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The number of separate state movements in India

dont spoil their happiness we should let them bask in their false thinking. But only thing I am not able to under stand is that where did the idiots get the idea about dravida nadu or maoists fighting for separate country.


Stalin for ‘Dravida Nadu’

Even I stand for puppy stone nadu if you make me the PM and give me tonnes of money.

The fact is South Indians hate Pakistanis and Islamic culture. South Indians do not see any difference between North Indians and Pakistanis as both follow the same Hindustani culture while South Indians follow the original Hindu culture.
My support goes to the house / colony I live in. Instead of calling it by the house / street number and calling me by my name I would like it to be called the State of whatever and I would then be the Chief Minister of my flat instead of a house owner.

Whenever we have nothing else to do we think of ways to complicate our lives further.

Creation of more states is a ploy to make more money. It helps Politicians,Babus, Policemen- the whole lot.

This call gains momentum each time elections are near.

We need to think nationally not regionally.

You have to have smaller states for better administration. If they are not performing then people will boot them out. No worry there. Take the example of Telangana. We had andhra politicians ruling over telangana. Most of the funds were diverted to projects in Andhra area. Except for Hyderabad every district of Telangana is backward.
The fact is South Indians hate Pakistanis and Islamic culture. South Indians do not see any difference between North Indians and Pakistanis as both follow the same Hindustani culture while South Indians follow the original Hindu culture.
lol, please tell me more its pretty entertaining. But either way there is no doubt that you ppl are arabs.
The fact is South Indians hate Pakistanis and Islamic culture. South Indians do not see any difference between North Indians and Pakistanis as both follow the same Hindustani culture while South Indians follow the original Hindu culture.

I have never felt any hate from South Indians as I do from Gujuratis. BJP, RSS, Bajrang Dal propaganda has turned Gujuratis into spiteful, evil people who hate Islam, Pakistan, and Indian Muslims.

Tamils have their own culture, which I find strange and also funny, but I have never been disrespected by them. I know many Tamil Hindus who converted to Islam.

Also, Sikhs are awesome.
I have never felt any hate from South Indians as I do from Gujuratis. BJP, RSS, Bajrang Dal propaganda has turned Gujuratis into spiteful, evil people who hate Islam, Pakistan, and Indian Muslims.

Tamils have their own culture, which I find strange and also funny, but I have never been disrespected by them. I know many Tamil Hindus who converted to Islam.

Also, Sikhs are awesome.

I can guarantee that you will never see and feel the hate from the South Indians. South Indians are the most smart, non-emotional and polished people you could meet. But make no mistake, their hate for Pakistanis is exponentially greater than the North Indians. North Indians are emotional and show it overtly be it love or hate but you will never be able to read a South Indian. Pakistanis may be able to convince North Indians to give up Kashmir but never a South Indian. There was a time Congress was ruling AP but once they divided the state, Congress had written its dead warrant for life. Any North Indian politician or political party making peace with Pakistanis by giving up Kashmir would be writing their death warrant for life in the South Indian. Neither Congress nor BJP can afford that. It is funny that Pakistanis keep talking about Dravida nadu without knowing the ground realities. The day North India makes peace with Pakistan, there would be no difference between North Indians and Pakistanis. You can assume North India and Pakistan would have become an economic union at the least. But South India would start the Dravida nadu movement the same day that it happens. South Indians may accept North Indian Hindus but never a North Indian/Pakistani Muslim.
I can guarantee that you will never see and feel the hate from the South Indians. South Indians are the most smart, non-emotional and polished people you could meet. But make no mistake, their hate for Pakistanis is exponentially greater than the North Indians. North Indians are emotional and show it overtly be it love or hate but you will never be able to read a South Indian. Pakistanis may be able to convince North Indians to give up Kashmir but never a South Indian. There was a time Congress was ruling AP but once they divided the state, Congress had written its dead warrant for life. Any North Indian politician or political party making peace with Pakistanis by giving up Kashmir would be writing their death warrant for life in the South Indian. Neither Congress nor BJP can afford that. It is funny that Pakistanis keep talking about Dravida nadu without knowing the ground realities. The day North India makes peace with Pakistan, there would be no difference between North Indians and Pakistanis. You can assume North India and Pakistan would have become an economic union at the least. But South India would start the Dravida nadu movement the same day that it happens. South Indians may accept North Indian Hindus but never a North Indian/Pakistani Muslim.

You are talking nonsense. I have many South Indian friends and have always found them well mannered. Gujuratis are religious fanatics generally without any redeeming qualities.

I can never see Pakistan and Hindu North India becoming anything but enemies. Look at the statements of Modi and Yogi to show you the vehement hate and wickedness in their narrative.

Pakistan is not averse to an India, but India has always tried to cripple Pakistan in any way possible.

Anyway, this is a dead end topic as you and I will never agree.
The fact is South Indians hate Pakistanis and Islamic culture. South Indians do not see any difference between North Indians and Pakistanis as both follow the same Hindustani culture while South Indians follow the original Hindu culture.

Sorry to interrupt, but whats the difference in these cultures.

This is my experience and i am not saying that everyone is like that but this is what i have observed.

Punjabis irrespective of their religion are the fun ones, they are loud and always joking around, Gujratis are also fun but abit toned down as compared to Punjabis, but very business minded people while south Indians are the serious ones, they concentrate on education and very hard-working, also very gentlemen like, don't get into fights or trouble.
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You are talking nonsense. I have many South Indian friends and have always found them well mannered. Gujuratis are religious fanatics generally without any redeeming qualities.

I can never see Pakistan and Hindu North India becoming anything but enemies. Look at the statements of Modi and Yogi to show you the vehement hate and wickedness in their narrative.

Pakistan is not averse to an India, but India has always tried to cripple Pakistan in any way possible.

