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The last time China got into a fight with Vietnam,it was a Disaster

they didnot rank the way you want ...
Whatever Top3 or Top5 weapons exporter, China is still a large seller in the international weapon market. So there's no any worry about the quality of China tanks, their armors hard enough to face ur RPG-29.
@BoQ77 RPG-29 vs China tank building speed :coffee:




Whatever Top3 or Top5 weapons exporter, China is still a large seller in the international weapon market. So there's no any worry about the quality of China tanks, their armors hard enough to face ur RPG-29.

You could simply say that you called No. 3 just based on 2012 figure while your posted link ( as proof ) based on principal sum up 8-10 years and it ranked China not No. 3
I understand China never learn Japan to say Sorry and Thank you very often ... but to us a rightful person will know what is wrong and what is right ...

Don't say something nonsense like building speed of tanks and antitanks ...
For a mountain area, 200 T-99 tanks cannot operate, and even light tanks cannot mass attack ... so even a harden Vietnamese soldier with an anti tank and some grenades in good position he could always destroy a whole of tank fleet ... with less effort.

One for the first in line, one for the last in line and ... shot others by flank

Just share what an average person could .. Vietnam soldier bring 6-7 grenades during wartime


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it depends on grenades type. you may know that Vietnam self produce and develop our own grenades

I dont appreciate China material quality.

your t99 in small quantity, and not suitable to mountain area,

during combat, nothing could make sure the survival of your best tank.

Vietnam has what tank? May I know? Before you
You could simply say that you called No. 3 just based on 2012 figure while your posted link ( as proof ) based on principal sum up 8-10 years and it ranked China not No. 3
I understand China never learn Japan to say Sorry and Thank you very often ... but to us a rightful person will know what is wrong and what is right ...

Don't say something nonsense like building speed of tanks and antitanks ...
For a mountain area, 200 T-99 tanks cannot operate, and even light tanks cannot mass attack ... so even a harden Vietnamese soldier with an anti tank and some grenades in good position he could always destroy a whole of tank fleet ... with less effort.

One for the first in line, one for the last in line and ... shot others by flank

Just share what an average person could .. Vietnam soldier bring 6-7 grenades during wartime


please dont use 70s and 80s war tatic to try gauge 2014 warfare. The jungle and night is useless in camouflage with introduction of modern equipment.


Night vision and infra thermal sensing. All your sniper and rpg shooter can be detected and routed.

Plus you need modern ECM to control all communication and mobilise and make them more effective in fighting the core of the enemies.

china awacs

No more obsolete jungle conventional warfare style.
Vietnam has what tank? May I know? Before you

please dont use 70s and 80s war tatic to try gauge 2014 warfare. The jungle and night is useless in camouflage with introduction of modern equipment.

No more obsolete jungle conventional warfare style.

No tactic forever true. You would never know the tactic the enemy use before real combat.

using tanks and 2.3 million of soldiers keep only in your land is ww2 tactic.

Vietnam not invest much in buying tank after 1975.

Vietnam consider to buy T90S
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Beast, US Marines and Army using what you focused 50 years ago ...
Now we not only fight with AK and RPG-7 ... we have the same as what you posted









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Beast, US Marines and Army using what you focused 50 years ago ...
Now we not only fight with AK and RPG-7 ... we have the same as what you posted










Yes but you lack the the most expensive military investment.

Beidou Navigation Satellite System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PLA-AF Airborne Early Warning & Control Programs

All this system link up our PLA tri service into one core fighting unit. We will able to concentrate our armed forces at enemy core unit while striking precisely at enemy position.
Yes but you lack the the most expensive military investment.

Beidou Navigation Satellite System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PLA-AF Airborne Early Warning & Control Programs

All this system link up our PLA tri service into one core fighting unit. We will able to concentrate our armed forces at enemy core unit while striking precisely at enemy position.

Yeah we just let the Russian put some GLONASS station in our land.
Japanese helped us to launch our own satellites soon by EPSILON rocket


At this moment, we get credit to launch few satellites like VINASAT-1 , VINASAT-2 .. covered entire of our land and sea, a part of China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indochina ... they operated for some years.

Vietnam doesn't need to cover the tracking all over the world

Vinasat-1 is the first Vietnamese satellite to be placed in orbit. It was launched at 22:17 GMT on 18 April 2008, by an Ariane 5ECA rocket from the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou. The launch was conducted by the European organisation Arianespace. VINASAT is the national satellite program of Vietnam. The project aims to bring independence in satellite communications for Vietnam, besides other benefits such as enhancing national security, opening new economic opportunities, etc.

