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The myth of ‘Hindutva terror’


Sep 29, 2011
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India is home to nearly 18 per cent of the world’s population. That’s a huge chunk of humanity in one country. Of this, nearly 82 per cent are Hindus. So naturally, it is a nation with a Hindu identity, irrespective of whether people with more “secular” outlook accept it or not. If Turkey can be called a Muslim nation and Germany a Christian nation, India is for sure a Hindu nation that functions in the form of a democracy.
Unfortunately India is one of the biggest victims of terrorismin the 21st century world. Interestingly, it has become very fashionable over the past 4 to 6 years to flash Hindutva “terror” or Saffron “terror” at the drop of a hat. Hindutva, is essentially an ideology which ispro-Hindu, and Saffron is a colour most associated with Sanatana Dharma, or Hinduism as the world labels it. Many people bring “Hindu terror”, “Hindutva terror” or “Saffron terror” into political and media discussions to score brownie points with the generally Hindu-despising crowd out there — the so-called secular people, communists, and some ‘friendly neighbours’ of who have a big stake in projecting Hindus in bad light.
Since Islamic terror or Muslim terror has been so much in news this century, some peoplefelt obligated to bring in an “equal-equal” balancing act to emphasise their own secular credentials. Of course it would be stupid to say that there are no bad people who are Hindus. They exist. There are criminals, rapists, murderers and much worse people who happen to be from practicing Hindu familyor just have a Hindu name. But ‘Hindutva terror’ or ‘Hindu terror’ is mostly meaningless ashardly any Hindu would go out and commit terrorism for the glory of the Bhagavad Gita or for attaining heaven for the sake of Krishna or Durga, or citea Vedic mantra before blowing up a group of people. Hindu criminals surely exist, but Hindu‘terror’(of the Islamist variety) is mostly imaginary. I have never come across an act of Hindutva ‘terror’ that killed even 100 people (that’s 0.8 per cent of the number of global terror victims in 2011) anywhere in the world in one incident. You can leave a comment below to educate us if you find this claim false.
Now let’s go beyond our opinions and claims. Let’s get some hard statistics from credible reports. Beyond the studios of some select media houses, does Hindutva ‘terror’, so fondly peddled by our neo-intellectuals, even exist? If it exists among 15-18 per cent of the world’s population, shouldn’t it be a very visible form of terror in international reports and news items? That too when India itself features among the 6 most terror-affected countries in the global ranking?
I found one very credible and internationally accepted report on the previous year’s terrorism statistics. I was actually hoping to see a lot of ‘Hindutva terror’-related information from this comprehensive world report onterrorism in 2011. To my shock, there was not even a single mention of ‘Hindu’, ‘RSS’, ‘Sangh’, ‘Saffron’ and other labels that Indian media regularly feeds us. There were 16 mentions of India in this 33-page comprehensive report, but not ONE mention of the word ‘Hindu’! I checked and rechecked, just to ensure that I was not missing something.
How did this happen?
How come the world’s most comprehensive report on terrorism from 2011 does not have a mention of even one terror incident involving ‘Hindutva’ or ‘Hindu’ which many politicians and mediapersons don’t seem to stop talking about in India?
2011 Global Terror Statistics:
You can download and read theentire report here from the official National Counter Terrorism Center website in USA. ( Click here to download the PDF report )
After failing to find any mention of ‘Hindutva’ terror, I then extracted some key numbers that I hope Indian media stalwarts will read through and get a larger, globalperspective. There were over 10,000 terrorist attacks in 2011, affecting nearly 45,000 victims in 70 countries and resulting in over 12,500 deaths. That’s a very large number of people getting affected, even though the number of attacks were fewer compared to 2007.
India features among the six countries most affected by terrorism in 2011. In Afghanistan, 3,353 people died due to terror attacks in 2011. Iraq saw 3,063 deaths, Pakistansaw 2,033, Somalia saw 1,101, Nigeria saw 593 and India saw 479 victims. These are purely terrorism-related deaths, and do not include deaths in religious / sectarian wars like inSyria where more than 20,000 people have died in 2011 itself. The war-torn Afghanistan, the unstable Iraq, and the very likely imploding Pakistan together account for 64 per cent of the terrorist attacks in the world during 2011. India’s most volatile neighbour Pakistan, with a long history exporting terrorism, saw an increase of 8 per cent in terror attacks compared to 2010.
Now let us come to religious demographics. I am not sure this even deserves mention, but something needs to stand in contrast to all the ‘Hindutva’ bashing in Indian media.:
1. In 2011, 56 per cent of the world’s terrorist attacks (5,700) were by Sunni Muslims. 70 per cent of the worldwide deaths were also OF Sunni Muslims.
2. Effectively, out of the 12,533 terror victims in the world in 2011, 8,886 were killedby Sunni Muslim extremists.
3. There were 279 suicide attacks in the world during 2011. Sunni Muslims conducted 93 per cent of these attacks.
4. Out of 12,000+ killed by terrorists in 2011, 6,418 were civilians. 755 were children. Nearly 90 per cent of terror victims, with their religion identified, were Muslims.
Amazing! What will the ‘secular’ columnists, who made a living bashing ‘Hindutva terror’ do now? Not ONE mention in the world’s most comprehensive report of Hindu ‘terror’. Not to mention the factthat an overwhelming majorityof terrorists listed happen to beMuslims, whom these folks hesitate to highlight, thanks to their ‘equal-equal’ reporting mission. Is it time for them to get back to their ‘terrorism has no religion’ cliche?
2011 Indian Terror Groups per the Global Report:
Since India unfortunately figured in this list, it was necessary to dig deep into incidents involving the country,to find out who in India was killing that many people. According to the report, the topnon-Muslim terrorist groups in the world were FARC from Columbia (carried out 377 attacks in 2011), CPI-Maoist in India (351 attacks), NPA-CPP of Philippines that struck 102 times and PKK of Turkey (carried out 48 attacks).
Here were the only 3 Indian terror organisations featured:
1. Communist ideology holding Communist Party of India – Maoist.
2. Indian Mujahideen, the terror outfit that is alleged to have links with Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), for which the incumbentForeign Minister of India Salman Khurshid was a legal voice.
3. Harkat ul-Jihad Islami (HUJI).
The summary of the report is pretty clear. It’s unfortunate forIndia that it did figure as the sixth most terror-affected nation on this planet. However,even though Hindus form 15 to 18 per cent of the world’s population across dozens of countries, with an overwhelming majority in India, they had zero mention inthe comprehensive world terrorreport for 2011. Not only was there no mention of the word ‘Hindu’ itself, all other related labels like ‘Hindutva’, ‘RSS’ etc. were absent as well. Among the three Indian terrorist outfits featured in the global report, two were Islamist and one was Communist. Ironically, it is the advocates of these verysame ideologies that have beentrying desperately to project to the world the imaginary idea of ‘Hindutva terror’ and the huge danger it poses to humanity.
I hope India’s top politicians, their speechwriters and media editors read this report carefully. Perhaps they would do better by getting back to the ‘terrorism has no religion’ cliche instead of discrediting themselves by peddling the non-existent ‘Hindutva Terror’.

