
Anyway, Rafale is very good fighter. Better than anything in our PAF service.
Best of luck!!

I am not worried about TOT, i completely agreeing to the fact that no country ever will ever provide us with full tot. Yes french may sanction us under US pressure but strings will be lesser, telling you frim experience mate, example- 1998 nuclear tests aftermath.
P.S. I guess I am a senior member to I guess. Joined the forum a few years back. But I have far lesser post than even newbees as I like avoiding trollfests plus reply to only sane members. :)

please dont mind the typing mistakes, edit key is not working
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from what I've been seeing/reading lately the U.S government has changed it's tune about India and is willing to go the extra mile. It might not be a 100% ToT.

the Super Hornet/Advance would cost half of what the Rafale/EFT and would just be as capable, and you gotta think about all the extra costs that go with this deal.

how much is France going to charge India for weapons, huh???
When it mattered (at the time of the deal) the USG didn't step up and offer anything like this and the F-18 even failed a few of the technical criteria. Why should India go back on its decisions now just because the USG has chosen to change its position on certain issues?
When it mattered (at the time of the deal) the USG didn't step up and offer anything like this and the F-18 even failed a few of the technical criteria. Why should India go back on its decisions now just because the USG has chosen to change its position on certain issues?

So What;s the point of crying over past decisions? Look whats being offered now and we haven;t signed on the dotted line yet.
So What;s the point of crying over past decisions? Look whats being offered now and we haven;t signed on the dotted line yet.
You think this retrospective decision making would do India's image or credibility any good? Anyway that is not how these mega deals work- you set out a list of criteria, whoever best meets that criteria AT THE TIME wins, there would always be improvements to others but if you kept putting off buying something because the competitors suddenly started looking better you'd never get anywhere.

Scrap the Rafale deal and go for the F-18, in a few years when talks are up to this point as they are right now with Dassualt, Dassualt would probably have come in with a superior offer -counter offer after counter offer after counter offer is the game India would be sucked into and it would go nowhere.
So What;s the point of crying over past decisions? Look whats being offered now and we haven;t signed on the dotted line yet.

Financial condition dude................financial condition.
We have to make some arrangements,,,but deal will be signed..............there is no other way and no better option either.

The engines of mki alone are shitty with just 1500-2000 hours life compared to about 5000-6000 hours for western ones.
Then there is question of huge rcs,aesa radar and other ecm equipment which is far superior in case of rafale.
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