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Actually it's the Pakistan army and the ISI which are responsible for the current horrible state of Pakistan ....they have plundered Pakistanis and PAKISTAN AS A WHOLE.....there is lot of corruption in Pak army but nothing ever comes out.... and if anybody tries to expose Pak army, he or she gets brutally killed.....Pak army and ISI officials are super rich and they live like kings....Pak army and ISI have turned Pakistan into an islamic terrorist state for their own benefit... Pakistanis should face this reality....Death to Pak Army and the ISI
@waz @Horus @Oscar

Please take care of this false flagger.
hey idiot.
Please you dont need to prove that your up[bringing it from gutters, it is quite evident from your post

you are just another blind Pak army follower...why do you turn a blind eye to what the pak army and the ISI have done so far in Pakistan....they have killed thousands of innocent Balochis,Mohajirs across Pakistan....they have looted this country...there is rampant corruption in Pak army....there are mass murderers in Pak army....Pak army officials grab expensive plots across Pakistan...they live lavishly in Bungalows...they wine and dine...they have relations with prostitutes...they do every wrong thing in the name of Islam....I know this inside-out...this is the real picture of Pak army....unfortunately the truth about Pak army and the ISI never comes out because everybody fears for his life

hey idiot....you must be a son of a corrupt and coward pakistan army officer
@Jango @Jungibaaz please take care of this low life false flagger
Actually it's the Pakistan army and the ISI which are responsible for the current horrible state of Pakistan ....they have plundered Pakistanis and PAKISTAN AS A WHOLE.....there is lot of corruption in Pak army but nothing ever comes out.... and if anybody tries to expose Pak army, he or she gets brutally killed.....Pak army and ISI officials are super rich and they live like kings....Pak army and ISI have turned Pakistan into an islamic terrorist state for their own benefit... Pakistanis should face this reality....Death to Pak Army and the ISI
Looking at your first post at PDF,I doubt you are gonna have a long stay here
Its haram!

Millions of muslims living in secular countries should be declared infidels and all weapons, books, equipment, money, and even the knowledge emanating from secular countries should be declared unacceptable.

No picking and choosing.

When all muslim sects cannot agree upon a system that can provide an alternative order, criticizing secularism is futile.
"If you dont know where you are going, any path will get you there."
This is what I can infer from the debate.
Millions of muslims living in secular countries should be declared infidels and all weapons, books, equipment, money, and even the knowledge emanating from secular countries should be declared unacceptable.

This is your fatwa, not ours. Secularism, democracy, is not an Islamic system. I have already posted verses supporting this. However, please ask any Sunni Braveli Scholar and the ruling is as I said.

Where does Allah say we can't seek knowledge, equipment from the kuffar? When we were a super power did they not send their scholars to Andalusia to seek knowledge from us?

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (Surah Al-Hujara v13)

When all muslim sects cannot agree upon a system that can provide an alternative order, criticizing secularism is futile.

No Sunni school differs on the Sharia. Period! I should open a thread as it seems like people have this ignorant idea that Sharia was not around. It was around for 1300 years up and till 1924.

My sincere request to anyone, please don't make statements that have no Islamic substance. It is the same as someone who doesn't do salaah and makes excuses. And Allah knows best!

Just in Pakistan, or the Middle East, or all over the world? Are you willing to accept that there can be diversity of beliefs or systems for the vast numbers of humanity that are not Muslims?

I'm a Pakistan and hence only talking about here. Islam gives rights to all beliefs and those who are not Muslims. Again, I find this rather strange people keep talking about Sharia as if it was never implemented. Sharia has been around for over 1435 years and for over 1300 years up and till 1924 there was an Islamic State.

Another matter that puzzles me greatly; Pakistan the land of the pure is majority Muslim and we're led by a MINORITY. No one bothers to ask the MAJORITY what they want? When we talk about Sharia, we somehow have to jump through hoops for the minorities.

Again my suggestion to all is, please read up on Islamic law in particular during the time of Khilafathul-Umar ibn Khathab radi'Allahu-an.

So lets stop this fear mongering and move forward as a NATION: MUSLIMS and NON-MUSLIMS together!

P.S The ruling system that we have now, the Muslims rights are not protected and neither are the non-Muslims rights.
This is your fatwa, not ours. Secularism, democracy, is not an Islamic system. I have already posted verses supporting this. However, please ask any Sunni Braveli Scholar and the ruling is as I said.

