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The international-law Irony of U.S. Provocations in South China Sea

Zero Warships? so we need more warships and other related equippment,:coffee:

That's your own media reporting, not me

Check the reference.

It hard to understand your logic. China just want business. Why will China involve the war? But USA like to kill people and show off new weapon to testify its ability as world police. So it said that I am big brother on the earth. Do you agree?

Again, your coward, fascist government passed the resolution, that mean they are okay with killing the Iraqi. Much like the SCS incident, they say they will do anything to protect the "Security and Stability" of Chinese territorial right, but they allow US Navy ship to come close to what they call "Territorial Water"

LOL, it's the same thing again.

1.) China ARE a small stake claimer, it does not process more than 11 Islands on the whole SCS (9 in Paracel islands) and (2 islands elsewhere - Scarborough Shoal and Pratas Island (by ROC)) And 16 Reef (7 in Paracel islands and 9 in Spratly)

However, does the whole SCS only consist of what China control? South China Seas consist of >250 Islands and Reef, calling a "Major Stake Holder" when China only control 11 Island and 16 Reef is simply and categorically, untrue.

2.) Yeah, How are you gonna out as much chips on it when any of these island cannot hold much chips to begin with? Those Island WILL FALL when they were invaded, simply because they are too small to defend. And no, you have not taught me anything as you do not understand what tactical, strategical and operational means. So in effect, you know the square root of jack shit, only what you think is true, and they are all, wrong.
1. It is not about how many features you possess, but how many of these features offer any value. If we are talking about islands (NOT ROCK OR REEFS), we got about 8. Any one of them is the BIGGEST in SCS. And these are islands that will be able to house 1,000 of communities unlike the rocks the Vietnamese and Phillipines possess. So my friend, we do indeed have a big stake in SCS.

2. These islands are rather large, my friend. Large enough to have a one or two squadron of fighters. 7 in Spratly alone can house 7-10 squadrons. This in addition to the constant patrol of our warships and coastal ships . Anyone attempting to invade those islands will face a massive defense force. Only the US have the capabilities to invade but it will also come at a heavy loss to them as I said once those islands are done, we will put machine gun, missile defense, and fighter jets. Don't thank me for teaching you that, my friend. LOL
@jhungary @General Observer Don't use racial insults both of you have received warnings.

Yeah, seems like this is what you do best, you warn me for one comment. I have reported thousand of post of your fellow Chinese member on here dishing personal insult and what not, and did you warn them too? Then why I did not see any of them banned? For a moderator, you are honestly quite biased. But meh, everybody knows that already, why bother

Lol what is big there about those ships, we lost nothin but Americans civilians had to pay the bill for these long trips , they didn't do that at our expense....who care??? :rofl:

Obviously, you care, or else your media will not report these news like crazies.

And obviously you yourselves care, otherwise you will not reply to my post.
The truth is that No one recognize thats CN territorial sea.

The sanction on CN would continue if Deng didnt bow down to Japan,US in 1979, surrenderred Senkaku-Taiwan and hope for support from US.
Hehe, so you can't name us some country?

Bow down to Japan and US? Idiot, can you tell me is it China or USA who first sent special envoy to USA or China? show you IQ, HEHE.

That's your own media reporting, not me

Check the reference.
Any different? we really need more warships, compared with USA, we still lag behind too far, we now still can't protect our territorial water, :cray:
Yeah, seems like this is what you do best, you warn me for one comment. I have reported thousand of post of your fellow Chinese member on here dishing personal insult and what not, and did you warn them too? Then why I did not see any of them banned? For a moderator, you are honestly quite biased. But meh, everybody knows that already, why bother

It depends on the severity of the comment, most of the post you reported are handled by other mods you would have to take it up with them.
That's your own media reporting, not me

Check the reference.

Again, your coward, fascist government passed the resolution, that mean they are okay with killing the Iraqi. Much like the SCS incident, they say they will do anything to protect the "Security and Stability" of Chinese territorial right, but they allow US Navy ship to come close to what they call "Territorial Water"

LOL, it's the same thing again.
Cool down! ask the USA soldiers how to die in heaven during Korea war and Vietnam war. Ask the U-2 pilot of spy plane how to drop down in China sky.
1. It is not about how many features you possess, but how many of these features offer any value. If we are talking about islands (NOT ROCK OR REEFS), we got about 8. Any one of them is the BIGGEST in SCS. And these are islands that will be able to house 1,000 of communities unlike the rocks the Vietnamese and Phillipines possess. So my friend, we do indeed have a big stake in SCS.

2. These islands are rather large, my friend. Large enough to have a one or two squadron of fighters. 7 in Spratly alone can house 7-10 squadrons. This in addition to the constant patrol of our warships and coastal ships . Anyone attempting to invade those islands will face a massive defense force. Only the US have the capabilities to invade but it will also come at a heavy loss to them as I said once those islands are done, we will put machine gun, missile defense, and fighter jets. Don't thank me for teaching you that, my friend. LOL

yeah, yeah, yeah. You got 8 Islands, so what? Build Airstrip on it, that does not change anything.

How many aircraft can these airfield hold? How many soldier can these island garrison, and how many ship can these islands retain? It's close to China, it was small, it does nothing in any of the 3 senses. Just because it was owned by China, it does not mean they are magically of something of a value.

When it does not offer any extended advantage for the overall scheme of defence itself, it does not matter how many squadron you can hold. Chinese mainland hold 130 squadron, so what did spratly, which is some 300 miles away, give when the Chinese does not process already?

