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The Mentality & Training Of Paf---Described by !!!


Dec 26, 2005
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United States
38 minutes ago #90


I would like the poster to read this above post---. After you have read it---then come back and read my post---.

The poster writes about the ROE of Paf---. Read those rules as he states them---.

Now look at the modern weapons---modern aircraft---modern strike capabilities---. Modern weapons have much much longer ranges and the modern aircraft have the capability to launch them from ten's of miles away---do older ROE's apply against modern machines and modern fighting capabilities---absolutely not---.

A 50 miles range---75 miles range or a 100 miles range---and many a miles more that these weapons could be launched from---.

So where did these ROE's came from---those ROE's came from my time and before---. A modern and capable air force would have understood that and changed the ROE's right after India announced its intentions---.

The first and most important change would be the distance factor---. Once the enemy has declared his intention for war---the message for newer modern ROE's should have been announced---basically making 25-50 miles away from the line of control.

When the enemy can launch a volley of air to air bvr missiles from 50 miles inside of its borders and then reach another 25 miles into the opponents territory---then any consideration given to older ROE's is like playing enemy to your nation's integrity---.

A tactful and knowledgeable Paf should have announced the newer ROE's to the enemy for a 15-20-25 mile buffer zone on each side of LOC---. And any incursion in between would be considered a hostile action and an Act Of War---and the falling of aircraft on this side or that side would be a part of the new strategy---.

@Oscar---my boy---you are like a little child who is mad at his elder---.

Now go to your friends at Paf---and tell them about this strategy and you can claim it as it was coming from you and take the credit as well---and don't let the door hit you on the way out---.
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There is a 10 mile buffer on each side, which is supposed to 'announce' intent for an incoming bogey - should that barrier is crossed, from enemy's side, our side is supposed to intercept at the gate.

In this case, IAF had 2 diversions and one big package set to penetrate - if not attack - Pakistan air space. The problem is how they were to be engaged, should an enemy aircraft did enter Pakistan. PAF should have been red, at the go - not waited for them to waltz in, jettison PGMs and leave. PAF was monitoring IAF activity 'all' day. It baffles me, the kind of explanations that are being given. This was not a peace time maneuver, our PM had 'just' warned Indians. What was PAF still doing maintaining a peace time reactionary stance, is outside of my understanding. The only explanation that makes more sense here is that PAF was 'asked' to keep escalations low and to not engage IAF, unless IAF engaged with them first.

The cost of this decision will now be born by Army and people at LOC, who will fight the other side militarily and face the brunt. PAF will now just sit inside borders and wait for another IAF attack, which is not coming. Their day came, and went.

38 minutes ago #90


I would like the poster to read this above post---. After you have read it---then come back and read my post---.

The poster writes about the ROE of Paf---. Read those rules as he states them---.

Now look at the modern weapons---modern aircraft---modern strike capabilities---. Modern weapons have much much longer ranges and the modern aircraft have the capability to launch them from ten's of miles away---do older ROE's apply against modern machines and modern fighting capabilities---absolutely not---.

A 50 miles range---75 miles range or a 100 miles range---and many a miles more that these weapons could be launched from---.

So where did these ROE's came from---those ROE's came from my time and before---. A modern and capable air force would have understood that and changed the ROE's right after India announced its intentions---.

The first and most important change would be the distance factor---. Once the enemy has declared his intention for war---the message for newer modern ROE's should have been announced---basically making 25-50 miles away from the line of control.

When the enemy can launch a volley of air to air bvr missiles from 50 miles inside of its borders and then reach another 25 miles into the opponents territory---then any consideration given to older ROE's is like playing enemy to your nation's integrity---.

A tactful and knowledgeable Paf should have announced the newer ROE's to the enemy for a 15-20-25 mile buffer zone on each side of LOC---. And any incursion in between would be considered a hostile action and an Act Of War---and the falling of aircraft on this side or that side would be a part of the new strategy---.

@Oscar---my boy---you are like a little child who is mad at his elder---.

Now go to your friends at Paf---and tell them about this strategy and you can claim it as it was coming from you and take the credit as well---and don't let the door hit you on the way out---.
We will respond, can we please not $hit on the brave men and women who are going to take action. Thank you


It is about time they prove their bravery--. We cannot live on stories--strut and pomp---.

We have been licking the boots of Paf since 1965---. We have worshipped them 2nd to Allah---. We have listened to every claim of lies and deceit by the Paf pilots and generals for decades and taken it to be more authentic than those of Qura'an---.

So---when the long awaited period comes to fruitation and the Paf had to prove what it had claimed---it stuttered and fell flat on its face as its invincibility fizzled out---.

Now---if they pull them selves up by their bootstarps and prove their mettle---we will all be standing in line and throwing rose petals---but as of now---I don't want to use the words---.
Can the mods and other experts here please get together and agree on a version of events and inform us rookies here. I still don't know EXACTLY what happened.
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