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The new enemy...


Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
The new enemy…

It was almost 25 years ago that former Soviet Union came crumbling down like a pack of cards, this brought about the end of cold war era; the world was jubilant that a nuclear apocalypse was avoided, but on the other side a question came to the fore: who is going to be America’s next enemy?

By 1990’s when USSR had already splintered, America had come a long way walking hand in hand with terrorist organizations, CIA had painfully breastfed many of these organizations in different parts of the world to curb spread of communism… or so it thought. In 1970’s CIA along with Saudi intelligence had supported the Egypt brotherhood [r] , which had a huge fan following throughout the Arab world; It is said that Kissinger himself played the role of an intermediary between King Faisal and Anwar Sadat, who was the secretary of world muslim congress in Egypt. In Indonesia, CIA had supported Sarekat Islam and a countercoup against Sukarno [1] ; the American intelligence agency’s activities in Indonesia were mainly to check PRC’s influence in the region. Soon CIA along with MI6 and ISI (subsidized by KSA) helped in increasing the footage of Jamaat-E-Islami in Pakistan, this was accompanied by the opening of fundamentalist madrassas, the core opposition to Pakistan’s progress today.


In the late 80’s, CIA along with the house of Sauds had come up with a sinister plot in Afghanistan; they had created a “database” of thousands of Islamic extremists, who were then trained and provided with weapons to form the formidable Al-Qaeda. Three years after the formation of Al-Qaeda, Soviet had gone kaput and Afghani Jihad against USSR was no more needed.But the organisation,Al-Qaeda, had already come into being and it was striving to survive...
By early 90’s Al-Qaeda had dropped its roots in Yemen which was evident by the bombing of the Movenpick Hotel; it soon started showing its presence in Somalia(’92), Istanbul (’94), Nairobi, Tanzania (’98), and the final straw was bombing of American warship, USS Cole, at Aden in 2000. By then CIA had realized that its former protégé had turned against the system and that they had no control over it whatsoever.



USS cole, after bomb attack.

9/11 was the end of CIA- Al Qaeda illegitimate relationship; Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and his disciple Jalaluddin Haqqani were no more CIA’s fav commanders but the 2nd & 3rd on the hitlist after Mullah Omar of Taliban. At this point its needless to say that Osama Bin Laden was also nothing but an American pawn, turned rogue.

America’s relationship with terror groups has always been a love-hate affair; they were/ are used to further America’s interests and then dumped as soon as they lose their lustre. As much as it might deny, America has always used extremism as its weapon of foreign policy, consciously and sub-consciously.

Islamic state is the latest of US weapons which has started to backfire, presently ISIS holds a region under siege which is as big as United Kingdom. ISIS became a menace to America when it beheaded few American journalists in Iraq. But would America own up the responsibility for creating a breeding ground in Iraq for terrorists (like ISIS) after Saddam???

If not anything, in post-Saddam era US had consciously supported a shia-majority government in Iraq, closed down factories in the belief that free market would create jobs, whilst hundreds of sunnis lost their jobs and were dispossessed of their assets. American government had promised the world and its domestic audience to bring peace by capturing Saddam, au contraire they ended up adding fuel to the sectarian fire in the region. The sunni discontent helped in the formation of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the same group rebranded itself as ISIS and refocused in Syria.

There’re 3 wars being fought in Syria, one is between the Assad government and the rebels, second one is between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the third one (which is a shadow war) being fought between the cold-war era enemies America and Russia. Assad is a key Russian ally, and to bring him down CIA had armed the rebels with M16 assault rifles, it must have been really embarrassing for America when the rebels started to flaunt it in front of the reporters.


Islamic State fighters parade through Raqqa in Syria. The militant on the left holds an American-made M16 assault rifle. Photograph: Reuters

Not so long back America mulled the possibilities of an intense attack on Assad regime for using chemical weapons; lest we forget, that in 1988 America had helped Iraq during the waning days of Iraq-Iran war by sending satellite imagery of Iran’s troop’s movement to Saddam’s army, fully aware that he might attack with chemical weapons.[r] Ironical!!!


ISIS is not just a weapon for America to be used against Al-Assad, but is also its trump card to pressurize Iran. Despite the fact that western medias have repeatedly shown Iran as a warmonger, it is interesting to note that America since its inception in 1776 has indulged in 53 military invasions and expeditions.

