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The Islamic World's Outrage Against India Won't Protect the Country's Muslims

Absolutely not ! Do you not see her hard belly and her thin legs ? She looks fake.

I mean like this lovely :
. . .
1. You are a typical mullah who places the hadeeses superior to the Quran even though the hadeeses are not written or dictated by Hazrat Muhammad and the first of them started being composed about a 100 years after the death of Hazrat Muhammad, a few generations after him and are mostly hearsay. I judge hadees texts by putting them to the test of reason and context. For example, where it is mentioned that Hazrat Muhammad adored cats I accept because cats are natural to ideas of Islam ( beauty, gentleness, empathy, sensitivity, rationality, foresight etc ). But then there is Bukhari who wrote about supposedly an "evil woman" ( a prostitute ) who was forgiven of her sins because she filled her shoe with water and gave it to a thirsty dog. Now you should have asked Bukhari what if this dog having sated its thirst went to Hazrat Muhammad's house and seeing his cat Muezza made a sound to tell other dogs that there is a cat ( dogs make such sounds, I know this ) and they are went into the prophet's house and killed Muezza by the torture way they do ? So here the hadeeses contradict each other.

2. You mullah types have long been used by Western Crusader governments ( which since 1949 formed into NATO ) against progressive Muslim individuals, movements and countries ( Socialist or Communist ) and place you mullahs there in power instead through proxy war and regime change because you mullahs are utter dunderheads who will do what NATO tells you. That is how your mullah formations called Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood murdered Muammar Gaddafi on behalf of NATO after an invasion by 30+ government militaries of NATO and its slave governments of GCC plus thousands of NATO proxies AQ and "M"B. But I will declare to you a slogan of the brave and defiant Libyans who shouted to Obomba, Camoron, Killary Kill-in-tons etc - "Allah, Muammar, Libya bas !". Watch this defiant Libyan girl in 2011 ( note she is not burqa'ed up which oppressive and misogynist thing you want to impose on her ) :

Before 2011 too NATO tried to regime change the Socialist governance system in Syria through its proxy the "Muslim" Brotherhood. This was a war in Syria between 1976 and 1982 and the Syrians defeated these "M"B criminals and BBC and the Western governments call a part of this Syrian war against terrorists as "Hama massacre" just like BBC and co. are doing since 2011. :lol:Watch the the president of Syria, Hafiz al Assad, deliver this short and enlightening speech in 1982 after Syria defeated the "M"B :

You mullahs are nothing but a proxy of NATO. A puppet. You mullahs do everything opposite to the progressive, justice-seeking and rational ideas of Hazrat Muhammad. So who's the murtad ? :)

3. Currently, the patriotic Syrians are killing the murtad AQ and "M"B mullahs who are in Syria in the tens of thousands from all over the world including from your Tableeghi mosques in Canada and Britain. If you had been living in the Libyan Jamahiriya before the 2011 invasion you would either have been in jail or before the firing squad and the Western Crusader governments would have been crying for your human rights. :lol:

Allah, Muammar, Libya bas !
Allah, Suriya, Bashar wa bas !
Laal Salaam !
Murtad wrote all that to prove his commie bs 🤣

Shariah what? Can't hear you over literacy class in re-education schools.

From this:
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View attachment 853582

To this:
View attachment 853584
View attachment 853583
View attachment 853586

In less than 10 years, suck it!
Pharaoh was arrogant too
Murtad wrote all that to prove his commie bs 🤣

You know that you are unable to reply to my posts because you are in the wrong hence your one-line silly rebuttal. But...

1. You are the murtad here. This they won't teach you in your NATO-supported Tableeghi gatherings.

2. You were deleted in the Libyan Jamahiriya and now being deleted in Syria.

3. I challenge all you Tableeghis from around the world to go to your "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan and develop it so that Afghanistan becomes an evolved society immediately and you will have a Tableeghi office on Mars in 10 years. I challenge you !
You know that you are unable to reply to my posts because you are in the wrong hence your one-line silly rebuttal. But...

1. You are the murtad here. This they won't teach you in your NATO-supported Tableeghi gatherings.

2. You were deleted in the Libyan Jamahiriya and now being deleted in Syria.

3. I challenge all you Tableeghis from around the world to go to your "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan and develop it so that Afghanistan becomes an evolved society immediately and you will have a Tableeghi office on Mars in 10 years. I challenge you !
No point in me wasting my time replying to a murtad.

Why does silicone enhancement (while igniting the jollies of many an Asian men) be the value denominator for a human being like above? What about her wants, dreams?

I am positive she (while enjoying the attention right now) will not have the same body forever. What then?

You know about the story of the three Buddhist disciples fighting over a young woman? The Buddha showed the three disciples what she looked like thirty years hence, then none of them wanted her anymore.

Beauty (and silicone enhancements) are fleeting in a relationship, what works long term is love, compassion, understanding, emotional commitment and human respect.

Putting yourself in her shoes (no, not high heels) is what needs to be done, not objectifying human beings as subjects of carnal desire.
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No it's accurate, India is a utter communal shithole
If it was ,india would not be hosting so many minorities , to give you an idea , all the Muslim countries combines don't host even half of the number of minorities in India.
If it was ,india would not be hosting so many minorities , to give you an idea , all the Muslim countries combines don't host even half of the number of minorities in India.

India is a utter communal shithole, this is not a question,it's a statement of fact

Indians hate each other more then we hate hindus
India is a utter communal shithole, this is not a question,it's a statement of fact

Indians hate each other more then we hate hindus
Dude do you even realize what you are saying, numbers will not lie. You so many muslim countries and Muslim population is around 1.8 billion. I am not even asking for percentage wise . I said more number of minorities live in India than non Muslim in all the Muslim countries together ,not even half of what we have . You guys are in no position to judge anyone specially when you cannot see further than your nose.
Dude do you even realize what you are saying, numbers will not lie. You so many muslim countries and Muslim population is around 1.8 billion. I am not even asking for percentage wise . I said more number of minorities live in India than non Muslim in all the Muslim countries together ,not even half of what we have . You guys are in no position to judge anyone specially when you cannot see further than your nose.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims

Once again, this is a statement of fact, it's not a accusation or judgement

There are almost 2 billion Muslims

Once again, this is a statement of fact, it's not a accusation or judgement

You have not answered my question ?
. .
You don't have a question, your trying to what-about the situation in india
No I am saying every country has issues but your countries have bigger issues and compared to it India should look like heaven.
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