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The “Princes” of Iran Speak Out as Regime Fears Collapse

Luckily for me I dont need anyones certification unlike you Indo brachid insecure ganges man. You cant 'just stop shooting yourself in your Ganges australoid feet everyday, can't you? Must be some extreme level depression in real life of personal nature that makes you take out your desperation on internet.

Why do you hate your indian genetics so much ?

Did I tarnish your little persian dream by proving that 60 % of your is coastal brachid Indian ? :-):-):-) Try me more and I will literally keep copy pasting the scientific papers that prove that you are an Indian and you will die an indian while we Iranians have been same since iron age post Iranic sitashta Andronovo migration. Your lies and your self hatred are only hurting you ganges man. Do not for a second think that you are a unique troll who is doing some exclusive crap on internet. I have dealt with dozens of your kind in past.

Here are more "Iranians from India" aka your Pajeet Tribe





......... Real Iranians






They look like your African cousins.
Buddy, I have made my peace/resigned state with doc, he is what he is and chooses to be (for a whole bunch of reasons I, you and most, maybe all.... don't really "get")...and I took it too personally in my case (which I regret now). I wish all Iranians/Persians the best to resolve their issues...you are a great people. I for one do not care much for bloodline talk either....but I do empathise if certain ppl decide to make that "the" issue for them...if they have context of a cruel history and singular defined threads to connect to it that becomes part of their core identity etc. Basically I don't even know how all that stuff even feels like growing up etc....so neither can I endorse or dismiss it fully as it manifests into a complex individual....and it took @I.R.A to really boil it down for me in the end for doc...which I much appreciate him for in the end (because I really did not like where I was going with doc, and him with me down a dark road that couldn't end well for either).

After all, I grew up in very different kind of lone wolf situation myself as a kid...thats why I empathise with other lone wolves (as different as I understand them to be)...even if I find certain things they howl as pretty odd. I give them distance on stuff I don't care for...but do admire their positive attributes too...because I have sparred with this particular one (Even bit down to the bone)...and got a sense of the true strength and weakness of the underlying fiber of him in the end....and I do respect that in the end....and those that sparred with him before and came to same conclusion.

You all will need to do the same, as deeply as you care to (or not...it is all your choices in the end)...I cannot really take sides on this anymore (my deep anger was somewhat fleeting thing with doc in the end... that spilled over here in places unfortunately)....so you all have to figure it out.

He has certain qualities to him...quite like no other serious troll-time waster/banterer/balladeer/warrior you will find on this (non friendly to my country and thus skewed) forum...you have to find your own way in defeating his perspectives, attitudes, demeanours and opinions in the end I say. I wish you all the best....I will be watching.

Thanks friend. I understand man. I completely understand. Too many weirdos on internet who take out their real life frustrations on internet and how many will you decide to deal with ? When I was in university I used to take internet seriously but now I am giving up.

They look like your African cousins.

Stop trolling man. This ain't your fight.
Thanks friend. I understand man. I completely understand. Too many weirdos on internet who take out their real life frustrations on internet and how many will you decide to deal with ? When I was in university I used to take internet seriously but now I am giving up.

Stop trolling man. This ain't your fight.

Why can't I have any fun here? :cry:
Stop trolling man. This ain't your fight.

This ain't yours either my Arab-Turkic-Indic-African-Mongoloid "Persian" friend. :lol:

You are at best a non paying tenant.

Cheers, Doc
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Present-day Iranian Zoroastrians ceased intermixing with other groups shortly after the Arab conquest of Persia during 633–654 CE, and band closely to Indian Parsis, both having a predominant ancestry traced back to what is called the Neolithic Old Iranian Farmer. With two single-generation admixture pulses noted - one predominantly male and Cypriot/Greek from around the time of Alexander's invasion, the other predominantly female and Indian during the first landings in India ( approx. 44 generations ago).

Cheers, Doc

LOL :lol::lol:

Now you have resorted to lying when I ripped apart your self delusions about you have any connection to Central Asia. This is your mitochondrial DNA. See you wont even pass in your neighboring Pakistan with your central Indian coastal genetics but you dream of being an Iranian. Does it pain you that you have been living on a lie ? or your lie got caught before even taking off.


