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The Observer view on China’s human rights abuses in Hong Kong


Aug 26, 2010
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The Observer view on China’s human rights abuses in Hong Kong
Observer editorial

Western leaders must stand up against Beijing’s assault on democractic freedoms and demand the release of imprisoned journalists
A pro-democracy protester is taken to hospital after falling sick outside a court in Hong Kong
A pro-democracy protester is taken to hospital after falling sick outside a court in Hong Kong. Photograph: Kin Cheung/AP
Sun 20 Jun 2021 06.30 BST

China did not wait long to demonstrate its contempt for last weekend’s criticism by G7 countries of human rights abuses in Hong Kong. By ordering the arrest of the editor-in-chief and four senior executives of the Apple Dailynewspaper for allegedly conspiring with “foreign forces”, Xi Jinping and the Communist party sent a crude message of defiance to the west.
That China’s president and his Beijing apparatchiks were responsible for this provocatively timed injustice is not in serious doubt. Hong Kong’s 2019-20 pro-democracy protests, which Apple Daily supported, shook the CCP’s power monopoly and amour propre in ways not seen since Tiananmen Square. It has been punishing the ex-British colony ever since.

China’s assumption of direct control over Hong Kong affairs, contravening binding undertakings made at the 1997 handover, is increasingly blatant. The CCP’s imposition of a made-in-Beijing security law last year and the exclusion from the legislative assembly of “unpatriotic” opposition members has fatally eroded Hong Kong’s legally guaranteed autonomy.

The assault on press freedom and free speech form part of this wider crackdown on democratic freedoms that are routinely denied to people in mainland China. Apple Daily’s true offence is to have opposed Beijing’s illegitimate takeover through the exercise of principled, informed, critical journalism. Xi and his censorious commissars just can’t bear it.
The fact that citizens rallied to support the newspaper last week, buying copies in huge numbers, is a cheering sign that Beijing’s bullying has not crushed Hong Kong’s independent spirit. The brave stand taken by Jimmy Lai, Apple Daily’s owner, who is already in jail on trumped up charges, and editor-in-chief Ryan Law, deserves deep respect.
The shameful antics of their persecutors provide, in contrast, an insight into the insecure mindset of party apparatchiks who live in ultimate fear of Xi’s wrath. Hong Kong security chief John Lee claimed those arrested had used their journalism “as a tool to endanger national security”. How fragile and feeble is the Chinese state that mere words cause it to tremble so.
Those arrested last week must be released immediately and all charges dropped. The same applies to more than 100 individuals, including politicians and activists, held under the security law since last year. If they have any ethical scruples at all, journalists working in Chinese state media should back their colleagues at Apple Daily.
That China has again dishonoured itself by shirking its responsibility to abide by the Sino-British joint declaration, uphold international law, and support universal values as defined by the UN, is sadly no surprise, given its conduct since Xi took power. Its serial misdeeds speak to a sense of impunity that is now having a wider, negative influence around the world.
In neighbouring Myanmar, for example, the murderous behaviour of the military junta that seized power in February reflects a similar belief that the international community can be ignored, and that hard-won global civil and human rights may be overturned at will. These cowardly generals continue to be sustained by the support of Beijing.
Stirred into action by the sheer egregiousness of the Myanmar crisis, the usually divided UN General Assembly voted on Friday for an arms embargo. No fewer than 119 countries called on the junta to release political detainees, including Aung San Suu Kyi, and respect the result of last year’s election. Guess what? China abstained.
Chinese disdain for international norms is now habitual, ranging from abuses in Xinjiang to its refusal to help establish Covid-19’s exact origin. The failure to apologise for last month’s random, chaotic descent to Earth of debris from a Chinese rocket, which could have proven disastrous for many below, aptly symbolises the arrogant, insouciant exceptionalism of the Xi era.
Western leaders last week demanded China start respecting “fundamental freedoms” in Hong Kong and elsewhere. Tougher, concrete action to achieve that aim is going to be needed.

Britain gave up Hong Kong without a fight. At least Britain fought Argentina over Falklands. Now that Hong Kong is Chinese land, they can do whatever they want there.
China did not wait long to demonstrate its contempt for last weekend’s criticism by G7 countries of human rights abuses in Hong Kong. By ordering the arrest of the editor-in-chief and four senior executives of the Apple Dailynewspaper for allegedly conspiring with “foreign forces”, Xi Jinping and the Communist party sent a crude message of defiance to the west.

