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The Most Embarrassing Fox News Interview?

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That's not entirely true. When the first Europeans arrived in West Africa they were beatern back unlike the Aztecs in the New World. That's due to the use of Blommary based Iron technology which was fused with carbon to form steel.

What happened in the 14th century was that the West African central power, Songhai, collapsed after the Islamic-Spaniard (Andulisian) forces invaded them. No taxes and tributes were payed after the invasion and their ancient trade routs and roads could not be maintained and be built. Population centers like Kano and Goa decayed and were devoid of humans by the time European slave traders arrived.

The Songhai empire's main religion was Islam towards its end, & it was civil wars for succession that greatly weakened the empire. These "Islamic-Spaniards" you are referring to is the Saadi dynasty present around Morocco, correct? They themselves were lousy at administration, & from what I recall, that dynasty collapsed & broke up in to pieces itself.

In any case, the Songhai Empire was only present in the Western region of Africa. If you were to look at the African slave trade in general, then you would know that slaves were taken from different regions of Africa. Arab slave traders for instance got slaves from East African regions like Ethiopia.

The point remains, that for the most part, the only technologically advanced & influential civilization in the African continent that most non-Africans care about is ancient Egypt. You may also bring up Carthage, but that was built by Phoenician settlers. Apart from that, most of Africa in general was weaker than European, Asian, & Middle Eastern empires.

Getting back to the Songhai Empire, Moroccan forces alongside British help in terms of fire power & artillery helped defeat the Songhai Empire. The empire's military technology was inferior to that of Britain's.

Actually, one of the Malian kings of the Songhai empire sent an expedition to the Americas but only reached the outskirts of the Caribbeans.

I don't know about that, provide a source for me to read up on.

The main reason why Europeans ventured out to find slaves was because Slavic peoples were getting more power under the rise of Rus therefore they could no longer have Slavic slaves.

It's interesting that you bring up Slavic slaves, as far as I know, the word "slave" is actually derived from "Slavic".
"Its a book about historical man who walked in land that Romans called Palestine." Stopped watching here.

This PhD retard does not know that during Jesus time this land was called Judea and it was renamed to Palestine 100 years AFTER Jesus' death.

Had he said JUDEA ....how many would have understood it? The anchor herself had hard time grasping that a Muslim wrote about Jesus...She didnt even move forward...

Before throwing your opinions, it would be worth reading his book....rather than judging the book by its cover (in this case judging the interview by few mins)

Do you even know when the US gained independence and when it was named from Columbia to the United States of America?

Those third class essays you are presenting have named the entire continent as the United States of America dating to the time when no European had set foot on that land.

In fact, if you were to read the links you posted yourself, you would find absolutely no evidence of natives getting massacred without the exception of war.

Words of your own preferred author, Russell Thronton: U.S. Bureau of the Census (1894), "The Indian wars under the government of the United States have been more than 40 in number. They have cost the lives of about 19,000 white men, women and children, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians."

Forgot to read that too?

And perhaps you conveniently overlooked my statement that majority of the wars and killings (ON BOTH SIDES) took place much earlier before the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CAME INTO EXISTENCE!!!

Those were different countries in the Mid-West and North-West!

But of course you can't see it just cuz you choose to, and you can't hear me, again cuz you choose to.
Oh wow...I just read a few bits of what you wrote so...AMERICA didnt discriminate and do genocide against he American Indians but THOSE WERE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES...lovely, yet THESE SAME COUNTRIES make up USA!

And please, do not even talk about the Islamic history and killings... don't we all know the facts?

It is out there in the world to see. Slavery, Racism, Segregation, different laws for minorities - they are still practiced in today's Islamic world (Pakistan being a prime example) - in 21st century!
The world will only laugh at your statement that Islamic nations care for minorities.
THIS itself shows YOU DONT...:rofl: man you and the anchor are on the same border! 2ndly I didnt even talk about Islamic history you dragged it in to bash it!

So, rather than posting ambiguous links that cannot quantify for genocides, with exceptions of a wars, why don't you post something which clearly says that Yes, the US as the nation has very well committed genocide on its own natives!
THE USA is MADE OF THE VERY SAME COUNTRIES THAT practiced RACISM and did acts of GENOCIDE...so if Saudi annex India and call it something else, does it mean India didnt exist? What it did in the past DIDNT HAPPEN?

And tell me, you really do not know who were the pioneers of abolition????

Ever heard the name Abraham Lincoln? I mean, that is the most famous guy who not only warred with his 'white brothers', as you would like to call it, he even punished them so harshly that they still haven't come out of it.

But... if not the whites, why not name any native or black who initiated abolition?

Next time on, try to read the links before you post them, they only make you look bad.

Your post is too long for my time...And I doubt worth it....I can post you books but those who want to live in denial might as well continue to do so...Plus AMERICAN HISTORY has nothing to do with the book he wrote so dont go off tangent!
The interviewer obvious lack of intelligence aside, it still doesn't seem right for a practicing Muslim who gave up Christianity to write a historical account of Jesus. History and religion are not compatible . He can definitely not write a historically accurate account of Muhammad and get away with it.
Reza Aslan writes about Jesus Christ?

