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Featured The Other Two Pakistani Sticks That Forced India Into Submission

You need to do some home work before delivering any judgements.
Had you seen the actual footage of bomb being guided into the target and then swayed away from any infrastructure to exploded in some adjacent vegetation, then you would understand the intention behind the exercise.
And Pak air space wasn't closed for any economic leverage.....the Indians tried to sneak in an attack aircraft in the shadows of their civil airliner.....for a hit and run tactic.....it was detected and forced to flee.
Pakistan couldn't risk hitting a bandit and putting the airliner in danger.

Dude, you can only convince those with a predisposition to take anything the internet says about those images.

To the rest with a wee bit of common sense mixed in - they will see my point.

1. nobody knows what location this taken from
2. those images are fake narratives because no bomb would have had that effect we see in your images-
No crater, color is off; treelines don't show a pattern if a bomb of the magnitude you said was dropped would do, no dark scars on the forest bed. You have a better chance of your other claim that the Russians are selling SU35 to you folks coming true than this being what you say it is, my man

My comment on airspace was about why it was closed for 6 months. your theory is so absurd.. to say that Indians would risk PAF shooting down a civilian airliner? o_O
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Dude, you can only convince those with a predisposition to take anything the internet says about those images.

To the rest with a wee bit of common sense mixed in - they will see my point. 1. nobody knows what location this taken from 2. those images are fake narratives because no bomb would have had that effect we see in your images .

No crater, color is off; treelines don't show a pattern if a bomb of the magnitude you said was dropped would do, no dark scars on the forest bed. You have a better chance of your other claim that the Russians are selling SU35 to you folks coming true than this being what you say it is, my man

My comment on airspace was about why it was closed for 6 months. your theory is so absurd.. to say that Indians would risk PAF shooting down a civilian airliner? o_O
Even if you aren't keen to display your real flags.....i suggest you pause.....drink some cold water...pause and read my posts slowly.... since you aren't connecting at all and are just pressing the reply button.
Even if you aren't keen to display your real flags.....i suggest you pause.....drink some cold water...pause and read my posts slowly.... since you aren't connecting at all and are just pressing the reply button.

You can imagine my flags to be whatever, a flag will not change this new narrative about those old images.

and your other frankly crazy narrative that the Indian airforce would fly behind/ take cover behind civilian airlines. Why would they need to? ...and you have not shown any proof
There were Five Spice missiles used that day.

Four were deliberate miss at the last minute.

One did hit the Mujahid hostel and caused some half dozen deaths. End of the story.

Again the worst part was chances of escalation.
It was heaven sent luck that Abhinandan survived and if he was dead in India and Pakistan would have seen full scale war that year.

Pakistan understands this and that's why it released Abhinandan the next day. Pakistani MNA Ayaz shadik made that famous ' pair kanp rahe the ' statement in Pakistani parliament exposing the mood of that time.

Also why pakistan foreign ministers comes out with press conference saying India going to 'conduct a false flag'. We all know what he means.

So Pakistan better not try it's luck.

And that one was only you were able to see in your dreams because in reality all the neutral experts with their satellites couldn't see the damage caused by that one alleged hit

India mocked Pakistan over a surprise airstrike, but now it looks like an embarrassing failure

India’s strike on Balakot: a very precise miss?

Neutral experts are very clear. No bomb hit any madrasa structure and neither anyone died

Except that one unfortunate crow

Three REKs didn't even explode. Ask the Chinese to send quality stuff.
Moron. Pray to every God available in your secular constitution that PAF only ever fires warning shots and never ever chooses to actually bomb its targets.
One can see all the trees around that area have zero effect on their treeline if indeed a bomb was dropped and any ammo dump blew up.

PAF never said they hit an ammo dump

With your current flags you shouldn't make such dumb claims that are naturally meant only for Indians

It makes more obvious you are an indian if it isn't already
My comment on airspace was about why it was closed for 6 months. your theory is so absurd.. to say that Indians would risk PAF shooting down a civilian airliner? o_O

Well you tried it with your own airliner with Afghans as scapegoats

Military code error by DGCA led to SpiceJet chase in Pakistan

So Pakistan was right. You can do something like that

Three REKs didn't even explode. Ask the Chinese to send quality stuff.
Well they hit the intended targets not missed em.. as for exploding where is the proof of those un exploded ones ?
I can see your airspace closed as some 'economic retaliation' because India uses that airspace a lot (as I learned from topics here). But keeping the alleged terror camp closed for 3 months to the public et large if Indians indeed missed it, makes you go hmmm

Closed to public??

This video is from the very day of the failed strikes aka 26 February 2019

Nothing was closed to public for 3 months. WTF you are talking about Indian pajeet?

Three REKs didn't even explode. Ask the Chinese to send quality stuff.
I will give you this....YOU ARE THE DUMBEST INDIAN ON PDF. congratulations
That image has been shown here before...it's a complete fake.
One can see all the trees around that area have zero effect on their treeline if indeed a bomb was dropped and any ammo dump blew up. There would have been burn effects for at least a mile around in the forestation

Secondly, there is no crater visible whatsoever on the spot.
That is the booster not the package
Who kept Balakot closed to public for three months and Pakistani airspace for six months?

And don't chime in Hamid Mir went there the next day. Yes, he did but only till the foothills.

For those who wanted to go to the hill top madrassa, access was denied.

Lolx that's why Al Jazeeras reporter was outside that area the next morning ?
Who kept Balakot closed to public for three months and Pakistani airspace for six months?

Public?? Reuters is public for you pajeet?

Anyways from your own shared link

High-resolution satellite images reviewed by Reuters on Wednesday showed the madrasa appears to be standing, virtually unchanged from an April 2018 satellite photo of the facility.

So if you hit something and Pakistan was hiding it then how come satellite images failed to pick it up?

May be your Indian compatriot hiding behind American flags @rent4country can explain this
Did you bother to look at the video itself before submitting it? The video, the initial few mins I could see, visually was not of the campgrounds /inside of the camp. Rather of a hillside.

Yeah because that is where the bombs dropped. That is where your incompetent airforce dropped its bombs so the report is from the same area

Makes sense
actually, @Suriya has a good and poignant question.

I can see your airspace closed as some 'economic retaliation' because India uses that airspace a lot (as I learned from topics here). But keeping the alleged terror camp closed for 3 months to the public et large if Indians indeed missed it, makes you go hmmm
If it was closed how come Al Jazeera reporter was outside there next morning? Even if you read the article you will know that you could go as close as 100 meter and see no demage etc.
Public?? Reuters is public for you pajeet?

Anyways from your own shared link

So if you hit something and Pakistan was hiding it then how come satellite images failed to pick it up?

May be your Indian compatriot hiding behind American flags @rent4country can explain this
If you think I'm Indian and it irritates you, do continue to wallow in that thought. :enjoy:

The claim by Indians is that they used a bunker-busting type of weapon, spice 2000. It typically keeps the building standing, and implodes to kill humans inside.
You should keep up with the propaganda on that forest image(s) here. I think previously we saw better cleaner versions of it too.

That image was shown as proof, like a few weeks ago, AND the narrative at that time was PAF destroying an Indian ammo dump, by bombing it on that day you guys clashed. This narrative behind that image is fake news dude...

View attachment 724031

What is this below, some random stand-alone image from google? come on man lol. that's not even a burn effect that would have happened, not even the color, there is NO burn /dark scaring on the forest bed...that is a terrible photoshop job.

View attachment 724035
Pakistan I think never claimed targeting indian installations... targets were outside the installations..

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