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The New Jihadists in India are Indians



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The New Jihadists in India are Indians

New America Media, News analysis, Sandip Roy, Posted: Jul 28, 2008

Editor's note: The bomb blasts in Ahmedabad over the weekend announced the arrival of the sleeper cell terrorism in India, where domestic grievances trump territorial disputes. NAM editor Sandip Roy monitors Indian news for New America Media. He is also the host of UpFront radio talk show, on 91.7 FM.

Five minutes before the bomb blasts that rocked the Indian city of Ahmedabad over the weekend, a television station there received an email from a group that called itself the Indian Mujahideen.

The group seems hell-bent on proving their Indian bona fides. "There is no reference to Kashmir in the email," points out an article in The Times of India. The blasts came on the anniversary to mark India's victory over Pakistan in the 1999 Kargil War, notes The Telegraph, but the email makes no allusion to that either.

Kashmir, long a bone of contention between India and Pakistan, has been the rallying cry for ISI, the Pakistani secret service, to recruit militants who could execute strikes against India. India has long railed against cross-border terrorism and asked Washington to pressure Pakistan into closing down training camps within its borders. But Kashmir is too much of an international symbol of Indo-Pak tension.

Instead, the Indian Mujahideen, in its email to the TV station, holds its grudges against the Indian justice system that, it claims, is biased against Muslims. It complains that, "the innocent Muslims arrested in the (Mumbai) bomb blast case are being tried for years and years." It even went out of its way to "request" to Lashkar-e-Toiba and other terrorist organizations to "not claim the responsibility" for these attacks.

This is "ISI-sponsored Indianisation of Jihad," writes security expert B. Raman in the online portal Rediff.com.

Indeed, the notion of "sleeper cells" in India is changing the face of terrorism for ordinary Indians.

For years India has prided itself on the fact that despite its own bloody history of communal tensions, its 151 million Muslims have for the most part stayed clear of pan-Islamic militant movements. One of President Bush's oft-quoted statements in Indian media is how he introduced Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to wife Laura, exclaiming, "Not one Indian Muslim has joined al Qaeda."
Security expert B. Raman says that might be changing.

He contends that Pakistan's ISI is trying to set up militant organizations in India with recruits from the Indian Muslim community, with no Pakistani involvement. "It is only a question of time before the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, the Jaish-e-Mohammed, the anti-Shia Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Al Qaeda itself set up their own outfits or sleeper cells in India consisting only of Indian Muslims so that these too could be projected as indigenous Muslim organisations of India," warns Raman.

It's obviously something that worries Indian Muslims. The U.S. based Indian Muslim Council was quick to condemn the attacks in Bangalore and Ahmedabad. "The authorities should conduct a thorough and transparent investigation immediately and refrain from adopting the usual template of blaming Muslim sounding virtual groups whose existence or lack thereof cannot be proven," said its president, Rasheed Ahmed.

But the genie is out of the bottle. The Hindustan Times reports that Muslims in Ahmedabad "huddled indoors" as news of the blasts spread. Gujarat was the scene of bloody riots in 2002 that left at least 1,000 Muslims dead. Maulana M.A. Sheikh, a senior teacher at the Jameah Darul Quran Madrassa, which is a couple of yards from one of the blast sites told the Hindustan Times that the Madrassa had just organized a workshop on "steps to be taken to build bridges between the Hindus and the Muslims."

"Now see what has happened," he said.

Though the Indian Mujahideen has been touting its Indian credentials and the Pakistani prime minister has issued his pro forma condemnation of the attacks, Indo-Pak tensions have been on the rise again. A recent explosion near the Indian embassy in Kabul was blamed by India as the handiwork of the ISI. The Telegraph says there have been at least three violations of the ceasefire along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir since then. "Terrorist attacks within the country add greater tension to relations between India and Pakistan just as they are beginning to slip back to the discomfort zone," warns Sujan Datta in the Telegraph.

