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Currently India -Pakistan is the most fragile nuclear flash point zone ...although there are other potential nuclear adversaries such as North korea -south korea , India-China , Iasrael-Iran etc .

Even if we do not eliminate nuclear weapons ....if we just managed to increase threshold to use nukes and arrest our nuclear arms race ....it will be welcome step .

India and Pakistan will have to accept each other ...we can't go on like this ....( even if peace between India and Pakistan seems illusive ....we have to keep trying ....)

For sake of our countries and coming generations ....

If Europe could find itself at peace after centuries of war ....why India - Pakistan can't ?

I hope we don't have to go through the rigors of all -destructive -all consuming wars before we can understand value of Peace !!!

However after these idealistic thoughts I currently do not see end to hostility between our two countries ....!!!

Pakistan sees itself asymmetrically balanced vis a vis India and sees Nuclear weapons as kind of equalizer ....

Unfortunately given India's size and population ....the asymmetry will persist ....and so Pakistan's feeling of insecurity !

India and Pakistan will have to find peace somehow .....despite such imbalances within them !

we must keep hopes alive ....

Europe is tired of War and want peace in its region. Also there are Anti-Pakistan & Anti-India elements in our politicians and people. We need to change our self if we want peace in our region. Let's hope peace will be gained in our region.
World War 2 didn't ended in europe. It ended after Japan signed the instrument of surrender. War in europe ended when Nazi signed its instrument of surrender but pacific war continues.

US called the japan to surrender, threatening prompt and utter destruction. Japan ignored it.

When US drop the atomic bomb on Heroshima and Nagasaki, Japan announced its surrender and signed on instrument of surrender. It officially ended World War 2.

Indeed European theater had already closed by August 1945 . Japan was loking for honorable terms to end the war it was losing ...

Allied forces had already closed on Japan ....Okinawa had fallen ....Admiral Yamamoto had been killed....Japan had almost lost the war with Allied forces but wanted honorable deal for its country ....

Well such magnanimity can't be expected in war always ...for winning side to give honorable exit to losing side !!!

But in any case there was no strong case for US to use nukes against Japan .... the eefects of such mighty weapon were already demonstrated at desert of Almogordo where first nuke was tested ...

The circumstances under which decision to nuke Japan was taken by Truman administration ....took into consideration - the post War scenario where USSR was on winning side .

US needed to proclaim its Supremacy at end of war ...for structure of world leadership had changed drastically ....Europe which was the centre of world politics and domination had been left in ruins .....UK the then mightiest empire had been humbled .

At this point US and USSR were only tow countries left to lead world ....

Therefore the decision to nuke Japan was 'opportunistic' and it was aimed at USSR as much as it was meant to exact punishment on Japan ....

To say simply , US killed many stones with two 'nukes' it dropped over Japan ....

The possession of War winning weapon was the reason why US refused to part with nuclear weapon secrets with its closest ally UK even when UK had initially supported Project Manhattan with men ,money and materials....

Nukes did end WW II technically .... but on other hand they initiated cold war ....!!!

USSR followed nuke tests within short period ....and nuclear race begun ....and it continues ....

Such is the lust for deadly weapons ...that everybody who comes in its possession will never let it go !!!

( only exception being South Africa ....)
Indeed European theater had already closed by August 1945 . Japan was loking for honorable terms to end the war it was losing ...

Allied forces had already closed on Japan ....Okinawa had fallen ....Admiral Yamamoto had been killed....Japan had almost lost the war with Allied forces but wanted honorable deal for its country ....

Well such magnanimity can't be expected in war always ...for winning side to give honorable exit to losing side !!!

But in any case there was no strong case for US to use nukes against Japan .... the eefects of such mighty weapon were already demonstrated at desert of Almogordo where first nuke was tested ...

The circumstances under which decision to nuke Japan was taken by Truman administration ....took into consideration - the post War scenario where USSR was on winning side .

US needed to proclaim its Supremacy at end of war ...for structure of world leadership had changed drastically ....Europe which was the centre of world politics and domination had been left in ruins .....UK the then mightiest empire had been humbled .

