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The only South Asians to defeat the Greeks-Mauryas

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Just pick up any ancient text Buddhist, Jain or any other all agree on his origins.

Even today Mauryas are found in Eastern India not Punjab
This guy is contradicting every major historian based on some "logical explanation".
Does it matter? The connection is with land and its people, not names. Ancient Pakistanis are ancestors of today Pakistanis.

Not possible...

You can trace your lineage to maybe 4 generations....maybe 8 max (for a normal person)...unless you're royalty who has been ruling the same place for millenia..

Pakistan as a land has been the stomping ground of multiple invasions...add to that migrations, rapes etc that come along with such invasions. To claim a direct ancestry to a Porus or a king that lived in BC is utter rubbish...
Let alone, that the culture, religion, habits, etc were diametrically different than present day Pakistan...

The most Pakistanis or any Indian for that matter can claim is that they live in a historic land! NOT to be direct descendents of a Porus or a Maurya (unless some link can be established)..
Whats even stranger is that some of the members claim this when for all we know Porus could have been born in Afghanistan and came to rule the land in Punjab through his cunning or by force...
Because they confuse persian sikandar , who is known as cyrus the great, with macedonian alexandar.
E.g you must have heard the story of sikandar (zolqarnain) meeting hazrat khizar (who had drink aab-e-hayat)

Not in Punjab, here rural people believe Sikander Azam was muslim.
Oh bhai cyrus the great is known by many names, and had many titles, sikandar was one of them. Some how the people have confused the kafir invader with just and honourable king like cyrus the great (the true sikandar e azam)

no. In iran cyrus is NOT sikander.
Some of them dont like sikander, and big up cyrus

Cyrus was in Iraq.

But iraqis hate him, and love Sikander!
I believe in logical explantion, Chanakya was born in Punjab. He was teacher in Taxila, there is also another source which says he was born in Mianwali, Punjab. He chose Maurya to groom him so he shall become king one day, its clear Chanakya will chose someone who is punjabi instead of bhaiya from Bihar.

Ofcourse after couple of thousand years we rather believe in illogical stories right?

It's funny that these bhils lose this debate on all accounts. Not only was Porus punjabi but so was Chanakya and Chandragupta. So you hear their shrieks of anguish. :lol:They have been given this culture by OUR rigvedic ancestors who in turn took it from OUR pre-IVC ancestors. It's been a one-way street and it's from the Indus to these bhils who've been nothing but incompetent historically and marginalised when it comes to history. So they make multiple IDs and come here to sing their own praises.:lol:
Not possible...

You can trace your lineage to maybe 4 generations....maybe 8 max (for a normal person)...unless you're royalty who has been ruling the same place for millenia..

Pakistan as a land has been the stomping ground of multiple invasions...add to that migrations, rapes etc that come along with such invasions. To claim a direct ancestry to a Porus or a king that lived in BC is utter rubbish...
Let alone, that the culture, religion, habits, etc could have been diametrically different than present day Pakistan...

The most Pakistanis or any Indian for that matter can claim is that they lived in a historic land! NOT to be direct descendents of a Porus or a Maurya (unless some link can be established)..
Whats even stranger is that some of the members claim this when for all we know Porus could have been born in Afghanistan and came to rule the land in Punjab through his cunning or by force...

Again who said anything about direct decendent of Maurya or Porus? Seriously you guys are hilarious. Look at OP, i wonder how many Mauryas are in Bihar lol

But Porus was from same people who's decendents live in same land. Unless ofcourse Pakistanis pooped out one day on 14th august 1947 right?
It's funny that these bhils lose this debate on all accounts. Not only was Porus punjabi but so was Chanakya and Chandragupta. So you hear their shrieks of anguish. :lol:They have been given this culture by OUR rigvedic ancestors who in turn took it from OUR pre-IVC ancestors. It's been a one-way street and it's from the Indus to these bhils who've been nothing but incompetent historically and marginalised when it comes to history. So they make multiple IDs and come here to sing their own praises.:lol:
You are retarded, please provide a source that Chandragupta is Punjabi, every source and historian will disagree with you.
if they were the smartest, then how are they backward in education?

you contradicted yourself :lol:


Because you teach a man to fish....

They are backward because Indian govt. and Biharis themselves have not focused on educating their masses. But given a the right opportunities, they prove their metal.

You are confusing the concept of smartness with that of being educated....
Ambani Sr. was not educated, but he was damn bloody smart....Get the difference?
Again who said anything about direct decendent of Maurya or Porus? Seriously you guys are hilarious. Look at OP, i wonder how many Mauryas are in Bihar lol

But Porus was from same people who's decendents live in same land.

You're even more foolish than I previously figured...
First you're saying that no one claimed of being descendent of Porus....
In the very next line, you contradict yourself to say that the people who live in Pakistan are descendents of him?

Comprehension and clarity of thought little buddy....you need to work on that...
Because you teach a man to fish....

They are backward because Indian govt. and Biharis themselves have not focused on educating their masses. But given a the right opportunities, they prove their metal.

You are confusing the concept of smartness with that of being educated....
Ambani Sr. was not educated, but he was damn bloody smart....Get the difference?

ek bihari so (100) beemari

This is a common saying in North india

Apparently the Gupta Empire of Bihar, the Pratihara Dynasty of Rajasthan and the Maratha Empire of Maharashtra also ruled parts of Pakistan.:lol:

Gupta empire yes but not anyother empire, please provide your source. Only two pan South Asian empires ruled Pakistan, Maurya and Gupta from your list.
selucus nicator's realm was mainly afghanistan/then ancient bactria, beyond that his control or extent of border is not concretely known. porus' 'defeat' is only mentioned in greek texts and later western accounts based on the same. just face saving for the mighty midget's reputation, otherwise alexander wouldn't be alexander would he? eastern accounts outside subcontinent like ferdowsi confirm alexander was defeated by Porus.

Agreed. Greek culture came to the Indus through Greco-Bactrian culture. Moreover, both Chandragupta Maurya and Chanakya were Punjabi. Punjabis have been spread over a much bigger area than their current domains, both to their west and east.

@save_ghenda @mughal arslan shah mirza
Lol at punjabi
It's funny that these bhils lose this debate on all accounts. Not only was Porus punjabi but so was Chanakya and Chandragupta. So you hear their shrieks of anguish. :lol:They have been given this culture by OUR rigvedic ancestors who in turn took it from OUR pre-IVC ancestors. It's been a one-way street and it's from the Indus to these bhils who've been nothing but incompetent historically and marginalised when it comes to history. So they make multiple IDs and come here to sing their own praises.:lol:
Ohh really what is you varna if you calling yourself a Aryans tell your cast according to rigveda which varna you belong:D:D:D
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