Vinasat-2 is the second Vietnamese satellite to be placed in orbit. It was launched at 5.13am on May 16 at the European Spaceport in Kourou in French Guiana in South America and by 5.48 am it entered orbit. VINASAT is the national satellite program of Vietnam. The project aims to bring independence in satellite communications for Vietnam, besides other benefits such as enhancing national security, opening new economic opportunities, etc.

Vietnam hopes for some economic benefits from the telecommunications links that the satellite will provide. It will provide communication for fishermen at sea, deliver weather forecasts and ensure defence security. The satellite costs about US$280 million and weighing 3,000 kg, was constructed by US-based Lockheed Martin. It will be able to provide capacity equal to 13,000 channels of telephone/internet/data communications or 150 Television channels; greater number of sensor responses; and higher bandwidth capacity.

The Lockheed Martin A2100 satellite has 12 Ku band transponders and 8 C band transponders.
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Lima returned to Beijing tanks with Ukrainian engines

Konkurentnst from the PRC on the arms markets of developing countries experiencing not only our homeland. Very revealing in this regard is the situation around the tender for the supply of army tanks Peru.

Regardless of the number of long-standing mutual territorial claims, the case between the nations of Latin America in recent decades have stabilized, and the overall level of conflict on the continent is characterized as a small spices. Yet the intention to make those neighbors or other steps in strengthening the defense immediately resonate with the control of the surrounding states and encouraged to retaliatory actions for the conservation of military parity. But since most Latin American countries, to put it mildly, not very rich, they have to choose the cheaper.

Once in Chile in 2007, decided to renew the fleet of armored vehicles through the purchase of second-hand Leopard 2A4 tanks from the presence of the Bundeswehr and upgrade to Leopard 2A4CHL, really became worried Peruvian government and announced that up to 2011 times per year on defense will stand additional 650 million dollars. Military the country's budget is about billions of dollars — a bit more than half a percent of GDP, although the bulk of it — 78% — is spent on social needs. So allowance of 650 million looks obviously not out of place.

One of the renewal of the values of weapons and military technology has been recognized programm purchase of new tanks in an amount of from 80 to 140 units (a total of about 160 million dollars). They were intended to substitute Russian T-55, which was found in the middle of the 70s, and the French AMX-13, have been reported in the Peruvian army from the late '50s until 1965.

Initially, the Ministry of Defense of Peru intends to export Russian tanks T-90S tanks, but they were considered very expensive. The Peruvian military is quite familiar with the huge number of foreign armored vehicles. Namely, as candidates to serve in the armed forces of the country were considered second-hand German Leopard 1 and Leopard 2, Russian T-72M1 and T-80, Yugoslavian M-84, as new machines — Ukrainian T-84U "Hold", the Polish PT-91 "Tvardy" Chinese MBT-2000 (also known as Type-90-2) and the Type-99. After analyzing all of the proposed options, the defense establishment has recognized more desirable T-72M1 and PT-91. In March 2009 it was reported that the final choice was specifically for the Polish car.

But in December, the President of Peru, Alan Garcia announced that he had signed an agreement with China for buying MBT-2000. This decision has caused confusion in Peruvian society, but the head of the country refused to open a discussion any details of the deal, noting that topics related to national security, should not become a subject for discussion. Moreover, five Chinese cars took part in the parade on the occasion of days of independence, which was held in Lima, Dec. 8, 2009.

It would seem that Peru was the first country in the world, which China has been able to implement your own MBT-2000. Pakistan, in this case does not count — it was in service with the army tanks "Al-Khalid" (also known as Type-90-2, also known as MBT-2000) initially created by order of Islamabad. But Ukraine intervened in the case, where, apparently harbored a grudge against Lima, do not choose the "Hold".

After the statement of Alan Garcia has reached an agreement for the purchase of MBT-2000 from Kiev to the address of the Chinese company NORINCO — developer of the tank — received a reminder that the re-export of the engine compartment (ITO) with the engine 6TD-2, which are equipped with the machine, you must obtain permission Ukraine . The initiator of this request has been managing the state enterprise "Kharkiv Machine Building Design Bureau Morozov" (KMDB), which developed and implemented the MTO with engines 6TD and T-84 tanks. Defense Minister Rafael Rey Peru without interest the President's decision on the purchase of MBT-2000, gave urgent instructions to check whether NORINCO the right to sell the tanks with Ukrainian engines.

China tried to save the situation by lowering the cost of your car, from 5.8 million to 4.7 million dollars, but Rafael Rey said in April this year, in accordance with the decision of the Council of National Defense suspended the implementation of the transaction. Spoke about the situation and Alan Garcia, whom the opposition already explicitly accused of lobbying the interests of China. The president said that instead of purchasing expensive tanks armed forces need more helicopters and transport aircraft. They are required to conduct counterinsurgency operations and disaster relief.

