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The myth of “India shining”


Jun 14, 2010
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The myth of “India shining”

Sultan M Hali

India is rapidly moving towards an uncertain future stemming from the growing public pessimism out of its conservatism, because Congress and its clone BJP’s role is adding conceit and smugness to the hollow slogans of ‘Shining India’. Indian Congress’s rediscovery of poverty as the root cause of its problems and sloganeering to end this menace have made little or no headway. India is sitting on the heap of public discontent that can erupt like a volcano at any moment as its Prime Minister has turned down the proposal to provide free grain to the poor, as impractical proposal.

The despondency and despair of the common man in India can be gauged from the number of suicides by its impoverished masses. India’s illusions of grandeur and its propaganda machinery, which duped President Obama to declare that “India is not rising but has risen”, are based on self deception. It appears that in the Indian government, everyman-for-himself is prevalent.

The recent scandal in which Dr. Manmohan Singh faces huge criticism because of the corruption scandal involving the botched sale of 2G telecom licenses in 2008 at a small fraction of their value had cost the country up to 40 billion dollars depicts not only that his government lacks firm leadership quality but the Indian masses now believe that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is surely “in office but not in power”.

The stark disparity between poverty stricken down-castes vis-à-vis affluent Brahman class, is being denied all opportunities. Their excitable passions are like a fuel that can catch fire to enflame ‘Shining India’. The Banias and Upper caste exploiters have crippled India but maliciously blame the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and others through relentless propaganda. Indian economy has been exploited for many years. Ambanis, Mittals, Agarwals and Birlas in general have swindled India since 90% of the market share in Telecom is with them, but their agents ask new entrants to pay Rs. 170,000 crores. Here too there is caste system at play because they do not object to dual licenses taken by Banias at a low price. Two thirds of entire Oil & Gas reserves along with other minerals have been sold to Ambanis. The Hindu Banias have ruined India’s economy through the following malpractices. They introduced Take Over code that limited NRI investments in companies, but allowed unqualified families to illegally raise equity in companies from under 12% to 50% to 90%; they dismantled FERA, sabotaged or delayed “Patents” to millions of Indian Engineers SMEs.

They sold or leased National Wealth in Oil & Gas, Mines & Minerals to select corporate almost free, have reduced direct credit to farmers promoted high cost Micro Finance. They have promoted or allowed “Subcontracting of Major Works” and promoted Crooks, Astrologers, Communal Elements to sabotage development. One after another, many big corruption scandals are continuing to tumble out of the UPA Government’s cabinet. The Comptroller & Auditor General has now exposed the biggest scandal relating to the 2G Spectrum allocation, mentioned earlier, which involves a massive loss of about Rs.176,000 crore to the Indian exchequer. Union Minister for Communications and IT, A Raja, has already been forced out. There is even a possibility of Manmohan Singh’s Government being brought down on this issue.

The corruption scandal of Commonwealth Games, held in Delhi, also reportedly involves massive misappropriations from a huge expenditure of Rs.70,000 crore to Rs. 90,000 crore, but only a small fry like the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Suresh Kalmadi, has been removed from some posts though an amount of only Rs.1600 crore was given to him. Even many of the athletes have made crores of rupees in a couple of weeks.

The mentality behind the great wealth and progress made by the extremely corrupt leaders, bureaucrats, builders, industrialists, businessmen, middlemen and traders who are boasting about India having the capability of spending a massive amount of Rs.70,000 crore to Rs.90,000 crore on the Commonwealth Games indicates the massive progress made by India in being able to spend such huge funds that have been generated by the country, even if the Dalits, the poor and middle class people continue to be deprived of many essential goods and services at affordable prices? After the conclusion of the Commonwealth Games, the UPA Government has been gloating that India is emerging as a superpower in sports. How can India become a superpower in sports when the majority of the poor and middle class people continue to be deprived of many essential goods and services? The supply of insufficient food grains, which are also of extremely bad quality, makes it impossible for the majority of poor Indians to improve their health.

Many of them remain sick all their lives and die young. The majority of Indians cannot get even clean water that is fit to be used for drinking and cooking. Massive quantities of food grains are deliberately allowed to rot in Government godowns and to be eaten by rats, weevils and cockroaches, if they cannot be smuggled out and sold in the black market to hotels, bakeries, flour-mills and also distilleries for the manufacture of alcohol. The Supreme Court direction to the Government of India to distribute surplus food grains to the poor and lower middle class was deliberately ignored by the incompetent Indian government. In Mumbai, several generals and admirals were lured to become members of the illegally sanctioned building of Adarsh Co-operative Housing Society, which was built on an illegally acquired plot of land. The building has been declared illegal, as it has been constructed in violation of the environmental laws and FSI regulations. Former Chief of Army Gen N C Vij, former Chief of Army Gen Deepak Kapoor, former Chief of Navy Admiral Madhavendra Singh own flats in the Adarsh Society. Three close female relatives of ex-Chief Minister Ashok Chavan also own flats in Adarsh Society, which was originally meant for orphans and widows of Indian Armed Forces officers. Each flat has a market price of Rs.8 crore. That is the true picture behind the myth of “India Shining”.

