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The Maratha War of Independence

If only the Rajputs and the Sikhs had united (Rajputs had a valid grouse against the Marathas because of the Marathas' constant raids into Rajput territories, but I still dont understand why the Sikhs did not side with them) with the Marathas for the greater interests leaving aside their feuds, Abdali would have been sent packing, the Marathas would have remained in power,English would not have made use the opportunity to consolidate their power and history would have been different.

when afghans took thousands of marathas as POW and were going back to A stan, Sikhs attacked them and rescued approx. 2000 Marathas

decedents of those 2000 Marathas still live in haryana and punjab

the rest maratha POWs ended in serving in A stan

their decedents (approx 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 in number) live in Pakistan, known as Marahattis

they still consider themselves as Maratha and give trouble to pak govt
While I don't support taxing natives and destroying temples, it's pretty peaceful compared to what most invaders did (like say massacring and enslaving hundreds of thousands of "infidels").

I doubt that'd be considered any less horrific by proud Indians. Any group that fought the Islamic invaders would always consider them below our dignity. And I am honored to say that my people are one of those privileged. Us, the Gurkhas, the Marathas, the Rajputs (true ones), the Assamese etc have the privilege of kicking impure menace out of our lands. To us, destruction of our spiritual sites (both Buddhist, Sikh later as well and mainstream Hindu) is equally worse as massacring and in those days and even today, we would always stand our ground and retaliate with double ferocity than those stupid barbarians could have ever mustered.

I strongly dislike Aurangzeb for his lunacy and his constant warfare. But just cause I hate him doesn't mean I'll call him an extreme religious bigot.

Don't care whether he was a bigot or not. He was a terrorist of ancient times and he deserved to get his rear handed back. The only people who glorify Mughal and other alien scum in media and books are leftist "secular" JNU-type jholawalas who are ashamed of themselves and their past and trust me, there are a lot of losers like that in our country. These people lack any pride, dignity or courage. Such cowards IMO are unworthy of any position of influence, power, fame or publicity. And most unfortunately, they have all of that.

Absolutely. I think Shivaji was a brilliant visionary and an amazing king, and would have chosen him over a foreign ruler (or for that matter most local rulers) any day. I'm very proud of his legacy.

:) Most of us Indians feel that. If only those pesky Portuguese had not found us....

The Indian Independence movement created nationalism in India. This movement would not have arisen without British (mis)rule.

Only partly true.
when afghans took thousands of marathas as POW and were going back to A stan, Sikhs attacked them and rescued approx. 2000 Marathas

decedents of those 2000 Marathas still live in haryana and punjab

the rest maratha POWs ended in serving in A stan

their decedents (approx 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 in number) live in Pakistan, known as Marahattis

they still consider themselves as Maratha and give trouble to pak govt

Interesting...can you give more info about them...?
I am a ethnic maratha, and proud to be indian.

It always amazing to read how 10 to 15 thousand ragtag army led by daughter in law of Shivaji Maharaj fought the great mughal empire with lakhs of army and crores of money at disposable. Marathas fought the mughals for 27-28 yrs with this ragtag army remained fiercly independent.

It was the spiritual power of the example set by Shivaji and his Guru Ramdas which sustained them.

People may not realize it but Shivaji himself was a great soul, who should be revered with our other great saints like Kabir, Nanak and Dnyaneshwar.
It was the spiritual power of the example set by Shivaji and his Guru Ramdas which sustained them.

People may not realize it but Shivaji himself was a great soul, who should be revered with our other great saints like Kabir, Nanak and Dnyaneshwar.

Not only did he have great values, but he was also a brilliant visionary. He dreamed big and tried to do the unthinkable. Just look at how he established a Maratha navy. I wish he could have seen the Maratha navy reach its full potential under Kanhoji Angre.
their decedents (approx 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 in number) live in Pakistan, known as Marahattis

they still consider themselves as Maratha and give trouble to pak govt

Really ? Of what sort ?
It was the spiritual power of the example set by Shivaji and his Guru Ramdas which sustained them.

People may not realize it but Shivaji himself was a great soul, who should be revered with our other great saints like Kabir, Nanak and Dnyaneshwar.

Unfortunately revering him is considered communal in India (true story) and his epic encounter where he broke Afzal Khan's treachery is not eve allowed to be replayed.
I am a ethnic maratha, and proud to be indian.

It always amazing to read how 10 to 15 thousand ragtag army led by daughter in law of Shivaji Maharaj fought the great mughal empire with lakhs of army and crores of money at disposable. Marathas fought the mughals for 27-28 yrs with this ragtag army remained fiercly independent.

Within decade or two decades of death of Aurangzeb, Marathas were most dominant force of subcontinent and freed almost whole of India from Mughals.

If IMAO, due to aggressive and independence lovers rajputs, sikhs and marathas, India remain Hindu majority region otherwise it would have converted into muslim region just like middle east, Iran and afghanistan.

agree but Hindus had number advantage too

Guess who my avatar is. ;)

Maharani Tarabai?
This is exactly why I respect Shivaji Maharaj. He reminds me of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong, of course, wrote the book on guerilla warfare, fought the KMT government of China, then lead resistance against the Japanese for 8 years, then defeated the KMT government to control China, then defeated the world superpower USA in Korea, and then defeated USSR in the 1969 border conflict as well as several weaker foes on our periphery.

It's almost like india wishes it was a unified state starting from 300 BC just like China was, but in fact until the British Raj india was always just a collection of hindu kingdoms who fought one another as well as domination from Islam.

Personally, I don't think Maurya Empire is real. There is no historical evidence for it at all. It was most likely just a legend. Gupta Empire may have been real. A Chinese historian recorded something about it. "The first evidence of Sri Gupta comes from the writings of I-tsing around 690 AD who describes that the Poona copper inscription of Prabhavati Gupta, a daughter of Chandra Gupta, describes "Maharaja Sri-Gupta" as the founder of the Gupta dynasty." Maharaja Sri-Gupta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the idea is ever since Muhammad Bin Qasim showed up,everyone who came from outside ll always be foriegners and the ones who were there since before ll always be locals and nothing ll change that,
I am Ethnic Maratha & Proud Indian.... I am Proud of Marathas.

I will like to share what I have heard about word "Maratha" in legend stories & folk tales. Not sure if that's true.
The word maratha was coined by mughals when the faced resistant locals from Deccan region. Maratha constitute of "Marr" & " Hatta" which means "jo MARR ke hi maidaan se "HATT"te hain( People who stops fighting battlefield only when Dead).I salute the My ancestor's barve tradition & proud-self-respect-loving nature.




Pardon Me Sir, next time please care to add Chattrapati or Maharaj to #2
Most important thing i feel about the Maratha empire was lack of caste discrimination and religious/ethnic harmony values, though seems like a continuation of Akbar's values, they lay a foundation to modern day India.
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