Hence there are no strategical value for those islands.
Yeah, seems like this is what you do best, you warn me for one comment. I have reported thousand of post of your fellow Chinese member on here dishing personal insult and what not, and did you warn them too? Then why I did not see any of them banned? For a moderator, you are honestly quite biased. But meh, everybody knows that already, why bother
Stop whining. You are the most biased perseon in here (well you can challenge that gambit dude LOL) which continue to insult my country. Going as far as calling it a fascist state and still didn't get ban for it.

For your information, I have been warned many times and banned countless time, yet I NEVER utter a single words of complaint. I take it like a man and I expect the same from you, my friend.

It depends on the severity of the comment, most of the post you reported are handled by other mods you would have to take it up with them.

lol, I did take it up with them and you were on that convo too with all other mod, and they said you are the one that handle it. And you did nothing, and this is on you, not other.

Meh, I don't care about it anyway, ban me, warn me, this forum is a joke already.
1. It is not about how many features you possess, but how many of these features offer any value. If we are talking about islands (NOT ROCK OR REEFS), we got about 8. Any one of them is the BIGGEST in SCS. And these are islands that will be able to house 1,000 of communities unlike the rocks the Vietnamese and Phillipines possess. So my friend, we do indeed have a big stake in SCS.

2. These islands are rather large, my friend. Large enough to have a one or two squadron of fighters. 7 in Spratly alone can house 7-10 squadrons. This in addition to the constant patrol of our warships and coastal ships . Anyone attempting to invade those islands will face a massive defense force. Only the US have the capabilities to invade but it will also come at a heavy loss to them as I said once those islands are done, we will put machine gun, missile defense, and fighter jets. Don't thank me for teaching you that, my friend. LOL
See? No word or breath of UNCLOS or international law here. Just raw Chinese "Communist" imperialism. The economy tanks and China will decide to create a war to forestall another confrontation between tanks and students in Tianamen Square.
Cool down! ask the USA soldiers how to die in heaven during Korea war and Vietnam war. Ask the U-2 pilot of spy plane how to drop down in China sky.

There are lot more Chinese soldier dies in Korea, why don't we ask them??

in fact, if I remember correctly, the Chinese Killed in Korea is greater than the American killed in Vietnam and Korea put together, it would be a lot Easier to ask your lost ancestor than to ask the American dead. Like 2 to 1 easier

Hehe, so you can't name us some country?

Bow down to Japan and US? Idiot, can you tell me is it China or USA who first sent special envoy to USA or China? show you IQ, HEHE.

Any different? we really need more warships, compared with USA, we still lag behind too far, we now still can't protect our territorial water, :cray:

Meh, what you need is more coastline, you will never have the warship number the US have, as you only have 1 coast the US have 2, conquer India, or Iran, that will give you an extra coastline, then you can build more, otherwise where are you proposing to put your new warship when all your dock are in used to service the existing one?

Simple maths, no docks, no warship

Stop whining. You are the most biased perseon in here (well you can challenge that gambit dude LOL) which continue to insult my country. Going as far as calling it a fascist state and still didn't get ban for it.

For your information, I have been warned many times and banned countless time, yet I NEVER utter a single words of complaint. I take it like a man and I expect the same from you, my friend.


your country IS INDEED a fascist state, China is a police state, a fact that they don't even try to hide, and EVERY POLICE STATES ARE FASCIST. Your fellow member @TaiShang keep calling US the fascist regime, it's only fair I got to call a REAL police state fascist too.

Or you are trying to denied something your country did not bother to denied in the first place?
yeah, yeah, yeah. You got 8 Islands, so what? Build Airstrip on it, that does not change anything.

How many aircraft can these airfield hold? How many soldier can these island garrison, and how many ship can these islands retain? It's close to China, it was small, it does nothing in any of the 3 senses. Just because it was owned by China, it does not mean they are magically of something of a value.

When it does not offer any extended advantage for the overall scheme of defence itself, it does not matter how many squadron you can hold. Chinese mainland hold 130 squadron, so what did spratly, which is some 300 miles away, give when the Chinese does not process already?

Hence there are no strategical value for those islands.
My friend, we said many times already. These islands will serve and provide humanitarian assistance so it is important that everybody allows us to develop these islands peacefully so we can provide services to the international community.

As I said, don't expect the Vietnamese or the Phillipines to have any capability to invade those islands any soon. So those are the only two countries most likely to invade those isolated islands. If they have no balls, I fail to see why you are so concern about the defense of those islands from us. Leave those islands development for us to concern. We have a grand plan on how to utilize those islands. I already explained what those plan will be use for. For short, it will form a 3 chains network extending from Hainan to Paracel to Spratly. That cover up about 90% of SCS sea passing lane. So really, I don't expect anyone to pass through SCS without having our eyes on it.
Hehe, so you can't name us some country?

Bow down to Japan and US? Idiot, can you tell me is it China or USA who first sent special envoy to USA or China? show you IQ,
CN dare not stop US ship patrolling there, so no sanction to u yet .

Who still control Senkaku-TW even they were CN territories ??? US-JP control them till.now.
your country IS INDEED a fascist state, China is a police state, a fact that they don't even try to hide, and EVERY POLICE STATES ARE FASCIST. Your fellow member @TaiShang keep calling US the fascist regime, it's only fair I got to call a REAL police state fascist too.

Or you are trying to denied something your country did not bother to denied in the first place?
Is your love country, Vietnam a fascist state, too? What about Singapore? Let me hear it. LOL

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