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The Hindu Terrorists !

To all my Indian Muslim brothers listening to you always makes me laugh, you know why because you trying to fit in a society that don't want you. Yeah you can come here and speak like everything is happy days in your own delusional world, but true fact is you lot are messed up. You tend to always say Indian muslims can look after them self, well where were you lot when Women were raped and children killed were you spectators that didn't have the guts to defend your fello brothers.
Hindu leader admits he was involved in Malegaon blasts

NEW DELHI, Dec 30: Dayanand Pandey, a Hindu religious leader, has admitted to his involvement in the Malegaon blasts, according to officials.

Media reports quoting Additional Commissioner of Police (Anti-Terrorism Squad) Parambir Singh on Tuesday said that Pandey had confessed to his involvement in the deadly attack.

Precautions have been taken to ensure that his confession is admissible in court. Pandey was arrested in Kanpur on November 12.

He was charged with plotting the bomb blasts outside a mosque along with prime accused Pragya Singh Thakur and Lt-Col Shrikant Purohit. Eight persons were killed in the explosion.

Pandey had attended several meetings with the other accused for planning the blasts. Purohit had helped Pandey in getting weapons and explosives.

Police said it had recovered a laptop from Pandey that contained audio and video clippings which revealed details about his several meetings with the other 10 accused.—APP
To all my Indian Muslim brothers listening to you always makes me laugh, you know why because you trying to fit in a society that don't want you. Yeah you can come here and speak like everything is happy days in your own delusional world, but true fact is you lot are messed up. You tend to always say Indian muslims can look after them self, well where were you lot when Women were raped and children killed were you spectators that didn't have the guts to defend your fello brothers.

Come out off the well my brother..!!!! There is a world outside..!!!!! We have been co-existing for centuries.. but some people thought they wouldnt fit in with hindus, didn't belive in secularism , they moved out..!!! Your comments are a sad reinforcment of that thought...!!!! But please appreciate the fact that there are more muslims in india than in pakistan..!!!! And we have more PEACE LOVING people than these terrorists who killed/Rape Muslims and hindus..!!!!!

Thank you..!!
Yes but you still didn't answer my question Brother what have you lot been doing in catching the perpetrator's of the Gujraat riots. Let me guess jack **** you lot should be ashamed of your self, not because your Indian and that your forefathers chose to remain in India but because you let a kaffir rape countless of women that day and you did nothing.
Well Economy of Pakistan is no more an internal matter coz the IMF is involved! It becomes an international issue I believe coz the cash of donor states is involved! God Speed

Is this the best you could come up with in reply to this post of mine

I hope you were not high while writing this??? or did you even read this before posting it???? On one hand, you are telling us that we should not be worried about india or indian muslims because its an internal matter and on the other you are trying to advise Pakistan to improve its economy???? Is Pakistan economy, not an internal matter of Pakistan???? Is the return of expats not an internal problem???? Have you ever heard the cliche, " Practice what you preach" or do you think that doesn't apply to "hindustanis"?????You come here on a Pakistani defence forum and give advice to Pakistan on issues ranging from economy to even airforce and military issues but you don't want anyone else here to violate the sanctity of indian internal matters???????/ Are you dumb or you are merely feigning as one?????On this forum, no one is restricted to express his opinion on any issue so please come out of that RATSHAKE mindset and instead of instructing members to refrain from commenting on this and that issue, come out with what you have got on the particular issue.
You are no authority on Pakistanis whether living on homeland or abroad so cut the innuendo and instead of trying dirty ol' hidustani tricks, try and win the argument through debate.
We know very well how successful hindustani muslims are and would not require your guarrantees on this. Lot of threads have discussed the issues and you may be surprised to find that some here may be better informed than you. I suggest, have a look at SACHAR commission report. If you can't find it, i will let you know the salients myself.

