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The Hindu Terrorists !

Prodigy that was a good post by you, these Indians Muslims are like my Brothers but BOY are they delusional about reality thinking everythink can be all cosy if they just forget what is happening to the Muslim Population in India. And you still didn't answer my question how do you think Pakistani Families feels when they hear there Cousins in India are dieing.

Worry about your own Muslims first. We can take care of our own thank you.
Brother..! Majority of indians condemn these attacks..and we are embarrased by the antics of these people... Please note its still indians who exposed these crimes against humanityy..!!!!

I hope these guys will prosecuted by the indian laws.. and not become one of the many who escape through the loop holes of law..!!!! and brother lemme tell you all indians are not like these b*****ds

and we don't need to answer to anyone outside about such events.
First of all Khuda Baksh there is more poor people in India than in Pakistan, and Modi hasn't improved conditions for Muslims but made it worst, most muslims in Gujraat are forced out of there homes and are living in refugee camps, I know this because a friend of my Family comes from there and he says the conditions are terrible and the Muslims appealed to Modi and he turned a blind eye and has done nothing. the foureyed freak believes in that hindutava ideology. And tell me one thing if Babu bajrangi is found guilty would he get the death penalty.

I am sure no.
Death penatly is unofficially scraped from Indian law books.
i DON'T KNOW WHAT KNID OF MUSLIM YOU ARE, you call yourself proud INDIAN MUSLIM AND also attach indian flag with your avatar yet vast majority of indian muslims are treated like **** IN INDIA !.
I think he himself would answer this.
DID YOU KNOW MR PROUD INDIAN MUSLIM that how many of our ancestors were slaughtered by hindu zealots alongwith help of sikhs before partition ???...Do you ??..Okay i will tell and u better believe it, the figure is about 40 lakh and about 2.5 lakh muslim women/girls were abducted by sikhs and hindus and continue to live as wives of sikhs and hindus reluctantly.
Thanks for the figures. But the partition killings are all about the confusion about future and security of all religious groups.

100 groups are fighting your beloved india for independence in about 235 districts out of 600. Places like jammu & Kashmir, Assam, orissa, nagaland, andra pradesh and Seven Sister states.
ANdhra Pradesh!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Indian muslims being slaughtered is our business as WE ARE ALL MUSLIMS FIRST THEN PAKISTANI THEN PUNJABI, BALOUCHI, PASHTUN,SINDHI,BIHARI,KASHMIRI E.T.C. It is our damn right to ensure those muslims are in the best of security alongwith the ones within pakistan.
There you go...
Thats the difference.
We are Indians first.
Write whatever you want later.
You really seem to be oblivious of this concept. I don't even hope U understand.
wHo exposed the lies of indian media with regards to mumbai drama ?..The pakistani media AND NOT INDIAN JOURNALISTS. MUSLIMS have ruled india for 1000 years and are destined to rule it again according to ghazwa-e-Hind hadith.
Cant help if you wanna live in dreams. This is 21st century. Religions don't rule

Whether you like it or not india is a FAILED STATE unlike pakistan.


Go read and get some education before you come on with BOLLYWOOD HOGWASH. Bollywood circus which is hell bent on portraying india as success story with unity amongst indian hindus,sikhs and muslims and christians. The problem with some of you privileged indian muslims is that you turn blind eye and deaf ears to reality around you. Like i said you are ONE OF THE HYPROCRITE CATEGORY MUSLIMS UNFORTUNATELY.

Seriously this is like a blind guy offerring advise on what color shirt to wear.

And dude you are seriously damaging the soundness of this forum.:pdf:
You claim my Indian Muslim brothers that Politicians can't be brought to justice easily but that is a load of crap the difference bewteen Zardari and Modi is that Zardari had support from the beggining because he was married in to the Bhutto clan who has vast power and support in Sindh. where as Modi people just like him because he is the instigator of killing muslims in India and a good administator. What i'm trying to say is that why haven't you Indian Muslims have not done enough, to solve this problem, you let innocent Muslims die and you lot just stood there like lemons and done nothing. I like an answer to this because i have a Indian Muslim friend and he tells me some of the harrasement his Grandfather faces by just going down the street. By not protecting your fello muslim brother and letting it happen is a disgrace, and i'm not saying you have to kill but what i'm saying is you have not made an effort.

