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The politics of riots in India


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The politics of riots in India
By Aakar Patel
Published: October 27, 2013


The writer is a columnist. He is also a former editor of the Mumbai-based English newspaper Mid Day and the Gujarati paper Divya Bhaskar aakar.patel@tribune.com.pk

The riots in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district, in which 62 Indians died (42 Muslim and 20 Hindu), will accrue to the benefit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

The violence came after skirmishing over the sexual harassment of a girl, which escalated into a conflict between Muslims and Jats that continued for days as the state struggled to put out the flames.

The reason that the rioting will work to the advantage of the BJP has to do with the nature of both, riots and voting. Community participation is a fact of the Indian riot, just as it is of voting. It is a disturbing fact, but it is true.

And we can demonstrate this through the events in Gujarat.

When a couple of years ago, courts finally began to convict the murderers of Gujarat’s 2002 riots, a remarkable fact emerged, which could be observed in the names of the convicted men. All the nine men guilty of murdering three Dawoodi Bohras in Malva Bhagol were Patels. All the 21 men convicted of a large massacre in the same village of Odh were found to be Patels. In Sardarpura village of Mehsana district, 31 men were jailed for the murder of 11 children, 17 women and five men. Of these murderers, 30 were Patels.

In another massacre in Dipda Darwaja area of Visnagar, the accused included BJP legislatorPrahlad Patel. The case was initially dropped after the police, under officer MK Patel, deliberately made a hash of investigations. Three women, all Patels, were accused of assisting in the killing.

Of the 20 men convicted in the case, 19 were Patels.

The Gujarati Hindutva movement is led by men like Praveen Togadia (who is a Patel) and Babu Bajrangi, also a Patel. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad in the state was controlled by Jaideep Patel.

The Patels are the dominant peasant caste of Gujarat and the equivalent of the Reddys in Andhra Pradesh, the Gowdas in Karnataka, the Jats in Punjab and Haryana, the Kurmis in Bihar and the Patils in Maharashtra.

Whenever there is violence between Hindus and Muslims, whether it is created by the BJP (as it did during the 1992 movement against the Babri Masjid) or through other events (ashappened with the riots in Gujarat), the result is a polarisation. The votes of the rioting Hindus tend to go to the BJP, while the Muslims look for a defensive option. In Gujarat, the caste that has put and kept the BJP in power for two decades is the Patidar community of the Patels. This caste dominates every BJP cabinet and Narendra Modi is actually the leader of the Patels, just as Mulayam Singh is the leader of Muslims in UP.

In Uttar Pradesh, the Jats, who are seething from the riots, will queue up behind the BJP in 2014. This will take the party over the top because it has already locked in the upper caste vote in the state. The addition of the Jat peasantry to its caste coalition will make the BJP the party to beat.

On the other hand, the Muslims will be terrified by the thought of Narendra Modi coming to power at the centre. The first thing they will do is abandon Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party, which they have been voting for, because it is pragmatic and can ally with the BJP.

The Congress might benefit because the Muslims will also be angry with their old friend Mulayam Singh, whose son is UP’s chief minister, for allowing the riot to escalate.

In all communal violence across India, 107 people died this year, of whom, 66 were Muslim and 41 Hindu. This is a small number given the size of India’s population and the scale of violence in the states surrounding it. But it is a divisive violence.

Even though the thought is unpleasant, the reality is that UP will vote along communal lines in the coming election, just as it did in the aftermath of the Babri Masjid’s demolition.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 27th, 2013.

source : http://tribune.com.pk/story/622898/the-politics-of-riots-in-india/
Jat vote might go to BJP but not sure that will be enough to bring them to power in UP. The riot was a local affair, did not even spread to other districts of UP.
Also, will jats of other states vote BJP in national election? I am not really sure, any jat here?
Jat vote might go to BJP but not sure that will be enough to bring them to power in UP. The riot was a local affair, did not even spread to other districts of UP.
Also, will jats of other states vote BJP in national election? I am not really sure, any jat here?
I think the Jats in UP are mainly concentrated in the riot affected areas and I'm sure news spreads quickly between the Panchayats.
Jat vote might go to BJP but not sure that will be enough to bring them to power in UP. The riot was a local affair, did not even spread to other districts of UP.
Also, will jats of other states vote BJP in national election? I am not really sure, any jat here?

So which sides Bongs like yourself are rooting for ? :undecided:

I hear that @Dillinger was one of the victims of the riots - He was made into a pinata & beaten silly till he started singing Marry Had a Little Lamb ! o_O
So which sides Bongs like yourself are rooting for ? :undecided:

I hear that @Dillinger was one of the victims of the riots - He was made into a pinata & beaten silly till he started singing Marry Had a Little Lamb ! o_O

No! They made me listen to the Backstreet Boys! :(
So which sides Bongs like yourself are rooting for ? :undecided:

I hear that @Dillinger was one of the victims of the riots - He was made into a pinata & beaten silly till he started singing Marry Had a Little Lamb ! o_O
you have not exhausted your list yet, few months earlier I was a south Indian.... lolz
am not rooting for either side, BJP is not that different from congress. But I quite like the idea of regime change at regular interval otherwise the politicians become complacent
Personality wise, I hate rahul more than I hate Modi, so this election, I support BJP.
This is classic 'secular' thinking.

Hindus riot when they feel insecure by the divisive policies of the minority appeasement government.

They then vote for BJP because BJP is the ONLY party that is seen as being sympathetic to the Hindu cause and fights to protect the Hindus.

When Riots happen in UP under SP govt. and a congress center, it is the BJP and RSS fault.

When Riots happen in Assam under Congress govt. , it is still the BJP and RSS fault.

When Riots happen when muslim mob burn women and children in Godhra, it is BJP and RSS fault.

When riots happen in any state which is ruled by congress and Non BJP parties, it is still BJP and RSS fault.

Indian 'secular' politics, the Theater of the Absurd. And story how a bunch of fools continue to defy all logic and buy into the most convenient story line day after day. :sick:
what a moronic and one sided article.

Its more of a Hindu and BJP bashing than anything else. Are there only Hindu vs Muslim riots happening in India. Come to Uttar Pradesh and he can see what are real riots. As, a matter of fact at place where Muslims are dominant you will find riots happening for whatever reasons. Most of the times the riots are more of Muslims vs Police rather than Muslims vs Hindus. The same old mentality of 1000 years of reign over India and Muslim being superior to Hindus comes to fore, and these Muslims show complete dis-regards to the law. This complete dis-regard to law is visible from the smallest incidents as hooliganism on Shab-e-Barat up to incidents like Land grabbing forcefully or grabbing Govt tenders.

As for the article, what riots did Bihar, Madhya Pradesh or Goa see before the installation of BJP govts in those respective states, and how come BJP has such a small base in Assam when the author believes that riots are the only way for BJP to get into power. I agree, it does help in polarization up to a certain extent but its never enough to win votes and it help only when the incumbent govt. is extremely pathetic in its workings.

Yes UP will vote for BJP but not because of Muzzafarnagar but due to bad governance of Shri Akhilesh Yadav and his cohorts, who are only involved in divisive politics and nepotism. This height of nepotism where certain police stations are only manned by "Yadavs" or the "Muslims" and these people further this nepotism by not being impartial in case of criminal investigations, furthering the divide among various communities.

Indians are fed up of this dirty politics and its time for a change from this kind of politics and if the BJP cant change it then they will too be thrown out of power.

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