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The protests: The West vs The Arabs?

Almost every Arabic country voices their anger in extremity after the mocking of our Prophet. The interesting thing is that these countries have just won their independence from the dictators.

The Arab anger is rising very rapidly. The Muslim world has internal strives, but it seems religion still is a very strong binding factor.

Does this signify a possible war with the West? US has invaded Iraq and bombed many middle eastern countries the last couple of decades. Will we witness more serious vendetta? Is this going to hurt USA in the near future, When the Muslim world is strong enough?

I want to hear your opinions.
The muslim world will be no where near strong enough in the "near future"...and if the citizens are any indication...the far future either.
We don't care because USA has already invested so much money in China it would be easy to seize all the assets :lol:

Regardless the bankrupt is screwed and the new biggest economy in the world is the winner.
seize assets? we will soon enough...and China will choke on it. Now go make me some toys for my happy meal....hold the lead paint.
This is what I have to say.
“Our Prophet's (P.B.U.H) honor came from the sky. No one on earth can take it away.
We shouldn't be mad at haters. We should feel sorry for them. They can't harm us. They can't harm Allah's deen. Just themselves."

- Nouman Ali Khan

Alright time to clear up a few things in the light of recent events,

First of all let's be very clear that whoever made that blasphemous movie knew the consequences,All this has been done on purpose,The timing was perfect i.e 9/11 and things exactly followed as they planned,Muslims started rioting all around the globe burning their own property and killing their own people,Unfortunately we fell for it,

This will only strengthen the Israeli Zionist lobby sitting in the Pentagon,Nobody will question the responsible man behind this fire but instead they'll portray us all Muslims as the bad guy,Killing an American who had nothing to do with that movie was HARAAM according to sharia.

We MUST protest but with sanity and dignity,P.S : You want to take revenge? Then be what Rasoolullah SAWW wanted you to be and hold tight the rope of Allah,May Allah destroy those who make fun of His Deen and His Habeeb.

Squadron Leader (R) Adnan Siraj
“Our Prophet's (P.B.U.H) honor came from the sky. No one on earth can take it away.
We shouldn't be mad at haters. We should feel sorry for them. They can't harm us. They can't harm Allah's deen. Just themselves."

- Nouman Ali Khan


Looks like this Australian hasn't paid much attention in religion classes.
I don't think it would lead to war.Besides,there are many Arab states who support U.S in ME.Saudi Arabia,UAE,Qatar,Bahrain,Jordan.
Have you seen any protests in these countries about the movie?

Saudi Arabia condemns the anti-Islam films along with the other GCC countries Including Jordan. We are represented by our government. I have said it many times protesting is not our way of expression. hope you get it now.
Saudi Arabia condemns the anti-Islam films along with the other GCC countries Including Jordan. We are represented by our government. I have said it many times protesting is not our way of expression. hope you get it now.

Legend, to say that there is no problem in Me ( gov & people etc )is incorrect.

That said,
There is a reason why the Mehdi and Isa a.s are due back.
You can find extreme elements in every society, be it mature (Norway, USA) or immature (Libya, Sudan) countries . People need to keep in mind that the ME countries where the most extreme protests took place, are the same countries that just toppled their dictators after decades of being ruled with iron fist (these dictators were covertly supported by the West). Add to this the extreme hatred towards USA in these countries, because of USA's foolish actions in Iraq and its support of Israel that represents true hypocrisy and injustice of USA.

This did not happen because of a simple and idiotic amateurish film, but this was a drop among many against ME orchestrated by USA. When your invasion of a country leads to extreme destabilization and safe haven for terrorism, which results in millions of lives destroyed, it will undoubtedly result in repercussions. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Islamic countries have very poor opinion of USA after its bloody conduct in Muslim countries. We have witnessed what American soldiers have done to innocent Iraqis in their dirty prisons etc. Do you think Muslims will forget these things overnight? No they won't, these are engraved in minds. In an age where information can be gathered by anyone multiplied in an instance, people will keep on remembering such cruelties. No one can justify the killing of innocent diplomats, but at the same time no one can legitimize the destruction of whole countries for oil and money.