Does Iran really have the potential to attack America, is it economically viable for Iran to lock horns with the behemoth of this century???
A little cogitation will tell you that the answer would always be a big fat NO.

It is unfortunate that while America was the sole reason behind most of the wars fought around the world in last 2 decades, the blame had to be shouldered by the followers of Islam; Islamophobia has effected the guilty and innocent followers of Islam alike.

America which is perpetually on look-out for a new enemy forgets the fact that it is its own enemy. Truth is, that the only way America can win its “War On Terror” is if it stops pumping money into creating terrorist outfits aimed at attacking other countries. The bigger picture will show you that the Taliban, ISIS & co. ‘re nothing but the pawns of terrorism, while the real terrorists attack innocents with jets,missiles and drones.

1. Fundamentalism observed: By Martin E. Marty, R. Scott Appleby
2. The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America

@Syed.Ali.Haider @MastanKhan @nair @FaujHistorian @utraash @SpArK @jamahir @SarthakGanguly @Slav Defence @third eye @OrionHunter @Arsalan
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USS cole, bomb attack.

This is not the USS Cole.

For starters, who exactly asked the question "who is going to be America’s next enemy?" as the opening paragraph claims. This article has conspiracy theory written all over it. What's the source, please?

The next target was Pakistan---everything was ready and prepped up by the U S---the Osama / Obama drama----. China was not under threat in the south china seas as much as it is now------so Pakistan was ready to be POPPED.

When the Big and The Bad blunder---it is on a stupendous and massive scale----. God---Power---Wealth---and a Military loaded with weapons of massive death and destruction are a recipe of true destruction and the U S corridors of Power were brimming with a godly pride and arrogance.

Now if you look at the military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq----a general leading from a third world most incompetent country would have done much better with this arsenal that we saw in these wars---than any stupid American brainless general could accomplish.

It is literally shocking to see that how incompetent and stupid these American generals were---starting from Tommy Franks and including Collin Powell----who stated these guys are like monkeys jumping on bars---when showed with the Taliban and al Qaeda fighters training videos----.

These generals were brimming with so much piss and vinegar standing under the shadows of old glory that they forgot the basics of fighting a war at the time of crisis.

Sanctions are cruel---sanctions are inhuman----with the U S sanctions---over a million Iraqi children died of disease----sanctions hurt Pakistan as well---with Cuba---the U S could not do Di-ck----.

So---one wonders----how could a God fearing and bible waving nation put sanctions on other nations where poor people cannot get food and medicine and children die of starvation and disease because of lack of food and medicine ( millions of tons of medicine and food are wasted here )---and one may come to the conclusion that the God of WHITE americans and a couple of BLACKS is a different God---- ( but most americans blacks have the same God as the God of the third world countries-----because that is where they came from and that is Who is going to stay with them ).

And then in all their majesty----pomp and glory---they build Abu Ghraib and other torture centers----and who could have imagined that our Poster Girl LYNDIE ENGLAD & her All American Boyfriend Charles Graner created a furor that no american general could imagine at that time what it would result into----.

As I mentioned before----this fcuk up that you see is the creation of the American general and general staff----born again christians-----high on bible studies----God, victory and the star spangled banner---these brainless twits and morons could not comprehend the consequences of humiliating men in the prison---.

What a payback---what a payback---ain't it a bit-ch---now all the Europe and the U S running scared of that one attack by isis----just that one attack that would lead to catastrophic failures in the system----. Isis---their own creation---talk about biting the hand----.
I found zoomed in versions of USS Cole.

Btw why did you call it a conspiracy??

Thank you for changing the photo to the correct ship.

I called it conspiracy theory, not conspiracy. For example, let us start with this gem of a statement: "America which is perpetually on look-out for a new enemy forgets the fact that it is its own enemy." Or how about this one: "It is unfortunate that while America was the sole reason behind most of the wars fought around the world in last 2 decades, the blame had to be shouldered by the followers of Islam" (so it must have been Buddhists who attacked USA on 9/11). Whoever wrote that clearly has his/her mind made up already and these statements show it amply. Need I say more?