Did I just go through the wardrobe and end up in Narnia?
i hope this guy writes a book about mohammed and i would love see the title of book ,a prophet or a warrior or a.........
Where are you from in Iran? And what is your ethnicity?

BeyondHeretic is a troll. Do you not read his comments?

He is not even from Iran, but most of his comments are about ethnicity.

I wonder what BeyondHeretic point is here?

He was first hellbent to prove Reza Aslan as Turkish or Iranian or what not. Now its comedian number to be classified as someone with a distinctive faith.

How productive

BeyondHeretic= TROLL

He is always writing some nonsense and usually disrespectful thing about people's ethnicity.

My advice to you is to ignore him.
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BeyondHeretic is a troll. Do you not read his comments?

He is not even from Iran, but most of his comments are about ethnicity.

BeyondHeretic= TROLL

He is always writing some nonsense and usually disrespectful thing about people's ethnicity.

My advice to you is to ignore him.
Dont worry, roaches exist everywhere.

Here, i found another one

i hope this guy writes a book about mohammed and i would love see the title of book ,a prophet or a warrior or a.........
When it comes to religion Muslims have double standards there is no doubt about it, they can criticize other religions and gods but some body does the same they will kill that guy if they are majority, or else they will riot if they are minority.

"Its a book about historical man who walked in land that Romans called Palestine." Stopped watching here.

This PhD retard does not know that during Jesus time this land was called Judea and it was renamed to Palestine 100 years AFTER Jesus' death.

Exactly , Judaism is the oldest and mother of all Abrahamic religions and there is not Palestine back them.
Mulims will protest anytging degrading said against ANY of Allahs prophets.Please understand that Quran teaches us to respect and revere All religions and All of Allahs prophets not just Prophet Mohammad(PBUH).It is a testament of our love for Jesus(PBUH) that the Quran devotes a chapter dedicated to Mary(PBUH)and elevates her to a ppsition of one of the three greatest ladies and leaders of the women in Paradise. The Quran mentions Jesus(PBUH) five times more(25) more than Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) and mentions Prophet Moses(PBUH) even more than both of them. Please dont thinl of the Prophets as properties of this or that religion but they belong to all the religions. So in short we love and revere Jesus as much as we love Mohammad as they are as much ours as yours!!.
I dont want to digress from thw topic at hand but Iwant to say a few things about criticismof the Prophets. We believe that ALL OF ALLAHS PROPHETS(PBUH)worked under divine guidance. All of their acts were as commanded by Allah and therefore ALL of them are above criticism as critcising them is like criticising Allah. This is the reason for Muslims getting riled up when derogatory things are said about any of the prophets(PBUH) of Allah. We have protested when the last temptation of Christ was made as it falsely attributed acts and actions to Jesus(PBUH)which were contrary to his position in our eyes. I hope this underscores the position of aislam woth regards to all of Allahs prophets.
A religion is as its believers DOES. Muslims will regurgitate what you said all day long and will call inter-state actions, like the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, as evident of a modern religious Crusade, as of a war of Christian upon Muslims. But if Christians were to use the same logic and say that Muslim persecutions of Christians in the ME is evident of a war by Muslims upon Christians, then the Muslims here will regurgitate what you and others have been saying along.

Our idfference with christianity is not on the basis of Love for Jesus but in our view the false elevation of Jesusas the son of God --something that he never claimed in his own words. It is a testament to this logic that Christiandom is so immersed in this falsehood that you only pay lip service to Allah and all of your religion is based around the love of Jesus.
It does not matter. If the Christians are wrong, let them deal with the consequences in the afterlife, if there is an afterlife. If the Muslims are wrong, Christians are more than happy to grant the Muslims that eventuality. But my point is that anything can be interpreted as an insult, and if the Christians are as intolerant as the Muslims are, Reza Aslan would have been executed. What is it about 'anything can be interpreted to be an insult' that is so difficult to understand since we see this every day?
When it comes to religion Muslims have double standards there is no doubt about it, they can criticize other religions and gods but some body does the same they will kill that guy if they are majority, or else they will riot if they are minority.
Exactly , Judaism is the oldest and mother of all Abrahamic religions and there is not Palestine back them.
Lets start with Babri Masjid or Gujrat Riots then
OMG HAVE YOU NOT read even the LEAST bit about America?

Anyway, I dont think anyone got my post...


The list that followed was a series OF REASONS why one would hate America!
Hey, pal...I have been to THAT part of the world. The racism exhibited by the Muslims is no worse/better than that of the American KKK. If I was not a US citizen and a member of the US military, I probably would have been beaten by Muslims, if not put in chains.

The US is an immigrant country and the people an immigrant nation. There is a difference between 'country' and 'nation', just in case you did not know. The Chinese and Pakistanis here seems to have a very difficult time in dealing with me, a non-white who speaks for America. That difficulty means you see, or rather want to deny, what the US is, and that the US must be a white country and nation, and that made you a racist, my friend. Never mind the fact that we have a black President and when there were white Presidents, there were people of color up and down their administrations. You do not have to even hate another race to be a racist. All you have to do is insist that yourself and everyone see everything through a racialist prism.

Congratulations on your persistent self contradictions and convictions.
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