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The other side: A North Korean point of view


Nov 10, 2012
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The other side: A North Korean point of view
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is facing an existential threat and the possession of nuclear weapons is the only way to ward off an American-led misadventure.


It is in fashion to condemn the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), to call the country a rogue nation and to insult its leader by labelling him a ruthless dictator. In this column, I would like to express my personal views as a proud citizen of a sovereign and peace-loving nation: A country that has never invaded another nor instigated conflict in the near or far abroad.

Today, DPRK faces an existential threat. The global hegemon, the United States of America has thousands of men and a dangerous arsenal stationed in its puppet regime in the so-called “South Korea.” I say so-called because the Korean nation has existed long before the Americans and their subservient nations divided the peninsula. The people of this great nation want to live in peace and harmony, but the Western world, which has a policy of uniting its countries (European Union) and dividing and Balkanising the rest of the world to profit from such divisions, wants there to be permanent conflict in Korea.

The US and its European allies do not respect Asia. Instead they gain immensely from dividing and making Asian nations fight. Take for example, the division of India on questionable religious grounds. The US benefitted from this British policy and enjoys playing India against Pakistan. America sells weapons to both countries and encourages hatred between them so that this blood money can fuel unsustainable lifestyles in places like California.

Nations that stand up to the US are victims of regime change if they can only defend themselves with conventional weapons. Saddam Hussein paid with his life and the life of a million Iraqis because he chose to not develop nuclear weapons. The only deterrent for the US in its quest to have puppet and slave regimes all over the world is nuclear weapons. Pakistan is an example of a country that exists now because it has nukes. The country is making a fool out of America by helping, housing and aiding the Taliban, which will walk back into power when the American-led coalition of cowards leaves the country with a job not done. The US does not have the courage to fight Pakistan in a war because the latter has nukes.

If the DPRK exists today, it is because of these very same nuclear weapons. The country also has the benefit of having true and unconditional friends like Russia and China. These two great powers always come to the aid of a brotherly nation like DPRK when the need arises.

I would now like to address some of the claims against my country. The first such false claim is about DPRK being a dictatorship and ruled by a single family. I agree that Korea is ruled by a family but it is governed, like most countries, by professional bureaucrats and officials. There is almost no interference in the day to day life from the family. Even if DPRK was a dictatorship, is that a ground for invasion? Why select us? The world is full of so-called dictatorial regimes. Many of these regimes are proud proponents of an outdated ideology that calls for violence around the world. Since they submit themselves to the will of the US, they are safe from ugly American threats.

There are claims that the DPRK regime is barbaric and full of insane people. Such claims should not need to be dignified with a response. But I ask you, the readers, a question. Which is the first and only country to use a nuclear bomb? The man responsible for this act of barbarity, was none other than Harry S Truman! What about chemical weapons? The answer is the same: USA. So, the greatest threat to world peace has always been the evil and insane Americans. The world needs no reminders that America has the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. This is a country which is insane enough to use them. Our friends the Russians and Chinese never used their nuclear arsenal, showing their great degree of responsibility.

As a Korean, I stand by the DPRK in this critical time when the US and its puppet Korean regime in Seoul are indulging in the worst kind of provocation. If this alliance indulges in any kind of misadventure its own citizens will face the consequences. As the Americans says, the ball is in their court. Do we want to leave a peaceful world for our children or a world destroyed by nuclear war? If it is the second option, rest assured that the Americans would be solely responsible for it with their penchant for causing troubles all around the world and trying to fight a country perfectly capable of defending itself.

May Peace Prevail!

The writer is a North Korean citizen
The other side: A North Korean point of view | Russia & India Report
How? can you please explain it or you just simply hating because of its author.
No. I did not dismiss what he said as crap because of where he claimed to be from. First of all, we have nothing to go by as to where he claimed to be. But never mind that...

But I ask you, the readers, a question. Which is the first and only country to use a nuclear bomb?

This alone is enough to discredit his rant.

The US used nuclear weapons in a war. Not in a regional war, but a GLOBAL war, meaning one that involved just about every occupied piece of land on Earth. We did it not out of the want of territorial expansion, colonialism, or to rob anyone of their natural resources. We did it to utterly convince a PROVEN cruel and stubborn adversary to submit. This adversary committed acts that conformed to the phrase 'hostis humani generis' (enemy of mankind). Not just enemy of the US or of Japan or of Korea. But acts so atrocious that it morally offends every sensibilities of every civilized people capable of building governments and countries -- mankind. Since then, the US committed nuclear weapons to protect half of mankind against another 'enemy of mankind' -- communism. Of which, half of Korea is now suffering under.

Like I said: Utter crap.
No. I did not dismiss what he said as crap because of where he claimed to be from. First of all, we have nothing to go by as to where he claimed to be. But never mind that...

This alone is enough to discredit his rant.

The US used nuclear weapons in a war. Not in a regional war, but a GLOBAL war, meaning one that involved just about every occupied piece of land on Earth. We did it not out of the want of territorial expansion, colonialism, or to rob anyone of their natural resources. We did it to utterly convince a PROVEN cruel and stubborn adversary to submit. This adversary committed acts that conformed to the phrase 'hostis humani generis' (enemy of mankind). Not just enemy of the US or of Japan or of Korea. But acts so atrocious that it morally offends every sensibilities of every civilized people capable of building governments and countries -- mankind. Since then, the US committed nuclear weapons to protect half of mankind against another 'enemy of mankind' -- communism. Of which, half of Korea is now suffering under.