Anyway, this is a dead end topic as you and I will never agree.

@manlion @kvpak can confirm how much South Indians dislike North Indians & hate Pakistanis. Particularly Tamils also hate Pakistanis as Pakistanis were instrumental in supporting the SriLankan government to wipe out LTTE.

Where did I say South Indians are ill mannered? My point was that South Indians dislike North Indians as they have adopted Islamic culture by giving up the Hindu culture. North Indian Hindus are tolerated but Pakistanis are hated by South Indians.

Sorry to interrupt, but whats the difference in these cultures.

This is my experience and i am not saying that everyone is like that but this is what i have observed.

Punjabis irrespective of their religion are the fun ones, they are loud and always joking around, Gujratis are also fun but abit toned down as compared to Punjabis, but very business minded people while south Indians are the serious ones, they concentrate on education and very hard-working, also very gentlemen like, don't get into fights or trouble.

You have summarized it correctly.

The primary difference is South Indians believe that their culture is the unadulterated form of the Indian culture that has been passed down ages since the vedic period while North India/Pakistani culture is a mixture of Indo-Persian-Turkish culture.

South Indian languages are closer to Sanskrit than Hindi/Urdu which have many loan words from Persian & Turkish.

South Indians wear Dhothi & Saree while North Indians/Pakistanis were Kutha/Pyjamas/Salwar Kameez.

South Indians play music instruments like Veena and Mridangam while North Indians play Sitar and Tabla.

South Indians eat rice while North Indians eat wheat.

All the above associated with South Indians have references in the ancient Indian literature while none of the ones followed by North Indians and Pakistanis have any references in the ancient Indian literature as they were all new things/subjects that have been created/adopted in the last 1000 years.

This is the reason why South Indians hate to adopt Hindi as they do not want to lose their culture like their North Indian counterparts did.
why should Tamils hate Pakistanis ?

You Tamil nationalist brothers would be utterly disappointed with your stance and your question.

Sri Lanka is said to be the only country in the world to have defeated terrorism. Pakistan was a key supplier of weapons and aircraft for Sri Lanka’s military in its decades-long, bloody war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam that ended in May 2009.

Sri Lanka thanks Pakistan for help in wiping out terror
Published: January 6, 2016
Sri Lankan President welcomes PM Nawaz. PHOTO: REUTERS

The Sri Lankan president thanked Pakistan on Tuesday for helping the island nation root out terrorism from its soil, saying the government and its people were thankful to Pakistan for its assistance.

Sri Lanka is said to be the only country in the world to have defeated terrorism. Pakistan was a key supplier of weapons and aircraft for Sri Lanka’s military in its decades-long, bloody war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam that ended in May 2009.

Pakistan seeks closer military ties with Sri Lanka

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is in Sri Lanka on a three-day visit and met President Maithripala Srisena to discuss bilateral issues and trade cooperation. The two leaders also interacted with the media after leading their respective delegations for the signing of bilateral accords at the President’s Secretariat.

President Maithripala appreciated Pakistan’s cooperation in carrying out development projects in Sri Lanka. He said he would visit Pakistan to attend next the Saarc summit to be held in Islamabad. The two leaders agreed to reinvigorate ties between the two friendly countries with a focus on enhanced cooperation in trade, science and technology, defence production and tourism.

They stressed the need of exploiting the countries’ friendship for the development and prosperity of their people.

PM Nawaz mentioned the two sides agreed on pursuing multi-faceted interactions.

He said Sri Lanka had been a strong and steadfast friend of Pakistan and stood by it in difficult times. The island state enjoys the exceptional position for being the first country Pakistan entered into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

PM Nawaz said the current volume of bilateral trade did not reflect the true potential between the two countries and called for steps to achieve the target of $1 billion by the end of 2016.

Pakistan, Sri Lanka to sign MoUs for trade and training

Eight accords signed

Earlier, Pakistani and Sri Lankan officials signed eight bilateral agreements in the fields of business, finance, science and technology and healthcare.

An agreement on cooperation in the field of health was signed between the Pakistani government and Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine.

PM Nawaz also called for closer military cooperation with Sri Lanka. “I conveyed our desire for more frequent port calls, participation in military exercises and defence seminars and training of military personnel,” he stated in a statement issued following the official welcoming ceremony.

He also reiterated Pakistan’s offer to setup cement and sugar plants in Sri Lanka on mutually agreeable terms for the long-term benefit of the Sri Lankan economy.

Dispute-free zone

Speaking at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies in Colombo, Nawaz said he envisioned South Asia as a dispute-free zone where all the nations jointly fought against their common enemies of illiteracy, poverty and malnutrition.

“South Asia needs strategic stability,” he said while delivering a lecture. “We should build convergences and need dialogue for the better of region.”

Modi urges Pakistan to take ‘immediate action’ after base attack

Addressing a gathering of intellectuals, parliamentarians and diplomats on the topic “Pakistan-Sri Lanka Relations”, he said it was time for South Asian countries to focus their energies on better preparing themselves to handle global challenges.

He said he was also deeply touched by Narendra Modi’s decision to fly to Lahore last month on his way back from Afghanistan and in the next few days, the foreign secretaries of two countries would meet in Islamabad.

He added Pakistan had consistently been supporting an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned government and was ready to support the resumption of peace dialogues between Kabul and Taliban.

Premier Nawaz said Pakistan was waging a comprehensive war against terrorism and striking at sanctuaries and hideouts of terrorists in tribal areas. Through intelligence-based information, the government has struck a strong blow to the sleeper cells of militants and the operation is in the final stage.

He said restoration of peace was not possible without the entire nation’s resolve and continued resilience. “Radicalisation and global terrorism cannot be eliminated until its root causes are addressed.”

Published in The Express Tribune, January 6th, 2016.

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