It would seem that the KMDB, blocking a deal to buy Chinese tanks Peru, has not received from significant dividends. Is that dealt not very strong, but a telling blow to the style of Beijing as long as a beginner, but a successful player in the global market instruments. But we should not forget that in the East to a similar loss of face are particularly serious. And in addition, another first of January, when the agreement with China were not in danger, Peruvian media said that the military is considering upgrading the existing T-55 to the level of T-55M8-A2 Tifon II as a supplement to the purchase of new cars.

T-55M8-A2 Tifon II — it is adapted to Peru upgrade package for the project T-55AGM all the same KMDB. The project envisages equipping the tank with the engine 5TDFM logistics, automatic traffic control with the wheel, the new running-gear units. Booking is enhanced by additional passive protection and integrated dynamic protection system installed optical-electronic warfare and new fire-fighting equipment. Firing abilities are invited to do better by equipping the machine modern MSAs latest smoothbore gun, 125 or 120 mm and an autoloader, placed in an armored compartment in the rear of the turret.

By the way, during the parade on December 8, was presented the model of the modern military machine AMX-13PA5 Escorpion based light tank AMX-13. It dismantled the nominal gun, and the tower are four Russian ATGM "Kornet-E" with the optical-electronic pointing device.

So it can not be ruled out that the modernization will be the main goal of fleet renewal armored vehicles Army aircraft Peru.


The trouble tank MBT-2000 Peru: details

In April this year, the Government of Peru has taken a sudden decision to postpone the purchase of tanks MBT-2000 manufactured by the Chinese company NORINCO, announced in the past year. Chinese magazine "Tanks and armored vehicles" (established NORINCO and the Northern Research Institute of armored vehicles) in the most fresh September issue an article ordained detailed reports of Chinese-Peruvian tank scandal — Peru refusal to take the Chinese MBT-2000.

What happened in Peru

July 11, 2010 Chief of the General Staff of the Peruvian Army in an interview with local television station «Chanel N» said that taking part in the parade December 8, 2009 5 Chinese tanks MBT-2000 is returned to the Chinese manufacturer. He stressed that these tanks were demo benchmarks provided by the armed forces of Peru to test their mobility and firepower. Demonstration of tanks in the parade should not make the wrong conclusion that the Peruvian Armed Forces have decided to take these tanks. From also refused to confirm that Chinese tanks lost their right to a role in the upcoming Peruvian tender. As you know, Peru as part of the modernization of its own Army decided to purchase 80-140 tanks, their total cost can be many hundreds of millions of dollars.


According to the Peruvian media, the return of tanks associated with the intervention of Ukraine, a provider of diesel engines for the export of Chinese tanks. In March, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine subordinate company "Ukrspecexport" specifically informed the Ministry of Defense of Peru, that the sale of Chinese tanks MBT-2000 is a violation of previous agreements between the Chinese and Ukrainian companies. In this regard, Ukraine will not supply logistics supplied to China Peru tanks. After receiving a warning of the Ukrainian side, the State Defence Committee Peru abandoned plans to buy Chinese tanks MBT-2000. In the criteria, when it was impossible to guarantee getting China to end-user certificate on the Ukrainian engine, Peru decided to return previously purchased 5 tanks back.

In addition to a detailed account (with support for Russian priemuschestvenno media) recognized facts about the failure of Ukraine to supply engines 6TD-2E, the magazine gives his version of the circumstances of the failure of the Peruvian trade. With all of this magazine is repelled from commenting Russian professionals, borrowed from the Russian media. Numerous citations Russian professionals and messages Russian media sources are clearly set may not always be, allow the creator to the article (performing under the pseudonym 静水, «Silent Waters") in certain cases to avoid the expressions on their own behalf.

The Chinese version: the machinations of the Russian Federation

The creators of articles explain the failure of the Sino-Peruvian tank transaction RF interference, which uses its newly increased impact on Ukraine to oust China with promising arms markets. Specifically, the article quoted a Russian military professional Vladimir Yevseyev, who believes that the failure of the Sino-Peruvian tank contract to some extent related to the improvement of Russian-Ukrainian relations. It seems that our homeland through China (and helping Ukraine) seizes share of the Chinese arms market and immediately restores the Russian-Ukrainian military cooperation, said Yevseyev.

With reference to the Russian media indicated that the new Minister of Defense of Ukraine Mikhail Yezhel pays great attention to trade an instrument and "put in place so creamy as the company" Ukrspecexport "trusted people". With all this Ezhel uses Sino-Peruvian Tank scandal as a pretext for repression of "UkrSpetsExport" people close to the former Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexander Kuzmuk. Again, as with reference to media reports claimed that the very cooperation between Ukraine and China with regard to supply engines for the 6TD-2E for Chinese tanks had been agreed during the tenure Kuzmuk.