Like I said: Utter crap.

well i don't know much about world war histories but i accept that because of Japanese stubbornness US forced to use nuclear weapon that time to end the war.
The other side: A North Korean point of view | Russia & India Report
The writer is a North Korean citizen and is not employed by the country’s government. The Russia & India Report agreed to withhold the author’s real name to protect his/her identity.
From who? The CIA? :lol:

Self hating Americans themselves wrote far worse pieces than this about their country, and many of them got %1 rich doing it. Cue Noam Chomsky and Michael Moore. And if not %1 rich, then how about upper half rich and tenure in a university?
The other side: A North Korean point of view
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is facing an existential threat and the possession of nuclear weapons is the only way to ward off an American-led misadventure.


It is in fashion to condemn the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), to call the country a rogue nation and to insult its leader by labelling him a ruthless dictator. In this column, I would like to express my personal views as a proud citizen of a sovereign and peace-loving nation: A country that has never invaded another nor instigated conflict in the near or far abroad.
Bullcrap, The Korean War was started by North Korea's invasion of the South, and it has provided numerous casus belli such as killing South Korean cabinet members, kidnapping Japanese and South Korean citizens, and killing South Korean and American soldiers during ceasefire.

The only reason war hasn't been instigated again is the forebearance of the other parties involved.

Today, DPRK faces an existential threat. The global hegemon, the United States of America has thousands of men and a dangerous arsenal stationed in its puppet regime in the so-called “South Korea.” I say so-called because the Korean nation has existed long before the Americans and their subservient nations divided the peninsula. The people of this great nation want to live in peace and harmony, but the Western world, which has a policy of uniting its countries (European Union) and dividing and Balkanising the rest of the world to profit from such divisions, wants there to be permanent conflict in Korea.

Utter fluff rhetoric, doesn't recognize South Korea as an independent country and so of course doesn't consider actions against South Korea as actions against a country. What does the existence of a united Korea have to do with the sheer practicality of calling the Northern part of the Korean peninsula North Korea and the southern part South? Its your own fuggin country's name.

The US and its European allies do not respect Asia. Instead they gain immensely from dividing and making Asian nations fight. Take for example, the division of India on questionable religious grounds. The US benefitted from this British policy and enjoys playing India against Pakistan. America sells weapons to both countries and encourages hatred between them so that this blood money can fuel unsustainable lifestyles in places like California.
LOL thats why the US urged forebearance when Pakistani terrorists descended upon Mumbai and India had a genuine casus belli against Pakistan. The writer is obviously ignorant of history because he is unable to see the context of political relations today and how they formed from history.

Nations that stand up to the US are victims of regime change if they can only defend themselves with conventional weapons. Saddam Hussein paid with his life and the life of a million Iraqis because he chose to not develop nuclear weapons. The only deterrent for the US in its quest to have puppet and slave regimes all over the world is nuclear weapons. Pakistan is an example of a country that exists now because it has nukes. The country is making a fool out of America by helping, housing and aiding the Taliban, which will walk back into power when the American-led coalition of cowards leaves the country with a job not done. The US does not have the courage to fight Pakistan in a war because the latter has nukes.

If the DPRK exists today, it is because of these very same nuclear weapons. The country also has the benefit of having true and unconditional friends like Russia and China. These two great powers always come to the aid of a brotherly nation like DPRK when the need arises.

Brainwashed Drivel. Not much more to say. The DPRK exists today because people don't want the collapsing craphole that the Kims turned it into splattering on their shoes.

I would now like to address some of the claims against my country. The first such false claim is about DPRK being a dictatorship and ruled by a single family. I agree that Korea is ruled by a family but it is governed, like most countries, by professional bureaucrats and officials. There is almost no interference in the day to day life from the family. Even if DPRK was a dictatorship, is that a ground for invasion? Why select us? The world is full of so-called dictatorial regimes. Many of these regimes are proud proponents of an outdated ideology that calls for violence around the world. Since they submit themselves to the will of the US, they are safe from ugly American threats.

LOL blatant lies, but hes right that being a dictatorship alone is not grounds for invasion, doesn't make us like his government though even without the constant terrorism of both his populace and the region..
There are claims that the DPRK regime is barbaric and full of insane people. Such claims should not need to be dignified with a response. But I ask you, the readers, a question. Which is the first and only country to use a nuclear bomb? The man responsible for this act of barbarity, was none other than Harry S Truman! What about chemical weapons? The answer is the same: USA. So, the greatest threat to world peace has always been the evil and insane Americans. The world needs no reminders that America has the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. This is a country which is insane enough to use them. Our friends the Russians and Chinese never used their nuclear arsenal, showing their great degree of responsibility.

Those are 2 seperate claims, one of which isn't used in a totally serious context. The DPRK regime is without a doubt barbaric in its actions and its rule.

Chemical warfare has been used since ancient history, but if the writer is specifically referring to the more modern versions of chemical warfare, he is again blatantly lying, as the first reported use is from France. I have no doubt Russia or the Chinese would have used Nuclear weapons if they had them as an option during WW2, I don't think that is in doubt by anyone, and so the writer is again exposed to be full of it.

As a Korean, I stand by the DPRK in this critical time when the US and its puppet Korean regime in Seoul are indulging in the worst kind of provocation. If this alliance indulges in any kind of misadventure its own citizens will face the consequences. As the Americans says, the ball is in their court. Do we want to leave a peaceful world for our children or a world destroyed by nuclear war? If it is the second option, rest assured that the Americans would be solely responsible for it with their penchant for causing troubles all around the world and trying to fight a country perfectly capable of defending itself.

May Peace Prevail!

The writer is a North Korean citizen
The other side: A North Korean point of view | Russia & India Report

Sounds like standard North Korean propaganda, certainly this is a government supported North Korean point of view.
I stopped reading after I saw this

A country that has never invaded another nor instigated conflict in the near or far abroad.
From the Korean point of view, the Korean war could be seen as a civil war for unification.
Nothing wrong with the author. It was well written, but definitely a propaganda piece. But still, well written.
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