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The modern railway protection movement of China


Feb 23, 2015
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Railway protection movement happened in 1900s, mainly in Sichuan. Now, a modern version happened in Linshui County of Sichuan Province on 16 May 2015.
屏幕快照 2015-05-19 21.36.51.png

Too early for talks on railway route, protesters told
Protesters who took to the streets on Saturday to lobby for the planned Dazhou-Chongqing intercity railway to pass through their county have been told it is too early to discuss the route.

The line is designed to link Dazhou in Sichuan province with neighboring Chongqing. According to a notice on the website of the Sichuan Development and Reform Commissionon Monday, the line is "still being planned and has not been approved by the provincial and central governments".

Only after it is approved by the State can the railway route be discussed, said the notice, and then Sichuan will seek suggestions from the public on places the railway should pass through.

The notice was issued in response to the protest in Linshui, a county in Guang'an, on Saturday, when thousands of people took to the streets to voice their views to the Guang'an city government over the rail route. More than 30 policemen and staff membersfrom local government departments, as well as 38 onlookers were injured.

There are two options for the line. One passes through Quxian and Guang'an, the other through Dazhou and Linshui. The Guang'an government supports the first option, but residents in Linshui want the railway to boost economic development in their mountainous county.

Other HSR protection movements in China
The protest was one of several battles waged over railway routes in recent years, said Wang Hong, an information officer in Guang'an.

Dengzhou and Xinye are neighboring counties in Henan province. When the province planned the route of the Zhengzhou-Wanzhou High-Speed Railway last year, people inXinye started a high-speed railway protection movement. Members drove to differentparts of the county, using loudspeakers to chant slogans in support of their chosen station in the county.

Residents in Dengzhou who worked outside their home county put up banners at railway stations in major cities appealing for a station to be built in their town.

Finally, authorities in Henan compromised and set up a station between the two counties.

In March, about 100,000 residents of Shaoyang, a less-developed city in Hunan province, chanted, "The mayor has to step down if the Shanghai-Kunming High-Speed Railway does not have a station in Shaoyang," according to xinhuanet.com.

After both Shaoyang and its competitor Loudi, also a less-developed city in Hunan, lobbied fiercely, authorities agreed to set up a station in both cities.

"The reason why people take to the streets and their local governments lobby to win support of governments at higher levels is that they saw thriving cities and counties with only waterways go into decline as they lacked modern transportation facilities such as the railway," said Wang Zhaomin.

He is the executive deputy mayor of Xiangyang in Hubei province and his city managed towin a station on the Zhengzhou-Chongqing Railway last year, beating its neighbor andcompetitor Shiyang.

Cao Jun, an official with the Chengdu Railway Administration in Sichuan, said authoritieshad to consider people's suggestions and the cost of construction when planning railway routes.

Demonstration in Linshui County, Sichuan Province


A slogan in front of the monument of the railway protection movement in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan
It says, Linshui people who are in Chengdu support Dazhou-Dazhu-Linshui-Chongqing Intercity HSR.
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A poster
Mom, I want to travel by train
(the photo is Linshui County and an intercity HSR train with Linshui printed on it.

A poem about the main theme of this railway protection demonstration
Defend HSR linking Linshui to Chongqing to the death!

The cause of this HSR protection movement
A netizen wrote a letter to the online mayor mailbox of Guang'an City on 30 April (Linshui County belongs to Guang'an).
He wrote, " Hello, Mayor. I'd like to ask will Dazhou-Chongqing Intercity HSR go through Linshui? What's the plan? When will it start construction. Linshui needs railway too much. Taking public bus is a torture!

He was responded a week later, he was told the city government would only accept the west-line plan(Dazhou-Guang'an-Chongqing). Then the online discussion began and there comes the whole story.
wait.....They are protesting to have the railway built there?! The way it was reported sounded like they wanted nothing to do with the railway.
A poster
Mom, I want to travel by train
(the photo is Linshui County and an intercity HSR train with Linshui printed on it.
View attachment 223003

A poem about the main theme of this railway protection demonstration
Defend HSR linking Linshui to Chongqing to the death!
View attachment 223005

The cause of this HSR protection movement
A netizen wrote a letter to the online mayor mailbox of Guang'an City on 30 April (Linshui County belongs to Guang'an).
He wrote, " Hello, Mayor. I'd like to ask will Dazhou-Chongqing Intercity HSR go through Linshui? What's the plan? When will it start construction. Linshui needs railway too much. Taking public bus is a torture!
View attachment 223006

He was responded a week later, he was told the city government would only accept the west-line plan(Dazhou-Guang'an-Chongqing). Then the online discussion began and there comes the whole story.
Btw,which force is in charge of the security aspect of the Chinese Railway?I mean,in India we have got a specialised central armed police force named Railway Protection Force to provide safety and security to the Indian Railways,apart from that there is Government Railway Police in each state to provide security to railway assets and to arrest any offender(only they can do that and not the R.P.F.) in their respective states.
wait.....They are protesting to have the railway built there?! The way as reported sounded like they wanted nothing to do with the railway.
Thank god my city is too important, any train through my city stops at least at one railway station, sometimes at two.

