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The Price of China's Uighur Repression

China’s sledgehammer approach to dissent was on display once more this week, when the authorities sentenced the Uighur economist Ilham Tohti to life in prison on Tuesday. The verdict attracted widespread international condemnation and risks further accelerating a vicious circle of repression, discrimination and violence in China’s westernmost region.

Mr. Tohti, a professor at Minzu University in Beijing, was found guilty of “separatism” — the usual charge leveled against nonethnic-Han Chinese, such as Uighurs, Mongols or Tibetans, when they criticize Beijing’s ethnic-minority policies. Mr. Tohti has always stressed his personal opposition to separatism, but according to the prosecution’s tortured logic, this was in fact proof that he was a “covert” separatist.
The real reasons behind Mr. Tohti’s conviction stem from his outspoken efforts to convince the central government to change the course of oppressive policies in his native Xinjiang, which he said were generating more violent resistance among the 10-million-strong mostly Muslim Uighurs.

Occasional violent outbursts have long been a feature of life in the Xinjiang region but the tumult reached unprecedented levels after mass riots in the capital Urumqi in July 2009. Triggered by the suppression of a peaceful demonstration by Uighurs calling for a government inquiry into mistreatment, the turmoil left hundreds of people dead, most of whom were Han Chinese, the country’s dominant ethnicity.

The Chinese government responded with a crackdown on the entire Uighur population, with thousands of indiscriminate arrests, disappearances, widespread use of torture and drastic controls on any form of expression of ethnic identity, including religion. In the last five years, China has in all but name adopted a counterinsurgency model in Xinjiang to wage its “people’s war against separatism.”

But the authorities have little to show for what they call “high-pressure” tactics. Since 2009, violence has been increasing, as more Uighurs are seeking revenge against all things Chinese by mounting spectacular and often suicidal attacks that have included ploughing vehicles into crowds, attacking Han Chinese travelers with knives, detonating bombs and killing local officials or Han Chinese settlers.

The Internet is undoubtedly playing a role in fostering Uighur violence, as it has made a kind of off-the-shelf jihadism available to aggrieved individuals. Websites justify indiscriminate attacks in the name of Islam, provide jihad how-to manuals, and give new “instant converts” a sense of meaning as members of a global jihadi struggle.

But Mr. Tohti was right: The escalation of violence is the direct result of China’s repression. The overwhelming majority of Uighurs are still opposed to violence, and to any form of radical Islamism, which they see as foreign and counter to their moderate way of life. Yet it should surprise no one that as Beijing tightens its grip, more Uighurs are becoming radicalized.

Bejing’s key counterinsurgency goals, aside from military operations, are to identify and remove insurgents or sympathizers, dismantle their networks, and win the general population over through assistance and development. This requires placing the entire population under constant surveillance, strictly controlling their movements, grouping scattered communities into new settlements, tightly regulating the borders and maintaining a close network of informers.

This counterinsurgency model is counterproductive. Beijing faces no organized Uighur insurgency; there isn’t even an organized political opposition. By making everyone a suspect, Beijing’s tactics fuel polarization between Uighurs and Han Chinese.

These repressive policies are not worth the cost in human life and misery they cause. This is what Mr. Tohti was trying to tell the central government, and that’s why the Xinjiang authorities were so keen to have him silenced.

It is not too late. Beijing could reverse the verdict against Mr. Tohti, implement China’s existing regional autonomy laws, and abandon the flawed counterinsurgency model. It has little to lose. After all, while the authorities in Urumqi, where Mr. Tohti has been held since January, were busy manufacturing the case against him, they failed to prevent several deadly attacks, including the most devastating one outside Xinjiang last March, when some 30 people were killed in a Kunming train station.

As Mr. Tohti himself said, changing the course of policies in Xinjiang would not result in Beijing losing control but instead “would be very helpful for protecting the unity of the nation, and the long-term prosperity of the country.”

Nicholas Bequelin is a senior researcher in the Asia Division of Human Rights Watch.


Let‘s screw the terrorists, be it Muslim or Uyghurs。 Don’t agree? Screw yourself!
China is worst country for religous and cultural freedom. It is worst country for muslims in the world and is the perhaps most racist country in the word , their racism against uyghurs is unprecedented
Where is the proof? Alot more hui/uighur died compared to han in dungan revolt.

Gujarat was not one sided . a lot of hindus died though still less than muslim. Gujarat was a small compared to 8-12 million muslim dead in dungan revolt.
what the f//UC//K
The proof? Can you prove that you are your father's son?

Why do you quote Wikipedia data tampering, ? Wikipedia said "8000000-120000000million people die" is Muslim? Are you blind? You can't see the left English - "Muslim death in Shanxi alone couldbe as high as 4000000 during the Tong Zhi Muslim Revolt (Tongzhi back to chaos) of 1862","8000000-120000000million people die" This is all the casualties nationwide, including Han , other nations
In addition, this is only the English Wikipedia described, The truth is Hui died 7 million , Han died 13 million.