However, such sentiments will find a good audience here, so the author will be popular for sure. :D

The next target was Pakistan

Sir, on what basis do you conclude that? Why would someone pump in billions into a country they want to "pop"?
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And then in all their majesty----pomp and glory---they build Abu Ghraib and other torture centers

Pardon me Sir, your hatred is causing you to manufacture facts. Abu Ghraib was built by Iraq in the 50s and expanded by Saddam Hussein during his reign, not by USA. And the torture that happened there by US soldiers was all punished.
I called it conspiracy theory, not conspiracy.
Moi??? With conspiracy theory???
I have no clue why ppl label anything that sounds anti-US as conspiracy theory???
American government needs to do a little introspection....I mean it!

For example, let us start with this gem of a statement: "America which is perpetually on look-out for a new enemy forgets the fact that it is its own enemy." Or how about this one: "It is unfortunate that while America was the sole reason behind most of the wars fought around the world in last 2 decades, the blame had to be shouldered by the followers of Islam" (so it must have been Buddhists who attacked USA on 9/11). Whoever wrote that clearly has his/her mind made up already and these statements show it amply. Need I say more?
While you were quick to point those lines from my article you forgot the fact that Al-Qaeda is a CIA protege.

However, such sentiments will find a good audience here, so the author will be popular for sure. :D
No sir...I've never craved for attention.

I wanted to include "Kashmir" and more on America's Islamophobia too. I strongly believe that it works in the favor of super powers to keep the Kashmir issue burning; I have said this many times on the forum and the only other member whose thoughts 're congruous with mine on this is @MastanKhan .


The next target was Pakistan---everything was ready and prepped up by the U S---the Osama / Obama drama----. China was not under threat in the south china seas as much as it is now------so Pakistan was ready to be POPPED.

When the Big and The Bad blunder---it is on a stupendous and massive scale----. God---Power---Wealth---and a Military loaded with weapons of massive death and destruction are a recipe of true destruction and the U S corridors of Power were brimming with a godly pride and arrogance.

Now if you look at the military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq----a general leading from a third world most incompetent country would have done much better with this arsenal that we saw in these wars---than any stupid American brainless general could accomplish.

It is literally shocking to see that how incompetent and stupid these American generals were---starting from Tommy Franks and including Collin Powell----who stated these guys are like monkeys jumping on bars---when showed with the Taliban and al Qaeda fighters training videos----.

These generals were brimming with so much piss and vinegar standing under the shadows of old glory that they forgot the basics of fighting a war at the time of crisis.

Sanctions are cruel---sanctions are inhuman----with the U S sanctions---over a million Iraqi children died of disease----sanctions hurt Pakistan as well---with Cuba---the U S could not do Di-ck----.

So---one wonders----how could a God fearing and bible waving nation put sanctions on other nations where poor people cannot get food and medicine and children die of starvation and disease because of lack of food and medicine ( millions of tons of medicine and food are wasted here )---and one may come to the conclusion that the God of WHITE americans and a couple of BLACKS is a different God---- ( but most americans blacks have the same God as the God of the third world countries-----because that is where they came from and that is Who is going to stay with them ).

And then in all their majesty----pomp and glory---they build Abu Ghraib and other torture centers----and who could have imagined that our Poster Girl LYNDIE ENGLAD & her All American Boyfriend Charles Graner created a furor that no american general could imagine at that time what it would result into----.

As I mentioned before----this fcuk up that you see is the creation of the American general and general staff----born again christians-----high on bible studies----God, victory and the star spangled banner---these brainless twits and morons could not comprehend the consequences of humiliating men in the prison---.

What a payback---what a payback---ain't it a bit-ch---now all the Europe and the U S running scared of that one attack by isis----just that one attack that would lead to catastrophic failures in the system----. Isis---their own creation---talk about biting the hand----.
I would say Pakistan took the bait...or may be it didn't have any other option.
Btw I read this post elsewhere and thought it made a lot of sense and so posting it here...
Very few analysts have "appreciated" Pakistan that in fact it has survived a huge onslaught of destructive ideologies from inside and outside, that many other countries would not have survived.

If you are a country like Pakistan right next to a region. A region that is center of global context, like Afghanistan, there is no way in heck, Pakistan can come out unscathed.