Its only that YOU noticed Modi after Godhra.
Modi had a lot of rapport with industrialists of India(especially he succeeded in keeping together industrialists of Gujarath which constitutes a major portion of Indias Industry).
And about your Muslim friends grandfather, may be he goes down the street naked. He should have complained to responsible people if he is having a problem.
Shut the crap.......stop whinning and first try and prove your case against the alleged terrorist that your "brave" mumbai police has captured.

We are cooperating with the 22 countries whose citizens have lost their lives. No point wasting time proving anything to those who are in denial.

Dont vent your frustration on Pakistan. If the hindus kill, rape and pillage muslims, its none of our fault. If Deccan Mujahideen is fictitious then what about SIMI and Indian Mujahideen?????

It is Pakistan's fault when ISI backed orgs like LeT/JuD try to defame Indian Muslims for horrific crimes like Mumbai 26/11. SIMI / IM are Indian recruits of ISI-backed orgs. Many of those guys are brainwashed and trained in Pakistan.

Dont put your head in the sand like an ostrich, mr obedient servant of sangh parivar. It is all of india's own making and they should stop diverting the attention from persecution of minorities carried out so systematically under state machinery. Have you ever heard about SACHAR COMMISSION REPORT????? Instead of lecturing us on how happy the muslims are in india, go and read the report commissioned by your own government.

Yeah, it was this same LET which orchestrated all the anti muslim riots in the 60 odd year history of shinning hindustan.......:agree: It was this Let which orchestrated gujrat riots to turn muslims against the hindu repression by killing and raping fellow muslims......:agree: It was the same LET which destroyed Babri mosque to incite muslims of india to rise against hindu oppression........:lol: it was this same LET operatives who were interviewed by SACHAR COMMISSION..........:agree: It was this same LET which created SIMI and indian mujahideen........ same Let also created the naxalites, maoists, khalistanis, assamese and everything that is wrong with India today..... :lol:

More crocodile tears.

The case against them is yet to be even produced before court of law, what about hanging MODI, LK ADVANI, THACKERY junior and senior, BABU BJRANGI, COL PUROHIT and many others who are proven criminals for perpetrating Genocide of muslims in hindustan. :cheers:

Pakistani Courts are a joke. Just look at the shenanigans your Chief Justice is involved in.

If you are really so concerned about Indian Muslims why don't you first hang the Pakistanis who are committing crimes against Indian Muslims? Fabricating a "Deccan Mujahideen" story to defame Indian Muslims and provoke riots against them. Let Hafiz Saeed, Lakhvi, Zarar Shah hang and then come and lecture to us.
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Prodigy that was a good post by you, these Indians Muslims are like my Brothers but BOY are they delusional about reality thinking everythink can be all cosy if they just forget what is happening to the Muslim Population in India. And you still didn't answer my question how do you think Pakistani Families feels when they hear there Cousins in India are dieing.

keyani, please remember one thing that whatever hindustani members portray here is part of their propaganda campaign here and not necessarily all those who portray themselves as muslims here are muslims so just counter it as a propaganda. I have not seen any muslim who has suffered in Gujrat come and defend hindustan here. It is only handful who have forgotten their identity to become a chameleon that come and defend shining hindustan here or those who portray themselves as something that they are not. Relax, if you have a source who tells you the real inner story then that is the real truth. :cheers:
and we don't need to answer to anyone outside about such events.

If you dont feel obliged to answer anyone for such events then dont come here to waste your breath about Let or JUD because we also dont feel obliged to answer anyone.
If you can't discuss hindu terrorists on the Hindu Terrorists thread then please dont come and waste the bandwidth instead just put up. You think you can rant and whine against Pakistan on this forum and expect us not to show you the ugly face of hindustan in the mirror?????. Avoid such sanctimonious attitude because it kills the very purpose of having discussion forums. :cheers:
I am sure no.
Death penatly is unofficially scraped from Indian law books.

Please check up the verdict of Afzal Guru case. He has not only been given the same penalty but also the judgement says that it has been done to satisfy some collective conscience (the only case of its kind in judicial history) since the prosecution(GOI) could not prove its case conclusively against the perpetrator. So much for the Kangaroo courts of Hindustan... people given death penalty not because the guilt is proved but to satisfy hinduvta mob....:lol: And people like Khuda Baksh come here to tell us that Pakistani courts are joke. It is hindustan whose judicial system is a joke, how else can one explain perpetrators of genocide like Modi, domolishers of mosques like Advani and managers of parallel governments and overt hindu terrorist camps like Thackereys running berserk in a country called deomocratic and secular state?????
That's right Prodigy my Brother, that's why I asked them this question, wanted to see what they would say. Modi has repeatedly said that if he comes to power or the BJP win the next election then they will honour the Supreme Courts judgement of 2004 which would mean Afzal Guru would be hanged.
Modi has repeatedly said that if he comes to power or the BJP win the next election then they will honour the Supreme Courts judgement of 2004 which would mean Afzal Guru would be hanged.

