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The most powerful Indians in 2012: No. 1-10

Now a chinese will tell us about who has legitimate right to rule India.

so you think a european of 100% italian blood has the legitimacy to rule 1.2 billion indians? did you enjoy the period where india was ruled by the british? i'm just stating the obvious. india should be ruled by an indian, what do you think?
so you think a european of 100% italian blood has the legitimacy to rule 1.2 billion indians? did you enjoy the period where india was ruled by the british? i'm just stating the obvious. india should be ruled by an indian, what do you think?

like sonia you dont have knowledge about indian politics.
i will say again,she is just a puppet under the name of gandhi,while india is run by persons who are sitting left n right to her
so you think a european of 100% italian blood has the legitimacy to rule 1.2 billion indians? did you enjoy the period where india was ruled by the british? i'm just stating the obvious. india should be ruled by an indian, what do you think?

It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.
Deng Xiaoping
like sonia you dont have knowledge about indian politics.
i will say again,she is just a puppet under the name of gandhi,while india is run by persons who are sitting left n right to her

more like she is the puppeteer.


more like she is the puppeteer.


apart from posting pics,can you refute my claim??
our public dont think deeply,same case is with you.so can you run our country??can you run people with different culture in every state??so think wisely,n reply
It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.
Deng Xiaoping

Yes, but this cat does not catch mice.

Congress always misses the GDP growth targets, inflation targets, FDI targets, infrastructure targets, etc.

Modi on the other hand, actually provides results that exceed the targets.
Sonia Gandhi refuses to disclose details of her I-T returns :angry::angry:

New Delhi: UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi has refused to disclose details of her Income Tax returns under the Right To Information act. Sources say party leaders have also defended her stand.
Congress leaders supported Sonia saying that all details were with the I-T department and there was no need to go public with them.

Sources also say that the details could be misused if made public.
Chennai-based RTI activist V Gopalakrishnan had sought details of her I-T returns from 2000 to 2011.
Sonia Gandhi refuses to disclose details of her I-T returns - Politics - Politics News - ibnlive
Yes, but this cat does not catch mice.

Congress always misses the GDP growth targets, inflation targets, FDI targets, infrastructure targets, etc.

Modi on the other hand, actually provides results that exceed the targets.

UPA-2 is a blunder but UPA 1 was quite a success. Thatswhy people chose them again to elect. So it's not that bad.
so you think a european of 100% italian blood has the legitimacy to rule 1.2 billion indians? did you enjoy the period where india was ruled by the british? i'm just stating the obvious. india should be ruled by an indian, what do you think?

She is daughter-in-law of our country. I enjoy or what I think about her rule does not matter until our countrymen vote for her. All I can do that is make sure I won't vote for her. BTW. Why are you so concern about who will rule us?
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