For example, Vietname war where Laos and Cambodia were unfortunately got sucked into Vietnam war in the neighborhood. Look what happened to it.

Sameway Afghan wars have been going on since 1800s. Thus the region now called Pakistan has been sort of Laos and Cambodia only much longer.

And when we compare the death and destruction in Laos and Cambodia due to Vietnam war, believe me we came out much much better.

We could have done even better.

But then that's a separate discussion.


Murree brewery beats Chinese hands down.
The new enemy…

In Indonesia, CIA had supported Sarekat Islam against Sukarno [1] ; the American intelligence agency’s activities in Indonesia were mainly to check PRC’s influence in the region.

@Syed.Ali.Haider @MastanKhan @nair @FaujHistorian @utraash @SpArK @jamahir @SarthakGanguly @Slav Defence @third eye @OrionHunter @Arsalan

Serikat Islam is not a terrorist organisation ........:disagree: It is the most respected organisation in Indonesia and become the main force in political front to fight Dutch in Indonesia

I will explain this. Actually Soekarno is part of Serikat Islam, he even married a daughter of one of the Serikat Islam leader (Cokroaminoto) and become his first wife. Serikat Islam is the biggest independence movement in Indonesia, and from this organisation Indonesia become united, a very respected movement. Prominent leader of Serikat Islam is Cokroaminoto (Javanese) and Agus Salim (West Sumatra). Former name of this organisation -Serikat Islam- (Islam Union / United Islam) is Serikat Dagang Islam (Union of Muslim Trader).

Later, Communist element come and split this organisation into two, Islamist and Socialist. During 1960-1966, Islamist and Army were hand in hand to topple Soekarno since he is seen as a communist supporter. The Army opposition toward Soekarno can bee seen when Army refused/reluctant to fight a coalition of Britain/ Australia/ New Zealand/ Malaysia in Kalimantan island (part of movement to liberate Malaysia according to Soekarno/ Ganyang Malaysia policy) during 1960-1965. And then comes Soeharto (Army) to topple Soekarno with the help of Muslim university Student Organisation (HMI/Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam) demonstration to gain people support.
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In the late 80’s, CIA along with the house of Sauds had come up with a sinister plot in Afghanistan; they had created a “database” of thousands of Islamic extremists
Al-Qaeda was the name of that database?

It is unfortunate that while America was the sole reason behind most of the wars fought around the world in last 2 decades, the blame had to be shouldered by the followers of Islam; Islamophobia has effected the guilty and innocent followers of Islam alike.
Not by the followers of Islam, rather those who commit violence and terror in the name of Islam.

THAT's some huge Norwegian Ship Lifter:
MV Blue Marlin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Serikat Islam is not a terrorist organisation ........:disagree: It is the most respected organisation in Indonesia and become the main force in political front to fight Dutch in Indonesia

I will explain this. Actually Soekarno is part of Serikat Islam, he even married a daughter of one of the Serikat Islam leader (Cokroaminoto) and become his first wife. Serikat Islam is the biggest independence movement in Indonesia, and from this organisation Indonesia become united, a very respected movement. Prominent leader of Serikat Islam is Cokroaminoto (Javanese) and Agus Salim (West Sumatra). Former name of this organisation -Serikat Islam- (Islam Union / United Islam) is Serikat Dagang Islam (Union of Muslim Trader).

Later, Communist element come and split this organisation into two, Islamist and Socialist. During 1960-1966, Islamist and Army were hand in hand to topple Soekarno since he is seen as a communist supporter. The Army opposition toward Soekarno can bee seen when Army refused/reluctant to fight a coalition of Britain/ Australia/ New Zealand/ Malaysia in Kalimantan island (part of movement to liberate Malaysia according to Soekarno/ Ganyang Malaysia policy) during 1960-1965. And then comes Soeharto (Army) to topple Soekarno with the help of Muslim university Student Organisation (HMI/Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam) demonstration to gain people support.
well I did clear that America's support to Serikat Islam was limited to reducing China's influence in Indonesia but unfortunately I had forgotten to add the words "and a countercoup" against Sukarno. Thanks for bringing it to my notice, I've corrected it now. :)
I should have realised that it might sound like a fringe element when mentioned along with Egypt brotherhood and Jamaat-e-islami.

I made this statement after I read about it here

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