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You see, you have developed nuclear weapons to defend yourself. Similarly done and the USSR. But the USSR defended itself against the most dangerous country in the world. From a country that never ceases to make wars. Therefore, the weapon had to be worthy to this threat.

That's what I was talking about
You see, you have developed nuclear weapons to defend yourself. Similarly done and the USSR. But the USSR defended itself against the most dangerous country in the world. From a country that never ceases to make wars. Therefore, the weapon had to be worthy to this threat.

I didn't blame USSR ....for building nukes ...well just as you followed the US

The tradition of following each other and outmatching each other goes on ....

Important question is what is the end point to this race of madness.....???
I see a positive side in a nuclear weapon - thanks to it in the world was not great wars for 70 years.
That's what I was talking about

But question is does that make you safer ...?

....or makes you more vulnerable ???

Biggest asset of nuclear weapons is not to win war ....but to prevent war !

and you don't need nukes to prevent war ....

I see a positive side in a nuclear weapon - thanks to it in the world was not great wars for 70 years.

I agree with you ....

But you see both USSR and US acted in matured way ....

Can we expect same maturity with 'rogue' states with unsecured nuclear weapons ....

I just hope so ....that sanity will prevail at all times !

I agree Nuclear weapons have been Weapons of Peace for last 6 decades ....and have prevented major wars .

But I am not very comfortable to let the risk of war to be decided by maturity of particular countries leadership...

A nuclear war in any corner of world will spell disaster for whole humanity ....
This is not question who to blame for what ....

we can't undo past ...

But we can conduct ourselves well by taking lessons from past ...

All I am saying that despite building and testing "The Biggest Bomb In World till date " it took USSR nowhere ...

so this race to build more nukes ....more powerful nukes ....bigger nukes ....must stop !

Just imagine
One day
When India and Pakistan will accept each other and talk for peace in region and shut down our nuclear reactors like Japan.
So what?
We both countries are not the only countries with nukes. There are other countries with nukes too. Not every one think alike.
So we can just blame the one who started it.
But question is does that make you safer ...?

....or makes you more vulnerable ???

Biggest asset of nuclear weapons is not to win war ....but to prevent war !

and you don't need nukes to prevent war ....


Although nukes can prevent war but it can also destroy the whole world. Japan is the great example for this. no one will not give a damn to our opinions. Let's hope for a better future.
I believe the largest conventional bomb is the Thermobaric russian FOAB .
There is no positive in nukes,the ones who say that they prevent world wars are wrong.One day a mad man or a trigger shaky one will press the button and we will all be gone.Mark my words,we're only humans,and yes...we're that stupid!
There is no positive in nukes,the ones who say that they prevent world wars are wrong.One day a mad man or a trigger shaky one will press the button and we will all be gone.Mark my words,we're only humans,and yes...we're that stupid!


But wait, what if some country who love to go for war, capture your country and threat you saying that if you don't act as per my command then I will nuke you. What will you do then? Nukes are helpful in preventing war as it does in World War 2 when US bomb on Japan.

But wait, what if some country who love to go for war, capture your country and threat you saying that if you don't act as per my command then I will nuke you. What will you do then? Nukes are helpful in preventing war as it does in World War 2 when US bomb on Japan.

Unfortunately mankind's history is full of wars and nations subjugating nations but we managed to move on,though with horrible losses and victims sometimes.

There is no moving out after the nukes come out.

But wait, what if some country who love to go for war, capture your country and threat you saying that if you don't act as per my command then I will nuke you. What will you do then? Nukes are helpful in preventing war as it does in World War 2 when US bomb on Japan.

The example you cite is totally wrong . US didn't use nuke to prevent war ....or even end war as US procloaims ...

Here they had powerful weapon at end of world war II ...born out of mammoth Project manhattan....after spending billions of dollars ...

They had to proclaim supremacy at end of World war II...so did they by exploding nukes ...mighty weapon they thought they alone will possess ...

The nuking of Hiroshima , Nagasaki was aimed at USSR as much it was aimed to punish Japan...

The war had already ended in Europe and was about to end in Pacific ...

there was no real need to nuke Japan ...

The decision to nuke Japan was political more than military ...

So you are wrong on that account ...
Just imagine
One day
When India and Pakistan will accept each other and talk for peace in region and shut down our nuclear reactors like Japan.
So what?
We both countries are not the only countries with nukes. There are other countries with nukes too. Not every one think alike.
So we can just blame the one who started it.

Something is better than nothing ...India -Pakistan , India- China , North-South Korea , Iran -Israel these are some of the potential nuclear adversaries ...

But for time being we can start with our region ...and even if we do not eliminate nuclear weapons ....even if we manage to reduce our thresholds ...it will be welcome sign to begin with ....

One day India and Pakistan will have to accept each other ...and let bygones of past ....and move on for better future of coming generations ....

If Europe could make peace after two deadly wars ...why we can't ?

I hope we don't have to go through destructive wars to understand value of Peace !!!

For sake of our countries and sake of our people ....we must embrace peace ....(however illusive it may seem....we must keep trying ....to tolerate each other ....) !!!
The example you cite is totally wrong . US didn't use nuke to prevent war ....or even end war as US procloaims ...

Here they had powerful weapon at end of world war II ...born out of mammoth Project manhattan....after spending billions of dollars ...

They had to proclaim supremacy at end of World war II...so did they by exploding nukes ...mighty weapon they thought they alone will possess ...

The nuking of Hiroshima , Nagasaki was aimed at USSR as much it was aimed to punish Japan...

The war had already ended in Europe and was about to end in Pacific ...

there was no real need to nuke Japan ...

The decision to nuke Japan was political more than military ...

So you are wrong on that account ...

World War 2 didn't ended in europe. It ended after Japan signed the instrument of surrender. War in europe ended when Nazi signed its instrument of surrender but pacific war continues.

US called the japan to surrender, threatening prompt and utter destruction. Japan ignored it.

When US drop the atomic bomb on Heroshima and Nagasaki, Japan announced its surrender and signed on instrument of surrender. It officially ended World War 2.
Just imagine
One day
When India and Pakistan will accept each other and talk for peace in region and shut down our nuclear reactors like Japan.
So what?
We both countries are not the only countries with nukes. There are other countries with nukes too. Not every one think alike.
So we can just blame the one who started it.

Currently India -Pakistan is the most fragile nuclear flash point zone ...although there are other potential nuclear adversaries such as North korea -south korea , India-China , Iasrael-Iran etc .

Even if we do not eliminate nuclear weapons ....if we just managed to increase threshold to use nukes and arrest our nuclear arms race ....it will be welcome step .

India and Pakistan will have to accept each other ...we can't go on like this ....( even if peace between India and Pakistan seems illusive ....we have to keep trying ....)

For sake of our countries and coming generations ....

If Europe could find itself at peace after centuries of war ....why India - Pakistan can't ?

I hope we don't have to go through the rigors of all -destructive -all consuming wars before we can understand value of Peace !!!

However after these idealistic thoughts I currently do not see end to hostility between our two countries ....!!!

Pakistan sees itself asymmetrically balanced vis a vis India and sees Nuclear weapons as kind of equalizer ....

Unfortunately given India's size and population ....the asymmetry will persist ....and so Pakistan's feeling of insecurity !

India and Pakistan will have to find peace somehow .....despite such imbalances within them !

we must keep hopes alive ....

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