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The Indian rivalry with China: its strategic humiliation

such a stupid foreign policy. you are the one who share border and has dispute with both Pakistan an China, not the west, not the US, not the Japan, not the Australia.
India is being used as cannon fodder, a front line state.
good luck.
I am assuming, from your post, that you haven't studied in detail the challenges India has faced in trying to solve our border disputes with China. Over the last 40 years, all aspects of diplomatic tact have been brought to bear to absolutely no avail.
Save for the last 4 years, India has been fiercely against alignment with the west. China has become too aggresive and unpredicatble for diplomacy and hence being firmly aligned against China is the only viable option.
I think we are focusing more on building alliances with other regional partners and not necessarily with the US right now. Think of other countries that are not fans of your foreign policy - Japan, Vietnam, Australia, etc.

Our issue with Pakistan is another matter, I personally think that we have a higher chance of solving issues with China than with Pakistan, but that's for another discussion.
Good luck with having China as your Permanent enemy, keep funding Western Military industrial Corps at the cost of poor people.
You are oversimplifying this. Every country needs alliances to thrive and all that the recent events have done is accelerated BJP's inclination towards the west. God knows how badly we need to transition out of having socialistic tendencies in running our economy. What I am hoping for is economic reform in India to ensure economic interoperability with the west, something that was always felt but was never actioned because of our historical ties to the eastern block.
Besides, China has always been at odds with India, they use the border dispute as a means to control our foreign policy and hence have no inclination to solving the dispute.
You are oversimplifying this. Every country needs alliances to thrive and all that the recent events have done is accelerated BJP's inclination towards the west. God knows how badly we need to transition out of having socialistic tendencies in running our economy. What I am hoping for is economic reform in India to ensure economic interoperability with the west, something that was always felt but was never actioned because of our historical ties to the eastern block.
Besides, China has always been at odds with India, they use the border dispute as a means to control our foreign policy and hence have no inclination to solving the dispute.

French colonies in west Africa have the best interoperability with the west.

They have so much of it, their reserves are kept in Paris.

Looking forward to India becoming even more interoperable and integrated with the west.
French colonies in west Africa have the best interoperability with the west.

They have so much of it, their reserves are kept in Paris.

Looking forward to India becoming even more interoperable and integrated with the west.
This is the classic communist way of looking at free market dynamics, this same fear of being colonised gripped India for the longest possible time and gave rise to our red-tape.
Why jump to extreme examples? Why not look at South Korea, Japan, Taiwan as role models?
You are oversimplifying this. Every country needs alliances to thrive and all that the recent events have done is accelerated BJP's inclination towards the west. God knows how badly we need to transition out of having socialistic tendencies in running our economy. What I am hoping for is economic reform in India to ensure economic interoperability with the west, something that was always felt but was never actioned because of our historical ties to the eastern block.
Besides, China has always been at odds with India, they use the border dispute as a means to control our foreign policy and hence have no inclination to solving the dispute.

Yeah it maybe over simplifying but its reality, you want to trust your colonial friends over neighbors who ask for dialogue to resolve all disputes, what can go wrong?

good luck with that development, we paid price with thousands of lives and permanent bad name (terrorism tag) and not to forget great economic price we paid while so called non aligned India was growing at 8%. But i understand geopolitics, India is weak and it need allies to even pretend to stand against China.

not really, recent provocation were started by bharat which got effective response from China, its not China who changed the status of disputed territory, Its your Modi, its your media who was bragging about readiness for two front war, naming its ICBM missiles China killers, Quad and blah bla.
This is the classic communist way of looking at free market dynamics, this same fear of being colonised gripped India for the longest possible time and gave rise to our red-tape.
Why jump to extreme examples? Why not look at South Korea, Japan, Taiwan as role models?

Japan was a developed country in 1945. They were one of the first to industrialize in the 19th century, right after Britain, Germany and US. In some ways, Japan was even more industrialized than France, Italy, etc - even before WW2. In 1930's Japan was ranked 5th, only behind US, UK, USSR and Germany. India is not Japan, it was not a developed country 80 years ago.

South Korea and Taiwan received aid from the US when US was at the height of its power in 1950's and 60's with 40% of global GDP. South Korea and Taiwan were built up by Japanese imperialists with recent infrastructure - to facilitate colonial exploitation, but the infrastructure existed nonetheless. Can US give India as much relative benefit today when it is 20% of world GDP? How much existing infrastructure does India have that it doesn't have to pay for? India is not South Korea or Taiwan.

The only hope for India to become a developed nation was to use the low cost Chinese capital product and infrastructure platform to industrialize. You lost that chance. Now India has no access to cheap capital goods. For an example of what happens when you go hostile towards China, look no further than South Korea vs. Taiwan. Taiwan used to be far richer than South Korea, but now South Korea has 30% higher GDP per capita, because South Korea didn't turn hostile against China and lose access to not only a market, but to a source of low cost capital goods like PCBs, commodity ICs, infrastructure, etc. India will fall into the middle income trap.
I am assuming, from your post, that you haven't studied in detail the challenges India has faced in trying to solve our border disputes with China. Over the last 40 years, all aspects of diplomatic tact have been brought to bear to absolutely no avail.
Save for the last 4 years, India has been fiercely against alignment with the west. China has become too aggresive and unpredicatble for diplomacy and hence being firmly aligned against China is the only viable option.
I think we are focusing more on building alliances with other regional partners and not necessarily with the US right now. Think of other countries that are not fans of your foreign policy - Japan, Vietnam, Australia, etc.