The article states that the Sino-Ukrainian agreement on cooperation in the tank MBT-2000 (made under license in Pakistan under the name of "Al-Khalid") is not contained in the apparent form of a ban on the export of Ukrainian engines in other countries except Pakistan. But when held in a tank tender defeated Peru Chinese Tank MBT-2000, and not Ukrainian "Hold-M", it caused an uproar in the Ukraine. Ezhel produced a reorganization of the company "Ukrspecexport" and then Ukraine has begun to put pressure on Peru to implement the "Hold-M".

Our homeland at this time, too, did not sit warehouse hands. Frame CEO of "Rosoboronexport" Anatoly Isaykin, not once contact with the Ukrainian side on the hot strip, reported to her that our home does not want to participate in the Peruvian tender and compete there with the Ukrainian side. Moreover, Isaykin, as the Chinese magazine, reported Ukrainian side that wants to contribute to our motherland promote Ukrainian arms exports to Latin America (??) And will buy Ukrainian gas turbine engines for Venezuela supplied Mi-17 helicopters.

Our homeland and China in the struggle for Ukraine

With reference to the head editor of the Russian magazine "Arms Export" Dmitry Vasilyev stated that our homeland and China have already converted to rivals in the arms market, as China was able to "absorb" many of the technologies acquired from Russia. Too often, the source of these technologies is the Ukraine, which gave China a lot of technical documentation Russian times. In fact, according to the Chinese edition, Our homeland wants to join forces with Ukraine, so as not to prevent the capture of China further bit of the world arms market. It is emphasized that soon after freezing sales to China Ukrainian tank engines, Rosoboronexport has threatened to prevent the delivery of the next batch of China RD-93 engines, as the FC-1 aircraft on which it is installed, does the danger export prospects of the MiG-29.



According to the views of the publication, there is a "cooling of Sino-Ukrainian military-technical cooperation." "Faced with the changes that have occurred in the Sino-Ukrainian military-technical cooperation, many of our experts at still rely that" dispelled the clouds and look out the sun, "the article says. Specialists point out that for many years, China was not only the principal trading partner of Ukraine, and the main buyer of Ukrainian military products. Many Ukrainian programs from the production of new types of weapons can be realized only through the Chinese investment. The responsible office
r SRI "Quantum" stated that Chinese investments without this institution has failed to start in the creation of laser anti-missile system "Kashtan-M". With all this the main export market for this system is China during the Olympic Games in Beijing, she established about all the great facilities in order to protect against terrorist attacks.


SPAR "Kashtan-M"

In the Ukrainian tank industry, the paper reported, not everyone is happy with the decision "UkrSpetsExport" regarding the supply of MBT-2000 tanks Peru. More clearly manifested in respect of Ukrainian CB "Ray." Since 1996, CB "Ray" has established a tight fit case with many Chinese military-industrial companies, including NORINCO, coupled promoting their products to external markets. The big success was the joint modernization of earlier delivered the Third World Chinese Type 59 tanks. With all of this Ukrainian company supplied retrofit tanks TOUR 3UBK10-1 "Bastion" caliber 100 or 105 mm (depending on whether there is a substitution gun or not). With reference to the Russian "Military-Industrial Courier" magazine states that this cooperation has brought "Ray" big profits and increased its credibility by allowing undermine the monopoly of the Tula KBP market TOUR.

According to the head designer "Ray," Oleg Korostyleva, tanks MBT-2000 started to Peru, were equipped with 125-mm TOUR "Combat" production CB "Ray", with all this in the fight for this order Chinese partners have "Ray" huge help. On special request of the Chinese side "Combat" was modernized to bring to the standard NATO to fulfill the requirements of the Peruvian side.

In fact, the article says creator, Ukrainian military industry to a very large extent is dependent on the Chinese market, with all this cooperation with China allowed the Ukrainian military-industrial complex to avoid excessive dependence on Russian orders. According to SIPRI, at the end of October 2008, Ukraine supplied to 19 countries in the world 1118 units of weapons and military equipment to more than double in 2007, exports exceeded U.S. $ 1.7 billion third of Ukrainian exports of military goods and services China accounted for, with all this our homeland at this time deliberately reduced its deliveries. In recent years, our homeland pushed into the role of Ukrainian enterprises to export their own instruments, such as delivery outside the Su-30 and Mi-17/26, and many other types of weapons and military equipment. Ukrainian enterprises in these criteria encountered difficulties, and the Chinese orders were for their salvation. Previous Defense Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov said that China — a reliable friend, and Ukraine wants to play an active role in China's military modernization. He also expressed the hope to deepen military cooperation 2-states. (End of article)


Strannovataya history of Chinese "victory"

A.2 considers it necessary to clarify: the failure of the Chinese associate member of Peruvian tank tender only opposition from Russia (and Ukraine's new management) would not be completely fair.