Present day Iranians have had AT LEAST three major multigeneration genetic admixture events (as distinct from single-genetation genetic pulses) over the last millennium since we separated. And I refer specifically to non-Jewish Muslim Iranians. The majority populace there, who we interact with here.

There was an admixture event with an ancestry contribution related to a Turkish-like source group, dated to 1222 CE (1026–1362 CE), and hence overlapping with the period of the Seljuq Empire (1037–1194 CE) that spanned parts of present-day Turkey.

Then there was another admixture dated to 1418 CE (1194–1558 CE) from a Pakistan-like source that falls into the period of the Timurid Empire (1370–1507 CE) that extended into present-day Pakistan.

Finally, the most recent Iranian admixture event was contributions from an East Africa-like source and an inferred date of 1642 CE (1558–1754 CE) that overlaps with the Safavid Empire (1501–1736 CE) and could be related to the Arab slave trade.

Cheers, Doc

If there was any Arab mixture than where is the J1 male lineage in iran ? :-) LOL you again shot yourself in the ganges feet.

No admixture or anything ever happening in Iran. You want to believe in delusions. Keep believing in them. The Arabian or Semite Haplogroup is J1 which is like not even 10 % in Iran is mostly prevalent in Khuzestan and Ahwaz is not even from Arabian peninsula but from neighboring ancient Iraq. Its most probable source is ancient settlements from Mesopotamia or Babylonia into the Khuz region.

If there was any Mongolic or Turkic mixture than where is the Q and C male lineage in iran ? :-) LOL I said to you before, keep trying me and you will be shown mirror Mr. Pajeet. Here is the haplogroup breakdown of Iranian population which has been same since Iron age. Thick Majority of Iranians carry R1a R1b and J2 haplogroups which came to Iranian plateau from Sintashta, Andronovo when Iranians entered the region. From WIkipedia, the sources are peer reviewed journals.