Need I say it again? Death is caused by the rebellion of independent, and the emperor is Manchu, rebellion takes place in Han area.
You take China nineteenth Century things, to make the contrast, ha ha, I can say that, since the Mughal Dynasty u Hindu killed tens of thousands of Muslims?
Your country from the British , since "the independent", non-stop in the vendetta Muslim, Hindu as to teach,Moodie is to do so.
Chinese ten Muslim ethics ,except Uighurs, , no other ethics people say Chinese hatred of muslims,
Don't take us with you contrast, it is now twenty-first Century, not only is the country behind you,..

Don't always think other people are like in your country, even don't have a complete ancient history book.

You think you know Chinese history?
opinionated, arrogant guy.
Hui insurgency and uighurs have a relationship? Do you know "Donggan people" from where? Do you know a rebellion in where? r u teaching me chinese history ?"Many Uighurs to death", idiot,, don't want to let everyone know that you are ignorant.
You know what happened to a lot of Muslim Uighur and Muslims Hui fighting things?Don you know they hate each other?

Stupid guy

Gujarat Holocaust, you will pay in the near future.

China is worst country for religous and cultural freedom. It is worst country for muslims in the world and is the perhaps most racist country in the word , their racism against uyghurs is unprecedented
are You Indian ?

Ha ha, idiot, a frog in a well, stay in the bottom of the inside,

Continue to attack China, except that a few words, you can't find something more.
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US is a country which was built on the mass grave of the native population and it has a horrific track record about their treatment towards blacks ,Japanese and other Asians. as for India, Indian controlled Kashmir is literally hell on earth, some of the most notorious government sponsored war crimes happened there and unmarked mass graveyards have been found by international human rights groups everywhere in Kashmir.
US is a country which was built on the mass grave of the native population and it has a horrific track record about their treatment towards blacks ,Japanese and other Asians. as for India, Indian controlled Kashmir is literally hell on earth, some of the most notorious government sponsored war crimes happened there and unmarked mass graveyards have been found by international human rights groups everywhere in Kashmir.

will china invade the us soon? liberate native americans?
Unlike other countries, China never forces the minorities to adopt Han Chinese names and learn Chinese language .as a result, Most Uyghurs and Tibetans can not speak a word of Chinese and know nothing about Han culture. in US and Russia,that is a different story, you have to adopt a Russian or English style name and you have to learn their language. in Canada, Australia,it happened in the past that aborigines children being forcibly taken away from their families to attend white people's school , that's against basic human rights but I think if China hadn't been so soft on minorities issues and adopted a harder line like other countries did, things would be much better today.
For terrorist lovers.


Death penalty for imam killers

Nurmemet Abidilimit and Gheni Hesen, the two suspects who were involved in the murder of Jume Tahir, imam of Id Kah Mosque, in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, were sentenced to death on Sunday, the local court said.

A separate suspect, Atawulla Tursun, was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The verdict was released by the Intermediate People's Court of Kashgar on Sunday.

The court said that Gheni Hesen had recruited the other people to join his terror group and planned the attack on the imam.

Atawulla Tursun and Nurmemet Abidilimit were said to have prepared the weapons and gathered information.

Tahir, 74, was killed by three terrorists at around 7 am on July 30 after he finished the morning prayer service.

Two terrorists, Turghun Tursun and Memetjan Remutillan, were shot dead by police during the pursuit and a separate terrorist, Abidilimit, was captured.

China Central Television reported that it was Abidilimit's confession that led to the arrest of the other suspects involved in the murder.

Previous media reports said the suspects had been influenced by religious extremism and intended to do "something big" to raise their reputations as terrorists.

Tahir's murder came two days after a deadly terror attack broke out in Shache county in Kashgar prefecture.

The attack left 37 civilians dead and 94 injured. During the attack, police shot dead 59 terrorists and arrested another 215.

Seventeen officials and police officers have received penalties for being accountable for the murder and a deadly attack.

The State Administration for Religious Affairs said previously it was "deeply shocked" by the murder and described Tahir's death as a "huge loss" for the country's Islamic circle.

Tahir was not the first religious leader targeted by extremists.

In 1996, Tahir's predecessor at the same mosque was attacked by two masked extremists on his way to the mosque. The imam survived being stabbed 21 times. The attackers admitted to being members of a terror group.
China has to be careful not to let the Uyghur peoples spread across to other part of China. Trust me, this type of people always create problems, violent and unrest. This kind of people never stop influencing other people about their ideology.

I heard that the Chinese govt try to Mix marriage the Uyghur people with the Han people. THIS IS DANGEROUS !!! its not a solution. Trust me.. in the end, The Han people will get influenced by their ideology instead of the other way round. They have the so called " ISIS" nature in them. Just be careful guys.

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