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The Most Embarrassing Fox News Interview?

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You are right. They rather prefer punching in the parliament


i have omitted dots cause im not yet permitted to post links
we have seen violence in spanish, italian, taiwan, south korea parliaments.. thats off topic. Your news anchors try to incite people to give gaali to each other, sometimes even punch, thats pathetic way to get TRP.
What rubbish he is American...Are you telling me Americans will cut his head off?!
Only IF Christians are as intolerant as Muslims are. Get it?

But the fact that Aslan is respected in academia and make a good living at it...:lol:

BEFORE BASHING I suggest you watch THE 10 mins of his interview ...
What make you think I did not watch it? Because I disagree with you?

SHEEEESH you lot...Just because a Muslim was very decent in replying A VICIOUS woman...

How was Lauren Green 'vicious'? Let me guess, because she, a Christian, dared to question a Muslim.

Allah forbid...!!! Off with her head...!!! :lol:
:lol: Kid, you seems to have a hard time following the discussion. I am not white. I am a Viet-American. The kind your fellow Pakistani racists loves to point out regardless of what a discussion might be about.

No, it does not. At least it will teach you how journalism and journalists works. If Green asked Aslan on why would a Muslim writes about Jesus, that is a legitimate question because it goes straight to motives and agendas. That is what journalists do. That is how corruption are exposed and scandals created. And so on...

Ifs funny to me that an interviewer with probably a high school diploma is trying to question a proven PhD/ scholar with years and years of research who at many points has verified to her his no agenda policy. If anything, he had conflicting views on Islam as well, only had the interviewer/ or people preparing questions for her had read the book once instead of author's and book's conflicting names. Is this a part of what is taught in journalism?

lolz.. like I said you base it on some clips uploaded here and there.. NDTV is more professional than anything that comes out of pakistan. But then we dont worship news anchors, some of their anchors are good some not so good.

You will never see their anchors blabbering for few minutes before discussion, topics are clearly dealth, guests get time, guests are discouraged from fighting etc.
Also most importantly their anchors do not have hidden agenda.

I am talking about English version, because I dont usually watch hindi news.

Do watch 'the big fight' and 'we the people'. where some of the most contentious issues are dealt without punching each other.

Are you trying to convince me into taking that load of crap you call NDTV seriously or yourself? Reality is NDTV is only a source of shame for your country like your army that fails to consult 12 year olds before declaring planets as spy drones. But i'll sugar coat your dreams for today, "NDTV is cool and funny...and REAL!"
:lol: Kid, you seems to have a hard time following the discussion. I am not white. I am a Viet-American. The kind your fellow Pakistani racists loves to point out regardless of what a discussion might be about.

Says someone who failed to respond to me after page 5 on this thread. Even after reminded twice
Ifs funny to me that an interviewer with probably a high school diploma is trying to question a proven PhD/ scholar with years and years of research who at many points has verified to her his no agenda policy. If anything, he had conflicting views on Islam as well, only had the interviewer/ or people preparing questions for her had read the book once instead of author's and book's conflicting names. Is this a part of what is taught in journalism?

Are you trying to convince me into taking that load of crap you call NDTV seriously or yourself? Reality is NDTV is only a source of shame for your country like your army that fails to consult 12 year olds before declaring planets as spy drones. But i'll sugar coat your dreams for today, "NDTV is cool and funny...and REAL!"
lolz.. I have seen your channels and NDTV.. and know which is which.. :)
you should be ashamed of the crap that you call news.. and journalistic ethics is absent in pakistan
Ifs funny to me that an interviewer with probably a high school diploma is trying to question a proven PhD/ scholar with years and years of research who at many points has verified to her his no agenda policy. If anything, he had conflicting views on Islam as well, only had the interviewer/ or people preparing questions for her had read the book once instead of author's and book's conflicting names. Is this a part of what is taught in journalism?
It is not that difficult to find Green's bio online. But your criticism of her only confirms what I have been saying all along, that to the Muslims, any questioning of Islam and of Muslims are to be taken as offense. It does not matter if Aslan has a PhD or not. If he is a writer and got his ideas published, he and his ideas are and should be wide open to questioning.

But...Off with her head anyway...:lol:
we have seen violence in spanish, italian, taiwan, south korea parliaments.. thats off topic. Your news anchors try to incite people to give gaali to each other, sometimes even punch, thats pathetic way to get TRP.

So violence in the parliament should be regarded as a norm just because it happens in other countries too. How not pathetic
So violence in the parliament should be regarded as a norm just because it happens in other countries too. How not pathetic

I never said norm, but sh*t happens. Parliament is not a controlled environment. New studios are. Why would you incide your own guests to punch each other on camera. :)
Says someone who failed to respond to me after page 5 on this thread. Even after reminded twice
Because you have nothing worth responding to...And once you jumped to the conclusion that I am a white supremacist simply because I criticize the Muslims for their intolerant attitudes, you really have nothing worth responding to.
I like this guy's approach to this clearly stupid women who obviously hasn't read his book so really has no right to attack him for the content of it. She has read a few quotes from Christian scholars and assumed they are speaking the truth becuase they are Cristian and this man is a Muslim.

It is also increidbly wrong how the women is all but implying that Islam and Christianity are in conflict with one another and diametrically opposed. The absurdity is that all Abrahamic religions share very similar beliefs.
lolz.. I have seen your channels and NDTV.. and know which is which.. :)
you should be ashamed of the crap that you call news.. and journalistic ethics is absent in pakistan

I see, wow what a great revelation you made to me today based on your years of academic research and honorable PhD Degree. Although, I am no scholar or PhD in astronomy but I believe I can return the favor.

Jupiter and Venus are planets, not spy drones.
I like this guy's approach to this clearly stupid women who obviously hasn't read his book so really has no right to attack him for the content of it. She has read a few quotes from Christian scholars and assumed they are speaking the truth becuase they are Cristian and this man is a Muslim.

It is also increidbly wrong how the women is all but implying that Islam and Christianity are in conflict with one another and diametrically opposed. The absurdity is that all Abrahamic religions share very similar beliefs.

Fox news. It's very typical of them, what were you expecting when you saw their logo buddy?
Fox news. It's very typical of them, what were you expecting when you saw their logo buddy?
I know sir, they don't even try to hide their inherent bias. But I was just blown away by the audacity of this women from the very first question she asked along the lines of "why, as a Muslim, have you written a book about Jesus?".
It is not that difficult to find Green's bio online. But your criticism of her only confirms what I have been saying all along, that to the Muslims, any questioning of Islam and of Muslims are to be taken as offense. It does not matter if Aslan has a PhD or not. If he is a writer and got his ideas published, he and his ideas are and should be wide open to questioning.

But...Off with her head anyway...:lol:

Had I any interest in researching green for any compelling reason I don't know yet, I would. But her arguments makes one not want to do so. But you gotta realize one thing, among Muslim countries freedom of speech/ tolerance unfortunately isnt a thing given much consideration. Fire away all you want, I could barely care what you have to say about but having said that I do hope you can differentiate b/w freedom of speech to question authenticity and right out abuse of society/ religion/ idea using freedom of speech as a shield.
I see, wow what a great revelation you made to me today based on your years of academic research and honorable PhD Degree. Although, I am no scholar or PhD in astronomy but I believe I can return the favor.

Jupiter and Venus are planets, not spy drones.

sure they are.. we are talking about news channels specifically NDTV, and you seem to bring everything that you can get your hands on... its only matter of time you will bring poverty and defecation and rapes?
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