Terrorists have struck before – bridges, the parliament house, the Bombay Stock Exchange have all been targets of terror. But "it takes a special kind of savagery to bomb a hospital," exclaims an editorial in The Hindu, which then points out that the government responses have been ineffective. "The truth is that not a single urban terrorist has been arrested in street checks; nor have searches at shopping complexes led to the detection of even one bomb."

That "special kind of savagery" might clear the way for "special" measures.

"India has entered the era of Easy Terrorism; bombs can be made for as little as Rs 25 in a few minutes," writes Neelesh Mishra in The Hindustan Times. Mishra suggests ten ways to fight terror.

One way is turning shopkeepers into sleuths, so they can report on people buying materials like fertilizers that can be used to make bombs. Other suggestions include: a national database of suspects, a network of surveillance cameras (5000 such cameras in New Delhi would cost less than a single Bollywood film, writes Mishra) and a national law of terror.

What Mishra is saying is the terrorist is not just a border-crossing shadowy jihadist. He could be your neighbor. He is Indian.

The New Jihadists in India are Indians - NAM
Its been denied for years and all misery sofar is blamed on ISI and Pakistan but all seems different now more and more experts believe that the terrorist organisations are actually homegown, made by Indians for Indians.
Indians unfortunately have a scapegoat and they blame every thing on it. ISI is the graveyard of Indian failures. Failure in a sense that they are unable to trace and arrest anyone for the blasts so blame ISI.

In Ahmedabad too the police was already on a state of alert yet around 15 bombs exploded. What kind of state of alert was that. Now as usual they are blaming ISI.
There have already been statements by hindu facists reliious/political elements and Muslims of Hindustan should be on their guard - it will be they and not the Hindu facists who will suffer the heavy hand of the State, the Hindu facists will do the dirty work but they could not do that without the full support of the state.
The lower and mid-level pegs are Indians (though, not all of them)...

The recent blasts are high-IQ terrorism... and there is only one organization who can come up with such plans.

I'm not saying that organization is entirely involved (this could also be the case)... but somewhere somebody is up to some brain-storming. PLus that organization has many capable poodles in my country.

The term "Indian Mujahidin" is nothing but a very pro-active attempt to discredit the external factors involved... the term tries toi strike a cord on communal grounds.

Surprisingly, most people forget the damage such acts do to Islam as a whole.

Most of the world won't remember that theswe guys were "Indians", they will see these guys as "Muslims". As much as I hate that, it is wierd that nobody realizes the long term consequences of this phenomenon.
if they do not like india, they should not call themselves indian.. if they want to separate from india.. even then they should nt call themselves indian.. (khalistan, bodo.. some name for their own lands).. if they are neither, they neednt bomb india...

enough for me to convince that the name is misleading..
"The term "Indian Mujahidin" is nothing but a very pro-active attempt to discredit the external factors involved... the term tries toi strike a cord on communal grounds

Well, This group claims that it is seeking revenge for the massacre of Muslims in Gujrat --- Seems it is not "communal" when Hindu fascists massacre Muslim of India - and also the bombs exploded where BJP is in power - what might that mean?? Which political party was in power when Muslims in Gujrat were massacred?
Its been denied for years and all misery sofar is blamed on ISI and Pakistan but all seems different now more and more experts believe that the terrorist organisations are actually homegown, made by Indians for Indians.

You found some one off reports but the main stream in India do not think so
and they have reasons not to think so.
I hope the militants are not from Pakistan or Bangladesh or from particular community otherwise it will add to already created animosity and results of which will not be good.
Well, This group claims that it is seeking revenge for the massacre of Muslims in Gujrat --- Seems it is not "communal" when Hindu fascists massacre Muslim of India - and also the bombs exploded where BJP is in power - what might that mean?? Which political party was in power when Muslims in Gujrat were massacred?