Our issue with Pakistan is another matter, I personally think that we have a higher chance of solving issues with China than with Pakistan, but that's for another discussion.
Zhou Enlai offered Arunachal Pradesh for Aksai Chin, India rejected. Same as LAC.

There will be no conflicts, no war in 1962, no dispute ever after.

India never understood foreign policy, Modi is even more arrogant, has no clue.

What China offered in past several years is an agreement among Pakistan, China and India. We should freeze the border dispute, focus on economy, resolve the bleeding wound politically and in responsible way.

President Xi and Modi Summit in Wuhan in 2018 is the result of the negotiation. That's called Wuhan spirit. This is the only way to bring peace, prosperity, harmony to this region, especially Kashmir.

China's approach is very realistic and pragmatic. Our proposal was negotiated with Pakistan side, Pakistan is aware of this proposal in advance. This is the only way all of us can bury the hatred, and move forward.

What Modi is doing? Modi revoke article 370 to provoke both Pakistan and China, take advantage of the US-China trade war and corona virus crisis.

Modi is an opportunist, seek minor political gain during the tension between China and US. But we Chinese see the true color of Modi, won't trust him any more.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

Modi's misadventure destroy the future of prosper India, destroyed the future of this region. India is the trouble maker of this region, and will have to swallow bitter consequence.
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This is the classic communist way of looking at free market dynamics, this same fear of being colonised gripped India for the longest possible time and gave rise to our red-tape.
Why jump to extreme examples? Why not look at South Korea, Japan, Taiwan as role models?
South Korea, Japan, Taiwan are all Yankees colonies. Your envy of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan does expose Indian inferior mentality. Expected.
This is the classic communist way of looking at free market dynamics, this same fear of being colonised gripped India for the longest possible time and gave rise to our red-tape.
Why jump to extreme examples? Why not look at South Korea, Japan, Taiwan as role models?
Why not look at Singapore either? It is just as prosperous as those countries and is run by an authoritarian government.
Yeah it maybe over simplifying but its reality, you want to trust your colonial friends over neighbors who ask for dialogue to resolve all disputes, what can go wrong?

good luck with that development, we paid price with thousands of lives and permanent bad name (terrorism tag) and not to forget great economic price we paid while so called non aligned India was growing at 8%. But i understand geopolitics, India is weak and it need allies to even pretend to stand against China.

not really, recent provocation were started by bharat which got effective response from China, its not China who changed the status of disputed territory, Its your Modi, its your media who was bragging about readiness for two front war, naming its ICBM missiles China killers, Quad and blah bla.
Modi has no military sense. He has no clue what is brewing in the international arena.

When China confront super power in the 1960s, 1970s, China prepared 6 millions strong military. China knew we have less advanced weapons, so we had to sacrifice our man power to gain deterrence. Before 1985, China had 4.2 millions army, after 1985 when China-Soviet tension eased, China still kept 3.2 millions army.

What Modi is doing? Provoke both Pakistan and China, brag 2.5 front war. In the mean time, cut 2 billions USD budget of Army. Modi fully handed India's fate into US/Zionist hand, fully relys on the west.

Now India is somehow a puppet state of US/Zionist. Modi cut all possibility of co-exist of Pakistan, India and China. The Hindutva and curfew in Kashmir completely destroyed Pakistan and China's last hope of peace and prosperity in this region.

Now India under BJP/Modi is in panic buying mode, what a funny diplomacy. Unprepared, arrogant, boast, delusional, the same as before, the Indianness.
I thought India is a shupa powa with white servants. Why are you begging white people for help instead?

So India's idea of a very successful country is one that's clean, and a race other than Indians cleans it.

Disgusting shithole of a country, 10 years to go.
race other than Indians cleans it.
If you look closely, you will see there are only White people begging/cleaning ... no other races. The Indians ultimate goal is to do a role reversal of the British Raj 200 years ago lol. It's all about vengeance.
If you look closely, you will see there are only White people begging/cleaning ... no other races. The Indians ultimate goal is to do a role reversal of the British Raj 200 years ago lol. It's all about vengeance.

I think we should get over it, India will never be a great country, they had and I note "HAD" a great civilization but now it's just a shithole, where rape, child sexual abuse, open defecation, etc is the norm.

They like to use that population boom, but even that is going to be an enemy of the country they can't even feed their poor laborers 600 million of them who are treated lower than animals.

They can't even protect their own country, what a disgraceful, shithole of a country, but what else can you expect from a country where they rape their own.
A good piece except for terming Nehru as an "idealist"!!! He torpedoed the Cabinet Mission Plan to enforce an overwhelmig Hindu domination.....
Nehru is solely responsible for why India has hostile neighbors all around it. Had he accepted Zhou Enlai's offer of Aksai Chin for Arunachal Pradesh, India would not have an extremely large threat. Were it not for his folly, India would likely be buying weapons from China lol.
Nehru is solely responsible for why India has hostile neighbors all around it. Had he accepted Zhou Enlai's offer of Aksai Chin for Arunachal Pradesh, India would not have an extremely large threat. Were it not for his folly, India would likely be buying weapons from China lol.
Nehru is not exception. The Indian elites by and large graduated from London are arrogant, they see themselves higher than other Asians, it's kind of Brahmin mentality.

The British has little to zero influence in Aksai Chin during China weakest time, what Indian elites were smoking when they thought they can do the same as their former colonizer.

Modi made the same mistake, boasted too much, no solid foundation, not enough military deterrence. While Modi's 2.5 front war strategy bankrupted.

It's really a weird strategy, Indian are willing to take risk, but unwilling to pay the cost at all. Those opportunists are thrown in the history, many.
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