The myth of
India do have nutters in media, who for the sake of 'secular' credential say something thats not there...
We have nutters in hinduism too, but we have nipped in the bud, their ambition to become a terrorist organisation.. But the word saffron or hindutva used by them have no meanings, like their words..
maoist were controlled lot in 2012 through efficient measures taken by P,Chidambaram and Vijay Kumar, CRPF director general..
No need, just scroll to the end of this very page. There's a whole bunch of similar threads links that give results.
"a failed man tries to pull down a successful man coz he knows he is too incompetent to reach the stature of a successful man"

same story applies for people who are trying hard to ppl who coined the term "hindutva terror"

aftr being internationally branded as terrorists, they are coining words like "hindutva terror" , latest "buddhist terror"

dont be surprised next will be " jainism terror" actually the peaceful nature of dharmic religion terrifies them, ittells them that there is something very fundamentally wrong in there thinking

but like always they will act too ignorant to accept that!!!!!!

om shanti! om shanti ! om shanti!
It's stupid to assume there are no fundamentalists in the Hindu religion. Idiots are can be found in every corner of society, I see no reason why the Hindu religion would be any different. However the issue of fanatical Hindus/Hindutva is not as wide spread as certain people would like to make out. In the same way the Khalistani movement is not as alive as some would like us to believe.

It has to be said though that India cannot get complacent on this front. Fundamentalists of all kinds need to be eradicated. But it has to be said just because there might not be actual Hindu terrorism doesn't mean there aren't fundamentalists- every week you hear of right wings Hindus protesting this or that or. Mostly they are just ignorant angry young men but this is still an issue.
Fundamentalists exist in every religion. Including Hinduism.

