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"The Hindu God of Fire" - Fox news reports on Agni-V

WTF? Our government never calls our nuclear weapon a "Islamic Bomb". Some Mulah screaming Islamic Bomb does Not voice opinion of GoP.

mate, the whole Pakistani nuclear program was projected as the 'Islamic bomb' to get funding from the Arabs for the program.
mate, the whole Pakistani nuclear program was projected as the 'Islamic bomb' to get funding from the Arabs for the program.

Make up your mind Indian! First you bark that Chinese funded, now Arabian! What next, Ethiopian!?
Make up your mind Indian! First you bark that Chinese funded, now Arabian! What next, Ethiopian!?

This guy is going after a position in one of the Indian newspaper. So he is cutting his teeth in here.
mate, the whole Pakistani nuclear program was projected as the 'Islamic bomb' to get funding from the Arabs for the program.

Wasn't that program gifted to us by Chinese???? :lol: And missile techonology by NK.
Make up your mind Indian! First you bark that Chinese funded, now Arabian! What next, Ethiopian!?

Dude, is that the kind of language you use for a person you never met, or do not know personally?

BARK?? Is this what you say to someone? What are you trying to show? Please behave like gentlemen on forums.
Whatever you say here represents your nation to an extent.
Thats really true India and iran has relation they are close friends to us even US said not buy oil from them but we bought that shows it

Iran supplies 12% of our oil needs
They are a gateway to Central Asian countries .

Are we retards to nuke them and bring an oil crisis in the country coupled with massive inflation ?? Lol

Love the way how Fox News fool the American public like the 3rd grade India TV which fools Indian public :rofl:
True, but the money came from KSA including free oil.

Yup to fuel up the rockets right? If they funded it the first thing they would want is to get it before Pakistan.... SERIOUSLY from where do you get these logics... INDIA TV????
Yup to fuel up the rockets right? If they funded it the first thing they would want is to get it before Pakistan.... SERIOUSLY from where do you get these logics... INDIA TV????

Pakistan always got subsidized or free oil from KSA inorder to help Pak's economy during sanctions and economic crisis.

In May 1998, before Pakistan's Chagai-I nuclear tests, Saudi Arabia promised to supply 50,000 barrels per day of free oil to help Pakistan cope with likely economic sanctions in the aftermath.[2]
Make up your mind Indian! First you bark that Chinese funded, now Arabian! What next, Ethiopian!?

Wasn't that program gifted to us by Chinese???? :lol: And missile techonology by NK.

Go and check out the history of Pakistan Nuclear program and also check out why you have a stadium named after "Ghadaffi" in Lahore.
Uranium enrichment technology was stolen by AQ Khan from him employer URENCO of Netherlands. The Bomb and warhead design from China. The parts for assembling the bomb from came from the global nuclear black market set up by AQ khan using Arab money, the west turned a blind eye to this because they needed Pakistan in Afghanistan to fight the USSR. The whole program was expensive and Pakistan needed the Arab money to fund it. The Arab money came both in cash and kind (free oil), since Pakistan has marketed the nuclear program as 'Islamic bomb' as a hedge against Israel and also Iranian nuclear program.
Ghauri missile technology came from N.Korea in barter for the enrichment technology. The Shaheen missile technology along with the warhead design came from China. China got the more advanced & efficient Uranium enrichment technology of the west in barter from Pakistan. AQ Khan himself has revealed all this.
Here is your link

Saudi Arabia: Nervously Watching Pakistan - Brookings Institution


Than i believe the source of the thread news is much more credible????

Not only this I saw one discussion in your TV channels in which on guest said that we used to receive free oil in the past from KSA but not now as KSA is not happy with Zardari.

The question still remains what saudis got by "Funding" our nuclear ambition?

Nuclear Umbrella for KSA. Also they are happy that a Muslim country has a nuke.
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