  • J1-M267; typical of Semitic-speaking people, was rarely over 10% in Iranian groups
  • J2-M172: is the most common Hg in Iran (~23%); almost exclusively represented by J2a-M410 subclade (93%), the other major sub-clade being J2b-M12. Apart from Iranians, J2 is common in Arabs, Mediterranean and Balkan peoples (Croatians, Serbs, Greeks, Bosnians, Albanians, Italians, Bulgarians, Turks), in the Caucasus (Armenians, Georgia, northeastern Turkey, north/northwestern Iran, Kurds, Persians); whilst its frequency drops suddenly beyond Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India.[130] In Europe, J2a is more common in the southern Greece and southern Italy; whilst J2b (J2-M12) is more common in Thessaly, Macedonia and central – northern Italy. Thus J2a and its subgroups within it have a wide distribution from Italy to India, whilst J2b is mostly confined to the Balkans and Italy,[131] being rare even in Turkey. Whilst closely linked with Anatolia and the Levant; and putative agricultural expansions, the distribution of the various sub-clades of J2 likely represents a number of migrational histories which require further elucidation.[130][132]
  • R1a-M198: is common in Iran, more so in the east and south rather than the west and north; suggesting a migration toward the south to India then a secondary westward spread across Iran.[133] Whilst the Grongi and Regueiro studies did not define exactly which sub-clades Iranian R1a haplogrouops belong to, private genealogy tests suggest that they virtually all belong to "Eurasian" R1a-Z93.[134] Indeed, population studies of neighbouring Indian groups found that they all were in R1a-Z93.[135] This implies that R1a in Iran did not descend from "European" R1a, or vice versa. Rather, both groups are collateral, sister branches which descend from a parental group hypothesized to have initially lived somewhere between central Asia and Eastern Europe.[136]
  • R1b – M269: is widespread from Ireland to Iran, and is common in highland West Asian populations such as Armenians, Turks and Iranians – with an average frequency of 8.5%. Iranian R1b belongs to the L-23 subclade,[137] which is an older than the derivative subclade (R1b-M412) which is most common in western Europe.[138]
  • Haplogroup G and subclades: most concentrated in the southern Caucasus,[139] it is present in 10% of Iranians.[140]
  1. Regueiro; et al. (2006). "Iran: Tricontinental Nexus for Y-Chromosome Driven Migration". Hum Hered. 61: 132–143. doi:10.1159/000093774. PMID 16770078.
  2. ^ Grugni (2012). "Ancient Migratory Events in the Middle East: New Clues from the Y-Chromosome Variation of Modern Iranians". PLOS ONE. 7: e41252. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041252. PMC 3399854. PMID 22815981.
  3. ^ Jump up to:a b Sengupta et al. Polarity and Temporality of High-Resolution Y-Chromosome Distributions in India Identify Both Indigenous and Exogenous Expansions and Reveal Minor Genetic Influence of Central Asian Pastoralists. AJHG 78; 2. 2006
  4. ^ Cinnioglu et al. Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia" Hum Genet 2004 Jan;114(2):127-48. Epub 2003 Oct 29.
  5. ^ Semino, Ornella; et al. (May 2004). "Origin, Diffusion, and Differentiation of Y-Chromosome Haplogroups E and J: Inferences on the Neolithization of Europe and Later Migratory Events in the Mediterranean Area". American Journal of Human Genetics. 74(5): 1023–1034. doi:10.1086/386295. PMC 1181965. PMID 15069642.
  6. ^ Regueiro, 2006
  7. ^ "Family Tree DNA – Genetic Testing for Ancestry, Family History & Genealogy".
  8. ^ New Y-chromosome binary markers improve phylogenetic resolution within haplogroup R1a1. Horolma Pamjav et al. AJPA DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22167. 2012
  9. ^ Pamjav; 2012. "Inner and Central Asia is an overlap zone for the R1a1-Z280 and R1a1-Z93 lineages. This pattern implies that an early differentiation zone of R1a1-M198 conceivably occurred somewhere within the Eurasian Steppes or the Middle East and Caucasus region as they lie between South Asia and Eastern Europe"
  10. ^ Grugni, 2013.
  11. ^ Myres; et al. (2011). "A major Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b Holocene era founder effect in Central and Western Europe". European Journal of Human Genetics. 19: 95–101. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2010.146. PMC 3039512. PMID 20736979.
  12. ^ Rootsi; et al. (2012). "Distinguishing the co-ancestries of haplogroup G Y-chromosomes in the populations of Europe and the Caucasus". European Journal of Human Genetics. 20: 1275–1282. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2012.86. PMC 3499744. PMID 22588667.
  13. Grugni, 2012

This is the PCA of Iron age iranians compared with modern day ones. The genetic continuity is amazing. LOL that You can never change it.


Other groups in central asia are same. Turkish population is 85 % continual of their Anatolian iron age ancestors. They are culturally Turks but 85 % of them do not have any turkic warrior male lineage haplogroups like Q and C. Majority of them cluster with PIE haplogroups that entered the Iranic region.

Just because you have a weak jawline and indic features, you do not try to put shit on everyone else's face. You are coming across as a very insecure old jealous man who hates his own genetics and country so much that you have to resort to a fake unique identity to calm down your inner childish ego. You will die an Indian and never be anything else. Stop hating India. Continue trolling and I will continue spreading these peer reviewed research papers and PCA plots so that everyone on internet knows your reality. :police::police:. You are a stupid man because if you really had an agenda then the trick on internet is to keep your mouth shut and work on your plans slowly and calmly but you started blabbering here and now everyone of the apricity enthusiasts on internet will know of your lie. You literally shot yourself before even getting born. :partay::partay::lol::lol:

This ain't yours either my Arab-Turkic-Indic-African-Mongoloid "Persian" friend.

You are at best a non paying tenant.

Cheers, Doc

awwww you got badly hurt by truth self hatingPajeet :lol::lol:

You are an indo brachid indian from coastal india with australoid ancestors. I am a Iranid iranian with genetic continuity from iron age. You will die a sore bitter man :-)
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LOL :lol::lol:

Now you have resorted to lying when I ripped apart your self delusions about you have any connection to Central Asia. This is your mitochondrial DNA. See you wont even pass in your neighboring Pakistan with your central Indian coastal genetics but you dream of being an Iranian. Does it pain you that you have been living on a lie ? or your lie got caught before even taking off.


