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Madaris love doing discreetly. Of course the awam rejects their mandate over and over again.

Why discreetly? You are falsely saying the Madaris objective is to take over the country then why would we care what the awam thinks?

What totally illogical statements you make! Sufis have NO interest of power. It is our obligation to tell the people about Islam and Sharia.
What are we gonna do with that unless its implementable today?
We strive for it. There is no alternative to it> the process has to go otherwise, either western or so called failed Islamic shariah which hardly have one or two islamic rules.
No it wasn't! The Sharia was up and til 1924!
Ottoman Caliphate was hardly Shariah-based. Check up your facts:

A new paper shows 18th- and 19th-century Ottoman rulers decriminalised homosexuality and promoted women's education
The Ottoman empire's secular history undermines sharia claims | Tehmina Kazi | Comment is free | The Guardian

We strive for it. There is no alternative to it> the process has to go otherwise, either western or so called failed Islamic shariah which hardly have one or two islamic rules.
You could always try Chinese system of justice. Its neither Western or Islamic, but it works.
You could always try Chinese system of justice. Its neither Western or Islamic, but it works.
The problem with some people over is here that, they islamic system as the current one or the one that was failed by the lust for power and greed Abbasiids and ottomans.

As i said trouble started when when we moved from Khilfat to mulkiyat.
As i said trouble started when when we moved from Khilfat to mulkiyat.
Its impossible to join 22 Arab states into one, and people like you believe in fairy tales that they are gonna join 1.6 billion people into one caliphate. Its not gonna work, not now, never in the future.
Its impossible to join 22 Arab states into one, and people like you believe in fairy tales that they are gonna join 1.6 billion people into one caliphate. Its not gonna work, not now, never in the future.

It doesnt work, doesnt mean it would never.

Arabs after the khilafat have fought amongst themselves, their allegiance is to their throne not to Islam as claimed.

Whatever is phorpescied in Quran will occur later, so I or you for that matter cant deny based on the limited knowledge we have

It doesnt work, doesnt mean it would never.

Arabs after the khilafat have fought amongst themselves, their allegiance is to their throne not to Islam as claimed.

Whatever is phorpescied in Quran will occur later, so I or you for that matter cant deny based on the limited knowledge we have

There is no prophecy of Caliphate in Islam for the latter days. Unless there is khilafat ala minhaj ul nabuwat.
Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah): Prediction about Re-establishment of Khilafat & Last Wish of Quaid-e-Azam
Ottoman Caliphate was hardly Shariah-based. Check up your facts:

The Ottoman empire's secular history undermines sharia claims | Tehmina Kazi | Comment is free | The Guardian

You could always try Chinese system of justice. Its neither Western or Islamic, but it works.

That beautifully illustrates my point.

A man came to nabi as'salaathu was'salaam; ''You appointed such-and-such person and you did not appoint me?" The Prophet said, "After me you will see rulers not giving you your right (but you should give them their right) and be patient till you meet me." Narrated Usaid bin Hudair

Please read up on their history. The Ottomans decline did not happen over night. The Sharia as a LEGAL ruling system was abolished in 1924 by Shaythan Kamal! When it was abolished it was Sharia only by name, however that is the saying as Muslim who does NOT do namaz. The institutions of the Caliphate were there, but the leader was crooked. There was ALWAYS a chance it would have reverted back to Islam, but they killed it! Again, please read up on their history!

This is a lesson for Pakistan as well; the Ottomans abandoned their Islamic principles(wanted to be Europeans) and Allah destroyed them. The Ottoman Scholars were rounded up and killed when they challenged Kamal the devil. Pakistan has abandoned it's culture and adopted gora clothing and mindset. How long do we have?
This is a lesson for Pakistan as well; the Ottomans abandoned their Islamic principles(wanted to be Europeans) and Allah destroyed them. The Ottoman Scholars were rounded up and killed when they challenged Kamal the devil. Pakistan has abandoned it's culture and adopted gora clothing and mindset. How long do we have?

Turkey became one of the most progressive Muslim nations when they killed their Mullahs. When is that gonna happen in Pakistan? :lol:
Turkey became one of the most progressive Muslim nations when they killed their Mullahs. When is that gonna happen in Pakistan? :lol:

British Prime Minister Henry Bannerman in 1906: “There are people (the Muslims) who control spacious territories teeming with manifest and hidden resources. They dominate the intersections of world routes. Their lands were the cradles of human civilizations and religions. These people have one faith, one language, one history and the same aspirations. No natural barriers can isolate these people from one another … if, per chance, this nation were to be unified into one state; it would then take the fate of the world into its hands and would separate Europe from the rest of the world. Taking these considerations seriously, a foreign body should be planted in the heart of this nation to prevent the convergence of its wings in such a way that it could exhaust its powers in never-ending wars. It could also serve as a springboard for the West to gain its coveted objects.”
Turkey became one of the most progressive Muslim nations when they killed their Mullahs. When is that gonna happen in Pakistan? :lol:

Right now it is the Mullahs and their rabid followers killing the Pakistanis. What does that tell you?
Turkey became one of the most progressive Muslim nations when they killed their Mullahs. When is that gonna happen in Pakistan? :lol:

This was bound to happen hijacking of Islam By so called Mullah, is the reason why the system couldn't work.

They think just by reading quran and become local imam in masjid, they have become scholars.

But when you ask them question based on scientific evidence, (which can be provided as there are in quran)

They become clueless, and the best they do is label you as murtid or blasphemous, while they themselves pay usury or receive state funding which has a clear element of usury. They will go silent on it .

When it is clearly written in Quran, that one who takes Usury has called on war with me. ( if i am getting it right)

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