At least they never hide what they think.The G7 is the West. It's just that I don't know how the West can be a whole when Britain and France are fighting over two fish.

By the way, I support France and Scotland!!England is a bunch of idiots.Free Scotland!!
Britain gave up Hong Kong without a fight. At least Britain fought Argentina over Falklands. Now that Hong Kong is Chinese land, they can do whatever they want there.

this is the problem

Chinese think it’s “normal” to jail people who do not agree with the CCP

is it acceptable that 5 senior editors have been sent to jail for speaking their mind

you do not have any freedom in China
this is the problem

Chinese think it’s “normal” to jail people who do not agree with the CCP

is it acceptable that 5 senior editors have been sent to jail for speaking their mind

you do not have any freedom in China
We’ll I seen Chinese people gambling ,clubbing ,drinking ,dates different girls and boys ,smoking ,wearing sexy clothes can you do all that buddy 😄
interestingly they did not allow comments on this editorial. maybe it's them who are afraid of words.
I like how the response of Western propaganda papers to their disabled comment sections getting called out (even when most of them are filled with NSA bots and comments commonly selectively censored anyways) was to design their site so people dont even realize there is supposed to be a comment section.
They instigated separatism and violence and received money from hostile country . Isn't that enough? No country would allow that media to exist.
Not being a hypocrite douche bag that somehow tries to justify US and British sponsored and trained Goebbels and Hitler to preach hate, indoctrinate children with falsehoods, slander innocents and instigate terror in China on Chinese soil to serve US interest of destabilizing foreign countries competing with her, is whataboutism.

Thats not actually a real word and means nothing, but somehow you are now wrong and illogical and your argument you never made invalidated by assertion of being so

q.e.d :blah:
They instigated separatism and violence and received money from hostile country . Isn't that enough? No country would allow that media to exist.

accordingly to who? do you have a independent source to back your claim? and I am not talking about Chinese paid youtube videos
We’ll I seen Chinese people gambling ,clubbing ,drinking ,dates different girls and boys ,smoking ,wearing sexy clothes can you do all that buddy 😄

yes also in North Korea

but are they free? do they have free press?
accordingly to who? do you have a independent source to back your claim? and I am not talking about Chinese paid youtube videos

yes also in North Korea

but are they free? do they have free press?
Well I don’t give a thing wether N Korea have free press or whatever freedom you talking about. Their people will decide what is best for them not you or me thank you very much.
accordingly to who? do you have a independent source to back your claim? and I am not talking about Chinese paid youtube videos
You don't understand Chinese language, do you? Only non Chinese speaker asked question like that. Chinese speakers don't even bother asking for proof. " Apple Daily" is a media. Everyone knows what it had said.

If Apple Daily is an ordinary media, how come the boss of Apple Dialy is involved in politics so deeply? Isn't he supposed to be a business man rather than a politician? There are thousands of media in the world. Why US only likes this man so much?

You don't understand Chinese language, do you? Only non Chinese speaker asked question like that. Chinese speakers don't even bother asking for proof. " Apple Daily" is a media. Everyone knows what it had said.

If Apple Daily is an ordinary media, how come the boss of Apple Dialy is involved in politics so deeply? Isn't he supposed to be a business man rather than a politician? There are thousands of media in the world. Why US only likes this man so much?

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So a photo means he’s guilty? What kind of idiotic mentality is this

That’s like saying the Imam of Jerusalem met Hitler so he’s responsible for the Holocaust
So a photo means he’s guilty? What kind of idiotic mentality is this

That’s like saying the Imam of Jerusalem met Hitler so he’s responsible for the Holocaust
The Imam of Jerusalem was at least a religious leader. Jimmy Lai is nobody. Did you hear of him or his Apple Daily before Hongkong riot? Jimmy Lai is neither a politician nor one of richest men in Hongkong. As a business man, he didn't invest one dollar in US. What on the earth makes US like this guy so much!

HIstory tells us if a person from other countries didn't make any direct profit for US, the only reason US government loves him is he must be a traitor of his own country.
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