Recall — in December 2009, immediately after the parade, where everyone can create 5 Chinese tanks, Defense Minister Rafael Rey Peru and explicitly reported to the Peruvian press follow:

- Chinese tank barely came up to the requirements of the tender, and only a third of the sample (April, July and November 2009, while already on the second step, the sample was proposed by Peru "did not export, while the Chinese version of the tank"). A.2 said, like the Peruvian Defense Ministry and army management decided to twist each other and a military parade hands when choosing one or the other product, because here and without the Ukrainian-Russian pegs it was not that I was right;

- In one of the favorites of the tender includes only MBT-2000 and T-90. Chinese tank was elected by the judgments price;

- In addition, the decision to purchase Chinese tanks was political;

- When the Parliament summoned the Minister of Defense and Commander Gibovicha, so they explained the motivation for the choice of the Chinese proposal, Ray said that the service of Chinese tanks is not guaranteed as funds for it in the budget (and, apparently, in agreement with NORINCO) for some reason does not provided.


We also recall that in December 2009, the Minister of Defense and President Ray Garcia contradicted each other: the president said during his meeting with Hu Jintao at the summit in Singapore November 13, 2009 China has amended its proposal in a more profitable way to Peruvians that contributed to the choice in favor of the MBT-2000 and for the next day Ray argued that at the time of the meeting of heads of agreement with the Chinese had already been achieved, and the presidents just discussed it.

The "Rosoboronexport" was all the more reason to not "sit, warehouses hand" that the emergence of Chinese tanks at the parade came without informing the participants about the results of the tender, for which he later had to defend Ray. One gets the feeling that not only our homeland intrigues against China, as China pushes its proposals at any cost.

Respective experience in NORINCO available. In February 2005, the last minister of industry under President Fujimori Victor Hui Wei Rojas (Victor Joy Way Rojas) was sentenced by the Supreme Tribunal of Peru to eight years in prison on charges of accepting bribes from five Chinese companies, including NORINCO.
Yeah we just let the Russian put some GLONASS station in our land.
Japanese helped us to launch our own satellites soon by EPSILON rocket


At this moment, we get credit to launch few satellites like VINASAT-1 , VINASAT-2 .. covered entire of our land and sea, a part of China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indochina ... they operated for some years.

Vietnam doesn't need to cover the tracking all over the world


Those are most imagining satelite and weather/telcommunication satelite. Please do not mix up with military grid satelite which can guide PGM for military strike. As for your GLONASS is same as Russia empty promise of backing you vietnam over China. Russia until now has not step up to back you all in SCS. You expect them to allow GLONASS to be utilise for military strike on China? :lol:

As for your AWACS, I do not know Vietnam own any of them. You will need AWACS to monitor and control air space and have real tiem update of all military battle situtation. At the moment, Vietnam is sitting duck compare to PLA when comes to real time battle situation awareness.

Lima returned to Beijing tanks with Ukrainian engines

Konkurentnst from the PRC on the arms markets of developing countries experiencing not only our homeland. Very revealing in this regard is the situation around the tender for the supply of army tanks Peru.

Regardless of the number of long-standing mutual territorial claims, the case between the nations of Latin America in recent decades have stabilized, and the overall level of conflict on the continent is characterized as a small spices. Yet the intention to make those neighbors or other steps in strengthening the defense immediately resonate with the control of the surrounding states and encouraged to retaliatory actions for the conservation of military parity. But since most Latin American countries, to put it mildly, not very rich, they have to choose the cheaper.

Once in Chile in 2007, decided to renew the fleet of armored vehicles through the purchase of second-hand Leopard 2A4 tanks from the presence of the Bundeswehr and upgrade to Leopard 2A4CHL, really became worried Peruvian government and announced that up to 2011 times per year on defense will stand additional 650 million dollars. Military the country's budget is about billions of dollars — a bit more than half a percent of GDP, although the bulk of it — 78% — is spent on social needs. So allowance of 650 million looks obviously not out of place.

One of the renewal of the values of weapons and military technology has been recognized programm purchase of new tanks in an amount of from 80 to 140 units (a total of about 160 million dollars). They were intended to substitute Russian T-55, which was found in the middle of the 70s, and the French AMX-13, have been reported in the Peruvian army from the late '50s until 1965.

