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The J-20 Gets More Stealthy And Lethal; The F-35 Is Already Obsolete

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If you guys do not believe Fox News, why take anything 'conservative' seriously ?

Never mind...Because the 'conservative' guy just happened to rag on the F-35, even though when he cited Kopp he rendered his entire criticism worthless.

Carry on.
Do OP even know who is Dr Carlo Kopp? the so called "Western Expert" in this case?

He is an Australian, a PhD in Computer Science, his aviation expertise is his Private Pilot License and he flew the F18 Simulator when the Aus Government hire him to update some software. Thats about it.

Hmm I have been on a real F15 and flew a couple of minute, I also have a PPL, so should they consider me topgun? At least I have a military background...lol

Everyone in Aust know he is a joke...and you just quote a joke article...

Carlo Kopp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So what's ur point ? That China actually matured enough to make J10B into a most powerful fighter of the world ?
And don't say it's rumours when report suggest Chinese are already gone for training . And I don't think Chinese technology has developed in a way that SU 35 capabilities are not worth for Chinese buy only the engines ?

Well as I said, i still could see the possibility that china buy su-35 to meet russian's requirement to buy S117 engine for chinese j-11B/J15/J16/etc.

But again, there is no specific technology on SU35 that china cannot make currently (even engine China is already confident with WS10).

IRBIS is PESA that should be behind AESA performance.

Avionics matter, I believe nowadays chinese technology is already ahead. This has been admitted by russian officer when they review chinese avionics products exhibited in some exhibition. As for AESA technology, US expert even admit that chinese AESA is on chinese awacs or type 052D is quite sophisticated.
@ Ind4Ever ...

I don't understand You !? What's Your point ??

It seems as if You want to believe that BS only to start again the next round of useless basing on one side. My point is, if You are interested in the facts no-one You blame said anything You blame them. It is more that crappy report from a politically motivated reported and not a fact and all Your !sources" are not better anyway ... so what's You point ?

Simply repeating a false accusation does not makes if a fact even if most reports from the uninformed media sadly act like that.

Actually I don't understand your point . So are you saying These reports like J10B is superior to Indian MKI or American F15 and Russian Su35 are false ?

And Cx10 or whatever the Brahmos ripoff is not not superior to Brahmos as it's claimed by Chinese Experts ?

And now this . Editor writes these things as if he sat inside cockpit of J20 and flew it for a while . Or inside F35 in this case.

So u agree these reports are false ? As far as I know all the media is controlled by communist party of china . Isn't it ? Then it means the Chinese government trying to build a bubble around its each and every product as a propaganda to scare of the little SCS neighbors .


Well as I said, i still could see the possibility that china buy su-35 to meet russian's requirement to buy S117 engine for chinese j-11B/J15/J16/etc.

But again, there is no specific technology on SU35 that china cannot make currently (even engine China is already confident with WS10).

IRBIS is PESA that should be behind AESA performance.

Avionics matter, I believe nowadays chinese technology is already ahead. This has been admitted by russian officer when they review chinese avionics products exhibited in some exhibition. As for AESA technology, US expert even admit that chinese AESA is on chinese awacs or type 052D is quite sophisticated.
Ok man . It's cool . I too agree to a extend that Chinese have matured enough to develop and fly an aircraft’s like J20 etc . They stolen from us ripoff from russia Israel etc but I respect the way they have progressed .

But I also like to know a point . How is it even possible to compare J20 with F35 or f22 . They both are under development . Don't you think these kind of articles from Chinese media will create an impression that all Chinese media news are fake ?
I have read some article which claimed Chinese version of Brahmos is superior to Brahmos itself . . With no test flight but with a Mock up toy during exhibition.

I don't really like this alone .
Actually I don't understand your point . So are you saying These reports like J10B is superior to Indian MKI or American F15 and Russian Su35 are false ?

And Cx10 or whatever the Brahmos ripoff is not not superior to Brahmos as it's claimed by Chinese Experts ?

And now this . Editor writes these things as if he sat inside cockpit of J20 and flew it for a while . Or inside F35 in this case.

So u agree these reports are false ? As far as I know all the media is controlled by communist party of china . Isn't it ? Then it means the Chinese government trying to build a bubble around its each and every product as a propaganda to scare of the little SCS neighbors .