At this point US and USSR were only tow countries left to lead world ....

Therefore the decision to nuke Japan was 'opportunistic' and it was aimed at USSR as much as it was meant to exact punishment on Japan ....

To say simply , US killed many stones with two 'nukes' it dropped over Japan ....

The possession of War winning weapon was the reason why US refused to part with nuclear weapon secrets with its closest ally UK even when UK had initially supported Project Manhattan with men ,money and materials....

Nukes did end WW II technically .... but on other hand they initiated cold war ....!!!

USSR followed nuke tests within short period ....and nuclear race begun ....and it continues ....

Such is the lust for deadly weapons ...that everybody who comes in its possession will never let it go !!!

( only exception being South Africa ....)

Let's hope for better future of our world and whole mankind!
If you do not like nuclear weapons - why would you, India and Pakistan, have done and continue to do it?

I'm against the nuclear weapon.... Its so funny when people saying it as for Minimum deterrence purpose..............
Pakistan and other countries should disable all nuclear weapons.... This is evil..... Future is Black.................... World is at stake.....
I can't see world surviving after 2030+......................Think tanks in U.S.A and others already said that 3rd world war will start from South aria, Pak/India region... ..
Future is very dark......................:undecided:
I have seen several documentaries about the 'Tsar Bomba' test of the early 60's. You will probably understand the context by watching the entire 'Cold War' series. I have seen that series. Try to watch from Episode one. But if you must jump to a portion related to Tsar Bomba then watch this one, end of my post below.

BTW, Americans had already started to do the nuclear blackmail of the USSR around the end of WW 2. And we know what followed from there on.

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One day the mankind will be destroyed by their own weapons which were made for their security.

EXACTLY! And the current various weapon arsenals incl. the WMD of the major nations are enough to destroy the entire Earth many many times...

Prometheus (2012) is the latest movie serving as a good reminder on how a planet civilization is extinct by their own created weaponry.
One day the mankind will be destroyed by their own weapons which were made for their security.

Well, it seems mankind has managed to slightly steer away from that path so far!

Imagine how much resources have been spent and are being spent in building the killer weapons???
I'm against the nuclear weapon.... Its so funny when people saying it as for Minimum deterrence purpose..............
Pakistan and other countries should disable all nuclear weapons.... This is evil..... Future is Black.................... World is at stake.....
I can't see world surviving after 2030+......................Think tanks in U.S.A and others already said that 3rd world war will start from South aria, Pak/India region... ..
Future is very dark......................:undecided:

well there are a number of WW III hot spots across the globe nowadays - Syria, India-Pakistan, China-Taiwan/Japan, USA/Israel-Iran and who knows there might be unseen boiling spots that might come out as surprise and we will have too little chance to avoid the WW III!

We should also count the great threat of Cyberwar that could cause havoc and eventually send us back to the stone age .... ;(
We did so that China will think thrice before attacking India. That's all.

And Russia did so that America will think thrice before attacking Russia. It's something no one can stop. Now enemies of North Korea and Israel will try to become nuclear countries. Because they have threat from them.

This will make the world even worst. I hope mankind will not be killed by its weapons.

Well, it seems mankind has managed to slightly steer away from that path so far!

Imagine how much resources have been spent and are being spent in building the killer weapons???

US begins the arm race and now you can see that US went bankrupt.

Well, it seems mankind has managed to slightly steer away from that path so far!

Imagine how much resources have been spent and are being spent in building the killer weapons???

US begins the arm race and now you can see that US went bankrupt.
And Russia did so that America will think thrice before attacking Russia. It's something no one can stop. Now enemies of North Korea and Israel will try to become nuclear countries. Because they have threat from them.

This will make the world even worst. I hope mankind will not be killed by its weapons.

Precisely. So stop justifying the reasons for which you gained such weapons. Every Nation that made the bomb had a very strong reason to do so. Question is, how prepared is a Nation to use it. Countries like China and India have declared a no-first-use policy. That in itself shows that the A-bomb is for deterrence and not offence. Pakistan has not demonstrated such maturity at all and yet continues to act as if India is ready to drop nukes on it any time.

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