We live in a harsh world where the strong can easily manipulate the attitude of billions of people via their propaganda channels. Where the strong can legitimize even the cruelest of actions resulting in hundreds of thousands of death. But we also live in a world where there still are honest people who are ready to sacrifice their own life for the betterment of their countrymen, like Mohamed Bouazizi who sacrificed his own life because of the extreme injustice towards his own countrymen. His protest spread like a fire, and today we see the continuation of that fire. They don't just protest against this movie, no, they protest against USA's covert operations that helped keeping these countries down for decades. They protest against the injustice being done to Palestinians and Iraq. Against Mubarak who were the man supported by the US. Yes they are uneducated and there are some extreme radical elements that is very disgusting (like the killing of innocent American diplomats). But their concerns are legitimate and reasonable.
You can find extreme elements in every society, be it mature (Norway, USA) or immature (Libya, Sudan) countries . People need to keep in mind that the ME countries where the most extreme protests took place, are the same countries that just toppled their dictators after decades of being ruled with iron fist (these dictators were covertly supported by the West). Add to this the extreme hatred towards USA in these countries, because of USA's foolish actions in Iraq and its support of Israel that represents true hypocrisy and injustice of USA.

This did not happen because of a simple and idiotic amateurish film, but this was a drop among many against ME orchestrated by USA. When your invasion of a country leads to extreme destabilization and safe haven for terrorism, which results in millions of lives destroyed, it will undoubtedly result in repercussions. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Islamic countries have very poor opinion of USA after its bloody conduct in Muslim countries. We have witnessed what American soldiers have done to innocent Iraqis in their dirty prisons etc. Do you think Muslims will forget these things overnight? No they won't, these are engraved in minds. In an age where information can be gathered by anyone multiplied in an instance, people will keep on remembering such cruelties. No one can justify the killing of innocent diplomats, but at the same time no one can legitimize the destruction of whole countries for oil and money.

We live in a harsh world where the strong can easily manipulate the attitude of billions of people via their propaganda channels. Where the strong can legitimize even the cruelest of actions resulting in hundreds of thousands of death. But we also live in a world where there still are honest people who are ready to sacrifice their own life for the betterment of their countrymen, like Mohamed Bouazizi who sacrificed his own life because of the extreme injustice towards his own countrymen. His protest spread like a fire, and today we see the continuation of that fire. They don't just protest against this movie, no, they protest against USA's covert operations that helped keeping these countries down for decades. They protest against the injustice being done to Palestinians and Iraq. Against Mubarak who were the man supported by the US. Yes they are uneducated and there are some extreme radical elements that is very disgusting (like the killing of innocent American diplomats). But their concerns are legitimate and reasonable.

That actually answered a lot of my questions. Thanks.

Suffice to say, nothing "extreme" happened in my country (again Muslim majority).

We all become the result of our intentions. Karma is a ******.
I remember a few months back, they took off a video of Ashton kutchers from youtube because he was talking in Indian accent and it was labelled as "racist" but apparently its "freedom of speech" to insult Muslims and their faith. WOW!!keep up the hypocrisy and the world surely will be an embodiment of peaceful co-existence and please don't even get me started on how people are arrested in so-called developed west for just drawing a swastika sign near a Jew.
Trust me, if it was really the west vs Arabs than their religion would no longer exist.

What does that mean? You mean Westerners do not believe in religion? Or that the West can eliminate Arabs? If you are insinuating for some false reason that the West can eliminate "Islam", then rest assured, even the entire world together can not do it. Titular Muslims (those who are Muslims in name only) may be eliminated sooner or later, same as non Muslims may be eliminated sooner or later because all living beings have to die.

You need to consider that there is at least one declared active nuclear power in the "Muslim world" (Pakistan), there is at least another one with the latent capability to take that route (namely Iran), and there remains a few other countries who could "nuclearize", so to speak, in short order. Furthermore, two large countries with huge military industrial complexes and two of the largest arsenal of active nuclear weapons in their inventory (namely Russia and China) also have Muslims living within their borders. There is no way that the West can come out victorious in any all out war, even in the worst hypothetical scenario.