Initially, the Ministry of Defense of Peru intends to export Russian tanks T-90S tanks, but they were considered very expensive. The Peruvian military is quite familiar with the huge number of foreign armored vehicles. Namely, as candidates to serve in the armed forces of the country were considered second-hand German Leopard 1 and Leopard 2, Russian T-72M1 and T-80, Yugoslavian M-84, as new machines — Ukrainian T-84U "Hold", the Polish PT-91 "Tvardy" Chinese MBT-2000 (also known as Type-90-2) and the Type-99. After analyzing all of the proposed options, the defense establishment has recognized more desirable T-72M1 and PT-91. In March 2009 it was reported that the final choice was specifically for the Polish car.

But in December, the President of Peru, Alan Garcia announced that he had signed an agreement with China for buying MBT-2000. This decision has caused confusion in Peruvian society, but the head of the country refused to open a discussion any details of the deal, noting that topics related to national security, should not become a subject for discussion. Moreover, five Chinese cars took part in the parade on the occasion of days of independence, which was held in Lima, Dec. 8, 2009.

It would seem that Peru was the first country in the world, which China has been able to implement your own MBT-2000. Pakistan, in this case does not count — it was in service with the army tanks "Al-Khalid" (also known as Type-90-2, also known as MBT-2000) initially created by order of Islamabad. But Ukraine intervened in the case, where, apparently harbored a grudge against Lima, do not choose the "Hold".

After the statement of Alan Garcia has reached an agreement for the purchase of MBT-2000 from Kiev to the address of the Chinese company NORINCO — developer of the tank — received a reminder that the re-export of the engine compartment (ITO) with the engine 6TD-2, which are equipped with the machine, you must obtain permission Ukraine . The initiator of this request has been managing the state enterprise "Kharkiv Machine Building Design Bureau Morozov" (KMDB), which developed and implemented the MTO with engines 6TD and T-84 tanks. Defense Minister Rafael Rey Peru without interest the President's decision on the purchase of MBT-2000, gave urgent instructions to check whether NORINCO the right to sell the tanks with Ukrainian engines.

China tried to save the situation by lowering the cost of your car, from 5.8 million to 4.7 million dollars, but Rafael Rey said in April this year, in accordance with the decision of the Council of National Defense suspended the implementation of the transaction. Spoke about the situation and Alan Garcia, whom the opposition already explicitly accused of lobbying the interests of China. The president said that instead of purchasing expensive tanks armed forces need more helicopters and transport aircraft. They are required to conduct counterinsurgency operations and disaster relief.

It would seem that the KMDB, blocking a deal to buy Chinese tanks Peru, has not received from significant dividends. Is that dealt not very strong, but a telling blow to the style of Beijing as long as a beginner, but a successful player in the global market instruments. But we should not forget that in the East to a similar loss of face are particularly serious. And in addition, another first of January, when the agreement with China were not in danger, Peruvian media said that the military is considering upgrading the existing T-55 to the level of T-55M8-A2 Tifon II as a supplement to the purchase of new cars.

T-55M8-A2 Tifon II — it is adapted to Peru upgrade package for the project T-55AGM all the same KMDB. The project envisages equipping the tank with the engine 5TDFM logistics, automatic traffic control with the wheel, the new running-gear units. Booking is enhanced by additional passive protection and integrated dynamic protection system installed optical-electronic warfare and new fire-fighting equipment. Firing abilities are invited to do better by equipping the machine modern MSAs latest smoothbore gun, 125 or 120 mm and an autoloader, placed in an armored compartment in the rear of the turret.

By the way, during the parade on December 8, was presented the model of the modern military machine AMX-13PA5 Escorpion based light tank AMX-13. It dismantled the nominal gun, and the tower are four Russian ATGM "Kornet-E" with the optical-electronic pointing device.

So it can not be ruled out that the modernization will be the main goal of fleet renewal armored vehicles Army aircraft Peru.


The trouble tank MBT-2000 Peru: details

In April this year, the Government of Peru has taken a sudden decision to postpone the purchase of tanks MBT-2000 manufactured by the Chinese company NORINCO, announced in the past year. Chinese magazine "Tanks and armored vehicles" (established NORINCO and the Northern Research Institute of armored vehicles) in the most fresh September issue an article ordained detailed reports of Chinese-Peruvian tank scandal — Peru refusal to take the Chinese MBT-2000.

What happened in Peru

July 11, 2010 Chief of the General Staff of the Peruvian Army in an interview with local television station «Chanel N» said that taking part in the parade December 8, 2009 5 Chinese tanks MBT-2000 is returned to the Chinese manufacturer. He stressed that these tanks were demo benchmarks provided by the armed forces of Peru to test their mobility and firepower. Demonstration of tanks in the parade should not make the wrong conclusion that the Peruvian Armed Forces have decided to take these tanks. From also refused to confirm that Chinese tanks lost their right to a role in the upcoming Peruvian tender. As you know, Peru as part of the modernization of its own Army decided to purchase 80-140 tanks, their total cost can be many hundreds of millions of dollars.


