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The Most Embarrassing Fox News Interview?

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He was giving interview for Western audience in English. And every westerner with half of brain knows about Judea.
Are you saying Fox News is ONLY for WESTERN AUDIENCE? Can YOU BACK YOUR CLAIM about EVERY WESTERNER knowing Judea just coz you know it?!
Furthermore he was bragging ten times that he is PhD and he talks purely historical. And history says that it was Judea and not Palestine during Jesus' time.
He wasnt braging...HE WAS MAKING A POINT!

Man YOUR are just bashing! Because he is a Muslim he cant write about Jesus....OR HAS TO TALK HISTORY coz the host herself DIDNT even understand/ couldnt digest why a MUSLIM HISTORIAN wore about Jesus....Forget who the audience was...Heck I doubt she would know who Judea is...

Cant believe in all the 10mins all the host got was he is a Muslim...He wrote about Jesus and ALL YOU GOT is It was Judea NOT PALESTINE! sheesh...
6 months? mistake? Are you frikin serious? We are taking about a mistake that could have sparked a potentially deadly incident like your army firing towards Jupiter and Venus ! :omghaha: and maybe starting a fight with another country based on an analysis not approved by a 12 year old.

Please spare J and V, we might need to explore it one day in future. :girl_wacko:
you are just trolling as I expected, you have nothing to say on NDTV, because frankly you either have not watched it, or too ashamed to admit you are wrong...
its good that they suspected something wrong, they wont be asking help of astrnomer, if they were certain. Much better than PA, who does not know whats going on.
Only IF Christians are as intolerant as Muslims are. Get it?
Talk about tolerance...Even @hinduguy said you are intolerant ....As for tolerance of Christians..w.e saw and example in Madam Green there....

But the fact that Aslan is respected in academia and make a good living at it...:lol:
Do I hear a stench of jealousy?! - Yes that is how Madam Green was acting...

What make you think I did not watch it? Because I disagree with you?
coz of your blind bashing as he clearly stated THAT Muslims dont believe Christ was crucified but he as a historian started his research from there! So he was not being Muslim at all...He was being a Historian...GOD FORBID A MUSLIM TRYING TO BE PROFESSIONAL :rolleyes:

How was Lauren Green 'vicious'? Let me guess, because she, a Christian, dared to question a Muslim.
Definition of Vicious: Deliberately cruel or violent.

1 question repeatedly just shows she was trying to get him to say something SHE WANTED TO HEAR...in the process only showed how dense she was...Just tell me 3 DIFFERENT QUESTIONS SHE ASKED APART FROM the obvious she kept repeating: YOU WROTE A BOOK ABOUT JESUS...
Allah forbid...!!! Off with her head...!!! :lol:
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you are just trolling as I expected, you have nothing to say on NDTV, because frankly you either have not watched it, or too ashamed to admit you are wrong...
its good that they suspected something wrong, they wont be asking help of astrnomer, if they were certain. Much better than PA, who does not know whats going on.

I have watched it buddy, a lot of it is posted as funny material on this very website. You as usual are going to stick till the end to defend a dead cause. You choose to filter out the credibility issues as mistakes that could have been a disaster by an nation who is i don't know so superior to others that it cant differentiate b/w planets and drones and is also all set for a mission to mars. And you ask me to take your news channels forget the army which usually is more credible in a society.

This has to be a joke of the century, embrace it as a national pride. Ones who would have set out to destroy Jupiter and Venus because it violated LOC 100+ times :laughcry: :laughcry:
Haha, Fox News has become a comedy channel.

fox news has no shame or limits. narrow minded Idiots.
I have watched it buddy, a lot of it is posted as funny material on this very website. You as usual are going to stick till the end to defend a dead cause. You choose to filter out the credibility issues as mistakes that could have been a disaster by an nation who is i don't know so superior to others that it cant differentiate b/w planets and drones and is also all set for a mission to mars. And you ask me to take your news channels forget the army which usually is more credible in a society.

This has to be a joke of the century, embrace it as a national pride. Ones who would have set out to destroy Jupiter and Venus because it violated LOC 100+ times :laughcry: :laughcry:

only in your country army is most credible organization, not in India. We dont worship army or put them on such high pedestral, mistakes happen. This time its army men who did it, not NDTV who reported.
I dont see how credibility of IA is hampered, they did the right thing, asked help of people who might know. And Indian news agencies broke the news when they got hold of it. I take pride that nothing was suppressed or lied about.

Like I said, you have nothing to say on subject. Your whole argument hinges on army mistakenly thinking two planets as drones. The same argument can be used to say.. 'oh India is not democracy, you know why... their army could not...." lolz...

I am unable to make the logical connection. :)
only in your country army is most credible organization, not in India. We dont worship army or put them on such high pedestral, mistakes happen. This time its army men who did it, not NDTV who reported.
I dont see how credibility of IA is hampered, they did the right thing, asked help of people who might know. And Indian news agencies broke the news when they got hold of it. I take pride that nothing was suppressed or lied about.

Like I said, you have nothing to say on subject. Your whole argument hinges on army mistakenly thinking two planets as drones. The same argument can be used to say.. 'oh India is not democracy, you know why... their army could not...." lolz...

I am unable to make the logical connection. :)

6 months mistake don't happen, its called incompetence. 12 year olds can do a better job.

Bringing this funny news of army's incompetence in-front of Indian population works in favor of NDTV and other stations instead of suppressing it i.e. more viewers/ discussion on its page . It would have pretty funny if Indian army responds in turn sending drones into china and the result.