Some western expert has given explanation why J-20 RCS should be lower than that of F-35, that is already put J-20 on advantage again F-35 on BVR engagement between them.

The article by Zbigniew Mazurak itself already give clear explanation why. I quote again from the article:

And how is it (F35) inferior (compared to J20)?

In the Beyond Visual Range (BVR), i.e. long-range, combat regime the F-35 cannot fly fast enough or high enough to propel its missiles beyond their nominal range. It can eke out only Mach 1.61 and climb to no more than 43,000 feet. (Lockheed Martin claims its ceiling is actually 60,000 feet, but the F-35 has never been tested at that altitude; and even if it were, that is still a lot less than what Russian and Chinese fighters, as well as the F-15 and the F-22, can perform.)

By contrast, the F-15, F-22, and the PAK FA can fly as high as 65,000 feet; the J-11 Sinoflanker and the Su-27 at up to 62,523 feet; the carrier-capable J-15 Flying Shark, at up to 65,700 feet; the MiG-31 high-altitude fast interceptor can climb even higher, to 67,700 ft!

As for speed, the MiG-31 again beats all other contestants, as it can fly at up to Mach 2.83 (nearly three times the speed of sound) at high altitudes; the F-15 at Mach 2.5; the carrier-capable J-15 at Mach 2.4; the Su-27, MiG-35 and J-11 at Mach 2.35; the Su-35 and the MiG-29 at Mach 2.25; the J-7 and the Su-30MKK at Mach 2.0.

In addition, the F-35 is stealthy only from the front and only in the S, X, and Ku radar bands. In any other radar band, such as the L-band or Very High Frequencies (at which most Chinese AWACS aircraft operate), the F-35 can be detected just as easily as legacy aircraft.

To make matters worse, the F-35 can carry only four air-to-air missiles in its stealthy mode. That’s the maximum it can carry in its internal weapon bays (thus enabling it to be somewhat stealthy). Add any external stores to it – missiles, bombs, or fuel tanks – and it becomes even more radar-transparent than it already is.

This will force F-35 operators into a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” choice:

a) Use the limited space in the internal weapon bay of the F-35 solely for long-range AMRAAM missiles, thus not taking any short-range, infrared-guided Sidewinder missiles and forcing the F-35’s pilot to rely solely on his 20 mm gun in close-range combat (in which F-35 is also decisively inferior – see below); or

b) Take a combination of AMRAAMs and Sidewinders into the bay (say, two of each), bearing in mind the fact that the AMRAAM has a less than 25% effectiveness rate (Probability of Kill), so you need four AMRAAMs just to shoot down one hostile aircraft.

In short, the F-35 is a non-player in the BVR combat regime.

In short-range (Within Visual Range) combat, the F-35 will be similarly so outclassed by foreign fighters. In this type of combat, the most important factor is an aircraft’s agility and maneuverability – how easily and how quickly can the aircraft turn and evade enemy fire. That determines whether the aircraft will be a constantly ducking, turning, running-away player or a straight, level-flying target.

And the F-35 will certainly be the latter.

For it is so heavy and sluggish that even without weapons, it cannot turn smoothly.

Its wing loading ratio (the burden that the aircraft’s wings must carry) is a horribly high 529 kgs/sq m. That is, every square meter of its wings has to carry a burden of more than half a ton!

All of its competitors have a much lower wing loading ratio. For example, the lightweight J-10B has a wing loading ratio of just 381 kg/sq m, while the J-11 and the Su-27 have an even lower one at 371 kg/sq m. Similarly, typical USAF air superiority fighters also have low wing loading ratios: the F-22’s is just 375 kg/sq m, while the F-15’s is even less at ust 358 kg/sq m!

Thus, in any close-range air combat, which is by far the most frequent type of air warfare, the F-35 would be easily out-turned, out-maneuvered, out-flown, and shot down by Russian and Chinese aircraft, be they J-10s, J-11s, Su-27s, Su-30s, or J-7s.