If there was any Arab mixture than where is the J1 male lineage in iran ? :-) LOL you again shot yourself in the ganges feet.

No admixture or anything ever happening in Iran. You want to believe in delusions. Keep believing in them. The Arabian or Semite Haplogroup is J1 which is like not even 10 % in Iran is mostly prevalent in Khuzestan and Ahwaz is not even from Arabian peninsula but from neighboring ancient Iraq. Its most probable source is ancient settlements from Mesopotamia or Babylonia into the Khuz region.

If there was any Mongolic or Turkic mixture than where is the Q and C male lineage in iran ? :-) LOL I said to you before, keep trying me and you will be shown mirror Mr. Pajeet. Here is the haplogroup breakdown of Iranian population which has been same since Iron age. Thick Majority of Iranians carry R1a R1b and J2 haplogroups which came to Iranian plateau from Sintashta, Andronovo when Iranians entered the region. From WIkipedia, the sources are peer reviewed journals.

  • J1-M267; typical of Semitic-speaking people, was rarely over 10% in Iranian groups
  • J2-M172: is the most common Hg in Iran (~23%); almost exclusively represented by J2a-M410 subclade (93%), the other major sub-clade being J2b-M12. Apart from Iranians, J2 is common in Arabs, Mediterranean and Balkan peoples (Croatians, Serbs, Greeks, Bosnians, Albanians, Italians, Bulgarians, Turks), in the Caucasus (Armenians, Georgia, northeastern Turkey, north/northwestern Iran, Kurds, Persians); whilst its frequency drops suddenly beyond Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India.[130] In Europe, J2a is more common in the southern Greece and southern Italy; whilst J2b (J2-M12) is more common in Thessaly, Macedonia and central – northern Italy. Thus J2a and its subgroups within it have a wide distribution from Italy to India, whilst J2b is mostly confined to the Balkans and Italy,[131] being rare even in Turkey. Whilst closely linked with Anatolia and the Levant; and putative agricultural expansions, the distribution of the various sub-clades of J2 likely represents a number of migrational histories which require further elucidation.[130][132]
  • R1a-M198: is common in Iran, more so in the east and south rather than the west and north; suggesting a migration toward the south to India then a secondary westward spread across Iran.[133] Whilst the Grongi and Regueiro studies did not define exactly which sub-clades Iranian R1a haplogrouops belong to, private genealogy tests suggest that they virtually all belong to "Eurasian" R1a-Z93.[134] Indeed, population studies of neighbouring Indian groups found that they all were in R1a-Z93.[135] This implies that R1a in Iran did not descend from "European" R1a, or vice versa. Rather, both groups are collateral, sister branches which descend from a parental group hypothesized to have initially lived somewhere between central Asia and Eastern Europe.[136]
  • R1b – M269: is widespread from Ireland to Iran, and is common in highland West Asian populations such as Armenians, Turks and Iranians – with an average frequency of 8.5%. Iranian R1b belongs to the L-23 subclade,[137] which is an older than the derivative subclade (R1b-M412) which is most common in western Europe.[138]
  • Haplogroup G and subclades: most concentrated in the southern Caucasus,[139] it is present in 10% of Iranians.[140]
  1. Regueiro; et al. (2006). "Iran: Tricontinental Nexus for Y-Chromosome Driven Migration". Hum Hered. 61: 132–143. doi:10.1159/000093774. PMID 16770078.
  2. ^ Grugni (2012). "Ancient Migratory Events in the Middle East: New Clues from the Y-Chromosome Variation of Modern Iranians". PLOS ONE. 7: e41252. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041252. PMC 3399854. PMID 22815981.
  3. ^ Jump up to:a b Sengupta et al. Polarity and Temporality of High-Resolution Y-Chromosome Distributions in India Identify Both Indigenous and Exogenous Expansions and Reveal Minor Genetic Influence of Central Asian Pastoralists. AJHG 78; 2. 2006
  4. ^ Cinnioglu et al. Excavating Y-chromosome haplotype strata in Anatolia" Hum Genet 2004 Jan;114(2):127-48. Epub 2003 Oct 29.
  5. ^ Semino, Ornella; et al. (May 2004). "Origin, Diffusion, and Differentiation of Y-Chromosome Haplogroups E and J: Inferences on the Neolithization of Europe and Later Migratory Events in the Mediterranean Area". American Journal of Human Genetics. 74(5): 1023–1034. doi:10.1086/386295. PMC 1181965. PMID 15069642.
  6. ^ Regueiro, 2006
  7. ^ "Family Tree DNA – Genetic Testing for Ancestry, Family History & Genealogy".
  8. ^ New Y-chromosome binary markers improve phylogenetic resolution within haplogroup R1a1. Horolma Pamjav et al. AJPA DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22167. 2012
  9. ^ Pamjav; 2012. "Inner and Central Asia is an overlap zone for the R1a1-Z280 and R1a1-Z93 lineages. This pattern implies that an early differentiation zone of R1a1-M198 conceivably occurred somewhere within the Eurasian Steppes or the Middle East and Caucasus region as they lie between South Asia and Eastern Europe"
  10. ^ Grugni, 2013.
  11. ^ Myres; et al. (2011). "A major Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b Holocene era founder effect in Central and Western Europe". European Journal of Human Genetics. 19: 95–101. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2010.146. PMC 3039512. PMID 20736979.
  12. ^ Rootsi; et al. (2012). "Distinguishing the co-ancestries of haplogroup G Y-chromosomes in the populations of Europe and the Caucasus". European Journal of Human Genetics. 20: 1275–1282. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2012.86. PMC 3499744. PMID 22588667.
  13. Grugni, 2012