Hopefully your mars mission doesn't mistake Megatron violating Indian LOC! :woot::laughcry:
6 months mistake don't happen, its called incompetence. 12 year olds can do a better job.

Bringing this funny news of army's incompetence in-front of Indian population works in favor of NDTV and other stations instead of suppressing it i.e. more viewers/ discussion on its page . It would have pretty funny if Indian army responds in turn sending drones into china and the result.

Hopefully your mars mission doesn't mistake Megatron violating Indian LOC! :woot::laughcry:
Its evident that you have nothing to say on the topic. Its like me saying PA has lost wars hence their views are not legitimate hence all news channels in pakistan tell lies.. there is no logical connection among any of these statements..
IA is incometent in this regards, but no, a 12 year old at high altitude will not be able to differentiate between two lighted objects.
And yes, NDTV has profit motive, as long as it does not create problem with their ethics I dont see the issue.

It seems you will try to skirt the topic (journalism) and try your best not to go there because you know you were wrong.

I will allow people who read the conversation to understand it. I have nothing more to add. :)
Its evident that you have nothing to say on the topic. Its like me saying PA has lost wars hence their views are not legitimate hence all news channels in pakistan tell lies.. there is no logical connection among any of these statements..
IA is incometent in this regards, but no, a 12 year old at high altitude will not be able to differentiate between two lighted objects.
And yes, NDTV has profit motive, as long as it does not create problem with their ethics I dont see the issue.

It seems you will try to skirt the topic (journalism) and try your best not to go there because you know you were wrong.

I will allow people who read the conversation to understand it. I have nothing more to add. :)

You really don't have much to add but defend a news channel admitted by many Indians right here on these forums as one of the worst. All we see on these forums almost every day how great India is going to be and when the reality of incompetence which could have potentially led to a conflict hits, all you could have said is sorry we didn't consult our space department & you start comparing it with Pakistani media who no one claimed to be the best.

Yes, maybe 12 yr olds in India following the foot steps of their fathers in the army cant differentiate b/w planets/ stars and drones in the night sky.

Take your army's incompetence with pride even if they made the whole nation look stupid. :bunny:
You really don't have much to add but defend a news channel admitted by many Indians right here on these forums as one of the worst. All we see on these forums almost every day how great India is going to be and when the reality of incompetence which could have potentially led to a conflict all you could have said is sorry we didn't consult our space department, you start comparing it with Pakistani media who no one claimed to be the best.

Yes, maybe 12 yr olds in India following the foot steps of their fathers in the army cant differentiate b/w planets/ stars and drones in the night sky.

Take your army's incompetence with pride even if they made the whole nation look stupid. :bunny:

Its just a perception game. I'd rather more surprised if India cudnt have achieved what it really has with a billion plus population. In fact they got there quite late. Still almost half of them living below poverty line is a drag. Quite polar

Also i'd like to add, how many Pakistanis know about this modern India in the link below? Do Indians born in west to their immigrant parents know about this India?

please add dots where they are needed. (cant post links)

www chinasmack com/2010/pictures/filt.hy-india-photos-chinese-netizen-reactions html

Omit the do.t in the word filt.hy
Lauren Green is Fox's religion correspondent, same as Dan Gilgoff of CNN and other news organizations have their own. The gist of the interview is that why would a Muslim write about Jesus and how is it possible that he could keep his religious biases out of that endeavor. Calling her 'lack of intelligence' misses the point, which ironically you made.

She was not able to put forth her argument cohesively. She just looked like she did not prepare for the interview. I am surprised you are defending her.
By being in the US, a land of infidels, you are a traitor, Uncle Abdul.

No no my dear friend, you can't call our boys behind enemy lines traitors, you're next after Europe :)
really go see egypt my dear friend where bible is burnt by imams christ image vandalised etc and etc...their is a documentary by russia today about how christian are killed in egypt go see that...

few days ago a chruch destroyed and christ statute vandalised in pakistan do u know that...

I hate having a discussion with chutias so yeah you are right muslim burn christ images and that documentory about russia Today was 100% accurate, and yes you are right we in Pakistan destroy churches and vandalize christ statute before dinner every night.
(oh by the way stupid!, muslim will destroy Mohammad's statue also, will burn/destroy Muhammad's image, or maybe you came in peace from another planet)

just one question: is rape part of hindu religion? Is raping allowed in Indian constitution?
Its is so common in India I would think it is part of your constitution

Kudos Girl - much respect

And thank you for highlighting two excellent points, one is the level of public acceptance of bigotry, it's shameful, whether in Pakistan in Iran or in the US - and secondly for allowing readers to understand the larger point made by Reza in the study of any religion and humanity of religious characters, especially the context within which these personalities acted and the evolving intellectual framework with which we understand religions and religious personalities - that is to say HOW we look at things, the intellectual lens we use to evaluate, evolve, they change, and it by definition, changes what it is we are evaluating.

Again, thanks for fighting the good fight - much respect.
How was Lauren Green 'vicious'? Let me guess, because she, a Christian, dared to question a Muslim.

She was talking to an academic, to ask once about the possibility of bias, may be deemed acceptable. To bring it up at every point, to quote viewers who've given critical response without even reading it and then referring back to the same Muslim point again and again.

That was quite vicious, unprofessional to say the least.

But who am I to complain? It's fox, we've seen worse with the likes of Glenn Beck.

Allah forbid...!!! Off with her head...!!! :lol:

Now what's the point of that?
Could you not go a moment without offending people?
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