I am not afraid of Hindutva/Hindu nationalism per se. But the ones that advocate the right amount of nationalism are few and far between.

Fundamentalists exist even amongst those who advocate Hindutva and this isnt surprising. There is a good chance that the majority of the violent dudes in the Hindutva movement dont even know what it means.

That said, Hindutva should be a little more inclusive. They should include Islam and Christianity and Judaism amongst other religions, and only then they will have credibility. Otherwise most people are afraid of these far right wing groups, including a lot of Hindus, because they do see them as religious extremists. And some of them indeed are.
Forget what opportunist ediots like Diggy Singh barks once in a while (he is the greatest danger to Secularism by giving " Secualrism" word a bad name), Indian state, Agencies and laws are robust and there is no leniency to terrorist.

And there is nothing like Hindu,Buddhist , Christain, Jainist Terrorist. It surprizes me to see the reality....
There is no hindutva terror.... Its a roman terror from italy.... (evil sonia gandhi).... They blamed the hindu lady for placing bomb.... My question to u all is a lady who makes a bomb and uses her own scotty to blow it???.... Sonia gandhi is terrorists and this was predicted 5000years when rama empire destroyed atlantis empire.... They said in evil age a roman will rule india.... Here we are now.... Btw serial bomb blast in IPL and pune was done by Congress.... But dont worry.... Golden age coming. In golden age most corrupt politicians will dissapear from planet earth....
There is no hindutva terror.... Its a roman terror from italy.... (evil sonia gandhi).... They blamed the hindu lady for placing bomb.... My question to u all is a lady who makes a bomb and uses her own scotty to blow it???.... Sonia gandhi is terrorists and this was predicted 5000years when rama empire destroyed atlantis empire.... They said in evil age a roman will rule india.... Here we are now.... Btw serial bomb blast in IPL and pune was done by Congress.... But dont worry.... Golden age coming. In golden age most corrupt politicians will dissapear from planet earth....

That's not what the Hindus think.
It is not a crime to love your country and your nation. In fact, my respect goes to those who love and support their countries.
Indians should be proud of their nation.

Only your enemies will tell you not to express love and loyalty towards your country, so they may tear it apart without any resistance piece by piece.
Hindu terrorism charges force India to reflect on prejudices against Muslims

By Simon Denyer and Rama Lakshmi
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, March 14, 2011; 5:27 AM
DEWAS, INDIA - When a series of bomb attacks ripped through Muslim neighborhoods, mosques and shrines in India in recent years, suspicion fell firmly on a familiar culprit: Islamist terror. After each incident, scores of Indian Muslims were rounded up, and many were tortured. Confessions were extracted, the names of various militant "masterminds" leaked to the media and links with Pakistan widely alleged.

Hindu terrorism charges force India to reflect on prejudices against Muslims
Attacks blamed on Hindu radicals
Never mind that most of the victims were Muslims; it seemed natural to many people, from New Delhi to Washington, to assume the attacks were the work of extremist Pakistani militants and their Indian Muslim sympathizers, intent on fanning religious tensions in India and disrupting the peace process between the nuclear-armed rivals.

But those investigations, and the assumptions behind them, were turned on their head early this year by the confession of a Hindu holy man. Swami Aseemanand told a magistrate that the bomb makers were neither Pakistani nor Muslim but Hindu radicals, bent on revenge for many earlier acts of terrorism across India that had been perpetrated by Muslims.

His statement, subsequently leaked to the media, alleged that a network of radicals stretched right up to senior levels of the country's Hindu nationalist right wing. It also exposed deep-seated prejudices within the police against the country's minority Muslim population.

Ironically, the charges may also have helped India and Pakistan to get back to the negotiating table last month after relations broke down in the wake of the 2008 attacks on Mumbai.

A string of attacks

Like many Indians, Aseemanand was furious with terrorist attacks in the country carried out by Muslims. "We should answer bombs with bombs," he told a small group of Hindu extremists in June 2006, only to discover a plot was already well under way.

In the ensuing 18 months, bombs were placed on bicycles in a Muslim cemetery in the western town of Malegaon, hidden under a granite slab in a mosque in Hyderabad and left in a tiffin lunchbox in an important Sufi shrine in Ajmer, all targets Aseemanand said he suggested.

