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The new SAC 5 generation stealth fighter


Here's a close-up. Notice the swept back projections on the wing tips. And there appear to be no tail fins. Probably dismantled for transportation purposes? Or it could be an aircraft being transported to the nearest military airbase after a crash landing!! :blink: The question is: Which aircraft? Certainly not a J-20!


The wing does not have a back projection at tip I think. It just looks that way because the wing flaps are not installed.

I think this plane will be the low end of the high-low mix with J-20.
arrrrr```````i hate these kind of teasing and guessing``just let us know what is it!!

based on the size relatively compared to the Audi A-6L next to it, it is not a small plane, it will be over 17 meters in length
it does look longer than 15m estimated in other photo.
the black Audi A6L/A8L are at 5.01-5.2 meters in length, and the plane is around 3 times over the Audi, so when it put on stablizer and airspeed pitot tube so it will be longer than 17 metters
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