This is the PCA of Iron age iranians compared with modern day ones. The genetic continuity is amazing. LOL that You can never change it.


Other groups in central asia are same. Turkish population is 85 % continual of their Anatolian iron age ancestors. They are culturally Turks but 85 % of them do not have any turkic warrior male lineage haplogroups like Q and C. Majority of them cluster with PIE haplogroups that entered the Iranic region.

Just because you have a weak jawline and indic features, you do not try to put shit on everyone else's face. You are coming across as a very insecure old jealous man who hates his own genetics and country so much that you have to resort to a fake unique identity to calm down your inner childish ego. You will die an Indian and never be anything else. Stop hating India. Continue trolling and I will continue spreading these peer reviewed research papers and PCA plots so that everyone on internet knows your reality. :police::police:. You are a stupid man because if you really had an agenda then the trick on internet is to keep your mouth shut and work on your plans slowly and calmly but you started blabbering here and now everyone of the apricity enthusiasts on internet will know of your lie. You literally shot yourself before even getting born. :partay::partay::lol::lol:

awwww you got badly hurt by truth self hatingPajeet :lol::lol:

You are an indo brachid indian from coastal india with australoid ancestors. I am a Iranid iranian with genetic continuity from iron age. You will die a sore bitter man :-)

Why am I quoted here? I don't even give a shit about any of this. :lol:
well, tbh, the opposite happened in all them countries you boyz got in and tried democracy building, but Iran ended up owning all of em. Each and every one of em! Nothing stupid about it. Just the facts.

if you think Iraqis want to take orders from Iranians you will be mistaken
Remember my words, Trump will bow down to Iran, just like mobarak Hossein Obama did back in 2015. It's inevitable!

you dominate. over period of time iraq will go its own way. it is good for you as long as they are not hostile to Iran
You have med schools in Iran?

Cheers, Doc
Definately more than India. we have generally better healthcare and health system than India, we have private individual-owned toilets as well so our people have the option of defecating in their own toilets rather than streets and streams. oh and did i mention our amazing showers and baths? yeah we also have baths in our houses.

Cheers, a real Doc.
You're the man bro.

Hamam jan.

Cheers, Doc
Do you have some sort of tourette's? you seem to call yourself a "Doc" at the end of every sentence? or do you feel unrecognized so you need to introduce yourself all the time(one of your 20 personalities anyway)?

Talk to me mate.

Also hamam is the place you were supposed to go but unfortunately your baba found a maman instead.
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