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The Palestinians are a lesser race than Ukrainians

All none Europeans except many Indians believe that this is factual and wrong. Only some Indians place themselves as the household servant class, one step below Europeans, while one step above all other none Europeans.

this explains the behaviors of many Indians online.
All none Europeans except many Indians believe that this is factual and wrong.

China hasn't sanctioned Israel either. I'm not sure sitting on your hands and then jumping up and pointing them at others is a great excuse.
China hasn't sanctioned Israel either. I'm not sure sitting on your hands and then jumping up and pointing them at others is a great excuse.

what China does is their business. And they didn’t sanction Russia. The point is that many Indians espouse the European superior view that other none Europeans would not have. And this might stem from the caste views. Are you an Indian? Or are you defending your household slaves?

For those who have actual intellect and faith in God within their hearts, are able to see how obscenely duplicitous Western policies are toward the world. They talk of "Crimes against Humanity" in Ukraine, yet they bombed and destroyed Libya, without authorization from the United Nations Security Council.

And when they (the West) talk of "Rule based Order" in the world,
they disregard and threaten sanctions against the International Criminal Court of Justice, when the latter intends to initiate proceedings on death of innocent Afghans in America's 20 year war and occupation of the country.

Their (the West) Secretary of State goes on air and laughs about the death of Libyan leader in words, "
We came, we saw, he died." After which, in Britain & Europe they complain about refugees. But hey, no complaints when those refugees are Ukrainian, who just happen to be White Europeans that hate Russia.

They (the West) thump their chests, proclaiming to be champions of freedom and democracy. Yet they have
pumped massive military and financial aid to a genocidal, apartheid state of Israel, who has massacred Palestinians and stolen their lands under the proclamation that God gave them (Jews) this land (Palestine/Holy-Land). And when Palestinians fight back to defend themselves and their lands, they are labelled as terrorists. You know, just like Kiev labelled Donbass as terrorists.

Their (the West) virtue signaling is one that has a rotten core, whose stench is only detected by those that believe in God. So those who vigorously defend the West, are either ignorant or condone the West's duplicitous policies, knowingly. These are the ones whom the independent world must watch like hawks and deter from spreading their hypocrisy and lies.

The ROT & STENCH of Western duplicity and lies, laid bare for the world (who has eyes with which) to see.
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Which is why us Pakistanis need to start caring about other Pakistanis/Kashmiris as NO-ONE else will.
Yup, I see so many be sharam and baighairat Pakistanis who never show the plight of Kashmiris but of Ukrainians, Syrians, Palestinians, Afghans, Libyan, etc. Although I feel bad for all those nationalities who suffered, but what about Kashmiris, which is the oldest dispute in the world and facing genocide? Zero percent Pakistanis seen showcasing Kashmiri plight in the media, Twitter, Fb and even here at pdf.
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