Same thing happened in Hubei Province years ago. Two cities, Tianmen and Xiantao fought for a stop of Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu HSR. At last, they compromised and accepted to have a joint station built in the middle. But it also means they both have to travel at least half an hour to the station from the downtown.

And it happens again. Now, the second Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu HSR is under discussion. Jingzhou and Jingmen are the two cities in the battle. The recent news shows Jingmen wins.

Imagine a person comes from a city without HSR and travels by HSR for the first time in another place. When he returns to his hometown by expensive and uncomfortable bus even on a brand new expressway, what will he think? Perhaps that's the reason why HSR is so popular even in the first inauguration week. In 2009, one year after my own experience of HSR in Shanghai, the first HSR in my city was opened(Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR) and then new lines are opened every one or two month in China, I totally abandon domestic airplane and long-distance coach if possible.

Btw,which force is in charge of the security aspect of the Chinese Railway?I mean,in India we have got a specialised central armed police force named Railway Protection Force to provide safety and security to the Indian Railways,apart from that there is Government Railway Police in each state to provide security to railway assets and to arrest any offender(only they can do that and not the R.P.F.) in their respective states.
Chinese Railway is under semi-militarized management. It has public security bureau, court,procuratorate, hospital, school, etc. It basically has everything but reforms are ongoing (Separation between government and enterprises in the railway sector).
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Another fierce battle is between Dengzhou and Xinye in Henan Province for the planned Zhengzhou-Wanzhou HSR.

People who work around China from these two places are making their own contribution. This battle has not come to a conclusion yet, but already affected people's life. It is said that greengrocers from these two places no longer cooperate any more.

Dengzhou's railway protection league across China
Citizens will have to wait for the expert opinion as to which route has the priority or which city is ready to have a railway at all. Obviously, HSR is not built overnight and it does not come for free, either.

Nonetheless, the HSR spirit seems to have captured all of the nation. That's cool.
Citizens will have to wait for the expert opinion as to which route has the priority or which city is ready to have a railway at all. Obviously, HSR is not built overnight and it does not come for free, either.

Nonetheless, the HSR spirit seems to have captured all of the nation. That's cool.
The truth is where to build stations is quite political, the final decision can be changed through lobbying. In this Sichuan case, apparently, lobbying from Linshui County is not as strong as Guang'an City.

In the first round of HSR construction, some people are quite sceptical. But when they see the merits enjoyed by HSR-linked cities, they feel regretted. We will see more this kind of HSR protection movements for the 13th 5-year plan, I just hope they won't turn bloody like in Linshui.

Nonetheless, the HSR spirit seems to have captured all of the nation. That's cool.
True. People here demonstrate for construction of HSR, not for objection of railway projects.
1, individuals enjoy faster connectivity, cheaper and more decent trip;
2, citizens who lose their houses become millionaires overnight;
3, local governments receive more opportunities for development.
wait.....They are protesting to have the railway built there?! The way it was reported sounded like they wanted nothing to do with the railway.
Yup, I thought they try to evade the resident for the construction of railway and they are unhappy and to have the protest. Lol.
Yup, I thought they try to evade the resident for the construction of railway and they are unhappy and to have the protest. Lol.
That's the first impression of most people. Bloody pro-development demonstration? Most demonstrations outside China shall be anti-projects.
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When I search in pro-development local forums, I find a lot of netizens wanna organise the same demonstration as in Linshui County, hope it won't turn bloody...Anyway, railway planning authority should attend to their voices.

We need Shanghai-Kunming HSR, we want to survive!
So the demonstration by the people is because they want the HSR to be in their city?
So the demonstration by the people is because they want the HSR to be in their city?
Yes, the prefecture-level city stole the HSR planned in their county, they felt threatened. Now, a standard strong county should have at least one HSR line. Even having five expressways is outdated.
People now really realize the importance of HSR even in a small county. That's not bad. What need to do is the county gov should appeal and try hard to grasp the opportuniries at the HSR line planning stage.
wait.....They are protesting to have the railway built there?! The way it was reported sounded like they wanted nothing to do with the railway.


The locals are protesting FOR a rail project。

Personally I think Linshui is NOT a good pass-by choice for the proposed HSR。
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