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The Maratha War of Independence

We are also proud of this :yahoo:

My My!

I could never have imagined. You made my day, man.

Heck, you made my month.

Thanks a lot for that.

You know what that says out loud?

That is the problem with our history books. We actually give our children an outsider view of things and not our own POV.
thats right even in maharashtra there are very few chapters dedicated to marathas so i suppose it would be virtually non existent outside maharashtra
My My!

I could never have imagined. You made my day, man.

Heck, you made my month.

Thanks a lot for that.

You know what that says out loud?


Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA: "India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."
I will never forget Kerala....for centuries it was a strong and mighty civilization. The Hindus were very kind to Muslims, Jews and Christians and allowed them to settle and live there

If you wish to leave then do so....but Kerala will remain where it is now....a state that has communal harmony.....

Kerala was a part of Hindu civilization ... Non-Hindus were Outsiders or invaders or triators among us or Traders ... they where not a part of our Great Civilization & never ever can claim to be part our our glorious past...

& ya Hindus were kind to those Non-Hindus wish to live peacefully ... But Non-Hindus never treat them in that way if we r a minority ... thats the different between Us & U all... Dont try to integrate ur Past with ours ... we have no connection with u people ...

We r Proud Hindus ... u people claiming to be a part of us is like present Pakistanis claiming the great Hindu Civilization of Harappa & Mohanjodaro & taking pride in Nalanda which there ancestors destroyed ...
kerala is an example for whole south india. but nowadays mischief is being brought in from outside.

ps.. i meant to say south asia
I read somewhere that the Great Maharaj Chatrapathi Shivaji Travelled as far as Tamilnadu during his exile..... Is it true? Also they say the British Governor was so frightened he asked the Entries be closed for all of Madras Province at that time. Can anyone confirm?
Marathas were still feudals,the reason india was vulnerable was lack of unity,not bravery and a immature military system that had no tradition of large standing army .Another problem was india lacked good horses and while in the ancient age the masses of elephants cowed enemies,from medieval rapid decrease in their population was a military problem.also only large empires can sustain big forces of elephants not small states so they were taken out of the equation.
When we were united under mauryas and guptas the greeks,shakas and huns were repulsed.Hell even gurjar pratihara-rajput alliance defeated arabs and sikhs the durranis and they only were western india.
I read somewhere that the Great Maharaj Chatrapathi Shivaji Travelled as far as Tamilnadu during his exile..... Is it true? Also they say the British Governor was so frightened he asked the Entries be closed for all of Madras Province at that time. Can anyone confirm?

Not sure Shivaji came to Tamilnadu but Marathas during his period strengthened a fort called Gingee. His son Rajaram escaped to this fort and fought Aurangazeb from here.

Here is the wikipedia link -


P.S - I have visited the fort and it is unfortunate that the fort is in ruins now and decay was even faster in the last 20 years and the fort is used by rogue elements for other purposes.
Ohh man how can you say bad things about the mugals they were great Muslim emperors who defeated the evil Hindus and established Islam in India..you are very bad man....Dont you know Mugals won all their battles with the help of invisible soldiers from heavens and 72 virgins for every martyr.

Seriously the obsession given to Mugals in Pakistani history books needs to be corrected and the entire regional history should be taught as a objective rather than a brain washing agenda.
I read somewhere that the Great Maharaj Chatrapathi Shivaji Travelled as far as Tamilnadu during his exile..... Is it true? Also they say the British Governor was so frightened he asked the Entries be closed for all of Madras Province at that time. Can anyone confirm?

They controlled a section of east Tamil Nadu, and made forts there. The Travancore Empire was a protectorate under the Marathas once (I think). During the War of 27 year, at one point, the Marathas were losing, so they took refuge at Fort Gingee, and returned later to defeat those Mughals.
kerala the kashmir of south......................

Sister you have no idea what you are talking about. At-least make some sense once in a while. And the number of mallus in this forum debunking you every second should put some ounce of sense in your head.:lol:
thats right even in maharashtra there are very few chapters dedicated to marathas so i suppose it would be virtually non existent outside maharashtra

When I was studying (in Mumbai) there was lots of stuff on the Marathas. In fact, one full year was Maratha history if I am not mistaken. Right from Shivaji up to the last Peshwas. This was part of the State syllabus and not the CBSE. Those were good days! Only thing to worry about was write stories in the history exam paper!:smokin:
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