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The Indians HATE Their New Russian-Made Stealth Fighter

well actualli its alla game played by Americans first it fas rafale now its FGFA and owr top IAF officials and Media are on US defense corporatrions payroll

FGFA is a very good jet it has in all 6 ASEA radars (1 main + 2 side mounted +2 on leading edges +1 at the rear) apart from 3D TVC , OLS(IRST) 4 Internal wepons bays and soon will be fitted with 2X171 Kn engines among many other classified stealth enhansing techs

sure as of now its in testing Phase but why will russians or anyone will give india there latest techs just beacause they are giving money for research dont forget its being made in russia by the russians primarilly i guess IAF and MOD should be resonable here

An eloquent defence of the FGFA but I am inclined to believe the Indian Air Force's version of the aircraft's shortcomings rather than a desk jockey's aspirations as to what it might actually be.
All the same, Business Standard speculates that the Indian complaints could be somewhat politically motivated, as New Delhi is also planning to buy 126 new Rafale fighters from France for an eye-watering total price of $18 billion. Scrapping the T-50 could help India pay for the French jets.

What a speculation. This article is a joke by Business Standard. :tdown:

they have twisted the meaning of the review in a totally inappropriate way. Thought not confirmed by any official sources, but even going by the claimed sources of Business Standard, one has to know that in any review of technical performance it is only expected for the reviewers to find out the areas where they want further improvements. It will indeed be case whether its F-22 or any other plane. The product goes through multiple technical reviews and updated based on the outcomes. So nothing wrong.
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maybe PAK FA should be renamed as FUK PA

Sure we will buy 5th gen JF 17 from China. J 20 a plane with no decent engine!

What a speculation. This article is a joke by Business Standard. :tdown:

they have twisted the meaning of the review in a totally inappropriate way. Thought not confirmed by any official sources, but even going by the claimed sources of Business Standard, one has to know that in any review of technical performance it is only expected for the reviewers to find out the areas where they want further improvements. It will indeed be case whether its F-22 or any other plane. The product goes through multiple technical reviews and updated based on the outcomes. So nothing wrong.

IAF wants to focus on Rafale. We need Modi. This lungi has no personality.
Frankly, that's even worse.

The more delays there are, the higher the cost will go.
Actually I am surprised if this is true that India didn't invested anything so far! Indian members were threatening us from deals and projects which are still on paper :lol: How can you count on something which you are not committed to so far :crazy:
This is why China quit PAK-FA in the first place and went for its own J-20, which is essentially a twin engined F-35 with canards, the same air intakes, EOTS. :p:
I like india air force arrogance and practicality of their argument.

They are essentially warning the russians if it is not up to scratch and does not meet IAF criteria their will no indian investment.

its good thing
I like india air force arrogance and practicality of their argument.

They are essentially warning the russians if it is not up to scratch and does not meet IAF criteria their will no indian investment.

its good thing

Yes, and in our language we call it " chopping one's nose off to spite one's face". Sure there will be no investment and also no 5th generation aircraft for India either. America has conditions to sell their F-35 and Indians won't like those conditions either, so where does it leave IAF ?
The plane even with eyes closed is superior to f35 and j20. 3 AESA radars, 2D TVC, .01 RCS, 2 L BAND RADARS, SUPERCRUISE, SUPERMANEUVERABILITY, ETC. J 20 is still hoping for a 137KN engine that is underdevelopment, we have a 147KN engine and 171KN in the pipeline.

The F35 team is happy that for a change they are not being kicked by press.

You are talking through your bottom hole with eyes and mind closed。:sick::D

Do you guys understand or comprehend what $30 billion investment means.

It means if we want Russian balls then we will demand them.

This money is massive and India wil make enormous demands or they walk away simples
its a bad a$$ bro its anything but gentle it can carry 2 AA missile on wing tips pylons + on its 6 main wepons pynons you can carry 6X ATGMs or pack of 20 X 80MM rockets while centerline pylon can carry 1000 Kg load now can even 2 apaches combined do that i dont think so
You better start thinking then
Apache win because of formidable sensor packages and longbow system which are better than "Aligator" .Many of the sensers are still in development stage including the platform itself - the Aligator. - accepted by Russians.
Load carring capacity wouldnt be much different
Wiki says
-empty wt loaded wt. max take off wt
Apache. 5165 Kg. 8000kg. 10433
Alligator. 7700 kg. 9800kg. 10800 kg.

Even I like K-52 & K-50s and I am a known pro Russian and hate American member. But that doesn't mean I wont accept the truth. Apache is better any day. Its just the strings that will be messy.

except for the the oldies the rest is :enjoy:
whats there to laugh about russian fighters they were and are at par or even better in many cases than US fughters yes the sensor pakage & low maintainence US always had a upper hand but speed , manuvourabilty , wepon load , range russia always had a upper hand

as dor oldies i dont see IAF ritiring its oldies as you call them for another two decades if not more :)
well actualli its alla game played by Americans first it fas rafale now its FGFA and owr top IAF officials and Media are on US defense corporatrions payroll

FGFA is a very good jet it has in all 6 ASEA radars (1 main + 2 side mounted +2 on leading edges +1 at the rear) apart from 3D TVC , OLS(IRST) 4 Internal wepons bays and soon will be fitted with 2X171 Kn engines among many other classified stealth enhansing techs

sure as of now its in testing Phase but why will russians or anyone will give india there latest techs just beacause they are giving money for research dont forget its being made in russia by the russians primarilly i guess IAF and MOD should be resonable here
true bro
Indians have no choice but eat it up. Indians are incapable of building 5-gen fighters.
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