According to the Peruvian media, the return of tanks associated with the intervention of Ukraine, a provider of diesel engines for the export of Chinese tanks. In March, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine subordinate company "Ukrspecexport" specifically informed the Ministry of Defense of Peru, that the sale of Chinese tanks MBT-2000 is a violation of previous agreements between the Chinese and Ukrainian companies. In this regard, Ukraine will not supply logistics supplied to China Peru tanks. After receiving a warning of the Ukrainian side, the State Defence Committee Peru abandoned plans to buy Chinese tanks MBT-2000. In the criteria, when it was impossible to guarantee getting China to end-user certificate on the Ukrainian engine, Peru decided to return previously purchased 5 tanks back.

In addition to a detailed account (with support for Russian priemuschestvenno media) recognized facts about the failure of Ukraine to supply engines 6TD-2E, the magazine gives his version of the circumstances of the failure of the Peruvian trade. With all of this magazine is repelled from commenting Russian professionals, borrowed from the Russian media. Numerous citations Russian professionals and messages Russian media sources are clearly set may not always be, allow the creator to the article (performing under the pseudonym 静水, «Silent Waters") in certain cases to avoid the expressions on their own behalf.

The Chinese version: the machinations of the Russian Federation

The creators of articles explain the failure of the Sino-Peruvian tank transaction RF interference, which uses its newly increased impact on Ukraine to oust China with promising arms markets. Specifically, the article quoted a Russian military professional Vladimir Yevseyev, who believes that the failure of the Sino-Peruvian tank contract to some extent related to the improvement of Russian-Ukrainian relations. It seems that our homeland through China (and helping Ukraine) seizes share of the Chinese arms market and immediately restores the Russian-Ukrainian military cooperation, said Yevseyev.

With reference to the Russian media indicated that the new Minister of Defense of Ukraine Mikhail Yezhel pays great attention to trade an instrument and "put in place so creamy as the company" Ukrspecexport "trusted people". With all this Ezhel uses Sino-Peruvian Tank scandal as a pretext for repression of "UkrSpetsExport" people close to the former Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexander Kuzmuk. Again, as with reference to media reports claimed that the very cooperation between Ukraine and China with regard to supply engines for the 6TD-2E for Chinese tanks had been agreed during the tenure Kuzmuk.

The article states that the Sino-Ukrainian agreement on cooperation in the tank MBT-2000 (made under license in Pakistan under the name of "Al-Khalid") is not contained in the apparent form of a ban on the export of Ukrainian engines in other countries except Pakistan. But when held in a tank tender defeated Peru Chinese Tank MBT-2000, and not Ukrainian "Hold-M", it caused an uproar in the Ukraine. Ezhel produced a reorganization of the company "Ukrspecexport" and then Ukraine has begun to put pressure on Peru to implement the "Hold-M".

Our homeland at this time, too, did not sit warehouse hands. Frame CEO of "Rosoboronexport" Anatoly Isaykin, not once contact with the Ukrainian side on the hot strip, reported to her that our home does not want to participate in the Peruvian tender and compete there with the Ukrainian side. Moreover, Isaykin, as the Chinese magazine, reported Ukrainian side that wants to contribute to our motherland promote Ukrainian arms exports to Latin America (??) And will buy Ukrainian gas turbine engines for Venezuela supplied Mi-17 helicopters.

Our homeland and China in the struggle for Ukraine

With reference to the head editor of the Russian magazine "Arms Export" Dmitry Vasilyev stated that our homeland and China have already converted to rivals in the arms market, as China was able to "absorb" many of the technologies acquired from Russia. Too often, the source of these technologies is the Ukraine, which gave China a lot of technical documentation Russian times. In fact, according to the Chinese edition, Our homeland wants to join forces with Ukraine, so as not to prevent the capture of China further bit of the world arms market. It is emphasized that soon after freezing sales to China Ukrainian tank engines, Rosoboronexport has threatened to prevent the delivery of the next batch of China RD-93 engines, as the FC-1 aircraft on which it is installed, does the danger export prospects of the MiG-29.



According to the views of the publication, there is a "cooling of Sino-Ukrainian military-technical cooperation." "Faced with the changes that have occurred in the Sino-Ukrainian military-technical cooperation, many of our experts at still rely that" dispelled the clouds and look out the sun, "the article says. Specialists point out that for many years, China was not only the principal trading partner of Ukraine, and the main buyer of Ukrainian military products. Many Ukrainian programs from the production of new types of weapons can be realized only through the Chinese investment. The responsible office
r SRI "Quantum" stated that Chinese investments without this institution has failed to start in the creation of laser anti-missile system "Kashtan-M". With all this the main export market for this system is China during the Olympic Games in Beijing, she established about all the great facilities in order to protect against terrorist attacks.