Where does Allah say we can't seek knowledge, equipment from the kuffar? When we were a super power did they not send their scholars to Andalusia to seek knowledge from us?

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (Surah Al-Hujara v13)

No Sunni school differs on the Sharia. Period! I should open a thread as it seems like people have this ignorant idea that Sharia was not around. It was around for 1300 years up and till 1924.

My sincere request to anyone, please don't make statements that have no Islamic substance. It is the same as someone who doesn't do salaah and makes excuses. And Allah knows best!

One does not issue Fatwas, it is the prerogative of countless muftis. And of course the mere mentioning of Sunni-Brelvi sect proves ones point.

Other sects and sub sects will disagree on democracy as it has nothing to do with secularism.

Seeking equipment and knowledge from the secular societies and condemning the very system that hastened their origin is hypocritical.

In islam, it is mentioned not to ally witht them which carries a broader meaning that is not to arm oneself of their weapons as their weapons cannot be used against them.

No Sunni school differs on the Sharia. Period! I should open a thread as it seems like people have this ignorant idea that Sharia was not around. It was around for 1300 years up and till 1924.

Once again mentioning of a particular sect proves the point once again. Others will resist.

Up till 1924, Sharia existed? So what happened? Should we blame that system? Muslims in general came under worst colonization, civil wars under the described period. Why? and hence never recovered.

Absolutly illogical, just because some kings declare themselves guardians of shariah, it does not mean shariah has been implemented.

There are many many different interpretations in sects and then sub sects and people have been using this for politics.

West had a similar problem. They found a way to go around it. If you have a better system that is agreed upon and is implementable, bring it.
So lets stop this fear mongering and move forward as a NATION: MUSLIMS and NON-MUSLIMS together!

Fear mongering? Are you sure that anyone not subscribing to radical views like yours are feeling particularly safe in Pakistan these days? Would you please explain to me how Islamic law during the time of Umar bin Khatab could possibly have remained relevant to the 21st century without serious overhauling?
Only if said laws violate human dignity. Why would you need 4 male witnesses as a evidence against rape?

And who told you this? 4 witnesses are necessary for ADULTERY, not rape! Please talk to about matters you have no knowledge of.
And who told you this? 4 witnesses are necessary for ADULTERY, not rape! Please talk to about matters you have no knowledge of.
What's the difference between rape and adultery? If someone is raped and files the report, she is immediately arrested for failing to provide 4 male witnesses.
Sunni-Brelvi sect proves ones point.

Sunni jamat.
Braveli = Sufi thareefka, not sect, or sub sect.

Seeking equipment and knowledge from the secular societies and condemning the very system that hastened their origin is hypocritical.

Refer to my last post for answer.

In islam, it is mentioned not to ally witht them which carries a broader meaning that is not to arm oneself of their weapons as their weapons cannot be used against them.

Source please!

Up till 1924, Sharia existed? So what happened? Should we blame that system? Muslims in general came under worst colonization, civil wars under the described period. Why? and hence never recovered.

Attacked from 3 fronts.

Absolutly illogical, just because some kings declare themselves guardians of shariah, it does not mean shariah has been implemented.

KINGS??? That is an oxymora statement with reference to Sharia. We don't have monarchy in Islam. There is NO sharia on Earth at this point in time.

Fear mongering? Are you sure that anyone not subscribing to radical views like yours are feeling particularly safe in Pakistan these days? Would you please explain to me how Islamic law during the time of Umar bin Khatab could possibly have remained relevant to the 21st century without serious overhauling?

Yes, fear mongering of Islam.

I am a proud Muslim and do not waiver to name calling. Radicals are the ones who are imposing their beliefs on a MAJORITY Muslim country!

What part of the covenant of Umar (radi'Allahu-an) is not relevant to day?

What's the difference between rape and adultery? If someone is raped and files the report, she is immediately arrested for failing to provide 4 male witnesses.

When you have worked out the difference between rape (non consensual intercourse) and adultery (married consensual intercourse to someone other than your Nikkah) then we can talk further.

You wrote: ''she is immediately arrested for failing to provide 4 male witnesses''

Please give me evidences from the Sharia for what you say?
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