Stop jumping the gun. Godhra was communal and wrong. So are these attacks.
One can only hope the Indian government will act to suppress Hindu facists and the political parties that support them - otherwise no amount of finger pointing at Pakistan or Bangladesh or any other imagined enemy will save India from violence in her cities and countryside - and that won't be good for anyone.

It is not enough for Indian government to pay lip service, it must act to ban Hindu facists religio/political parties and to bring their members to justice.
One can only hope the Indian government will act to suppress Hindu facists and the political parties that support them - otherwise no amount of finger pointing at Pakistan or Bangladesh or any other imagined enemy will save India from violence in her cities and countryside - and that won't be good for anyone.

It is not enough for Indian government to pay lip service, it must act to ban Hindu facists religio/political parties and to bring their members to justice.

Why only Hindu extremists? Why not all?

The finger-pointing is right to a certain extent.
Point fingers where you will, however; the silence of Indian on the issue of Hindu facists is most telling. It reveals the kinds of attitudes that only bring harm to India.

Failure of Indian state to bring Modi, BJP and the Hindu facists to justice is the continuing cause for anxiety and anger.

No one wants to suggests that the Indian constitution is hollow or tat people have good will have refused to bring this problem to the attention of the thinking public, but it is clear that a large segment of society actually appaluds the massacres of Muslims of hindustan, indeed, they have chosen to put the mastermind of the massacres back in government not once but twice - and all the while the central government has failed to prosecute the master mind of the massaces of Muslims of Hindustan.

See, some in India will find comfort in pointing fingers at pakistan and bangladesh and God knows who else but the cancer of hatred in India will continue to grow until a forceful nationwide campaign that will ban hindu fascists and prosecute their membership, can act forcefully and authoritatively. this will send a strong message to all segments of Indian society that the old ways simply will not be acceptable anymore and behavior such as resorting to bombing will recieve only condemnation.
Point fingers where you will, however; the silence of Indian on the issue of Hindu facists is most telling. It reveals the kinds of attitudes that only bring harm to India.

Failure of Indian state to bring Modi, BJP and the Hindu facists to justice is the continuing cause for anxiety and anger.

No one wants to suggests that the Indian constitution is hollow or tat people have good will have refused to bring this problem to the attention of the thinking public, but it is clear that a large segment of society actually appaluds the massacres of Muslims of hindustan, indeed, they have chosen to put the mastermind of the massacres back in government not once but twice - and all the while the central government has failed to prosecute the master mind of the massaces of Muslims of Hindustan.

See, some in India will find comfort in pointing fingers at pakistan and bangladesh and God knows who else but the cancer of hatred in India will continue to grow until a forceful nationwide campaign that will ban hindu fascists and prosecute their membership, can act forcefully and authoritatively. this will send a strong message to all segments of Indian society that the old ways simply will not be acceptable anymore and behavior such as resorting to bombing will recieve only condemnation.

Again, you are assuming that there are only Hindu fascists.

We have all sorts of psychos and jerks in our country and we do deal with them as better as anybody else.

PLus, there is much more to BJP than what you know.
And you are assuming that I will over look Hindu fascists, -- Sir, check out some of the editorials in papers other than Indian - there are pointsof view out there, however; it may give you some cause to think, how or why it is that they condemn the bombings but continually point to the 800 pound elephant in the room that you seem have difficulty acknoledging and seem to want to lump the 800 pound elephant with the small fish.
And you are assuming that I will over look Hindu fascists, -- Sir, check out some of the editorials in papers other than Indian - there are pointsof view out there, however; it may give you some cause to think, how or why it is that they condemn the bombings but continually point to the 800 pound elephant in the room that you seem have difficulty acknoledging and seem to want to lump the 800 pound elephant with the small fish.

I have never denied anything nor neglected it.

We have our own worries which we are very much aware of. I have plenty of reports on both Hindu and Muslim extremism in my country. Both are equally bad.

You should perhaps stop communalizing further.
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