SPAR "Kashtan-M"

In the Ukrainian tank industry, the paper reported, not everyone is happy with the decision "UkrSpetsExport" regarding the supply of MBT-2000 tanks Peru. More clearly manifested in respect of Ukrainian CB "Ray." Since 1996, CB "Ray" has established a tight fit case with many Chinese military-industrial companies, including NORINCO, coupled promoting their products to external markets. The big success was the joint modernization of earlier delivered the Third World Chinese Type 59 tanks. With all of this Ukrainian company supplied retrofit tanks TOUR 3UBK10-1 "Bastion" caliber 100 or 105 mm (depending on whether there is a substitution gun or not). With reference to the Russian "Military-Industrial Courier" magazine states that this cooperation has brought "Ray" big profits and increased its credibility by allowing undermine the monopoly of the Tula KBP market TOUR.

According to the head designer "Ray," Oleg Korostyleva, tanks MBT-2000 started to Peru, were equipped with 125-mm TOUR "Combat" production CB "Ray", with all this in the fight for this order Chinese partners have "Ray" huge help. On special request of the Chinese side "Combat" was modernized to bring to the standard NATO to fulfill the requirements of the Peruvian side.

In fact, the article says creator, Ukrainian military industry to a very large extent is dependent on the Chinese market, with all this cooperation with China allowed the Ukrainian military-industrial complex to avoid excessive dependence on Russian orders. According to SIPRI, at the end of October 2008, Ukraine supplied to 19 countries in the world 1118 units of weapons and military equipment to more than double in 2007, exports exceeded U.S. $ 1.7 billion third of Ukrainian exports of military goods and services China accounted for, with all this our homeland at this time deliberately reduced its deliveries. In recent years, our homeland pushed into the role of Ukrainian enterprises to export their own instruments, such as delivery outside the Su-30 and Mi-17/26, and many other types of weapons and military equipment. Ukrainian enterprises in these criteria encountered difficulties, and the Chinese orders were for their salvation. Previous Defense Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov said that China — a reliable friend, and Ukraine wants to play an active role in China's military modernization. He also expressed the hope to deepen military cooperation 2-states. (End of article)


Strannovataya history of Chinese "victory"

A.2 considers it necessary to clarify: the failure of the Chinese associate member of Peruvian tank tender only opposition from Russia (and Ukraine's new management) would not be completely fair.


Recall — in December 2009, immediately after the parade, where everyone can create 5 Chinese tanks, Defense Minister Rafael Rey Peru and explicitly reported to the Peruvian press follow:

- Chinese tank barely came up to the requirements of the tender, and only a third of the sample (April, July and November 2009, while already on the second step, the sample was proposed by Peru "did not export, while the Chinese version of the tank"). A.2 said, like the Peruvian Defense Ministry and army management decided to twist each other and a military parade hands when choosing one or the other product, because here and without the Ukrainian-Russian pegs it was not that I was right;

- In one of the favorites of the tender includes only MBT-2000 and T-90. Chinese tank was elected by the judgments price;

- In addition, the decision to purchase Chinese tanks was political;

- When the Parliament summoned the Minister of Defense and Commander Gibovicha, so they explained the motivation for the choice of the Chinese proposal, Ray said that the service of Chinese tanks is not guaranteed as funds for it in the budget (and, apparently, in agreement with NORINCO) for some reason does not provided.


We also recall that in December 2009, the Minister of Defense and President Ray Garcia contradicted each other: the president said during his meeting with Hu Jintao at the summit in Singapore November 13, 2009 China has amended its proposal in a more profitable way to Peruvians that contributed to the choice in favor of the MBT-2000 and for the next day Ray argued that at the time of the meeting of heads of agreement with the Chinese had already been achieved, and the presidents just discussed it.

The "Rosoboronexport" was all the more reason to not "sit, warehouses hand" that the emergence of Chinese tanks at the parade came without informing the participants about the results of the tender, for which he later had to defend Ray. One gets the feeling that not only our homeland intrigues against China, as China pushes its proposals at any cost.

Respective experience in NORINCO available. In February 2005, the last minister of industry under President Fujimori Victor Hui Wei Rojas (Victor Joy Way Rojas) was sentenced by the Supreme Tribunal of Peru to eight years in prison on charges of accepting bribes from five Chinese companies, including NORINCO.

You compare MBT-2000 to Type99A2 tank? For your ignorant knowledge, PLA never offer their Type99A2 tank for export. :lol: MBT-2000 is a downgrade of Type99A2 tank. Different chasis and power pack. The battle system inside of both is different too, same as the gun and armour.
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