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The Possibility of New Provinces in Pakistan

New Recruit

Oct 20, 2020
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The people of Sindh, NWFP (now KPK), and Baluchistan felt deprived of their identity when General Ayub Khan (the then President of the country) established a ‘‘One Unit’’ to reduce administrative costs and provincial prejudices. It was even seen by East Pakistanis as an attempt to counterbalance the numerical strength of Bengalis.

Pakistan, even today, faces many movements demanding separate provinces from ethnicities like Saraikis, Hazaras, Mohajirs, among others.

The constitution of Pakistan, unlike the constitution of India, does not allow for the creation of new provinces. Even the merger of FATA and KPK has only modified the boundaries of an existing province.

Read more: https://www.paradigmshift.com.pk/new-provinces-in-pakistan/

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One unit was started by Muhammad Ali Bogra and remained till 1970.

As of today there is no will from anyone to create new provinces. Even the GB issue is lost somewhere for now.
Make Karachi, Hyderabad & Sukhar a one unit Province of Pakistan & them there rights, now ppp again started corona drama in Sindh & Karachi...
2 new provinces are urgently needed, Gilgit-Baltistan & Siraiki (south punjab) provinces are ready to move forward. punjab has gotten too big to be effectively managed, people living in southern punjab find it nearly impossible to go up to lahore for legal and administrative matters.
The naming should be purely administrative and not based around ethnic identity, so no Hazara province, Seraikistan, and so on.

If they do decide to make new provinces it should be done evenly, so for example if they make South Punjab, there should also be a North Punjab and Central Punjab (or some other local name) created too.
2 new provinces are urgently needed, Gilgit-Baltistan & Siraiki (south punjab) provinces are ready to move forward. punjab has gotten too big to be effectively managed, people living in southern punjab find it nearly impossible to go up to lahore for legal and administrative matters.
I agree, but we need to be careful not to label the province based on ethnicity, because that can have unintended consequences. Name should be South Punjab and not Siraiki province. We have to be careful not to emphasize ethnicity.

we don’t need to leave an inch for those that may exploit it for personal gain at the expense of the national good. Some people may feel they are superior just based on their ethnicity, and we have to prevent that mindset from gaining anymore traction.
I agree, but we need to be careful not to label the province based on ethnicity, because that can have unintended consequences. Name should be South Punjab and not Siraiki province. We have to be careful not to emphasize ethnicity.

we don’t need to leave an inch for those that may exploit it for personal gain at the expense of the national good. Some people may feel they are superior just based on their ethnicity, and we have to prevent that mindset from gaining anymore traction.
agreed. and there is an easy solution for this issue...just bring about an amendment in the constitution to rename ALL the provinces and give them Islamic ideology names instead of names based on ethnicities. no one would argue that. Everything would remain the same including administrative matters and what not, the only thing that would change is the name.
Having states without no ethnic identity is a recipe for under development....prime example being Uttar Pradesh in India...People won't feel a sense of belonging...Four natural divisions of Uttar Pradesh:


That corresponds to historical realities

Pakistan should not make the mistake of just geograhical markers for new states
Indian govt is ready to provide its expertise in states re-organization of Pakistan :D

Take the above in jest. Dont jump on me.
agreed. and there is an easy solution for this issue...just bring about an amendment in the constitution to rename ALL the provinces and give them Islamic ideology names instead of names based on ethnicities. no one would argue that. Everything would remain the same including administrative matters and what not, the only thing that would change is the name.

I like the sentiment, but diverting far from current place names also can become an issue that bogs down the country unnecessarily.

Also, we shouldn’t do to much too fast, as it can be disruptive to the lives of people and the smooth administration of government.

First we need to just make a South Punjab province and make it a model for the process of forming future provinces. Once we have a smooth run of this province and we see at least one full term of a government, we can consider other divisions. Too much too fast, will allow new corruption to slip through the cracks unnoticed.
Pakistan needs to undo what Gora britshit masters did to muslims land. But pakistanis are too dumb to realise this.
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