Afzal Guru can not be touched by the Indian Govt

His mercy plea is pending with the President of India and as long as the President does not take a decision no action can be taken against him

Which does not mean I don't condone the capital punishment awarded to him.

Also you said something about Muslims in India not allowed to eat beef in an ealrier post

Well unlike Pakistan, India's Constitution has not recognised any religino as its official religion and each religion is given equal rights and previlages

Some of the exception and provisions accroding to religion

Muslims: Polygamy [Hindu does that and he sees himself behind bars for the rest of his useful life]

Christians: Weekly holiday on a Sunday in accrodance with Christian practice of visiting the Church for Sunday Mass [even I've gone on many occasions]

A secualr country where each and every religion choose to co-exists in harmony [stray incidences notwithstanding] has to make certain adjustments to ensure the comfort andwell-being of his felow citizen

Is not being allowed to eat the meat of a Cow so sacriliegous to a Muslim [no opposition to the consumption of Buffallo meat in India]

What may I ask ismore important to a muslim - Marraige or Beef
The whole world knows the LeT did it and even if Pakistanis deny it, it makes no difference. Furthermore, the cover-up regarding the origin of Ajmal Kasab shows that the LeT is basically an extension of the Pakistani state.

It is actually not so hard to understand - The LeT did not attact Mumbai as Pakistanis. If they had attacked openly as Pakistanis there would not have been any blame on Indian Muslims. Instead, they invented a fictitious name "Deccan Mujahideen".

The LeT wanted to blame Indian Muslims for this horrific crime. They wanted riots against Indian Muslims, in which millions of Indian Muslims would have suffered. Then, they would have brainwashed the Muslim victims of these riots to become suicide bombers against Hindus.

Your refusal to hang Hafiz Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Zarrar Shah shows that all your so called concern for Indian Muslims is nothing but crocodile tears.

Shadowy oragnizations like Deccan Mujahideen and other fake names are creation of Indian minds in a bid to extract attention and justify killing of Indian Muslims blaming them for terrorism in India. Whereas it had been proven that Indian Hindu terrorists have been caught making bombs mean for terror activities within India and later to be blamed on Muslims.
Many members of Hindu terror groups also died while making bombs.

Indian government in the start blamed Mumbai attacks on Deccan Mujahideen and other shadowy organizations associating them with Muslims but as it was ELECTION time so they again changed their mind and start blaming it on Daud Ibrahim but when they did not get any attention from US over Daud at the end Indians came up with briliant idea of blaming ISI and Pakistan.

Moral of the story: Indian will never learn to look within for home-grown Hindu terrorist outfits for many terror activities. Pakistan will remain one of their favorit to point finger at for failur of their own.

At the end we both know each other and will continue to live with that.
Afzal Guru can not be touched by the Indian Govt

His mercy plea is pending with the President of India and as long as the President does not take a decision no action can be taken against him

Which does not mean I don't condone the capital punishment awarded to him.

Also you said something about Muslims in India not allowed to eat beef in an ealrier post

Well unlike Pakistan, India's Constitution has not recognised any religino as its official religion and each religion is given equal rights and previlages

Some of the exception and provisions accroding to religion

Muslims: Polygamy [Hindu does that and he sees himself behind bars for the rest of his useful life]

Christians: Weekly holiday on a Sunday in accrodance with Christian practice of visiting the Church for Sunday Mass [even I've gone on many occasions]

A secualr country where each and every religion choose to co-exists in harmony [stray incidences notwithstanding] has to make certain adjustments to ensure the comfort andwell-being of his felow citizen

Is not being allowed to eat the meat of a Cow so sacriliegous to a Muslim [no opposition to the consumption of Buffallo meat in India]

What may I ask ismore important to a muslim - Marraige or Beef

Oh save us from off topic posts. Everyone knows level of freedom of religion in India.

Recent Christian killings are not a story of the past.
Oh save us from off topic posts. Everyone knows level of freedom of religion in India.

Recent Christian killings are not a story of the past.

People being arrested as a result - investigations being conducted to prosecute the culprits

These are all part of the present

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