Just the nuclear weapons at the disposal of Russia alone exceeds those in the entire Western world.
Lets get one thing clear. Not all protest against this film were violent. Most of the protest have been small and peaceful. I think the article below gives a great analysis for what is happening right now.

Protests against the anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims have erupted in cities from Morocco to Somalia and Pakistan to Indonesia, an agglomeration of otherwise disparate societies that we sometimes refer to as "the Muslim world." That phrase appears today in headlines at, for example, CBS News, the U.K. Telegraph, Radio Free Europe, and many others. A very handy interactive map of the protests so far, produced by The Atlantic Wire's John Hudson, shows just how widely the protests have spread across the diverse Muslim societies of the world.

But, looking into the severity and frequency of the protests, their occurrence doesn't seem to correlate as directly with the presence of Muslims as the phrase "protests erupt across the Muslim world" might lead you to believe. Even if that's generally true, we might learn a bit more by looking also at who is protesting violently and who isn't.

In a map above, I've charted the violent protests in red and the protests that did not produce violence in yellow. It's an imperfect distinction; I've counted the stone-throwers in Jerusalem as a violent protest but the flag-burners in Lahore as non-violent. But it gives you a somewhat more nuanced view into who is expressing anger and how they're doing it than to just say that the "Muslim world" is protesting. To help show what "Muslim world" means, I've used a map (via Wikimedia) that shows countries by their share of the world Muslim population. The darker blue a country, the more Muslim individuals live there.

The first thing that may catch your eye is that the violent protests appear clustered in the Arab Middle East and North Africa, and specifically in the countries that have endured significant political violence over the last year or so. Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Yemen have been by far the most effected by the uprisings of the Arab Spring. That's excepting Syria, of course, where citizens today presumably have more pressing matters on their minds and are not protesting. Sudan has also endured violent protests and crackdowns recently, and Israel's Palestinian protests have been sporadically ongoing for some time. An outlier here is Lebanon, where protesters today set a KFC on fire, and which has not endured the effects of the Arab Spring, although there has been some violence between partisans of the conflict in neighboring Syria.

The second thing you might notice is how sparse the protests have been in the three countries with the largest Muslim populations in the world: Indonesia, Pakistan, and India. Those three have Muslim populations way above 150 million each, compared to six million in Libya and 10 million in Tunisia, and yet have seen no violence and far fewer protests. India and Indonesia have so far had one protest each, both small; Pakistan has had several, some quite angry, but it's worth noting that such anti-American protests are not uncommon. The world's billion-plus Muslim individuals do not appear uniformly offended, or at least uniformly motivated to act on that offense. That might sound obvious, but the wide difference in protests are a reminder of just how differently people are reacting across the very large and diverse "Muslim world." If 200 of Indonesia's 200 million Muslims stage a protest, and several thousand of Tunisia's 10 million Muslims not only protest but storm embassies and burned an American school, does that say more about the Muslim reaction to the film or the Tunisian?

And, of course, there are the vast areas of the Muslim world that do not appear to be protesting at all. Those include most of sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, as well as Turkey, Russia, China, and the U.S., all of which have significant Muslim populations. There are probably disparate factors that might explain the lack of protests in those regions and countries: Muslims in China are perhaps a bit too cut off from the rest of the world, for example, and Muslims in America tend to be politically content. But the fact that these enormous populations -- 76 million Muslims in Nigeria, 75 million in Turkey, 29 million in Ethiopia, and so on -- across dozens of countries are not protesting shows the extent to which violent protests are the exceptions rather than the norm.

That's not to discount the importance of the protests, of course, nor the obvious significance of so many angry Muslims marching against the film (and, often, against the United States) simultaneously across so many different parts of the world. But it's worth considering the extent to which the anger behind today's events is a phenomenon specific to certain countries and regions rather than to the "Muslim world" in its broad, complicated entirety.

An Annotated Map of Today's Protests and of the 'Muslim World' - Max Fisher - The Atlantic
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