The myth of “India shining”
Its our wealth and our country and we will use it however we want. We will loose it to scams and bet on CWGs, its our money. Why is Pakistan so concerned about it? All the scams being exposed recently shows how much India is changing, previously these type of scams were never given so much attention. Now thanks to a vibrant media they are getting due attention and people are taking notice, In Bihar state elections congress was humiliated.
Why don't the lower castes and non-Hindus finally overthrown their high-caste Hindu oppressors? I think the Sikhs are also allies of the high-caste Hindus. China should give money and weapons to overthrown these oppressors. India needs a land redistribution and true economic equality.
The myth of “India shining”

Sultan M Hali

India is rapidly moving towards an uncertain future stemming from the growing public pessimism out of its conservatism, because Congress and its clone BJP’s role is adding conceit and smugness to the hollow slogans of ‘Shining India’. Indian Congress’s rediscovery of poverty as the root cause of its problems and sloganeering to end this menace have made little or no headway. India is sitting on the heap of public discontent that can erupt like a volcano at any moment as its Prime Minister has turned down the proposal to provide free grain to the poor, as impractical proposal.

The despondency and despair of the common man in India can be gauged from the number of suicides by its impoverished masses. India’s illusions of grandeur and its propaganda machinery, which duped President Obama to declare that “India is not rising but has risen”, are based on self deception. It appears that in the Indian government, everyman-for-himself is prevalent.

The recent scandal in which Dr. Manmohan Singh faces huge criticism because of the corruption scandal involving the botched sale of 2G telecom licenses in 2008 at a small fraction of their value had cost the country up to 40 billion dollars depicts not only that his government lacks firm leadership quality but the Indian masses now believe that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is surely “in office but not in power”.

The stark disparity between poverty stricken down-castes vis-à-vis affluent Brahman class, is being denied all opportunities. Their excitable passions are like a fuel that can catch fire to enflame ‘Shining India’. The Banias and Upper caste exploiters have crippled India but maliciously blame the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and others through relentless propaganda. Indian economy has been exploited for many years. Ambanis, Mittals, Agarwals and Birlas in general have swindled India since 90% of the market share in Telecom is with them, but their agents ask new entrants to pay Rs. 170,000 crores. Here too there is caste system at play because they do not object to dual licenses taken by Banias at a low price. Two thirds of entire Oil & Gas reserves along with other minerals have been sold to Ambanis. The Hindu Banias have ruined India’s economy through the following malpractices. They introduced Take Over code that limited NRI investments in companies, but allowed unqualified families to illegally raise equity in companies from under 12% to 50% to 90%; they dismantled FERA, sabotaged or delayed “Patents” to millions of Indian Engineers SMEs.

They sold or leased National Wealth in Oil & Gas, Mines & Minerals to select corporate almost free, have reduced direct credit to farmers promoted high cost Micro Finance. They have promoted or allowed “Subcontracting of Major Works” and promoted Crooks, Astrologers, Communal Elements to sabotage development. One after another, many big corruption scandals are continuing to tumble out of the UPA Government’s cabinet. The Comptroller & Auditor General has now exposed the biggest scandal relating to the 2G Spectrum allocation, mentioned earlier, which involves a massive loss of about Rs.176,000 crore to the Indian exchequer. Union Minister for Communications and IT, A Raja, has already been forced out. There is even a possibility of Manmohan Singh’s Government being brought down on this issue.

The corruption scandal of Commonwealth Games, held in Delhi, also reportedly involves massive misappropriations from a huge expenditure of Rs.70,000 crore to Rs. 90,000 crore, but only a small fry like the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Suresh Kalmadi, has been removed from some posts though an amount of only Rs.1600 crore was given to him. Even many of the athletes have made crores of rupees in a couple of weeks.

The mentality behind the great wealth and progress made by the extremely corrupt leaders, bureaucrats, builders, industrialists, businessmen, middlemen and traders who are boasting about India having the capability of spending a massive amount of Rs.70,000 crore to Rs.90,000 crore on the Commonwealth Games indicates the massive progress made by India in being able to spend such huge funds that have been generated by the country, even if the Dalits, the poor and middle class people continue to be deprived of many essential goods and services at affordable prices? After the conclusion of the Commonwealth Games, the UPA Government has been gloating that India is emerging as a superpower in sports. How can India become a superpower in sports when the majority of the poor and middle class people continue to be deprived of many essential goods and services? The supply of insufficient food grains, which are also of extremely bad quality, makes it impossible for the majority of poor Indians to improve their health.

