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Featured The Other Two Pakistani Sticks That Forced India Into Submission

My dear Pakistani's, don't waste your time arguing with brainless pajeets.
It's not that they don't know, they choose to remain ignorant and stupid, respect their right to remain as they were born.
No amount of internet or information is ever going to change their sorry state of stupidity.

After going through this thread I’ve come to the conclusion that the two other sticks aren’t H-4 or REK, but ones still stuck up their butts after surprise day.
He has access to the upper most echelons of the Indian military and make no mistake about it, they are listening to him.
Makes zero difference when the upper echelons lie to themselves and live their lies.
I think a similar kind of "Brain Busting" weapon was dropped on your head that took out your brain but sadly you are still standing with your brainless CHAWLIAN

If you think I'm Indian and it irritates you, do continue to wallow in that thought. :enjoy:

The claim by Indians is that they used a bunker-busting type of weapon, spice 2000. It typically keeps the building standing, and implodes to kill humans inside.
What weapon is mounted on the Mirage on the left?

View attachment 724075
Cluster Bomb Units (CBU)

My dear Pakistani's, don't waste your time arguing with brainless pajeets.
It's not that they don't know, they choose to remain ignorant and stupid, respect their right to remain as they were born.
No amount of internet or information is ever going to change their sorry state of stupidity.
They are actually smart and wasting Pakistani time with moving targets and tangential trolling. Just reporting them is enough.
You can imagine my flags to be whatever, a flag will not change this new narrative about those old images.

and your other frankly crazy narrative that the Indian airforce would fly behind/ take cover behind civilian airlines. Why would they need to? ...and you have not shown any proof
Cowardly Indians who put civilians on jeeps to prevent fire from freedom fighters are capable of doing anything dastardly and cowardly.

Three REKs didn't even explode. Ask the Chinese to send quality stuff.

A nation that is a habitual, compulsive liar, shall not be believed. So post links and make counter-claims till the cows come home ......... pun intended! :azn:
Actually, Indians have so far pushed Pakistanis to the point that now no one bothers to remind them about the reality but I will have to give it to Indians for being consistent in lying while failing miserably to make a point due to thousands of new lies to cover the previous ones. Man... PAF was supposed to hit trees in tit for tat manners but it was the IAF that made it score 2 kills in the air on top.
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