As Dr John Stillion and Scott Perdue – both veteran USAF pilots – rightly wrote in 2008, the F-35 is “double inferior. (…) Can’t climb, can’t turn, can’t run.”
(…) Can’t climb, can’t turn, can’t run.”
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Day by day CPC of China controlled defence articles are making them as a laughing stocks . Just to keep their people cheered and stop asking why they spend lots of money in secrecy with no accountability.

Chinese are the only people next to North Korea and Pakistan who believes what ever their gov't says. On what basis F35 and F22 are duds ? And on what basis Under development j 20 became the greatest fight jets of all time ?

Recently Chinese even entertained their people army fan boys by certificating their upgraded THRID generation fighter J10B as the most powerful fighter jet in the world than other 4+ generation fighters including Indian Su 30 MKI which is better than Chinese best fighters in its fleet . Which are brought from Russia know as Sukoi 30 variants .

So this another self awarding by China to divert their people's attention from corruption involved in all these projects. Later end up buying Russian Weapons for real protection . Like SU 35 Which are in advanced stages for signing the contract . If am not wrong the Chinese airmen are already in Russia for the training purposes ... It will take another 2-3 years for first batch of Su 35 to reach the NO 1 DEFENCE customer of Russia. .. the Chinese.

Simple question WHY CHINA WANTS SU35 WHEN IT ALREADY HAS THE WORLDS BEST 5TH GENERATION FIGHTER JET J20 ? AND THEY ALSO HAVE WORLDS MOST POWERFUL J10B which are superior to Su 30 MKI and in this case even Su35. Which are just 4++
Some western expert has given explanation why J-20 RCS should be lower than that of F-35, that is already put J-20 on advantage again F-35 on BVR engagement between them.

The article by Zbigniew Mazurak itself already give clear explanation why. I quote again from the article:

And how is it (F35) inferior (compared to J20)?

In the Beyond Visual Range (BVR), i.e. long-range, combat regime the F-35 cannot fly fast enough or high enough to propel its missiles beyond their nominal range. It can eke out only Mach 1.61 and climb to no more than 43,000 feet. (Lockheed Martin claims its ceiling is actually 60,000 feet, but the F-35 has never been tested at that altitude; and even if it were, that is still a lot less than what Russian and Chinese fighters, as well as the F-15 and the F-22, can perform.)

By contrast, the F-15, F-22, and the PAK FA can fly as high as 65,000 feet; the J-11 Sinoflanker and the Su-27 at up to 62,523 feet; the carrier-capable J-15 Flying Shark, at up to 65,700 feet; the MiG-31 high-altitude fast interceptor can climb even higher, to 67,700 ft!

As for speed, the MiG-31 again beats all other contestants, as it can fly at up to Mach 2.83 (nearly three times the speed of sound) at high altitudes; the F-15 at Mach 2.5; the carrier-capable J-15 at Mach 2.4; the Su-27, MiG-35 and J-11 at Mach 2.35; the Su-35 and the MiG-29 at Mach 2.25; the J-7 and the Su-30MKK at Mach 2.0.

In addition, the F-35 is stealthy only from the front and only in the S, X, and Ku radar bands. In any other radar band, such as the L-band or Very High Frequencies (at which most Chinese AWACS aircraft operate), the F-35 can be detected just as easily as legacy aircraft.

To make matters worse, the F-35 can carry only four air-to-air missiles in its stealthy mode. That’s the maximum it can carry in its internal weapon bays (thus enabling it to be somewhat stealthy). Add any external stores to it – missiles, bombs, or fuel tanks – and it becomes even more radar-transparent than it already is.

This will force F-35 operators into a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” choice:

a) Use the limited space in the internal weapon bay of the F-35 solely for long-range AMRAAM missiles, thus not taking any short-range, infrared-guided Sidewinder missiles and forcing the F-35’s pilot to rely solely on his 20 mm gun in close-range combat (in which F-35 is also decisively inferior – see below); or

b) Take a combination of AMRAAMs and Sidewinders into the bay (say, two of each), bearing in mind the fact that the AMRAAM has a less than 25% effectiveness rate (Probability of Kill), so you need four AMRAAMs just to shoot down one hostile aircraft.

In short, the F-35 is a non-player in the BVR combat regime.