Get rid of your sanctimonious attitude, it wont take you far in this forum. Plus, economy of Pakistan is as much an internal issue as the repression of muslims and minorities in hindustan. You dont think economy is an internal issue, fine....you are entitled to your opinion but then dont run away from discussion on the repression of muslims in "hindustan". Better luck next time. :lol:
Yes but you still didn't answer my question Brother what have you lot been doing in catching the perpetrator's of the Gujraat riots. Let me guess jack **** you lot should be ashamed of your self, not because your Indian and that your forefathers chose to remain in India but because you let a kaffir rape countless of women that day and you did nothing.

Hey brother..!!! A crime cannot be justified by another crime..!!! If that is what you think..Somebody have messed up some ones mind real badly...!!!!! I thought mankind have already...evolved from a monkey to something with brains.. long back.. !!!! And have been gifted a unique blessing of an ablitiy of forgivenss..!!! Some times..i am forced to recheck that thought..!!!!And that doesnt mean that well let go of those terrorists who did this.. they have to be brought to justice.. and i hope indian justice system do just that..!!!!
not to mention that it is especially India's concern how its money is being spent, since it is Indian tax payer's money that isbeing used to resurrect the failure of Pakistan's economy

Pakistan's principles takes a backseat when Pakistan has to request for money that is being paid for by a nation you accuse of being terrorist state

Let no Pakistan tell an Indian that Pakistan's economy is no concern to an Indian

Even if what you say (likelyhood of which is close to {-100}, keeping in view your hindu fascist's inveterate hatred for Pakistan) is true....... it is called stratgem or realpolitik that we take your money to bleed you imbeciles......:lol:
I challenge you that if its hindustan's money, withdraw it in next 48 hours and teach Pakistan a "lesson" for which you were too pussilanimous in military, diplomatic and covert field so let's see if your "economic might" (the last straw that you are clutching) delievers you something.
This forum prides itself on balanced views so i would not have any problem on you commenting on economics (something about which you seem to know nothing) but dont try to dictate others like your thug politicians on what not to do. Haven't we given you the reply already. :rofl:
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I never said to you that you should go on a street and kill innocent Hindues, because that is wrong. But what I am trying to say is that the perpatrators of Gujraat have not been held accountable, i mean that 4eyed Monkeyface Modi is still in power in Gujraat what have the muslims done to stop this nothing. you can talk about your justice system how it will bring people to justice but yet after 6 years nothing has come off it there is no progress. why do I care because Muslims are all brothers so when I hear Muslims are dieing, Getting raped it makes me sad but what is even more sad is the fact you Indian Muslim keep defending your so called Hindue brothers and to make your self look good in front of them you turn your Hatred to Pakistan. Pakistan may be poor But at least I am proud to say it is an Islamic country can you say the same about your country.
I never said to you that you should go on a street and kill innocent Hindues, because that is wrong. But what I am trying to say is that the perpatrators of Gujraat have not been held accountable, i mean that 4eyed Monkeyface Modi is still in power in Gujraat what have the muslims done to stop this nothing. you can talk about your justice system how it will bring people to justice but yet after 6 years nothing has come off it there is no progress. why do I care because Muslims are all brothers so when I hear Muslims are dieing, Getting raped it makes me sad but what is even more sad is the fact you Indian Muslim keep defending your so called Hindue brothers and to make your self look good in front of them you turn your Hatred to Pakistan. Pakistan may be poor But at least I am proud to say it is an Islamic country can you say the same about your country.