In another attack, 68 people, most of them Pakistanis, were killed when suitcases packed with explosives were placed next to gasoline bottles on a train headed from western India to Pakistan. Many of the victims were unable to escape the inferno because of bars on the train windows, and their bodies were burned beyond recognition.

Evidence that radical Hindus, including an army colonel who is suspected of supplying the technical expertise and the explosives, were behind several of these bombings began to surface more than two years ago, and several people were arrested, including Aseemanand.

But his statement is the first clear evidence that Indian Hindu terrorists were to blame for the deaths of Pakistani Muslim travelers on the Samjhauta, or Friendship
, Express.

Pakistan reacted to the news with ill-disguised glee, arguing that the botched investigations and the subsequent confession confirmed its suspicions that India "lacked the courage" to prosecute radical Hindus.

In India, there was sober reflection in some quarters about prejudices against Muslims. The Hindu right's old adage, that "while not every Muslim is a terrorist, every terrorist is a Muslim," could no longer be trotted out with a straight face.

Hindu terrorism charges force India to reflect on prejudices against Muslims
Evidence is weak, I didn't kill Karkare, Salaskar: Kasab
PTI Dec 9, 2010, 06.23pm IST

Cama Hospital|Bombay high court|Ashok Kamte|Amin Solkar|Ajmal Kasab|26/11 attacks
MUMBAI: Describing evidence against him in the 26/11 attacks as "weak", Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab today asserted before Bombay High Court that police had not been able to prove beyond reasonable doubt he had killed police officers Hemant Karkare and Vijay Salaskar.

His lawyer, Amin Solkar, harped on trial judge M L Tahaliyani's observation in the verdict that bullets recovered from bodies of Karkare and Salaskar did not tally with the weapons of Kasab and Abu Ismail, though bullets found in police officer Ashok Kamte's body matched with Ismail's rifle.

There was no conclusive evidence to prove that Kasab was present at the spot, near Cama Hospital, where Karkare and two other officers were gunned down and also to show that he had fired at them, Solkar, who concluded arguments on Kasab's appeal against death sentence awarded to him in 26/11 attack case, said.

Solkar said police had tried to connect Kasab with other terrorists, who had created mayhem at Hotels Taj Mahal and Oberoi-Trident, by saying that he too had planted a bomb in a locker at Chhatrapati Shivaji Railway Terminus which did not explode. Similar bombs were planted by others at the hotels.

It was the case of prosecution that the pink-coloured thermocol used in packing the bomb at CST was similar to the one used for covering bombs found at Taj and Oberoi, Solkar, assisted by Farhana Shah and Santosh Deshpande, argued.

The police argument was without any strong evidence because pink thermocol can be procured from open market. Such material could have been planted at CST to connect Kasab with other bombs found elsewhere and rope him in the conspiracy, Solkar argued.

Evidence is weak, I didn't kill Karkare, Salaskar: Kasab - Economic Times

If Kasab did not kill Karkare & Salaskar then who killed him May Be "Hindu Terrorist"

“I still do not have the answers to several of my questions,” said Kavita Karkare, the ATS chief’s widow. “I would like to know why it took 40 minutes for help to reach the injured officers in Rang Bhavan Lane despite it being so close to the police headquarters.”

More questions follow. Whywas Karkare the only senior police officer to go to the spot? Why were ‘substandard’ bullet-proof jackets supplied to the police? Why was no investigation ordered to find out who was responsible for this? How did the jacket worn by Karkare go missing? “The questions are endless, but there have been no answers,” Kavita said.

A few days after the attack, AR Antulay, who was then the Union minority affairs minister, said in Parliament: “He [Karkare] was making an independent investigation in which he found non-Muslim terrorists involved. Whether he was just a victim of terror or something [else], I do not know. I knew him personally. I salute him.”

Who sent Hemant Karkare to his death? - Mumbai - DNA
The irony is that some so called brainwashed sickular get so much convinced of the hindu terror just by a few rare or constipated examples where they blindly support the looting party.... A foreign national.....more irony that the most people(only from Indians) on the forum who sing the song of Hindu terror are from the lot where we have living examples of not just looters or thief but hundreds of traitors to country. Then we have our poor minded and insecure weak lot of millions of Hindu population who are still just comfortable in guided like sheeps in horde with no brains by their sonia mummi..
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