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This was the true Pakistani Islam, not the Saudi crap we practice today.
i have to agree with you, those times had modesty as is clearly visible by the PIA's air hostesses uniform, now its just "ALL HAIL THE BLACK BURKA, IT IS A DRESS SENT FROM THE HEAVENS, THOSE WHO DO NOT WEAR IT ARE BOUND TO ETERNAL HELL"

So are you telling me that Quaid E Azam wasn't secular himself ??


Quaid E Azam's parsi wife.



none of these photos show secularism, his wife accepted Islam before marriage so stop spreading this dis information bs, and the last speech which gave everyone freedom was 100% in accordance with Islam, if you are calling Mr Jinnah secular then you are labeling Islam as secular
Apart from those PIA and old Karachi snaps nothing out of the ordinary....
As for these old party scenes this is nothing plenty of rave parties in Islamabad if you know the right people !
Shut your mouth little man. No Pakistani stewardess wears black burka. Granted that most of them are old and unattractive, they still wear uniform. Don't spread misinformation. When was the last time you have been on a flight in PIA?
WTF? you are obviously very bad at understanding sarcasm..............
none of these photos show secularism, his wife accepted Islam before marriage so stop spreading this dis information bs, and the last speech which gave everyone freedom was 100% in accordance with Islam, if you are calling Mr Jinnah secular then you are labeling Islam as secular
Many people are allergic to this term 'secularism'. Its means nothing but separation of state and religious affairs. No, its not propagation of liberalism and nudity in disguise. If Quaid was an Islamist, he would have tasked some known Mullah of the time to head the First Islamic Department of Pakistan. Rather he chose a Jewish Rabbi convert to Islam for the task:
One of the first steps taken by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, within days of Pakistan's creation, was to establish the Department of Islamic Reconstruction (DIR) in Lahore in August 1947, with the ultimate objective “to help our community to reconstruct its life on Islamic lines.” In this regard, Jinnah appointed Asad as the DIR's first Director. The DIR was tasked by Jinnah with four primary objectives: (i) drafting of Pakistan's first Constitution; (ii) proposing the framework of Pakistan's economic system; (iii) proposing the framework of Pakistan's education system and (iv) proposing the framework of Pakistan's social system, all along Islamic lines
JInnah, Asad and the Department of Islamic Reconstruction - UNSECULAR JINNAH

So Jinnah was neither a secular like the West, and he wasn't an Islamist like Saudi and Iran. He was something in between.
The problem with most of you guys is that you keep blaming others for the gross incompetence of your leaders.
It is relatively fair blame when some of your own are admitting to some stuff....

It is also relatively fair when "you guys: blame Pakistan for even a sneeze heard above the frequency you are used to...

And there is no denying that "you people" went ahead with bombs so we had to follow pace

There is also no denying that "you people" do stuff in Baluchistan, MQM with india and then you wonder why you can be termed itchy?

That's the easiest thing to do. Just put a tag on all your failures to the proverbial 'foreign hands' notably Afghanistan, India, Israel, Iran and the U.S. so that no one is held accountable for their shenanigans.
Maybe you failed to read the 1st part of my post and only quoted the part that interested you....I did blame the politicians FIRST then you lot which is not deniable! MQM and Baluchistan
Many people are allergic to this term 'secularism'. Its means nothing but separation of state and religious affairs. No, its not propagation of liberalism and nudity in disguise. If Quaid was an Islamist, he would have tasked some known Mullah of the time to head the First Islamic Department of Pakistan. Rather he chose a Jewish Rabbi convert to Islam for the task:

JInnah, Asad and the Department of Islamic Reconstruction - UNSECULAR JINNAH

So Jinnah was neither a secular like the West, and he wasn't an Islamist like Saudi and Iran. He was something in between.
and that something in between is called a Muslim
Lol overly itchy neighbours.

Apart from India, we're the cause for bothering Afghanistan. Did we not try to make it out fifth province?

Looks like someone didn't study history at all.
1) So you think our neighbours dont get itchy fingers every now and then?

2) We prob did try to take Afghanistan but it also has done enough crap because our border with it is open.....its refugees are on our soil forever and despite that say crap about us...I have nothing against them...I feel for them...But itchy fingers needs to stop!
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