Hey brother..!!! I am proud to say that india is secular country..!!!! Where people from every religion can express their thought.. practise their religion.. enjoy the very basic freedom of freedom of expression..!!! We have as many religions as my fingers wont be enough to count..!!! Yet we co-exists..!!! And every proud indian love their country first. And that is why these terrorists where denied a proper muslim..buriall..!!! They cannot expect to kill innoccent people in the name of some twisted ideology...and then expect to go to heaven.. and we will not allow it..!!!!! Don't judge a majority by the deeds of some minority..!!!!! And brother.. feel sad for the death of any human being.. and not just muslims.. as every human being died is a father.. a brother.. mother.. a son.. or a friend.. of someone...!!! Lets learn to love our people and that is what islam teachs..!!!! But i am sad and frustrated about the slow pace of our justice system.. but i trust my country and its system.
Keep telling your self that India is Secular, Brother that is paper talk. Can I ask you somethink do you love Islam more or India more. Because majority of Hindues want Muslims to make Nation Priorities before religion. And when are you lot going to get it, in your head that their is no freedom of expression in India because if there was then there would have been no incidents like Orisso, Gujraat, Sikh killings in 1984, Babri Majid, Kashmir Killings and so on. This clearly shows that India is not Secular, I mean they even banned Christians from preaching to Hindues in some states.
this article was in Paktribune.

Sarkaar Raj - India going towards Hindu Talibanization?

The idea was to castigate the Muslims using terror tactics and blame the militants and Pakistan for direct involvement. But the methodology used was terror against Muslims. Swami, Sadhvi and an Indian army officer who was commanding a unit in Kashmir were involved. It was the army officer who was providing the arsenal to terrorize the helpless Muslims staying in slums of Malegaon. The biggest disclosure was that it all happened because of those who preach Ram Rajjya in India.

But who are these Muslim victims? ArenТt they Indians?

Sordidly speaking it is a chilling reality!


When bomb blasts on the Samjhauta Express, a УfriendshipФ train between Delhi and Lahore, killed 68 people mostly Pakistani passengers on February 17, 2007, many conspiracy theories made rounds at that time.

The Indian authorities even released Сsketches of suspectsТ after Samjhauta Express blasts suggesting Pakistan being the perpetrator for the incident while Indian media and officials were terming it an attempt by ISI.

The reaction was not different from that which had been shown in the past for every bomb blast within few minutes of such incidents without a shred of evidence. Similarly when in 2006 Malegaon town in the Nashik district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, located at some 290 km to the northeast of state capital Mumbai, was rattled by a series of bombings, the blame was being put on groups having links with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The Maharashtra Police claimed that blasts are the handiwork of Student Islamic Movement of India most of the time linked by India with Lashkar-e-Taiba and ultimately with ISI.

But recently the arrest of 10 people, including a serving Lieutenant Colonel Prashad Srikant Purohit and a Hindu monk and nun for their alleged involvement in bomb explosions that killed six people in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon, this year had sent everything upside down.

Ten people, including a self-proclaimed Hindu seer and a serving lieutenant colonel, have so far been arrested for the Sep 29 bombing.

Besides Purohit, the other accused include Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Shivnarayan Singh Kalsangram, Shyam Bhawarlal Sahu, Major Ramesh Shivji Upadhyay (retd), Sameer Kulkarni, Rakesh Dattaram Dhavde and Ajay Rahirkar.

The suspicion is now directed towards the extremist Hindu movement Sangh Parivar while entire network is linked to another arrested former major Ramesh Upadhyay who represents the terrorist organisation Abhinav Bharat.

The chilling part of the entire episode is the involvement of accused Lt Col Purohit in bomb attack on the Samjhauta Express to which he confessed.

During investigation Col Purohit has also confessed to training Hindu terrorists for attacking Muslims, besides training them for attacking Samjhauta Express for which he had also supplied them RDX.

He further confessed that it was intended to cause armed conflict between Pakistan and India so that anti-Muslim passions could be nurtured in India, leading to violence.

The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) claimed that Purohit supplied RDX to one УBhagwanФ for Samjhauta Express blast.

Public prosecutor Ajay Misar said Abhinav BharatТs treasurer Ajay Rahirkar had handed Rs2.5 lakh to Lt Col P S Purohit.