In short-range (Within Visual Range) combat, the F-35 will be similarly so outclassed by foreign fighters. In this type of combat, the most important factor is an aircraft’s agility and maneuverability – how easily and how quickly can the aircraft turn and evade enemy fire. That determines whether the aircraft will be a constantly ducking, turning, running-away player or a straight, level-flying target.

And the F-35 will certainly be the latter.

For it is so heavy and sluggish that even without weapons, it cannot turn smoothly.

Its wing loading ratio (the burden that the aircraft’s wings must carry) is a horribly high 529 kgs/sq m. That is, every square meter of its wings has to carry a burden of more than half a ton!

All of its competitors have a much lower wing loading ratio. For example, the lightweight J-10B has a wing loading ratio of just 381 kg/sq m, while the J-11 and the Su-27 have an even lower one at 371 kg/sq m. Similarly, typical USAF air superiority fighters also have low wing loading ratios: the F-22’s is just 375 kg/sq m, while the F-15’s is even less at ust 358 kg/sq m!

Thus, in any close-range air combat, which is by far the most frequent type of air warfare, the F-35 would be easily out-turned, out-maneuvered, out-flown, and shot down by Russian and Chinese aircraft, be they J-10s, J-11s, Su-27s, Su-30s, or J-7s.

As Dr John Stillion and Scott Perdue – both veteran USAF pilots – rightly wrote in 2008, the F-35 is “double inferior. (…) Can’t climb, can’t turn, can’t run.”

Some western expert has given explanation why J-20 RCS should be lower than that of F-35, that is already put J-20 on advantage again F-35 on BVR engagement between them.

The article by Zbigniew Mazurak itself already give clear explanation why. I quote again from the article:

And how is it (F35) inferior (compared to J20)?

In the Beyond Visual Range (BVR), i.e. long-range, combat regime the F-35 cannot fly fast enough or high enough to propel its missiles beyond their nominal range. It can eke out only Mach 1.61 and climb to no more than 43,000 feet. (Lockheed Martin claims its ceiling is actually 60,000 feet, but the F-35 has never been tested at that altitude; and even if it were, that is still a lot less than what Russian and Chinese fighters, as well as the F-15 and the F-22, can perform.)

By contrast, the F-15, F-22, and the PAK FA can fly as high as 65,000 feet; the J-11 Sinoflanker and the Su-27 at up to 62,523 feet; the carrier-capable J-15 Flying Shark, at up to 65,700 feet; the MiG-31 high-altitude fast interceptor can climb even higher, to 67,700 ft!

As for speed, the MiG-31 again beats all other contestants, as it can fly at up to Mach 2.83 (nearly three times the speed of sound) at high altitudes; the F-15 at Mach 2.5; the carrier-capable J-15 at Mach 2.4; the Su-27, MiG-35 and J-11 at Mach 2.35; the Su-35 and the MiG-29 at Mach 2.25; the J-7 and the Su-30MKK at Mach 2.0.

In addition, the F-35 is stealthy only from the front and only in the S, X, and Ku radar bands. In any other radar band, such as the L-band or Very High Frequencies (at which most Chinese AWACS aircraft operate), the F-35 can be detected just as easily as legacy aircraft.

To make matters worse, the F-35 can carry only four air-to-air missiles in its stealthy mode. That’s the maximum it can carry in its internal weapon bays (thus enabling it to be somewhat stealthy). Add any external stores to it – missiles, bombs, or fuel tanks – and it becomes even more radar-transparent than it already is.

This will force F-35 operators into a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” choice:

a) Use the limited space in the internal weapon bay of the F-35 solely for long-range AMRAAM missiles, thus not taking any short-range, infrared-guided Sidewinder missiles and forcing the F-35’s pilot to rely solely on his 20 mm gun in close-range combat (in which F-35 is also decisively inferior – see below); or

b) Take a combination of AMRAAMs and Sidewinders into the bay (say, two of each), bearing in mind the fact that the AMRAAM has a less than 25% effectiveness rate (Probability of Kill), so you need four AMRAAMs just to shoot down one hostile aircraft.

In short, the F-35 is a non-player in the BVR combat regime.

In short-range (Within Visual Range) combat, the F-35 will be similarly so outclassed by foreign fighters. In this type of combat, the most important factor is an aircraft’s agility and maneuverability – how easily and how quickly can the aircraft turn and evade enemy fire. That determines whether the aircraft will be a constantly ducking, turning, running-away player or a straight, level-flying target.

