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Shameful - Pakistan, Turkey, Bangaldesh and other Muslims countries

How much more powerful?

Is this a matter of power or just a lack of spine?
Certainly. The interests of these nation-states come into play. Israel would certainly oppose Iran acquiring nuclear weapons. However, would Pakistan be comfortable with Iran possessing nuclear arms? Will the Arab world be receptive to a nuclear-armed Iran? If Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, several Muslim countries might lend their support to Israel's potential military action against Iran.
How much more powerful?

Is this a matter of power or just a lack of spine?

Indonesia for example is projected to be among 4 biggest economy in 2045 based on nominal GDP calculation, for PPP basis we have already 7 largest in the world, currently we have the second fastest growth in G20. Turkey will likely grow faster as well if they can manage their inflation problem. Iran economy is still in difficult position but their technology in missile and UCAV is extra ordinary while Turkey is in the front in term of engine and electronics really advanced. Pakistan will likely be able to solve their economic problem and will be able to keep their nuclear power deterrence.

Future propulsion system is battery and Indonesia is currently having big plan on it and has already had huge investment whether domestic and foreign (mostly from China and Korea) from entire supply chain. Indian battery pack industry is rather assembling industry, unlike what Indonesia is currently doing of whole end to end supply chain starting from the mining site. In the future, missile, UCAV, will likely be powered by battery as well as it is very silence

Others are also growing and OIC economy is already much ahead of India.

More powerful OIC will give more weight to push Israel to end the occupation of Palestine. Two state solution is the only answer. Anyway both Islam, Judaism, and Christian are one family under Ibrahim/Abraham branch who later split
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You should of mentioned the neighbours of Palestine such
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, lebanon, Jordan. what are these
Countries doing to help the Palestinians?
You should of mentioned the neighbours of Palestine such
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, lebanon, Jordan. what are these
Countries doing to help the Palestinians?
Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Countries just want to do business. They don't care. They were never into this conflict.

Syria and Lebanon are cousins of Palestinians but they are made weak economically

Jordan is ruled by a half Englishman...

Egypt is the only logical Arab nation that could lend support. It has a decent military size, a religious population and the most populated Arab country who once championed Arab nationalism. But the ruling class is corrupt as fck.
Egypt is the only logical Arab nation that could lend support. It has a decent military size, a religious population and the most populated Arab country who once championed Arab nationalism. But the ruling class is corrupt as fck.

Egypt has an American puppet Sissi in charge, it is just
like Pakistan. The ruling class worship America.
Egypt has an American puppet Sissi in charge, it is just
like Pakistan. The ruling class worship America.
Pakistan has so many issues I don't know where to start but the root of all those issues is a fundamental mindset problem
Isn't it disheartening that these nations only show lip service on international venues and platforms when Palestinians are being killed while they are at war rather than actually assisting them?

Can they only offer LIP services?

Can they go against the United States and Israel?

Will they do anything for Palestinians, or will they just cry like crocodiles in the end?

This is their chance to demonstrate their concern for Palestine, and if they are unable to, they should stop producing such dramas in the future.

They need support, as the same way Ukrainians are getting from other countries
I don't know about other countries, But Pakistani govt had stopped the lip service too, look at their statement, they even didn't used the term Occupying forces, which was a norm until now.
Pakistan Army has killed more fellow Muslims than Indian.

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