Mahant Amritanand Dev alias Dayanand Pandey, the self-styled pontiff who was arrested from Kanpur has revealed that it was under his instructions that Lt. Colonel Shrikant Purohit procured RDX from an army depot that was used in the Malegaon blast.

According to reports Pandey was present in all the pre-blast meetings in Bhopal, Jabalpur and Faridabad, monitored operations meticulously and was also responsible for arranging the finances that came in through illegal channels.

It is believed that Pandey, a dropout from the National Defence Academy, was in touch with two other accused who are on the run - Ramji Kalsangara, who allegedly planted the motorcycle owned by the Hindu ascetic Pragya Singh Thakur in Malegaon, and Sameer Dange.

The suspects are also questioned for May 2007 blast at Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad and the April 2006 twin blasts at New Delhi`s Jama Masjid.

In the Mecca Masjid blasts as many as 14 people were killed and over 50 injured. The case was investigated by the city police special wing and was later handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation which could not come to any conclusion.

Investigations into the Samjhauta Express explosion and the Jama Masjid blast also failed to make headway and police could not across on any tangible leads.

Police have already established a strong link between Pandey and some of the suspects in the Kanpur blast case through surveillance. On Aug 24, two members of the right-wing Bajrang Dal were killed there while assembling bombs.

After the arrest of Panday police is expecting to get some breaking clues in the 2006 Nanded blasts in Maharashtra as well.

The arrests have reinforced growing suspicions over the last few years of a potential threat from Hindu extremists.
Interrogation of Major (retd.) Ramesh Upadhyay revealed that the Bhonsla Military School in Nashik was used as a training ground by the conspirators. The school has denied its involvement in the blast but it is under the scanner for allowing Bajrang Dal activists to hold training sessions in the use of arms and martial arts.

The schoolТs links to the RSS is an open secret as it was founded by B.S. Moonje, who was SavarkarТs close friend and who assisted in creating the RSS.

The arrest of the serving army officers and former officersТ link to the recent terror activities has led to a worrying aspect among the Indians that these revelations show how deep the infiltration of fundamentalist ideas into Indian army is.

The critics believe that the constant indoctrination of Hindutva ideology over decades by the VHP, the RSS, the Bajrang Dal and the BJP has resulted in this kind of violence.

Besides they are infiltrated into crucial areas like police force, army and the education departments.

Ram Punyani, secretary of the All India Secular Forum and a human rights activist, said that the deep and widespread ideological indoctrination began years ago but was propagated thoroughly during the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) regime.

It placed its members in the bureaucracy, particularly in the education department, and in the cultural arena, he said. УRSS people who once headed a department may have retired, but they have ensured that the damage continues, as they would have hired a number of like-minded people. So you can imagine how deep the penetration is. It will take generations to root this out,Ф said Punyani.

It is a well known fact that once George Fernandes had asked the army chief, the Air Marshal, and the Admiral to report the Kargil war to MPs. When the three went to the place it was the party office of BJP.

That is how the Saffron Brigade interferes in the affairs of the armed forces, directly.

The involvement of serving lieutenant colonel of the Indian army in blasts and supplying 60 kg of RDX for terrorism further casts a shadow over position of the army.

In the past BJP has been offering tickets to the former army officers, (many of them are former generals) for contesting elections for Lok Sabha on behalf of the party and to an extent it has been successful in wooing them.

One such retiree is the chief minister of Uttarakhand B C Khanduria retired Major General. Another retired officer Sabyasachi Bagchi who is member of BJP proudly says that RSS develops the character of the young people.

SS Raikar of Bhonsla military school is also a retired person from the army. He allowed the school premises for terror, hatching conspiracy as well as arms training and providing accommodation.

The former governor of Jammu and Kashmir Lt General (Rtd) S K Sinha has allegedly allowed Dyanand Padey to stay in the official residence.