And the F-35 will certainly be the latter.

For it is so heavy and sluggish that even without weapons, it cannot turn smoothly.

Its wing loading ratio (the burden that the aircraft’s wings must carry) is a horribly high 529 kgs/sq m. That is, every square meter of its wings has to carry a burden of more than half a ton!

All of its competitors have a much lower wing loading ratio. For example, the lightweight J-10B has a wing loading ratio of just 381 kg/sq m, while the J-11 and the Su-27 have an even lower one at 371 kg/sq m. Similarly, typical USAF air superiority fighters also have low wing loading ratios: the F-22’s is just 375 kg/sq m, while the F-15’s is even less at ust 358 kg/sq m!

Thus, in any close-range air combat, which is by far the most frequent type of air warfare, the F-35 would be easily out-turned, out-maneuvered, out-flown, and shot down by Russian and Chinese aircraft, be they J-10s, J-11s, Su-27s, Su-30s, or J-7s.

As Dr John Stillion and Scott Perdue – both veteran USAF pilots – rightly wrote in 2008, the F-35 is “double inferior. (…) Can’t climb, can’t turn, can’t run.”

All the stuff he said are just assumption . Ok am asking you . Can you provide full spec of J20 or F35 ?

And am not batting for F35 . I know it's advantage and disadvantages . There are lots of mistakes in this article. Rather I ll spend my time some other post. F35 designer know the aircraft pros and cons . And pros are always made to compensate on cons. It's generally not a dog fighter to compare with su 30 or raptor .

Mistakes in this Article : lots but few caught my eyes .
Author claims that new paint absorbed material are more efficient than the previous one . How does he even know about the property and quality of paint used in J20 without proper inspection ?

- tell me what it has to do with J20 . I will quote it down. It's nearly 80% of the article .
And how is it (F35) inferior (compared to J20)?

In the Beyond Visual Range (BVR), i.e. long-range, combat regime the F-35 cannot fly fast enough or high enough to propel its missiles beyond their nominal range. It can eke out only Mach 1.61 and climb to no more than 43,000 feet. (Lockheed Martin claims its ceiling is actually 60,000 feet, but the F-35 has never been tested at that altitude; and even if it were, that is still a lot less than what Russian and Chinese fighters, as well as the F-15 and the F-22, can perform.)

By contrast, the F-15, F-22, and the PAK FA can fly as high as 65,000 feet; the J-11 Sinoflanker and the Su-27 at up to 62,523 feet; the carrier-capable J-15 Flying Shark, at up to 65,700 feet; the MiG-31 high-altitude fast interceptor can climb even higher, to 67,700 ft!

As for speed, the MiG-31 again beats all other contestants, as it can fly at up to Mach 2.83 (nearly three times the speed of sound) at high altitudes; the F-15 at Mach 2.5; the carrier-capable J-15 at Mach 2.4; the Su-27, MiG-35 and J-11 at Mach 2.35; the Su-35 and the MiG-29 at Mach 2.25; the J-7 and the Su-30MKK at Mach 2.0.

In addition, the F-35 is stealthy only from the front and only in the S, X, and Ku radar bands. In any other radar band, such as the L-band or Very High Frequencies (at which most Chinese AWACS aircraft operate), the F-35 can be detected just as easily as legacy aircraft.

To make matters worse, the F-35 can carry only four air-to-air missiles in its stealthy mode. That’s the maximum it can carry in its internal weapon bays (thus enabling it to be somewhat stealthy). Add any external stores to it – missiles, bombs, or fuel tanks – and it becomes even more radar-transparent than it already is.

This will force F-35 operators into a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” choice:

a) Use the limited space in the internal weapon bay of the F-35 solely for long-range AMRAAM missiles, thus not taking any short-range, infrared-guided Sidewinder missiles and forcing the F-35’s pilot to rely solely on his 20 mm gun in close-range combat (in which F-35 is also decisively inferior – see below); or

b) Take a combination of AMRAAMs and Sidewinders into the bay (say, two of each), bearing in mind the fact that the AMRAAM has a less than 25% effectiveness rate (Probability of Kill), so you need four AMRAAMs just to shoot down one hostile aircraft.

