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The Incredible Muslim Hulk proves to be no friend of Islam either

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Bang Galore

Feb 21, 2010
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WHERE do I start? Perhaps with the viral image that will come to define this episode: a child who'd be three or four hoisting a sign triumphantly above his head blaring ''Behead all those who insult the Prophet'' while a woman, presumably his mother, thinks this is cute enough to capture on her smartphone. Alternatively, I could begin with the observation that the trailer for the anti-Islamic film that ostensibly started this all, Innocence of Muslims, is now a blockbuster, with YouTube hits in the millions thanks largely to the protesters around the world who think nobody should see it.

No. Let's start with the fact that so few of the protesters who descended on Sydney's CBD this weekend seem actually to have seen the film that so gravely offends them. When asked by journalists, they bluntly admit this, one even adding that she refuses to watch something so offensive. It's almost impressive how cyclical this stupidity is. But it's also instructive. In fact, this is the key to making sense of something so gobsmackingly senseless. The protesters - at least the ones quoted in news reports - know nothing except how offended they are.


Sydney CBD protest
Muslims protest against American movie. Photo: James Brickwood

That, you see, is all that matters. This isn't about a film. It's about an excuse. We know because we've seen it all before, like when Pakistani protesters vandalised American fast food outlets and burnt effigies of President George W. Bush in response to the Danish cartoons.

We know because so much of the weekend's ranting was nakedly gratuitous: ''Our dead are in paradise, your dead are in hell''. Pardon? Which dead? Weren't we talking about a movie?

This is the behaviour of a drunkenly humiliated people: swinging wildly with the hope of landing a blow, any blow, somewhere, anywhere. There's nothing strategic or calculated about this. It doesn't matter that they are the film's most effective publicists. It doesn't matter that they protest using offensive slogans and signs, while protesting against people's right to offend. It doesn't matter that they object to insulting people on the basis of their religion, while declaring that Christians have no morals. This is baffling only until you realise these protesters are not truly protesting to make a point. The protest is the point.


Defining image ... a child carries a sign in Hyde Park on Saturday. Photo: James Brickwood

It feels good. It feels powerful. This is why people yell pointlessly or punch walls when frustrated. It's not instrumental. It doesn't achieve anything directly. But it is catharsis. Outrage and aggression is an intoxicating prospect for the powerless.

Accordingly, it is not an option to leave an insult unanswered because that is a sign of weakness, rather than transcendence.

The irony is that it grants an extraordinary level of power to those doing the offending. It puts them constantly at the centre of your world. That's why, when Gallup polled 35 Muslim majority countries, it found that of all the gripes the Muslim world has against the West, among the most pervasive is the West's ''disrespect for Islam''.

And it is this disrespect that is the overarching grievance that subsumes others. Everything, global and local, can be thrown into this vortex: Swiss minaret bans, French niqab bans, military invasions, drone strikes, racist stereotyping, anti-immigrant politics, and yes, even films so ridiculously bad that, left to their own devices, they would simply lampoon themselves.

This is what gives Innocence of Muslims meaning: not its content, but its context. It's a symbol of contempt, which is why protests against it so quickly turn into an orgy of anti-Americanism. So, ''Obama, Obama, we love Osama'' they scream, mainly because it's the most offensive rhyme they can muster. Osama, too, is a symbol; the most repugnant one in their arsenal. How better to prove you exist than to say something outrageous?

That the Obama administration immediately condemned the film in the strongest terms doesn't register. Nor that the White House took the extraordinary (and ultimately unsuccessful) step of asking Google to pull the video. This is invisible to an audience of humiliated souls waiting desperately to be offended and conflate every grievance. Indeed, they need the offence. It gives them the chance to assert themselves so they can feel whole, righteous even. It's a shortcut to self-worth.

The trouble is that in our digital world, there is always something to oblige. Anyone can Google their prejudices, and there is always enraging news to share with others. Entire online communities gather around the sharing of offensive material and subsequent communal venting. Soon you have a subculture: a sub-community whose very cohesion is based almost exclusively on shared grievance. Then you have an identity that has nothing to say about itself; an identity that holds an entirely impoverished position: that to be defiantly angry is to be.

Frankly, Muslims should find that prospect nothing short of catastrophic. It renders Islamic identity entirely hollow. All pride, all opposition, no substance. ''Like the Incredible Hulk,'' observes Abdal Hakim Murad, a prominent British Islamic scholar, ''ineffectual until provoked.''

Sometimes you need a scandal to demonstrate an underlying disease. And that's the good news here. The vast bulk of Saturday's protesters were peaceful, and Muslim community organisations are lining up to condemn the outbreak of violence. But now a more serious conversation is necessary. One that's not about how we should be speaking out to defend our prophet and ourselves. One that's more about whether we can speak about anything else.

