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The Plight of the Adivasis, Indian State Terrorism & the Moist Rebellion

^ very true these areas located in the red corridor were not even ruled by the British technically speaking because they never colonized the Adivasis and considered them rebels these people are from the most backwards parts of India these people are comparable to rain forest people they live in jungles and forests and do not make contact with the outside world Punjab is one of India's best developed states yet people still get gas for there stoves in big red cylinders every week and they rely on pumps from wells for water as well not a city owned sink that distributes water with no water borne diseases or any kind of poisons/toxins

these areas need proper representation and development they're practically living in the stone age
^^ The apologists for Maoists must consider the fact that GoI does not hold any magic wand to bring progress on fine morning. Also GoI also has its own priorities. The places that contribute more to the National economy gets more resource allocation. These tribal areas contribute nothing to the National exchequer in terms of productivity, but they expect massive funds for development and at the same time is not ready to give up the mineral wealth. Even if the government brings development, some 'human rights organizations' whine about how the indigenous culture of these tribals are being lost to modernity. It sickens me, that these 'human rights organizations' along with their Maoist buddies are conspiring to keep 8% of the Indian population under perpetual poverty.These tribals should be dragged to 21st century by hook or by crook.
^^^ i agree with your perspective on that but let me just say that the land the maoists occupy with the large adivasi (tribal) population holds large wealth due to the fact there is a lot of natural resources in those areas and they're addition can add to the Indian economy and help prosper the people that live in those areas but the maoist armed fighters need to be removed in order for development to ensue

the Indian gov't need to add socio-economic development as one of its priorities we need to make good use to rural and urban development ministries

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

^^^ i agree with your perspective on that but let me just say that the land the maoists occupy with the large adivasi (tribal) population holds large wealth due to the fact there is a lot of natural resources in those areas and they're addition can add to the Indian economy and help prosper the people that live in those areas but the maoist armed fighters need to be removed in order for development to ensue

the Indian gov't need to add socio-economic development as one of its priorities we need to make good use to rural and urban development ministries

with rural getting precedence over urban due to the fact majority of the population live in rural village areas the government must develop the poorest and most backwards areas first then the poorly developed to moderately developed to highly developed areas afterwards we must add more people to our middle class and get them out poverty this has to be a priority to many people suffer from hunger and poverty it should change once and for all
^^^ i agree with your perspective on that but let me just say that the land the maoists occupy with the large adivasi (tribal) population holds large wealth due to the fact there is a lot of natural resources in those areas and they're addition can add to the Indian economy and help prosper the people that live in those areas but the maoist armed fighters need to be removed in order for development to ensue

the Indian gov't need to add socio-economic development as one of its priorities we need to make good use to rural and urban development ministries

True, but the Tribals themselves are not ready to give up the mineral wealth. For the progress of the nation sacrifices had to be made by every Indian (My family already gave up some land for a Govt project, so I think that gives me right to take the moral highground).

You cannot expect to have the Govt invest massive amounts of funds to bring development without you giving something in return.
^ exactly which is why govt should continue operations to use the mineral wealth while at the same time reimbursing the people there with jobs development etc
Is there any estimate to how many Maoist/Naxalites are in the country? Considering they control and influence many districts and areas in EH it is likely their numbers are relatively high.
Is there any estimate to how many Maoist/Naxalites are in the country? Considering they control and influence many districts and areas in EH it is likely their numbers are relatively high.

estimates range from 70,000 to more than 150,000 thousand maoist fighters located across eastern India relatively the red corridor near the bay of bengal areas the largest concentration of maoist forces lie in Chattisgarh then after that is Jharkhand and Bihar

in recent years development has started in these areas and some of the people there have been able to avoid living under BPL
estimates range from 70,000 to more than 150,000 thousand maoist fighters located across eastern India relatively the red corridor near the bay of bengal areas the largest concentration of maoist forces lie in Chattisgarh then after that is Jharkhand and Bihar

in recent years development has started in these areas and some of the people there have been able to avoid living under BPL

I think you also added the Maoist sympathizers. I heard the frontline force consists of around 10,000 fighters only.
^ yeah large amounts of the populations under moaist control often fight with the maoists
there is nothing called maoist control except for few jungles and the villages nearby i remember few years ago the maoist move freely in the subdivisons of jharkhand and police knowinly doing nothing now the scenario have changed even their assets in subdivisons have fled to jungles due to crpf fear i don't think their total force is more than few thousand that also taking only 10-20% are hardcore rest are forced to join them there is absolutly no sympathy for them as htey move on killing people who oppose them creating a hatred toward them
Who are the "Adivasis"... and how are they different from other Indians?

In the documentary in the OP, they interviewed some Adivasis, and they said that they face a lot of discrimination, and cannot get jobs, and so cannot afford to feed their families. According to the Adivasis who were interviewed, they fight the Indian state, because they will die either way.
Who are the "Adivasis"... and how are they different from other Indians?

In the documentary in the OP, they interviewed some Adivasis, and they said that they face a lot of discrimination, and cannot get jobs, and so cannot afford to feed their families. According to the Adivasis who were interviewed, they fight the Indian state, because they will die either way.

Its another name for Tribals, who depends on forest for their livelihood.
Its another name for Tribals, who depends on forest for their livelihood.

The documentary said they are the "original inhabitants" of India?

Can you tell who is an Adivasi, by looking/talking to them?
I think we need to shift to a qualitative approach. The only reason for non-compliance is discontent. So basically, you take the element of discontent out of the people, they will comply. On this naxal uprising thing, I think the Govt of India should have promised and delivered a rehabilitation package ensuring them a bright future. Hell, give them land, give them money, give them schools, give them hospitals, give them anything they need to start over. Those are our people and we are going to make money out of the mineral reserves anyway. The amount of money to be shelled out should not be an issue here. But when Corruption kicks in, it is a different picture altogether.

---------- Post added at 01:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 PM ----------

The documentary said they are the "original inhabitants" of India?

Can you tell who is an Adivasi, by looking/talking to them?

Not really.
They are the Indian analogue of Amish people
The documentary said they are the "original inhabitants" of India?

Can you tell who is an Adivasi, by looking/talking to them?

they are the indigenous peoples of India they have been around for thousands of years they were once uncontacted peoples who became adjoined with civilized people when India became a republic because the British left there territory under the rule of the Indian gov't the British themselves could not govern the Adivasis because they were uncontacted peoples before the British came and integration with civilized people has been tough for them as they face discrimination due to many backwards customs most of the Adivasis belong to the scheduled castes/ scheduled tribes of India which in other words are the Dalit peoples or the untouchables these Adivasis are at the bottom of the social ladder the area they live in was not controlled by one empire since the time of Ashoka the great and now the Indian gov't has full sovereignty over them

in my opinion i think the Tribal areas in which the Adivasis live in should be given autonomy and they should get there areas (which are some of the most backwards and underdeveloped and the poorest) to be developed

adding on feudalism exists in the Tribal areas so it adds to the challenging nature of civilizing the adivasis btw there is only one uncontacted peoples left in India and they are the people that live on North Sentinel island of the Andaman and Nicobar islands
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