In short, the F-35 is a non-player in the BVR combat regime.

In short-range (Within Visual Range) combat, the F-35 will be similarly so outclassed by foreign fighters. In this type of combat, the most important factor is an aircraft’s agility and maneuverability – how easily and how quickly can the aircraft turn and evade enemy fire. That determines whether the aircraft will be a constantly ducking, turning, running-away player or a straight, level-flying target.

And the F-35 will certainly be the latter.

For it is so heavy and sluggish that even without weapons, it cannot turn smoothly.

Its wing loading ratio (the burden that the aircraft’s wings must carry) is a horribly high 529 kgs/sq m. That is, every square meter of its wings has to carry a burden of more than half a ton!

All of its competitors have a much lower wing loading ratio. For example, the lightweight J-10B has a wing loading ratio of just 381 kg/sq m, while the J-11 and the Su-27 have an even lower one at 371 kg/sq m. Similarly, typical USAF air superiority fighters also have low wing loading ratios: the F-22’s is just 375 kg/sq m, while the F-15’s is even less at ust 358 kg/sq m!

Thus, in any close-range air combat, which is by far the most frequent type of air warfare, the F-35 would be easily out-turned, out-maneuvered, out-flown, and shot down by Russian and Chinese aircraft, be they J-10s, J-11s, Su-27s, Su-30s, or J-7s.

As Dr John Stillion and Scott Perdue – both veteran USAF pilots – rightly wrote in 2008, the F-35 is “double inferior. (…) Can’t climb, can’t turn, can’t run.”

It's article of F35 which is merged with observations of the author who just saw few clicks of J20 J 31 :D

All he mentioned is F35 has this drawback and that so he even went ahead and said even the J 10 su 27 F 16 all are superior in dog fight due to its higher wing load ratio .

But the author forgot to mention a point that agility of an aircraft not only depends of the wingload ratio but also the length and breadth of wings as well. With short wing F35 can't take sharp turns . But it is built to fight a invisible warfare fore and run and used for bombing raids deep into the enemy territory . It's not made to fight a dog fights but for particular missions. Now when we look at J20 which has Fat body but elongated not so large wing span . ( given the size of an aircraft’s) so I really doubt J20 can survive a dogfight with EF or Rafale or Sukoi 30 MKI for that matter .

Then the author against talk about F35 service ceiling . Which is less . And the official data of important programme will be kept as secret for its advantages. Even though the F35 ceiling is low . What it has to do with J20 .... ?

If the author compared F35 with Rafale or EF or F22 or F15 or su 30 MKI or Super Sukoi or PakFa the result will be same . SO SU30 MKI already surpassed F35 so stop development of F35 ?

Another wannabe American who like to get famous by saying something wrong about his country programme. Picking F35 with Chinese J20 was a masterstroke. Now he also became famous and created panic among Americans lol
because of engine idiot, entire world knows that china will do reverse engineering to produce top class engine for J-20
What ever u ment ... I dint get you . Looks like u called an American fan boy

because of engine idiot, entire world knows that china will do reverse engineering to produce top class engine for J-20
What engine ... ? China has the whole package of Russian engines for decades now. Chinese engine programme going for decades and decades . Yet no break thru . Soo as soon as they get SU 35 they will create a ripoff ? Is that your point ? Oh sorry it will take more than 4-5+ years to deliver all the jets to the Chinese . So after 2020 -2025 they will come up with ripoff engine and fix it on J20 and fly it by 2025-26 ? Is this why u need su 35 ? Think man . Idiotic analysis

For this Chinese can buy engines off the shelves in large numbers . As money is not a big deal here but security is at stake. So Su35 bought by Chinese are not only for engine . But also for all other stuff coming with the fighter . SU35 is something Chinese can dream of making one ripoff with same capability
All the stuff he said are just assumption . Ok am asking you . Can you provide full spec of J20 or F35 ?

You can read the general spec from here:
Chengdu J-20 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By using WS15, J-20 will have much higher TWR, and higher service ceiling. Better accelleration.
That will give J-20 advantage in BVR againts F35.