Waleed Aly hosts the Drive program on ABC Radio National and is a lecturer in politics at Monash University.

The Incredible Muslim Hulk proves to be no friend of Islam either
This is the behaviour of a drunkenly humiliated people: swinging wildly with the hope of landing a blow, any blow, somewhere, anywhere. There's nothing strategic or calculated about this. It doesn't matter that they are the film's most effective publicists. It doesn't matter that they protest using offensive slogans and signs, while protesting against people's right to offend. It doesn't matter that they object to insulting people on the basis of their religion, while declaring that Christians have no morals. This is baffling only until you realise these protesters are not truly protesting to make a point. The protest is the point.

The author's right. The small number of trouble-makers came prepared with balaclavas to cover their faces.

Of course, the flip side of the story, Australia's Muslim extremists constitute only a slim fraction of the Muslim population. It was the majority who reported to police of attempts to stir up trouble through SMS and the Imams who called for an end to the violent behavior.
lol.Sorry you cannot carry guns that openly in India. And its OT.
That, you see, is all that matters. This isn't about a film. It's about an excuse.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ves-no-friend-islam-either.html#ixzz26hpSdGSJ

I completely Agree with it, Last Jumma (Friday the 14th sep 2012) Muslims created havoc and panic in Indian city , Gaziabad. India has seen Rise of Islam in recent year, truly speaking I am afraid of my family life.

If opportunity comes I will flee India and run to any civilized western country. At least my daughter will be safe there.
Christian/Jewish extremists produced the blaphemous film and Muslim extremists calling for behading.

ban them and dont come up with excuses for both if cant they let everyone have "freedom of expression" some will produce violent content and leading to killings and some will do those killings
in whole EU and US there is a law that forbids everyone from posting hatred against Jews and favoring Holocaust. You make a page on facebook regarding holocaust or against Jews, your account will be banned (Try it, who think it is wrong). But when in comes to sentiments of Muslims, all the governments, video sharing and social websites consider it as 'right of speech' and let it happen... such double standards and weak Muslim governments are responsible for violent protests... what the hell on earth can these poor Muslims do except being killed in a protest by firing from some foreign consulate, polluting their own environment by burning tires, making their own throat suffer by shouting slogans, breaking their own street light and setting on fire their own buildings and transport...

it is the high time that international law should be made to discourage such videos/ pictures and (or) activities which hurt the sentiments of any community...err for some 'communities' such law is in place since 1950... i am talking about rest... but i know this wont happen!!!
After Brits left India, Muslim took control of India. Muslims are ruling India through their Proxies (Lallooos, Mullayams, Gandhys etc). Islamic rule never left India, Islam is still ruling us.

Officially (As per Manmohan's statement) Muslims have first right on Indian resources , others are second class citizen. I am just waiting for my VISA, once I get it, I will flee to some civilized cultured country..

Dont worry dude. Let BJP come to power. Then you will see equal distribution of rights as per numbers. No bias unlike current govt.

PS : And plz dont equate BJP rule to another Godhra or Babri. Congress brought genocide of sikhs doesnt mean sikhs were killed in following Congress Govts.
Under same BJPs rule in Gujrat, Muslims are prospering along with Hindus. Check out the facts before painting dark image about BJP. They have done many bad things but so has Congress. Congress did more damage than all parties combined.
Why this horrendous backlash by a few extremists who do not represent Islam? The reasons are:

This isn't about a film. It's about an excuse.

It doesn't matter that they are the film's most effective publicists.

It feels good. It feels powerful.

Outrage and aggression is an intoxicating prospect for the powerless.

It is not an option to leave an insult unanswered because that is a sign of weakness,

Films so ridiculously bad like this one that, left to their own devices, they would simply lampoon themselves. But that's what these extremists don't understand.

Indeed, they need the offence. It gives them the chance to assert themselves so they can feel whole, righteous even. It's a shortcut to self-worth.

That's it in a nutshell. These people do not represent Islam. They are a small minority who just need an excuse to assert themselves whatever the means. The more blood and gore spilled on the streets gets them more publicity. And they presume that they are the chosen few who will be blessed by Allah, never mind the outrages they commit.
Why this horrendous backlash by a few extremists who do not represent Islam?


That's it in a nutshell. These people do not represent Islam. They are a small minority who just need an excuse to assert themselves whatever the means. .

Hey how do you know for sure they are just a 'minority' and the 'majority' doesnt agree with them ? Did they say that to you ? The 'majority' might not be as vocal, but that does not mean they dont support it either.

And how do you know that they dont represent Islam ? Tell that to their face and they might probably behead you. Stop this 'apology' man. It is this apologetic behaviour that is encouraging the radicals thinking they will go unccounted for their actions and this is the apologetic behaviour that the 'majority' muslims use to take the responsibility -- of weaning their misguided community men -- off their backs.
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