Daynand Pandey was hosted by him in Raj Bhawan and the two had held a meeting in a famous temple in Kashmir.:crazy:
To all my Indian Muslim brothers listening to you always makes me laugh, you know why because you trying to fit in a society that don't want you.
Lets see

4 Presidents of India

Dr. Zakir Hussain

Mohammad Hidayatullah

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

Many of them were earlier servicing vice-President of India
current vice-President of India
Mohammad Hamid Ansari

5 Bharat Ratna awardees

Dr. Zakir Hussain

Maulana Abul Kalam Muhiyuddin Ahmed

Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

Aruna Asaf Ali

Ustad Bismillah Khan Sahib

3 Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of India

Aziz Mushabber Ahmadi

Mirza Hameedullah Beg

Mohammad Hidayatullah

I could go on and on about Indians wanting Indians, but I am also aware of the fact that Pakistani can never ever acknowlege this fact

My personal experiance:
70% of the faculty in the E&TC and computer Engineering Dept of my College is Muslim, majority of whom are woman
A sizable nmber of these Professors teach wearing the Hijab [their profiles also availabe on our College Website too, revealing which would make me go out of my comfort zone - not desirable]

Having said this I would only be underming India's sincere efforts towards a 100% social equality

Misguided prejudices prevail in pockets of India that is affecting one and all in the country
Enormous challenges remain before India, which are being worked upon by Indians.
Attempts to highlight the same set of Indian misfortunes in inumerable posts using different interviews of people suffering from the same incident does not increase the number of such incidences

India wants Indians as much as human want oxygen

Even if what you say (likelyhood of which is close to {-100}
Your statements of blustering bravado comes out sounding exteremely insipid in light of your benovelent donor herslf stating that fact

As if it wasn't humiliation enough for Pakistan, even Botswana is capable of lending money to Pakistan
t is called stratgem or realpolitik
lol...a Pakistani considers himself competant enough to talk about Realpolitk
that we take your money to bleed you imbeciles......:lol:
Look who is bleeding

Pakistan accepts 11 IMF conditions

Pakistan to Swallow IMF's Bitter Medicine

Pakistan takes $5bn IMF bail-out after allies refuse funds

Conditions attached to IMF “bailout” will exacerbate slump and poverty

A country that has never ever been in a postion to repay any of its loan to the the IMF and continues to trap itslef in the cesspool of IMF's economic imprisonment...a member of that country talking about Economics is hilarious
I challenge you that if its hindustan's money, withdraw it in next 48 hours and teach Pakistan a "lesson"

A Pakistan continually subjugted under the humiliating and debauched terms of the IMF works to India's advantage

Since when did debitors acquire competancy to challenge the Creditor

A creditor India at the IMF has a far greater say in deciding the terms and conditions imposed by IMF than a debitor Pakistan can ever dream of acheieving

Talk about hindu fascists ever ready to kill...........
My response was my desired action against the perpatrators of the Gujrat violence of 2002. Any more justification you will not recieve

, keeping in view your inveterate hatred for Pakistan

To tell you frankly, I don't quite disagree with your statement - it has got everything to do with nationality and nothing else. needless loss of life in India due to the actions of a country considered an Global migraine
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Keep telling your self that India is Secular, Brother that is paper talk. Can I ask you somethink do you love Islam more or India more. Because majority of Hindues want Muslims to make Nation Priorities before religion. And when are you lot going to get it, in your head that their is no freedom of expression in India because if there was then there would have been no incidents like Orisso, Gujraat, Sikh killings in 1984, Babri Majid, Kashmir Killings and so on. This clearly shows that India is not Secular, I mean they even banned Christians from preaching to Hindues in some states.

Check the facts before posting. No one is banned from preaching, only forced conversion is banned in some states.
As far as Gujarat riots are concerned, many convictions has taken place in past few years but no one seems to be interested in finding it out. Modi can not be tried in court for riots because, you can ever prove in court of law that he was directly involved in riots. Best example is Mr. Zardari who is widely perceived as most corrupt person, but still managed to clinch top post.
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