And am not batting for F35 . I know it's advantage and disadvantages . There are lots of mistakes in this article. Rather I ll spend my time some other post. F35 designer know the aircraft pros and cons . And pros are always made to compensate on cons. It's generally not a dog fighter to compare with su 30 or raptor .

Mistakes in this Article : lots but few caught my eyes .
Author claims that new paint absorbed material are more efficient than the previous one . How does he even know about the property and quality of paint used in J20 without proper inspection ?

- tell me what it has to do with J20 . I will quote it down. It's nearly 80% of the article .

No you missunderstood.

The author never said the lower RCS is due to new paint absorbent, but due to by hiding engine nozzle.

Which one is better in term of stealth can be judged by shaping, and shaping is visible to eye.

It's article of F35 which is merged with observations of the author who just saw few clicks of J20 J 31 :D

All he mentioned is F35 has this drawback and that so he even went ahead and said even the J 10 su 27 F 16 all are superior in dog fight due to its higher wing load ratio .

But the author forgot to mention a point that agility of an aircraft not only depends of the wingload ratio but also the length and breadth of wings as well. With short wing F35 can't take sharp turns . But it is built to fight a invisible warfare fore and run and used for bombing raids deep into the enemy territory . It's not made to fight a dog fights but for particular missions. Now when we look at J20 which has Fat body but elongated not so large wing span . ( given the size of an aircraft’s) so I really doubt J20 can survive a dogfight with EF or Rafale or Sukoi 30 MKI for that matter .

Well then what you say above in fact strengthening what the author said, that J-20 is designed for Air Dominance while F-35 designed for Air Strike - not air dominance.

Therefore you dont need to wonder why J-20 have more potential in BVR engagement againts F-35, as you already have the answer :)

Then the author against talk about F35 service ceiling . Which is less . And the official data of important programme will be kept as secret for its advantages. Even though the F35 ceiling is low . What it has to do with J20 .... ?

If the author compared F35 with Rafale or EF or F22 or F15 or su 30 MKI or Super Sukoi or PakFa the result will be same . SO SU30 MKI already surpassed F35 so stop development of F35 ?

Another wannabe American who like to get famous by saying something wrong about his country programme. Picking F35 with Chinese J20 was a masterstroke. Now he also became famous and created panic among Americans lol

It seems the author trying to explain the BVR advantage regarding the higher service ceiling.

The same with F22, but not the same with the rest. The rest are 4th / 4.5th gen fighter which has not stealth like J-20, also has lower TWR and wing loading.
Chinese J-20 has build quality like this.


Russia Su-35 has build quality like this.



The pictures speak for themselves. Even if you don't believe me, believe in your own eyes.
Chinese J-20 has build quality like this.


Russia Su-35 has build quality like this.



The pictures speak for themselves. Even if you don't believe me, believe in your own eyes.

Getting a little defensive? Posting one picture of the J-20 from far away and the other of the SU-35 from close up. The build quality of the SU-35 is no less then that of J-10. But instead of throwing mud at others try addressing what is in the article.

Such as, how is the F-35 "underpowered" when it has the most powerful engine on any fighter in the world. How is the F-35 not maneuverable when it has been proven to pull 9Gs. How is the F-35 'heavy', 'bloated' and 'overweight' when it is about half the size of the J-20, think about that.
.... But instead of throwing mud at others try addressing what is in the article.


Exactly what I already said: Why all that mess about an article that is simply BS !?
My viewpoints
1. dont drag Russian airplane quality for comparison with J-20 unnecessarily
2. I think J-16 is comparable to Su-30's export version
3. only the jealous Indians are always bitching about our "inferior" or "stolen" technology in making good fighter jets when they are only churning out an airplane comparable just to the upgraded Mig-21 antiques after half a century since inception
LCA Tejas will be an advanced version of MiG 21: IAF chief | Brahmand News
4. there are still many functional fighter jets in our stock which need overhaul in regular times, Thus the procurement of large quantities of Russian engines for replacement and parts
5. we are capable of making super-alloys which are fit for use in hi output engines. The hurdle we have to overcome is consistency in product quality in large volume
6. making hi performance jet engine requires Rhenium
7. quoting from public and easy-to-access websites are not a reliable source of info as ALL sensitive military
information of value are classified


Peacock dance - Yang Liping
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