Many of them remain sick all their lives and die young. The majority of Indians cannot get even clean water that is fit to be used for drinking and cooking. Massive quantities of food grains are deliberately allowed to rot in Government godowns and to be eaten by rats, weevils and cockroaches, if they cannot be smuggled out and sold in the black market to hotels, bakeries, flour-mills and also distilleries for the manufacture of alcohol. The Supreme Court direction to the Government of India to distribute surplus food grains to the poor and lower middle class was deliberately ignored by the incompetent Indian government. In Mumbai, several generals and admirals were lured to become members of the illegally sanctioned building of Adarsh Co-operative Housing Society, which was built on an illegally acquired plot of land. The building has been declared illegal, as it has been constructed in violation of the environmental laws and FSI regulations. Former Chief of Army Gen N C Vij, former Chief of Army Gen Deepak Kapoor, former Chief of Navy Admiral Madhavendra Singh own flats in the Adarsh Society. Three close female relatives of ex-Chief Minister Ashok Chavan also own flats in Adarsh Society, which was originally meant for orphans and widows of Indian Armed Forces officers. Each flat has a market price of Rs.8 crore. That is the true picture behind the myth of “India Shining”.

The myth of “India shining”

pakobserver ????????? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Just think about Pakistan first then about India
Ha ha , good dinnertime joke for me,keep it up socom btw we are very happy in our so called poverty stricken nation so you please care about your rich and powerful country and stop posting cr@p about us(although i doubt that)
@hongwu: dont think china would do that, and please sir stop dreaming,iam afraid you will be disheartened to hear that this little trollistic idea of yours will be dealt with an iron hand here .
Why don't the lower castes and non-Hindus finally overthrown their high-caste Hindu oppressors? I think the Sikhs are also allies of the high-caste Hindus. China should give money and weapons to overthrown these oppressors. India needs a land redistribution and true economic equality.

Can I PM you my IBAN number , Transfer me some 500,000 Yuan to help me in my fight against the evil,cunning high caste Yindoos. :)
Why don't the lower castes and non-Hindus finally overthrown their high-caste Hindu oppressors? I think the Sikhs are also allies of the high-caste Hindus. China should give money and weapons to overthrown these oppressors. India needs a land redistribution and true economic equality.

Yepp sir please send Money and Weapons, I am ready for this noble cause.. I will send you my account info if you are ready to help..:cheers:
Come on fellas lets help him and ourself for this noble cause...
shining india has been over shadowed by the corruption and scams of its rulers and elites.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: what a myth buster. @ thread starter. do u have more of this stuff??????????:rofl::rofl::rofl:

i m lovin it........:lol::lol:
:woot: With more than 9% growth ????
Wats the use of 9% growth which cant feed its people.The same people which govt is expected to protect are forced to take up arms against it coz govt is unable to provide food to them even when billions of worth of food grains rot in its godowns coz the govt is more busy in filling its coffers through scams.
Why don't the lower castes and non-Hindus finally overthrown their high-caste Hindu oppressors? I think the Sikhs are also allies of the high-caste Hindus. China should give money and weapons to overthrown these oppressors. India needs a land redistribution and true economic equality.

Maybe because India is DEMOCRATIC! LOOOOOOL
Democratic means - ' Of the poeple, for the pople, by the people'
The myth of “India shining”

Sultan M Hali

India is rapidly moving towards an uncertain future stemming from the growing public pessimism out of its conservatism, because Congress and its clone BJP’s role is adding conceit and smugness to the hollow slogans of ‘Shining India’. Indian Congress’s rediscovery of poverty as the root cause of its problems and sloganeering to end this menace have made little or no headway. India is sitting on the heap of public discontent that can erupt like a volcano at any moment as its Prime Minister has turned down the proposal to provide free grain to the poor, as impractical proposal.

The despondency and despair of the common man in India can be gauged from the number of suicides by its impoverished masses. India’s illusions of grandeur and its propaganda machinery, which duped President Obama to declare that “India is not rising but has risen”, are based on self deception. It appears that in the Indian government, everyman-for-himself is prevalent.

The recent scandal in which Dr. Manmohan Singh faces huge criticism because of the corruption scandal involving the botched sale of 2G telecom licenses in 2008 at a small fraction of their value had cost the country up to 40 billion dollars depicts not only that his government lacks firm leadership quality but the Indian masses now believe that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is surely “in office but not in power”.

The stark disparity between poverty stricken down-castes vis-à-vis affluent Brahman class, is being denied all opportunities. Their excitable passions are like a fuel that can catch fire to enflame ‘Shining India’. The Banias and Upper caste exploiters have crippled India but maliciously blame the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and others through relentless propaganda. Indian economy has been exploited for many years. Ambanis, Mittals, Agarwals and Birlas in general have swindled India since 90% of the market share in Telecom is with them, but their agents ask new entrants to pay Rs. 170,000 crores. Here too there is caste system at play because they do not object to dual licenses taken by Banias at a low price. Two thirds of entire Oil & Gas reserves along with other minerals have been sold to Ambanis. The Hindu Banias have ruined India’s economy through the following malpractices. They introduced Take Over code that limited NRI investments in companies, but allowed unqualified families to illegally raise equity in companies from under 12% to 50% to 90%; they dismantled FERA, sabotaged or delayed “Patents” to millions of Indian Engineers SMEs.

They sold or leased National Wealth in Oil & Gas, Mines & Minerals to select corporate almost free, have reduced direct credit to farmers promoted high cost Micro Finance. They have promoted or allowed “Subcontracting of Major Works” and promoted Crooks, Astrologers, Communal Elements to sabotage development. One after another, many big corruption scandals are continuing to tumble out of the UPA Government’s cabinet. The Comptroller & Auditor General has now exposed the biggest scandal relating to the 2G Spectrum allocation, mentioned earlier, which involves a massive loss of about Rs.176,000 crore to the Indian exchequer. Union Minister for Communications and IT, A Raja, has already been forced out. There is even a possibility of Manmohan Singh’s Government being brought down on this issue.

The corruption scandal of Commonwealth Games, held in Delhi, also reportedly involves massive misappropriations from a huge expenditure of Rs.70,000 crore to Rs. 90,000 crore, but only a small fry like the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Suresh Kalmadi, has been removed from some posts though an amount of only Rs.1600 crore was given to him. Even many of the athletes have made crores of rupees in a couple of weeks.

The mentality behind the great wealth and progress made by the extremely corrupt leaders, bureaucrats, builders, industrialists, businessmen, middlemen and traders who are boasting about India having the capability of spending a massive amount of Rs.70,000 crore to Rs.90,000 crore on the Commonwealth Games indicates the massive progress made by India in being able to spend such huge funds that have been generated by the country, even if the Dalits, the poor and middle class people continue to be deprived of many essential goods and services at affordable prices? After the conclusion of the Commonwealth Games, the UPA Government has been gloating that India is emerging as a superpower in sports. How can India become a superpower in sports when the majority of the poor and middle class people continue to be deprived of many essential goods and services? The supply of insufficient food grains, which are also of extremely bad quality, makes it impossible for the majority of poor Indians to improve their health.

Many of them remain sick all their lives and die young. The majority of Indians cannot get even clean water that is fit to be used for drinking and cooking. Massive quantities of food grains are deliberately allowed to rot in Government godowns and to be eaten by rats, weevils and cockroaches, if they cannot be smuggled out and sold in the black market to hotels, bakeries, flour-mills and also distilleries for the manufacture of alcohol. The Supreme Court direction to the Government of India to distribute surplus food grains to the poor and lower middle class was deliberately ignored by the incompetent Indian government. In Mumbai, several generals and admirals were lured to become members of the illegally sanctioned building of Adarsh Co-operative Housing Society, which was built on an illegally acquired plot of land. The building has been declared illegal, as it has been constructed in violation of the environmental laws and FSI regulations. Former Chief of Army Gen N C Vij, former Chief of Army Gen Deepak Kapoor, former Chief of Navy Admiral Madhavendra Singh own flats in the Adarsh Society. Three close female relatives of ex-Chief Minister Ashok Chavan also own flats in Adarsh Society, which was originally meant for orphans and widows of Indian Armed Forces officers. Each flat has a market price of Rs.8 crore. That is the true picture behind the myth of “India Shining”.

The myth of “India shining”

I really don't know how to react:what: :what:Either laugh or Get Angry on this..:woot:

Pakistan observer:woot: Observe pakistan first..:rofl:
And yeah just last line..!

Mind your own F*****g Business..!

I really don't know how to react:what: :what:Either laugh or Get Angry on this..:woot:

Pakistan observer:woot: Observe pakistan first..:rofl:
And yeah just last line..!

Mind your own F*****g Business..!

Hey BRIC please don't spoil the mood here... don't you see a new revolution is going to take place from here onwards, after waiting so long finally we have got our messiah :yahoo::yahoo:
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